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Chapter 3
Immunological Mechanisms of Glycoconjugate Vaccines Jeremy A. Duke and Fikri Y. Avci* Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Center for Molecular Medicine and Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, United States *E-mail:
On the surface of many infectious pathogens, a dense array of complex carbohydrate structures are presented. These glycans can be seen as possible targets for the body’s immune system to recognize and elicit protection against infection. However, vaccination with a sole polysaccharide antigen does not confer long-lasting protective immunity, as most carbohydrates are T-cell independent antigens. Glycoconjugate vaccines, in which the polysaccharide is covalently attached to a protein, allows for activation of the adaptive immune system and recognition of the antigen in a T-cell dependent manner. In this chapter, an overview of carbohydrate vaccinology will be discussed, with an emphasis on T-cell immunity elicited by glycoconjugate vaccines.
© 2018 American Chemical Society Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
Introduction The first point of interaction between cells, viruses, and bacteria is a coating of carbohydrates composed of the many glycans, branching out from membrane-bound structures (i.e., proteins, lipids, peptidoglycans). These carbohydrates serve a variety of functions, from working as a cellular receptor for cytokines and other signaling molecules in mammalian cells, to a providing a dense coating to mediate bacterial adhesion (1). The fact that glycans are ubiquitous, but still heterogeneous in terms of function, means the unique carbohydrate signature of certain bacteria, viruses, fungi, and even malformed mammalian cells, such as those of oncogenic or mutagenic origin, express a distinct glycan signature that can act as tentative markers for identity by the immune system (2–5). A drawback to this is the immune response induced by entirely carbohydrate antigens acts in a T cell-independent manner outside of special circumstances, which does not provide memory cells for induction of a booster response following re-exposure, and is not inducible in infants. This has since been overcome, with early accounts noting protective immunity can be elicited against these T cell-independent polysaccharide antigens when they are first covalently conjugated to an immunogenic protein (6). The beginning of immunity lies in the mechanical barrier protecting one from infectious agents, for instance the human skin. A pathogen that has breached the physical barrier or has otherwise gained access to more sensitive epithelial tissues will then initiate the development of immune response in two parts: innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity involves the initial resistance the body mounts in response to an invasive pathogen. Recognition events occur in a broad manner by macrophages and neutrophils that can recognize and bind conserved constituents on the surface of pathogens, triggering phagocytic induction and the release of chemokines and cytokines that act as the herald for the immune response. Their release triggers a cascade of events, notably the induction of inflammation and increase of blood and lymph flow to the spot of inflammation, further agitating the release of phagocytes to the site of infection for additional pathogen uptake and cytokine release. The cytokines allow the liaison between innate and adaptive immunity, the professional antigen presenting cells (APCs), to arrive and internalize the offensive microbial product for intracellular degradation and presentation to T lymphocytes. These cells, upon uptake of a pathogen, activate, maturing in the lymph. The activation catalyst, presentation of antigenic molecules on Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules, acts as the trigger for T cell activation upon return to secondary lymph tissues by a recognition event between the mature APC and a T cell receptor (TCR) found on the naïve T cell. This process will be more thoroughly explained in context to glycoconjugates in the current chapter, with an introduction to antibody classes and class switching, followed by insights into carbohydrate antigen processing, presentation, and memory T cell formation.
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Antibody Classes: Class Switching Antibodies (Ab), or proteins in the Immunoglobulin family, occur in different classes and subtypes that are categorized on the basis of structural differences in their heavy chain domains, or more accurately the fragment crystallizable (Fc) region. Their production occurs through a special type of lymphocyte known as a B cell and are the keystone of immunity, with antibody matching to antigen to form a unique complex that initiates the destruction of the offending molecule. A thorough analysis of structure and function of all members of the immunoglobulin family is beyond the scope of this chapter and has been more thoroughly reviewed elsewhere, but a brief overview and the aspects important for carbohydrate antigen binding and vaccine efficacy will be covered herein (7). There are five isotypes of antibodies: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. In humans, both the IgA and IgG classes are further split into IgA1 and IgA2, and IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 subclasses, respectively, on a basis of differing biological function. In total, nearly a quarter of all circulating proteins in the plasma of any single individual is comprised of immunoglobulins of these various kinds, with an estimated diversity in binding specificities greater than ten million (>107) unique targets (8). The IgA class is found throughout various bodily secretions and contains two subtypes, with IgA1 found predominantly in serum and IgA2 in mucosal membranes, such as through the gastrointestinal tract and tear ducts. IgA2 is known to be resistant to proteolytic degradation, taking residence and preventing the colonization of invasive pathogens. These work together to prevent infection through the entrances of the body. IgD immunoglobulins have not been thoroughly studied, but are known to occur in low levels on the surface of naïve B cells, with a putative role in fine-tuning specificity of the BCR, in concert with IgM, as well as stabilizing the complex (9). The IgE class has a known role in allergic response: binding to allergens, especially parasites, and triggering the release of histamine and most potent inflammatory response. IgG is the most predominant class of antibody by far, expressed on the surface of plasma B cells and found circulating in serum. Importantly, IgG antibodies are the only class capable of transferring passive immunity from mother to placenta through a neonatal IgG receptor. While each subtype of IgG presents a distinct biological function, the IgG isotype majorly represents the predominant secondary immune response. IgG1 responses are normally the most abundant, reported as more than 50% of the total IgG class and is widespread against proteinaceous antigens. IgG2 is the prevalent immunoglobulin response against polysaccharide antigens, with nearly all bacterial carbohydrate antigens isolated to this class. The paradigm that carbohydrate-specific antibodies solely derived from the IgG2 subtype was maintained for many years, but this tenet has shifted more recently. A study on a Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6B glycoconjugate revealed a carbohydrate-recognition repertoire of immunoglobulins that contained more than the IgG2 subclass (10). More recently, the human anti-polysaccharide IgG population was evaluated by glycan array. These results revealed that of the 610 glycans immobilized, 104 targets could still be recognized in IgG2-depletion analyses, further indicating a wider carbohydrate-recognition repertoire (11). 63 Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
IgG3 is a potent effector-mediating antibody, binding to the antigen before binding to the Fc receptor on dendritic cells for uptake and neutralization (12). IgG4 is the least populous of the Immunoglobulin G proteins, forming after long-term exposure and unable to elicit effector response, with their physiological role in immune response not greatly understood. Finally, IgM is the largest class of antibody and earliest to express, frequently on the surface of B cells, with secretory IgM arranging as a dense pentamer through crosslinking by disulfide bonds. Primary immune response can be characterized by degree of IgM response, and their multimeric form allows for a very high avidity bond, especially against antigens of polymeric nature as is seen frequently in capsular polysaccharides. In all immunoglobulins, biological activity is heavily supported by the presence of post-translational modifications on the antibodies themselves, namely glycosylation. In the context of immunology, Ab glycans have a known role in the interaction of the antibody with the Fc receptor on cell surfaces through which phagocytosis and cell-mediated cytotoxicity mechanisms occur (13). While much of this topic is still unknown, many different glycoforms of N-linked glycosylation has been shown to occur, and the lack of which is implicated in some autoimmune diseases (14, 15). The phenomenon of isotype class switching is what allows the immune response to more efficiently circulate and diversify effector function of generated immunoglobulins. When immunized with a purely carbohydrate antigen, such as a Neisseria meningitidis capsular polysaccharide, an almost exclusively IgM response is seen (16). While this does elicit short-term protection, there is no memory effect or booster response, and this is not feasible for conferring immunity to infants (17). However, through the chemical attachment to an immunogenic protein, B cell responses can then present epitopes generated by antigen-processing and harness helper T cells (18). This interaction results in the secretion of critical stimulatory molecules that drive the switch in production of avidity-driven IgM, to high affinity IgG specific to the carbohydrate antigen that has been presented. This is due to the fact the variable region of the antibody is not what is being altered. Instead, a process of genetic alteration occurs to modify the heavy chain of newly produced antibodies, resulting in a differentiation of effector function. This is performed by the enzyme Activation-Induced cytidine Deaminase (AID), which is expressed by B cells after maturation (19). AID initiates DNA double strand breaks along the Ig locus in areas corresponding to the heavy chain, triggering the class switching event by inserting the heavy chain regions corresponding to the framework of an alternate isotype (20). These newly expressed IgG can now circulate and offer protective immunity against the epitope they have been encoded to recognize. In the case of a glycoconjugate, it is the polysaccharide that was conjugated.
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MHC Presentation Antigens that are processed by the immune system subscribe to one of two systems within the adaptive immune response, dependent upon the origin of the antigen and the manner in which the degraded antigen is presented. Two classes of the cell surface MHC molecules, MHC-I and MHC-II, are responsible for the presentation of antigens, and each subscribes to its own branch of differentiated lymphocyte. In the case of MHC-I, recognition occurs through Cluster of Differentiation 8 (CD8+) expressing T cells, whereas MHC-II subscribes to the use of Cluster of Differentiation 4 (CD4+) T cells. A further parallel between the two pathways is if the antigen being loaded is of a cytosolic/endogenous origin as per MHC-I, or of exogenous nature as seen in MHC-II presentation (21).
MHC-I Class 1 MHC processing and presentation harnesses molecules that are endogenous to the cell and have been marked for degradation by the proteasome through ubiquitination on a lysine residue (22). Examples of endogenous proteins include misfolded and those marked for turnover, but can include viral proteins in the case of an infected cell as well. The proteasome will degrade the protein into peptides of about nine residues in length, which will then undergo translocation to the ER by the Transporter associated with Antigen Processing (TAP), a heterodimer composed of the proteins TAP-1 and TAP-2 (23). One of the two ER associated aminopeptidases (ERAP-1 or ERAP-2) will trim the peptide to a length usable by the MHC-I if this is an issue (24). TAP is involved in a peptide loading complex (PLC) that involves multiple parts; tapasin is a lumenal ER membrane glycoprotein that acts as a bridge between TAP and MHC-I through a supposed concert action with ERp57, and calreticulin assists in tapasin stability as well as the PLC stability as a whole, through interaction with the conserved N-linked glycosylation sites found on tapasin and MHC-I molecules respectively (25–27). PLC binds the peptide onto the MHC-I molecule, which is then transported from the ER to the membrane and ultimately the surface of the APC. Recognition of the MHC-I presenting APC is performed by the CD8+ T cell, by interaction of the TCR. This activates the CD8+ T cell, becoming a CD8+ cytotoxic T cell, with the capacity to now recognize the epitope presented by MHC-I and destroy the cell by release of effector proteins contained within a lytic granule (28). These effector proteins include perforin, which opens pores in the infected cell and upsets osmolarity and allows entry of special cytosolic serine proteases known as granzymes. It is not believed that the MHC-I pathway plays a role in current glycoconjugates, although a previous study has illustrated the capacity of MHC-I to present a novel glycoconjugate (29). Moreover, various natural and synthetic glycopeptides have been shown to be presented by MHC-I pathway for cytotoxic T cell recognition (30–33).
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MHC-II Class 2 MHC processing and presentation instead uses molecules that are exogenous and have been introduced to the cell by a phagocytic event. B cells are produced in the bone marrow, derived from hematopoietic stem cells. Upon exit of the primary lymph tissue, they begin to express IgM and to a lesser degree IgD molecules that will arrange on the surface of the B cell to act as the B Cell Receptor (BCR). B cells then patrol through the circulatory system, attempting to bind offending residues that will be endocytosed into the cell. Once internalized, low pH vesicles containing proteases, phosphatases, and hydrolases fuse to form an endosome that works to degrade the internalized molecule into fragments that can be loaded onto the MHC-II molecule (34). The binding of antigen to BCR stimulates the production of CCR7 and chemotactic homing to secondary lymph tissue as the maturation process of MHC+antigen complex is presented on the surface of the B cell (35). The activated B cell, referred to as a follicular B cell and now presenting the epitope on its MHC-II molecule, is susceptible to recognition by CD4+ follicular helper T cells (TFH) that contain TCR specific to the antigenic epitope presented. Engagement of other costimulatory factors, including the T cell expressed CD28 and CD40 ligand, which will interact with the B cell expressed CD80/86 and CD40, respectively, further activates the B cell (36, 37). The released cytokines Interleukin 2 and 4 (IL-2 and IL-4) act in this context as a positive feedback loop for TFH development and B cell differentiation (38). A subset of the B cells can begin to secrete antibodies and will cause the dynamic formation of a germinal center in the secondary lymph, where the remaining B cells will move to for further differentiation. The germinal center is divided into two sites: the dark zone and the light zone, which were named on a basis of histological staining patterns (39). The dark zone is where three major events: B cell proliferation, IgM-to-IgG class switching, and somatic hypermutation of the genes in the variable region of immunoglobulin take place. The introduction of the somatic hypermutations is part of a process known as affinity maturation, which allows for a selected repertoire of B cells to develop a higher affinity IgG against the antigen. Affinity maturation is a lengthy process in which the body introduces variation within the binding region of the immunoglobulins of the B cell, with the ultimate goal being to find a set of mutations that allows for a more efficacious antibody (Figure 1). Within the light zone, surface immunoglobulin is produced and iterative selection steps with TFH occur to ensure antigen binding is still potent. A specialized follicular dendritic cell will display native antigen allowing B cells to compete, with only those with high affinity binding capable of acquiring antigen for presentation to TFH (40). Most of the cells generated do not introduce beneficial mutations and, thus, are fated for apoptosis upon failure to tightly bind the presented antigen (41). Surviving B cells that have exhibited high affinity binding and survive the selection will then continue differentiating to form the IgG antibody secreting plasma cells or the long-lived memory cells that have the epigenetic coding to rapidly differentiate to antibody secreting cells upon re-exposure of the antigen. 66 Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
Figure 1. Affinity Maturation as it occurs in the germinal center. (A) Initiating B cells with affinity to the target arrive at the germinal center. (B) The B cells undergo clonal expansion with somatic hypermutation within the antigen recognizing portions of the immunoglobulin in order to diversify binding capability. (C) Selection against the target. Follicular dendritic cells present the antigen, allowing only the tight binding B cells to outcompete and acquire antigen for presentation to TFH cells. (D) Most mutations do not generate a more efficient antibody and are removed by apoptosis after failure to bind antigen on follicular dendritic cells. (E) The B cells with most potent binding survive and proliferate. This pool undergoes iterative mutation and selection pressures until high-affinity exhibiting B cells are produced. (F) After the affinity maturation process has undergone multiple rounds, the winners of selection move on to become the antibody-secreting plasma cell, or memory cells. Zwitterionic Polysaccharides In the case of nearly all complex carbohydrates, presentation by MHC is not possible due to incapacity to bind to the cleft of MHC without attachment to a protein. However, one particular class of polysaccharide, the Zwitterionic Polysaccharides (ZPSs), have been shown to bind to MHC-II and be presented 67 Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
by APCs due to the conserved motif of alternating positive and negative residues within each repeat unit, allowing for electrostatic interactions with MHC-II that are not possible with most other polysaccharides. This ZPS motif is known to occur in multiple pathogens, as the polysaccharide A of Bacteroides fragilis and type 1 serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae two examples of such (42, 43). The ability for T cell activation with this class of polysaccharide has been thoroughly explored, showing it is in fact MHC-II presentation and CD4+ T cells acting as the immunological mechanism (44–47). The use of ZPSs as a potential carrier in an entirely carbohydrate glycoconjugate vaccine is an idea that has gained traction with the synthesis of the ZPS bound tumor associated carbohydrate antigen SialylTn (48). In an investigation by Shi et al., high levels of antigen specific IgGs were generated in a T cell-dependent manner, with in vitro tumor cell specific recognition and cytolysis responses seen (49). Glycoconjugate Processing In the case of most polysaccharides, the ZPS motif does not occur and secreted B cells do not receive any sort of antigen-directed T cell assistance after induction of the polysaccharide by BCR. Instead, plasma cell differentiation occurs without affinity maturation, which results in limited amounts of low affinity immunoglobulin response consisting almost entirely of IgM, and there are no memory B cells that arise to provide protection upon re-exposure (50). However, by covalently attaching the T cell-independent responding polysaccharide onto a known proteinaceous immunogen, T cell help can be promoted against the polysaccharide in a phenomenon that was first reported in 1929 (Figure 2) (6). These glycoconjugates enable isotype class switching and memory B cell formation, and have seen enormous biomedical interest. The first licensed glycoconjugate vaccine was introduced to the market in 1987 against the pathogen Haemophilus influenza and saw great success (51, 52). Since then, glycoconjugates have played a major role in lowering numbers of infection to other polysaccharide encapsulated bacteria including Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis. In these conjugate vaccines, the MHC-II pathway is harnessed in a mechanism that allows for the generation of now carbohydrate-specific CD4+ T cells, Tcarbs (53–56). Initial hypotheses attributed peptide presentation to the immunomodulating abilities of glycoconjugate vaccines (18). However, the use of different carrier proteins between primary and secondary vaccination still saw an antigen-primed booster response, suggesting a carbohydrate recognizing population of memory cells only possible through presentation to T cells (47, 53, 57). Upon recognition of the glycoconjugate by the BCR, endocytosis and endosomal degradation occurs. Within the endosome, processing of the proteinaceous features can occur by proteases and hydrolases, but due to the lack of glycosidases, polysaccharide trimming is believed to occur through the generation of reactive oxygen and/or nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) (58, 59). The strong covalent bond between protein and carbohydrate is unlikely to be broken in the endosome, forming glycopeptides. Thus, when the MHC-II complex is loaded with peptide, it has a trimmed polysaccharide component still covalently attached, allowing for 68 Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
the presentation of a carbohydrate to T cells. This has been proven through microscopy studies in which the fate of the glycoconjugate is followed through the antigen processing pathway, with the resultant glycopeptide colocalizing with MHC-II, whereas unconjugated polysaccharide does not (56). As described above, the MHC-II/glycopeptide complex interacts with the TCR, in concert with the CD40 ligand (CD40L) and CD28 of T cells associating with CD40 and CD80 or CD86 of B cells, respectively. The interaction of CD80/CD86 with CD28 results in the secretion of the cytokine IL-2 by the T cell, sending a signal for T cell proliferation by positive feedback with its IL-2 receptor. B cell proliferation occurs synchronously, as CD40 binding to its ligand stimulates the release of IL-4 by the T cell, which interacts on the IL-4 receptor on B cells. These proliferation events are what drive the formation of a germinal center, affinity maturation, and ultimately the formation of memory cells against the antigen. The presence and isolation of Tcarbs has been demonstrated against the type III polysaccharide of both group B Streptococcus as well as the type 3 serotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae (53–55). Additional studies have suggested the presence of Tcarbs, in recognition events against serotypes 3 and 14 of S. pneumoniae by way of virus-like particle glycopeptide presentation, as well as a group C meningococcal glycoconjugate (60, 61).
Figure 2. Mechanism of immune activation by carbohydrate vaccines. (A) In purely polysaccharide containing vaccines, B cell uptake is not presented to T cells, thus immune response is limited to an entirely IgM secreting response. (B) Glycoconjugate vaccination allows for T cell assistance, starting with the carbohydrate component binding to the BCR. 1. The glycoconjugate is endocytosed into an endolysosome 2. The protein portion of the glycoconjugate is degraded by hydrolases and proteases, whereas reactive oxygen and/or nitrogen species degraded the polysaccharide to form glycopeptides. 3. These glycopeptides are now able to be bound to MHC-II, where the glycopeptide-MHC complex will travel to the surface and become presented to CD4+ T cells. T cell activation by MHC-II, along with co-stimulation by CD molecules releases cytokines that induce B cell maturation and resultant anti-carbohydrate IgG formation. 69 Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
Methods of Analysis Vaccine efficiency in terms of protective capacity is quantified by analyzing correlates of protection for the pathogen being immunized against (62). The standard correlate in glycoconjugate vaccines are the antibodies that are generated against bacterial polysaccharide, ideally by their opsonophagocytic capabilities, but binding capacity can be used as an alternative (63). The Opsonophagocytic killing assay (OPA) or Serum Bactericidal assay (SBA), act as measures to determine if the antibodies produced through vaccination are of a biologically relevant nature (64, 65). Are they robust enough to elicit complement-mediated destruction of the pathogen? This requires an understanding of the synergy between the classic complement system and immunoglobulins in the ability to eliminate pathogens. IgGs that are bound to antigen will interact, through their Fc portion, with what is known as the C1 complex of the complement. The C1 complex is a large molecule comprised of six C1q proteins, which act as the receptor for the IgG Fc, and two serine proteases, C1s and C1r. Upon activation by the IgG, C1s can release and work downstream on the proteins C2 and C4, cleaving them into their biologically active form as the noncovalently linked C3 convertase. This complex will then cleave an additional complement protein, C3, into C3a and C3b. While C3a acts as an anaphylatoxin and signals for chemokine and phagocyte recruitment, C3b will bind to the surface of the antigen and tag it for destruction, in what is known as opsonization. Phagocytes use receptors to recognize these C3b tagged antigens and ingest them, thus inducing destruction by opsanophagocytosis (66). Unencapsulated pathogens are much more susceptible to opsanophagocytosis. The problem originates in capsular polysaccharides acting as a virulence factor, thus deterring immune recognition and complement activation (67, 68). Without immune memory to the particular capsular polysaccharides, a poor immunoglobulin recognition response and limited C3b deposition is seen. OPA or SBA is performed by first incubating various dilutions of serum that contains the putative antibodies of interest with the pathogen that they were generated against (for instance, a particular serotype of a bacteria). Afterwards, effector cells and complement are added to the serum-pathogen mixture to allow for protective killing to occur. Samples are then cultured to determine a measure of activity as compared to non-serum containing controls by way of colonization (69–72). While serum-mediated protection is the current gold standard in determining efficacy of a vaccine, as it allows in vitro responses emulous to an in vivo system, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) can be used to verify antibody-target binding (63). In ELISA, either the pathogen or the structure in which vaccination has been directed against is used. The antigen is immobilized and incubated with serum containing the antibodies, allowing them a chance to bind. Non-binding immunoglobulins are washed off, and a secondary antibody that recognizes the structural framework of the first is introduced. After rinsing these non-binders away, a read-out of the amount of immunoglobulins contained within the sera can give an idea for immune response. 70 Prasad; Carbohydrate-Based Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2018.
Conclusion For many years, glycoconjugate vaccine formation was an unsystematic process of attaching immune-eliciting protein to the carbohydrate one wished to generate a response against. Various issues have been shown to arise in glycoconjugate vaccine development: batch variation, reproducibility, and heterogeneous presentation due to ill-defined chemistries (73–75). By understanding the mechanism and process glycoconjugate vaccines undergo to elicit an immune response, a forward-thinking approach to future vaccines can begin. One such example for knowledge-based vaccine design and synthesis through exploitation of antigen processing and presentation mechanisms elicited by glycoconjugate vaccines came from one of our studies, in which a glycoconjugate vaccine designed to enrich for MHC-II glycopeptide epitopes elicited up to two orders of magnitude higher IgG titers compared to a traditional glycoconjugate preparation (53). By marrying the mechanistic insights on glycoconjugate immunology with more recent conjugation technologies, the field of glycoimmunology can overcome problems previously associated with glycoconjugates. One such example uses strings of MHC-II presenting glycan-coupled peptide epitopes to present four different serotypes of Neisseria meningitidis, with results of immunization outperforming comparable carrier protein vaccinations (76). Another harnesses the bacterial machinery of E. coli to attach N-linked glycans to protein, or E. coli itself, as a glycoconjugate (73, 77, 78). Several advances have been made such that one can envision application in the development of future glycoconjugates: from site-selective click chemistries, in which azido-modified sugars are incorporated onto organisms and react, to in vitro glycoengineering, where the cellular glycosylation machinery can build glycans on a cell-free substrate (79–81). With this in mind, a shift from qualitative to a quantitative and knowledge-based direction for future glycoconjugate vaccines can be expected.
Acknowledgments We thank Ms. Cathryn Quinn for her excellent editorial assistance. This work was supported by funding from the National Institute of Health grant: 1R01AI123383.
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