Imaging in Chemical Dynamics - ACS Publications - American

products HC1(v=0,J=0,1) are obtained from which velocity distributions ... imaging experiments have been reported for the H+HI->H2+I reaction (2,3), h...
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Chapter 14

Velocity Mapping of Reaction Products: The Cl + C H --> HCl + C H Reaction Downloaded via TUFTS UNIV on July 12, 2018 at 09:56:45 (UTC). See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.







Peter C. Samartzis , Derek J. Smith , and Theofanis N. Kitsopoulos



Department of Chemistry, University of Crete, 714 09 Heraklion, Greece Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas, 711 10 Heraklion, Greece 2

Ion imaging techniques have been a useful tool for studying the dynamics of unimolecular and bimolecular processes. In this contribution we apply the refined imaging method of velocity mapping towards the investigation of the bimolecular reaction of atomic chlorine with ethane. Images for state selected reaction products HC1(v=0,J=0,1) are obtained from which velocity distributions are extracted. Our results are in qualitative

Introduction In order to understand the dynamics of a chemical reaction, detailed knowledge concerning both the reactants and the products such as velocity vectors, state-selected internal energy distributions, and correlations between these quantities are essential. Ion imaging experiments have been used to investigate a limited number of reactions such as A+BC-»AB+C thereby demonstrating both the strengths and weaknesses of the method (J). Both single beam and crossed molecular beam scattering setups have been used in conjunction with ion imaging detection of products. In the former, reactants or their precursors are premixed and co-expanded through a pulsed nozzle thus forming a single molecular beam. A photolysis laser is used to generate hotatom reactants that subsequently react with other molecules in the beam. A suitable delay (10-100 ns) allows a sufficient density of products to build up, after which a second probe laser, is used to state selectively ionize the reaction products. Such imaging experiments have been reported for the H+HI->H +I reaction (2,3), however, no information concerning the angular distribution of the products could be extracted, mainly because of the mass combination between reactants and products. A crossed molecular beam configuration was used to study reactions of the type 2


© 2001 American Chemical Society

Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


A+B ->AB+B reaction (4,5) that allowed determination of the non-state selective differential cross section, by probing the atomic product. In all crossed molecularbeam reactive scattering experiments, when resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) is used to state-selectively detect the products, the sensitivity of the process becomes an issue. Typical product densities per quantum state are 10 10 cm" hence approaching the sensitivity limits of REMPI. In addition, with the exception of (1+1) REMPI, in all other situations the probe laser is focused creating a very small interaction volume that yields extremely low count rates. The current publication deals with the reaction of atomic chlorine with ethane producing hydrogen chloride and an ethyl radical: 2




C1 + C H - > H C 1 + C H 2





This reaction has been studied by Kandel et al. (6,7,8) at the collision energy of 0.24 ± 0.03 eV using single-beam time-of-flight Doppler measurements to extract the velocity and angular distributions of the detected HC1 or C H products. It was concluded that the C H reaction product has almost no internal energy excitation and little effect on the dynamics of the reaction. HC1 is produced mostly in its J=0 state with smaller amounts formed in higher rotational states. These photoloc experiments offer the advantage of high product number densities as they are performed only a few mm from the nozzle orifice. In this report, we have adapted a similar method to our imaging apparatus and demonstrate the potential of this new configuration for probing reactive scattering processes. Our experiment is performed at a collision energy of 0.358 eV and velocity map images for the HC1 (u=0,J=0,l) product are recorded. 2




Experimental A schematic of the experimental apparatus is shown in Figure 1. The major modification to the apparatus compared to the configuration used for unimolecular photofragmentation studies (9) is the removal of the skimmer and mounting of the ion optics (10,11) directly in front of the nozzle. B y doing so, differential pumping is being sacrificed for increasing the number density of the reactants and consequently that of the reaction products. A slight differential pumping between the source and detector regions is achieved by a 15mm hole. When a mixture of 10% C l (Merck, 99.8%) in ethane (Aldrich, 99+ %) is expanded through the pulsed nozzle operating at 10Hz, backing pressure -1000 Torr, the source and detector chamber pressures are 10~ and 10~ torr respectively. The repeller is mounted concentrically onto the nozzle faceplate and has a 2mm orifice. Both nozzle and repeller are at the same voltage in order to eliminate discharging during the gas pulse firing. Two counter-propagating lasers intersect the molecular beam perpendicularly approximately 5mm from the repeller plate. The photolysis laser beam is the focused (f=300mm) non-polarized output of an excimer laser (Lumonics HyperEX 400) operating at 308nm, which photodissociates C l . HCl(v,J) product is detected via (2+1) R E M P I through the F A state, (12,13,14) using the focused (f=250mm) 2






Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Figure 1. Apparatus schematic. Counter-propagating lasers intersect a pulsed molecular beam. The pump (photolysis) beam produces atomic chlorine that reacts with ethane. HCl product is state-selectively photoionized by the probe laser. The resulting ions are detected with a 2-D position sensitive imaging detector after passage through a linear TOF mass spectrometer.

Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

233 frequency-doubled output of an Nd:YAG-pumped optical parametric oscillator (Spectra-Physics Pro 190, ΜΟΡΟ 730D10). The timing of the experiment is controlled using a digital delay pulse generator (Stanford Research Systems, model DG535). The probe pulse is delayed by 30-90 ns with respect to the photolysis pulse, in order to allow a sufficient density of H C l products to buildup prior to the R E M P I detection. The resultant ions are accelerated by a suitable electric field needed for velocity mapping (10) and are detected using a position sensitive imaging detector. Background images are obtained when no molecular beam is present (nozzle off). The experiment is performed with sufficient care as to avoid space-charge effects.

Results In order to extract quantitative data from the 2-D images one needs to reconstruct the 3-D velocity distribution. For photodissociation experiments, in which linearly polarized lasers are commonly used, the configuration is such that the photolysis and probe polarization vectors are parallel to each other and to the imaging plane. The resulting photofragment angular distribution is cylindrically symmetric and thus an inverse Abel transform can be applied to extract the 3D distribution (1). In the present experiment, the photolysis laser is unpolarized, i.e., the electric field of the laser is cylindrically symmetric with respect to the propagation direction. Therefore, the resulting Cl-atom photofragment and the product HCl(v,J) angular distributions will also be cylindrically symmetric with respect to this direction and hence we can once again apply the inverse Abel transformation to extract scattering information (75). Figure 2a shows quadrant-averaged 2-D projections of the associated 3-D spatial distributions of H C1 ions. The photolysis laser propagation direction and the axis perpendicular to it define the quadrants. The inverted images are shown in Figure 2b for v=0, J=0,1. Two main features can be observed in every image: an intense spot in the center and an anisotropic distribution at the outer edge. Performing the experiment under the same experimental conditions but without the photolysis laser at 308 nm and probing H C1 (υ=0, J), we still observe the intense peak in the center of the image but the surrounding anisotropic distribution is completely gone. This suggests that 308 nm laser is involved in the production of the translationally energetic species observed in the outer regions of the image. We therefore conclude that the central spot is from residual H C l present in the molecular beam prior to the photolytic initiation of the reaction - likely due to impurities in the G2 bottle and primary reactions in the mixing tank. Tuning the probe laser off the H C l R E M P I lines and with the 308nm laser on, provides an image without any of the two features, suggesting that the observed H C 1 ion distribution is in fact that of selected rotational states. Integration of the inverted images by radius gives the H C l speed distributions for each of the rotational states probed (Figure 3). For the speed calibration we used the CI* fragment distribution, probed through the (2+1) R E M P I line at 240.170 nm (16). 35




Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Figure 2. (a) Averaged 2-D ion projections of HCl for υ=0, J=0,L The energetic outer ring is the HCl reaction product, whereas the central spot is produced from residual HCl in the parent molecular beam, (b) Reconstructed images of the 2-D projections, via inverse Abel transformation.

Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 Speed (CTTVMS)


0,00 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 Speed (CTTVMS) Fig. 3. Speed distributions of HCl by rotational state (a) J=0 (b) J=l. The vertical line indicates the position of the center of mass for this reaction.

Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Discussion The photolysis laser wavelength at 308 nm defines the speed of CI reactants and hence the collision energy of the reaction. A t this wavelength essentially only ground spin-orbit state of CI is produced (11), and the kinetic energy release of CI fragments after photodissociation is 0.776 eV. This dictates collision energy of 0.358 eV and a maximum allowed speed for H C l products of 2185 m/s assuming no internal excitation in any of the reaction products. For the calculation of the above values we have used 4.433 eV for the bond dissociation energy of H C l (17) and 4.31 eV for the C - H bond dissociation energy in ethane (18). The uncertainty in the collision energy for the reaction in the current experimental setup is determined by several factors. One consideration is the bandwidth of the photolysis laser which in this case is -0.013 eV (XeCl excimer). That means that the error in the photofrgament kinetic energy is ±0.0065 eV. If a narrow band laser is use for the photolysis (0.2 cm" ), then this uncertainty becomes negligible. A second factor is the velocity slip between the C l precursor reactant molecule and the ethane molecules. Although during a co-expansion of two gases one expects their velocities to be matched, velocity slipping is not uncommon (19). However, this is usually a small percentage (-1%) of the average beam velocity, so once again we expect this error in the collision energy to be small. Hence we observe that the uncertainty in the collision energy for this photoloc method is on the order of a 1-2 percent (upper limit) of the reaction collision energy. Although a detailed quantitative analysis of extracting differential cross section from images of the type presented here will be presented in a future paper (20), some qualitative conclusions can be drawn. If the H C l products are primarily forward scattered, then we expect the laboratory speed distribution to peak at values greater than the center-of-mass speed v (-1110 m/s). For side scattering the distribution would peak at speeds near v , while for back scattering the H C l speed distributions will peak at speeds less than v . For the H C1 products, the observed speeds range from 1150 to 2190 m/s. Based on our qualitative argument, our such a speed distribution suggests that the HCl(v=0, J=0,1) product is primarily forward scattered. Our observation is in contrast to the previous work of Kandel et al. (6,7,8) where for the same internal states of H C l products, a more isotropic scattering was observed. The main difference in these two studies is the collision energy, and specifically our study is performed at much higher collision energy (-1.5 times greater). This increase in collision energy and assuming a stripping type Hydrogen abstraction reaction (6) could explain the discrepancy. In other words, a faster approaching CI atom could strip the Η-atom with greater ease and at larger impact parameters. Both factors favor a forward scattering H C l product. It is also noticeable that there is not any significant difference in the peak width of the ion distributions between the J=0 and 1 rotational states of H C l probed, as observed in previous studies (6). 1


c m

c m


c m

Suits and Continetti; Imaging in Chemical Dynamics ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Conclusions We have illustrated the potential of applying velocity mapping to the investigation of bimolecular reactions in a photoloc type experimental arrangement. Our results have been qualitatively analyzed and indicate a forward scattering HCl(v=0, J=0,1) product for a collision energy of 0.358 eV. These results are consistent with previous observations, however quantitative comparisons require further experimentation and complete analysis of the images obtained with this imaging configuration.

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