Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Salt ... - ACS Publications

Dec 29, 2015 - periwinkles observed coupled with age and growth information, population recovery is projected ... replication (as few as three oiled s...
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Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Salt Marsh Periwinkles (Littoraria irrorata) Scott Zengel,*,† Clay L. Montague,‡ Steven C. Pennings,§ Sean P. Powers,∥ Marla Steinhoff,⊥ Gail Fricano,# Claire Schlemme,# Mengni Zhang,¶ Jacob Oehrig,¶ Zachary Nixon,@ Shahrokh Rouhani,¶ and Jacqueline Michel@ †

Research Planning, Inc. (RPI), Tallahassee, Florida 32303, United States Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, United States § Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204, United States ∥ Department of Marine Sciences, University of South Alabama and Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Mobile, Alabama 36688, United States ⊥ Assessment and Restoration Division, Office of Response and Restoration, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Seattle, Washington 98115, United States # Industrial Economics, Inc. (IEc), Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, United States ¶ NewFields, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, United States @ Research Planning, Inc. (RPI), Columbia, South Carolina 29201, United States ‡

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Deepwater Horizon was the largest marine oil spill in U.S. waters, oiling large expanses of coastal wetland shorelines. We compared marsh periwinkle (Littoraria irrorata) density and shell length at salt marsh sites with heavy oiling to reference conditions ∼16 months after oiling. We also compared periwinkle density and size among oiled sites with and without shoreline cleanup treatments. Densities of periwinkles were reduced by 80−90% at the oiled marsh edge and by 50% in the oiled marsh interior (∼9 m inland) compared to reference, with greatest numerical losses of periwinkles in the marsh interior, where densities were naturally higher. Shoreline cleanup further reduced adult snail density as well as snail size. Based on the size of adult periwinkles observed coupled with age and growth information, population recovery is projected to take several years once oiling and habitat conditions in affected areas are suitable to support normal periwinkle life-history functions. Where heavily oiled marshes have experienced accelerated erosion as a result of the spill, these habitat impacts would represent additional losses of periwinkles. Losses of marsh periwinkles would likely affect other ecosystem processes and attributes, including organic matter and nutrient cycling, marsh-estuarine food chains, and multiple species that prey on periwinkles.

INTRODUCTION The Deepwater Horizon incident, starting in April 2010, was the largest marine oil spill in U.S. waters and one of the largest worldwide: 3.19 million barrels of oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico1 and over 2100 km of shoreline were oiled, including over 1100 km of coastal wetland shorelines.2,3 As part of the Natural Resources Damage Assessment (NRDA) process, natural resource trustees are tasked with assessing resource injuries and recovery to allow identification of appropriate restoration. Here, as part of the NRDA injury assessment, we address the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the marsh periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata, one of the most abundant and important macroinvertebrates in salt marshes of the Gulf to Mid-Atlantic Coasts of the United States.4−9 © XXXX American Chemical Society

Marsh periwinkles are important prey for multiple species including blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin), clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), and northern raccoon (Procyon lotor).10−16 Periwinkles also have important influences on marsh vegetation, organic detritus, nutrient cycling, microbial communities, other invertebrates, and ecosystem productivity.6,17−23 For example, periwinkle grazing plays a key role in the shredding and decomposition of senescent and dead Spartina alternif lora leaves, supporting organic matter and nutrient cycling and marsh-estuarine food Received: September 8, 2015 Revised: December 24, 2015 Accepted: December 29, 2015


DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04371 Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Environmental Science & Technology chains.17,18 Periwinkle grazing may also regulate plant productivity, and in some cases, periwinkles may respond or contribute to marsh vegetation die-back events.6,19,24 Accordingly, oil spill impacts to periwinkles could affect a variety of other species and overall marsh function. Impacts to salt marsh habitats and biota resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill have been documented in previous papers.25−30 Silliman et al.27 and Zengel et al.29,30 observed reduced densities of marsh periwinkles at the heavily oiled marsh edge, where the vegetation was also impacted. In contrast, McCall and Pennings26 did not observe impacts to periwinkles in areas just inland of heavily oiled shorelines, where there was less visible oiling and the vegetation appeared unaffected. These prior studies were primarily focused on topics other than marsh periwinkles and each had either limited replication (as few as three oiled sites) or examined relatively small areas of shoreline (1 cm) oil deposits from the marsh substrate, and application of loose organic sorbents.30,40 Most treated sites included the full suite of intensive treatments described above. Treatments were conducted between February and August 2011. B

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Environmental Science & Technology

Marsh soils were sampled for total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (tPAH) during September−November 2010 and 2011 as part of a related NRDA sampling program. Marsh soil sampling areas were laterally offset by ∼20 m from the marsh periwinkle quadrats to avoid interference between multiple NRDA sampling programs that were concurrently underway at the same study sites (the NRDA marsh study sites were defined as 50 m lengths of shoreline with similar oiling conditions). Soil samples were collected by hand from the top 2 cm of marsh soils directly into clean glass jars. TPAH in marsh soils was determined using GC/MS-SIM (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry in selective ion monitoring mode) based on EPA Method 8270D. TPAH included the sum of 54 PAHs, including alkylated homologues, presented as mg/kg. Marsh soils were sampled for tPAH in Zones 1 and 2; no samples were collected in Zone 3 as defined in our study. Data Analysis. Our sampling design included treated and untreated oiled sites as well as reference sites. The objective of our study was to assess the effects of both oiling and treatment; therefore, the subsequent analyses were conducted as ANOVA planned comparisons, also known as planned contrasts or a priori comparisons. Planned comparisons are statistically powerful tests which allow researchers to answer specific questions of interest by focusing on subsets of interest.43 Unlike post hoc pairwise comparisons, planned comparisons of independent subsets do not require any correction of pvalues.43 Furthermore, planned comparisons directly incorporate the ANOVA within-group mean square errors, and thus are superior to separate two-sample t tests.44 In this work, two types of planned comparisons were conducted: (a) comparisons of oiled versus reference sites to assess the effects of oiling on periwinkles and supporting metrics; and (b) comparisons of treated and untreated sites to assess the effects of cleanup treatments on periwinkles and supporting measures in oiled areas. As part of the planned comparisons, Levene’s test was used to examine homogeneity of variance; when variances were unequal, Welch’s methodology for generalization of two-sample tests was applied.45 One-tailed tests were used where the direction of difference was predicted prior to testing. Twotailed tests were used where the direction of difference was not predicted. We defined statistical significance as p ≤ 0.10, based on guidance regarding balancing Type I and II errors during environmental impact assessments, according to our sample size.46 Finally, for each planned comparison, the effect size was calculated using Cohen’s d statistic.47 Effect size thresholds were d = 0.2 (small effect), 0.5 (medium effect), and 0.8 (large effect) regardless of direction (i.e., sign).47,48 Size-frequency histograms were generated to further examine variation in periwinkle shell length. Life-history stages were incorporated into the histograms based on shell length ranges, with individuals 13 mm in length defined as juveniles, subadults, and adults, respectively.8,49,50 Where we observed differences in size-frequency distributions, we used Kolmogorov−Smirnov tests to determine if such differences were statistically significant. Age and growth information from the literature51,52 was used to approximate periwinkle age according to shell size, assuming similar growth rates. Based on this, juvenile snails would be 13 mm in shell length. Data are means ±1 standard error (SE) with N number of replicates. Zones 1, 2, and 3 refer to the oiled marsh edge, the oiled marsh interior, and the marsh interior inland of the initial maximum oiling extent, respectively. P-values are provided for ANOVA planned comparisons of reference versus oiled sites, and untreated versus treated sites (oiled sites with and without marsh cleanup treatments) by zone. * Indicates planned comparisons of reference and oiled sites were statistically significant at p ≤ 0.10. † Indicates planned comparisons of untreated and treated sites were statistically significant at p ≤ 0.10. Effect sizes based on Cohen’s d statistic are provided for each planned comparison. Effect size thresholds are d = 0.2 (small effect), 0.5 (medium effect), and 0.8 (large effect), regardless of sign.

reach unoiled vegetation and substrate.57 Second, the effects of oiling on the vegetation removed or reduced primary periwinkle habitat. In particular, low Spartina alternif lora cover observed at the time of sampling likely limited periwinkle recovery. Third, residual oiling on the marsh substrate and elevated tPAH levels in surficial marsh soils could have had negative effects on periwinkles, including direct toxicity and reduced periwinkle food resources. Periwinkles spend time on the marsh substrate, where they would be exposed to residual oiling. Though we do not have information related to soil exposure concentrations that induce toxicity in periwinkles, tPAH levels observed at our oiled study sites were easily high enough to cause adverse effects in estuarine invertebrates.58,59 Moreover, periwinkles include microalgae on the marsh substrate and in shallow marsh soils as part of their diet, and these microalgae communities showed reduced biomass and altered species composition in heavily oiled sites during and beyond our study period.60 If Spartina alternif lora takes up PAHs from soils, periwinkle grazing on plant surfaces could be another exposure pathway.61 Reduced levels of fungal food resources for periwinkles were also recorded for Spartina alternif lora leaf tissues in heavily oiled areas three years following initial oiling.62 Food limitations in the marsh canopy would also negatively affect periwinkle recovery. Shoreline treatment of oiled sites appeared to have secondary negative effects on periwinkles, including the near absence of adult snails at the marsh edge in treated sites (expressed as G

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Environmental Science & Technology McCall and Pennings26 sampled marsh periwinkle density just inland of heavy oiling bands, where Spartina alternif lora vegetation was intact and oiling was relatively minimal. Their sampling, conducted in 2010 and 2011, found no differences in periwinkle density between reference and oiled sites. This finding corresponds well with our results from Zone 3, where we also saw no differences in periwinkle density or size. In sum, our findings combined with those of others indicate strong impacts of heavy oiling on periwinkles, especially in areas where oiling damaged the vegetation, but no obvious impacts inland of the heavy oiling bands. Overall, taking into account both our study and others, we conclude that substantial losses of marsh periwinkles occurred in areas with heavy oiling resulting from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. New findings presented here include: (a) periwinkle impacts spanning a much larger number of sites and greater shoreline area than previously reported; (b) periwinkle impacts extending into the oiled marsh interior, where numerical losses were actually higher than at the oiled marsh edge; (c) additional negative effects of oil cleanup treatments on periwinkles; and (d) impacts including not only periwinkle density but also periwinkle size and population structure. Moreover, the impacts we observed were ongoing, continuing more than a year after heavy oiling came ashore, with few signs of recovery. Other studies have found that impacts in some locations were ongoing more than three years after heavy oiling, and that periwinkle recovery may lag recovery of the marsh vegetation. Based on these combined findings, and on periwinkle age and growth, we project that recovery of periwinkle populations is likely to take several years once oiling and habitat conditions in affected areas are suitable to support normal periwinkle life-history functions. Furthermore, although not examined in our study, where heavily oiled marsh areas have experienced accelerated erosion as a result of the spill, such habitat impacts would represent additional losses of periwinkles. In turn, the loss of marsh periwinkles would likely affect other ecosystem processes and attributes, including organic matter and nutrient cycling, marsh-estuarine food chains, and multiple species that prey on periwinkles.

necessarily of all participants in the cooperative studies upon which the paper is based.


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04371. Figures depicting sampling site locations (map, Figure S1), oiling conditions (photographs, Figure S2), and sampling transect and quadrat layout (Figure S3) (PDF)


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Corresponding Author

*Phone: (850) 329-2001; e-mail: szengel@researchplanning. com. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding for the authors was provided through the NOAA Assessment and Restoration Division. This paper relies on data collected as part of investigations being conducted cooperatively among NOAA, other Federal and State natural resource agencies, and BP as part of the Deepwater Horizon NRDA. The opinions in the paper are those of the authors and not H

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04371 Environ. Sci. Technol. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX