Immobilized Cells and Enzymes - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 8, 2010 - Publication Date: June 29, 1987. Copyright © 1987 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Learn the techniques to use to solve your problems in production processes, separation, and analysis

Immobilized Cells and Enzymes An Audio Course Produced bv the American Chemical Society Of value to those involved in both applied and basic research, this highly-rated ACS Audio Course helps you understand the medical, analytical, chemical, and industrial applications of immobilized enzymes and cells including immunoassays; enzyme electrodes; food and pharmaceutical production; organic synthesis; and artificial organs. You will learn how to attach enzymes and cells to solid and polymeric substrates—and the effect of immobilization on the activity of the enzyme or cell. You will understand how to choose an appropriate reactor for a chemical process employing immobilized enzymes and cells. You will also benefit from the extensive section on applications included in this course, which illustrates a wide variety of applications of immobilized species. YOUR INSTRUCTOR David R. Walt is Associate Professor of Chemistry at lufts and holds an adjunct appointment in the Departments of Biochemistry and Pharmacology at lufts Medical School. His research interests involve extensive use of immobilization techniques and include preparation of biocompatible vascular prostheses, enzyme-catalyzed organic synthesis, and development offiber-opticsensors. BRIEF COURSE CONTENTS Introduction: Definition; Why Immobilization; Selected Examples Methods of Immobilization: Adsorption; Entrapment; Encapsulation; Polymer Incorporation and Aggregation; Covalent Attachment General Considerations: Enzymes Effects of Immobilization on Activity: Stability; Microenvironment; Partitioning; Kinetic Effects; Diffusion; Inhibition Reactor Design: Packed Bed; Stirred lank; Packed Bed; Fluidized Bed; Hollow Fiber Applications: Organic Synthesis; Immunoassay; Enzyme Electrodes; General Analytical; Medical Applications; Industrial Applications

UNIT (Catalog No. 90) Five cassettes (5.2 hours playing time) and 182-page manual; U.S. & Canada, $325.00; export, $390.00. Additional manuals: U.S. & Canada, $22.00 each; export, $27.00 each.

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