Important Considerations in the Design of Receptor Sites Using

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Chapter 4

Important Considerations in the Design of Receptor Sites Using Noncovalent Imprinting

Downloaded by NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV on July 30, 2012 | Publication Date: May 7, 1998 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1998-0703.ch004

Borje Sellergren Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, J. J. Becherweg 24,55099 Mainz, Germany

Receptor sites capable of distinguishing between molecules having minor structural differences can be prepared by noncovalent imprinting of templates in network polymers. Initially, these polymers are prepared considering functional group complementarity between a functional monomer and the template. The performance of these „first generation" materials is often unacceptable and a careful optimization of the variables in the imprinting process is therefore needed in order to reach the desired level of affinity and selectivity for the target compound. Depending on the separation requirements, the imprinted materials are further associated with problems, i.e. non-linear adsorption isotherms, strong medium dependence, slow mass transfer kinetics and a low sample load capacity, that may need to be solved. In this review some guidelines for achieving the desired level of recognition is given based on the existing knowledge of noncovalent imprinting. A number of technologically important areas in chemistry rely on molecular recognition where one or a few compounds are bound to a binding site in preference to a number of structurally related compounds (1-3). This binding event can be followed by: a) a release event such as in chemical separations (7); b) a measurable signal such as in chemical sensing (2); or c) a chemical transformation, such as in catalysis (3). Depending on the function, the required efficiency of recognition varies. Usually a strong, but reversible, and highly selective binding of the target compound is desirable. The ability of recognizing molecules has long been associated with biological receptors, i.e. antibodies, receptors and enzymes, that also have found use in the aforementioned processes. Due to their limitations, i.e. limited stability in harsh environments, lack of reproducibility in their preparation, limited reusability and lack of design

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In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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elements, synthetic molecular recognition elements have been the focus of several research groups (4-6). By molecular design, low molecular binding sites can be constructed which are capable of selective binding and catalysis although rarely with the same efficiency as those observed in the biological systems. With a considerably smaller effort, mimicking of biological molecular recognition can now be achieved by molecular imprinting of polymeric network materials (7-12). In one of the simpler imprinting routes (Figure 1), a template (usually the target molecule to be recognized) and a functional monomer are allowed to self assemble in solution followed by copolymerization with a crosslinking monomer (9-12). After crushing and sieving of the resultant polymer, the template is removed through a simple washing procedure. The generated binding sites are capable of rebinding the template with a high affinity, as shown from chromatography experiments in which the polymers are used as chromatographic packings (13-15). The rebinding in this noncovalent imprinting approach resembles to a large extent the biological recognition processes and has been successfully employed to generate antibody-like binding properties for a number of target compounds (16-19). The objective of this review is to give the reader an idea of the present possibilities and limitations of the technique, which compounds can be imprinted using the present imprinting protocols, what is the optimum medium for rebinding, how to systematically optimize the selectivity, affinity and performance, as well as some further practical considerations depending on the separation requirements. Noncovalent Molecular Imprinting. The first example of noncovalent imprinting was shown by Dickey who imprinted silica gel with a homologues series of alkyl orange dyes (Figure 2) (20,21). In spite of the lack of well-defined interactions between the template and the monomers or the binding sites, the imprinted silicas were able to efficiently discriminate the imprinted dye from their analogues. Thus, this shape recognition showed us already 50 years ago that the simple addition of a template molecule during the formation of an adsorbent may be enough in order to generate binding sites for the same template. Some limitations of Dickey's approach were apparent. Only compounds that adsorbed to nonimprinted silica gel gave rise to the imprinting effect, the stability was limited, and the reproducibility questioned. The concept introduced by Wulff and coworkers in the early 1970s considerably extended the versatility of molecular imprinting (Figure 1) (22-24). In this method a monomer, properly functionalized to form covalent or noncovalent bonds to complementary binding sites on the template molecule, is copolymerized with a crosslinking monomer. After removal of the template, binding sites were generated containing functional groups at defined positions. In addition to simple shape complementarity, specific functional group complementarity is now responsible for the molecular recognition. Also this approach allows two or more different functional groups to be introduced into the binding sites, a feature of particular importance in the construction of catalytic sites. The model system developed by Wulff and his group was based on reversible covalent bond formation between the monomer and the template. The noncovalent route was developed by the group of Mosbach (9-12). After demonstration of the concept in the imprinting of acrylamides or coatings of acrylamides or organosilanes on wide pore silica with dyes (25-27) a more versatile imprinting system was developed using carboxylic acid containing

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

















Figure 1. Principle of Molecular Imprinting.






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In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.







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™ PH






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o f

Selective rebinding






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Alkylorange Dyes in Waterglass according to Dickey



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S i 4



H aq


Na 0

sL .^o'V^°''



I m p r i n t i n


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methyl orange

r \ - ^


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53 olefins as functional monomer and di- or tri- methacrylates as the crosslinking monomer. In the initial work, derivatives of amino acid enantiomers were used as templates for the preparation of stationary phases for chiral separations (CSPs). The procedure applied to the imprinting with L-phenylalanine anilide (LPheNHPh) is outlined in Figure 3 (28). In the first step, the template (LPheNHPh), methacrylic acid (MAA) and ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) are dissolved in a poorly hydrogen bonding solvent (porogen) of low to medium polarity. The free radical polymerization is then initiated with azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) either by photochemical homolysis below room temperature or thermochemically at 60°C or higher. Lower thermochemical initiation temperatures down to 40°C may be obtained using azobisdivaleronitrile (ABDV) instead of A I B N as initiator (29). In the final step, the resultant polymer is crushed, Soxhlet-extracted in methanol, and sieved to a suitable particle size for either chromatographic (25-38 pm) or batch (150-250 p,m) applications (28). Using L-PheNHPh as template, the Soxhlet-extraction alone only result in about 70 % recovery of the template. Additional extraction in the chromatographic mode, using an acidic mobile phase, results in additional recovery with a final recovery of around 90 %. Other templates are recovered in up to 99 % yield. Chromatographic columns are packed and the rebinding properties evaluated chromatographically by comparing the retention time or capacity factor (k') for the template with that of structurally related analogues (Figure 4). A n advantage of using enantiomers as templates is that nonspecific binding, which affects both enantiomers equally, will cancel out. Therefore the separation factor (a) uniquely reflects the contribution to binding from the enantioselectively imprinted sites. Except for the retention and selectivity, the efficiency of the separations are routinely characterized by estimating a number of theoretical plates (N), a resolution factor (R ) and a peak asymmetry factor (AJ. These quantities are affected by the quality of the packing and mass transfer limitations as well as of the amount and distribution of the binding sites. The potential of the noncovalent imprinting technique is obvious. A robust material exhibiting antibody-like molecular recognition properties can be prepared by simply mixing commercially available components followed by heating or UV-irradiation. The preparation, work up and chromatographic evaluation of the imprinted polymer may be carried out in less than two days. ?

Structure-Selectivity Relationships. Imprinted CSPs. The number of racemates which have been successfully resolved on imprinted CSPs is continuously increasing. A few representative examples are shown in (Table I). These include amino acid derivatives (13-15,3033), peptides (18,19,32), carboxylic acids (30,33,34), amines (35), amino alcohols (36,37) and monosaccharides (38) and include a number of compounds with therapeutic importance. Generally speaking good recognition is obtained for templates containing functional groups with Bronsted-basic or hydrogen bonding properties close to the stereogenic center, provided the template is soluble in the monomer mixture. Some points should be emphasized. The separation factors are high and higher than those observed for many of the widely used commercial CSPs (39). Since these CSPs are tailor-made, the data given in Table I refers to each racemate resolved on its complementary column, i.e. each column is only able to resolve a limited number of racemates. Although the separation factors

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.




i i

(4 mole%)


- Sieve

- Wash



Figure 3. Scheme for Preparing an Imprinted Chiral Stationary Phase for LPhenylalanine anilide (L-PheNHPh) using Methacrylic Acid as the Functional Monomer.



- Crush


Porogen (Fm=0.57)

hv, 15°C/24h

Chromatographic evaluation

Physical characterisation

EDMA (80 mole



(16 mole%)



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Retention and selectivity: Capacity factor: k' = (t -t )/t L



Separation factor: a = k', / k'





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Plate number: N (as for Gaussian peaks)

20A, site A) are expected to be easily accessible compared to sites located in the smaller micropores (< 20A, site B) where the diffusion is slow. The number of the latter may be higher since the surface area, for a given pore volume, of micropores are higher than that of macropores. One undesirable effect of adding an excess of template is the loss of site integrity due to coalescence of the binding sites (site D). The optimum amount of template is usually about 5% of total amount of monomer. For most applications in liquid media, accessible meso- and macro- pores are preferred over micropores. Polymer Morphology. The porosity is determined by the morphology of the material which can be influenced by controlling the degree of crosslinking, the type of inert solvent (porogen) used during polymerization, and various post treatments, such as heat treatment and hydrolysis (60). A complication in noncovalent imprinting arises from the fact that the first two variables also affect the stability of the monomer-template assemblies and thereby the amount of nonselective binding sites (site F) relative to selective binding sites (sites A-E). This is clearly seen in a comparison of polymers imprinted with L-PheNHPh with different porogens under otherwise identical conditions (Figure 18) (28). It is seen that only the materials prepared using poor hydrogen bonding porogens, with less ability to compete with M A A for the binding sites on the template, give high enantiomeric separation factors. At the same time, these materials show different swellings and pore volumes reflecting structural differences. The differences in swelling between the materials may have several causes. First it appears to be unrelated to the number of unreacted double bonds since the infrared spectra showed the intensities of the C=C stretch at 1638 cm" to be similar for the materials. Furthermore C P - M A S - N M R results showed that the number of unreacted double bonds was less than 10 % in polymers prepared using THF as porogen. Rather it is related to the heterogeneity of the crosslink density which in turn will affect the stiffness of the chains linking the agglomerates or microspheres together during phase separation (61,62). This is influenced by the ability of the porogen to solvate the growing polymer chains. For instance in a poor solvent, agglomeration is promoted leading to the formation of dense crosslinked microspheres where the phase separation occurs when the microspheres precipitate, giving a relatively open pore structure with strong links 1

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Site A. Macropores. I ligh accessibility and rapid mass transfer. Site B. Micropores. Diffusion limitations. High surface area and sample load capacity. Site C. Embedded. Low accessibility. High selectivity (?) and stability. Site D. Site coalescence. Low selectivity. Excess template. Goal: Large pores and high surface area. Sites: A and B, minimize F • Stabilize monomer template assemblies • Crosslinking + Porogen

Site E. Induced binding site. Low stability. • SiteF. Nonselective site. • Site G. Nonextracted template '!

Figure 17. Site Accessibility, Integrity, and Stability.

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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H-bond capacity

P (= poor) P M (=moderate) M S (=strong)

Degree of crosslinking: ca. 83 %


Pore volume (ml/g)

Separation factor (a=k'L/k'D)

1.36 2.01 1.97 1.84 1.45

0.60 0.007 0.17 0.24 0.52

2.6 2.4 NR


Template: L-PheNHPh

1.5 NR NR = not resolved

Figure 18. Effect of Porogen with a Constant Level of Crosslinking (28).

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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between the microspheres. Such materials exhibit permanent porosity and low swelling. With a good solvent, intermolecular crosslinks are favored and a material is obtained which is built up of loosely linked grains of solvent swollen gel particles. These materials exhibit low pore volume and high swelling. The swollen state morphology may vary less between the materials. In view of the small variation in the separation factor, the binding sites are apparently located in the more dense, less swellable domains of the matrix. The Crosslinking Monomer. The chemical and physical properties of the matrix are also of primary importance with respect to nonspecific binding and flexibility. One illustration of these effects is seen when comparing imprinting in styrenebased and methacrylate-based resins. Resins prepared from divinylbenzene (DVB) exhibit lower selectivity, poorer chromatographic performance, and lower thermal stability than the methacrylate-based resins (63). It is noted that the former are less solvated by the solvents used in the rebinding experiments and are more rigid as seen in the lower swelling when comparing otherwise identically prepared resins (in methanol the swelling was 1.27 and 1.64 for polymers prepared from D V B and E D M A respectively. Porogen: acetonitrile/benzene: 1/1). Ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) is the most commonly used crosslinker for the methacrylate-based systems primarily because it provides mechanical and thermal stability, good wettability in most rebinding media, and rapid mass transfer with good recognition properties. Except for the trimethacrylate trimetylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) none of the other methacrylate-based crosslinkers provide similar recognition properties. TRIM has recently proven to give higher sample load capacity and performance than E D M A in the imprinting of peptides (32).

Medium Effects. In analytical method development involving molecularly imprinted polymers, the medium used in the rebinding step must be carefully optimized to fully exploit the MIPs ability to recognize the target template. Based on the growing database available on the dependence of retention and selectivity in various media on the template structure, predictability will increase in the future. In the imprinting protocol using M A A as the functional monomer, the molecular recognition exhibited by the imprinted polymer can be driven by hydrogen bonding, ion exchange and/or the hydrophobic effect depending on the template and the medium. The Solvent Memory Effect. For templates interacting with the functional monomer mainly by hydrogen bonding, optimum recognition is often seen in the exact same solvent used in the polymerisation step (31,64). Provided the same solvent is used in the rebinding as in the polymerisation step the strength and selectivity of the template rebinding increase with decreasing polarity and hydrogen bond capacity of the solvent. For instance a polymer imprinted with 9ethyladenine using chloroform as porogen exhibited higher affinity for the template in a chloroform medium than that of a polymer prepared using acetonitrile as porogen evaluated in an acetonitrile medium (64). Interestingly, when evaluating the latter polymer in the less polar chloroform medium a much

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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lower affinity was observed. Likewise, the polymer prepared in chloroform showed a lower rebinding affinity in acetonitrile. Apparently, the polymer remembers the solvent used in its preparation. The Hydrophobic Effect. A good example of medium effects was seen in the evaluation of materials imprinted with triazine herbicides of different basicity and hydrophobicity (50). Thus in aqueous poor media the affinity and selectivity correlated with the template basicity (Figure 12) whereas in aqueous rich media a correlation with the template hydrophobicity was seen (Figure 19). Apparently, depending on the template hydrophobicity the hydrophobic effect contributes specifically or nonspecifically to the recognition. Recognition in aqueous media, presumably driven by the hydrophobic effect, has been observed in a number of other systems (18,19). Ion Exchange. Templates containing protolytic functional groups may bind to the sites by an ion-exchange mechanism. This was observed in the mobile phase optimization for the resolution of D,L-PheNHPh on an L-imprinted polymer (59). On going from an organic mobile phase to an aqueous-organic mobile phase two effects were observed. First a dramatic improvement in the chromatographic efficiency accompanied by a lower sample load capacity was observed (Figure 20) . This is probably due to shrinkage of the polymer leading to the closing of micropores with slowly exchanging binding sites. Secondly, retention maxima were seen at a pH which turned out to closely match the pKa value of the solutes in the same solvent system (determined potentiometrically). On the other hand, the selectivity was high in the low pH region but dropped when the pH exceeded the pKa value (Figure 21). The correlation between pKa and the maximum retention made us believe that a simple ion exchange process was operating. According to this theory, the retention can be expressed as being proportional to the product of the degree of ionization (a*) of the amino groups of the solute (oc*l) and the carboxylic acid groups of the polymer (cc*2) as k'=C(oc*l)(a*2) (65). Based on the data obtained from potentiometric titrations, (a*l)(oc*2) was calculated and plotted against the pH of the mobile phase. A striking agreement between the experimental and simulated pH retention profile was obtained (Figure 21) . Therefore the retention seems to be controlled by a simple cation-exchange process. The high selectivity observed at low pH values was in agreement with the finding of a lower average pKa of the imprinted polymer compared to the blank nonimprinted polymer. This led us to propose an electrostatic model which accounts for the changes in retention and selectivity when the mobile phase pH was varied (Figure 22). Concluding Remarks A number of conditions will directly influence the development of a new MIP. The availability of the template in preparative amounts will determine whether it will have to be recycled or a template analogue will have to be used. The latter alternative should also be considered in cases where the template is unstable or poorly soluble in the monomer mixture. Depending on the format of the separation, the polymer must meet certain requirements. If the material is going to be used as a H P L C stationary phase, monodisperse spherical particles are

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 19. Chromatographic Retention of Triazines on Triazine-imprinted Polymers Using an Aqueous Rich Mobile Phase (50).

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


• Sample load capacity 0.1 mg/g

Sample load capacity 1-2 m g / g

Figure 20. Resolution of D,L-PheNHPh on an L-imprinted Polymer in Two Different Mobile Phases (40).

• Faster mass transfer

M e C N / 0.05M potassium phosphate p H 7 : 7/3 (v/v)


S l o w mass transfer

M e C N / H 0 / H O A c : 92.5/2.5/5 (v/v/v)


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In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

Degree of ionization

Measured and calculated retention

Figure 21. pH-Effects and Ion-Exchange in the Separation of D- and L-PheNHPh on on L-imprinted Polymer (59).

Polymer, L-PheNHPh-imprinted; sample, 10 nmol D,L-PheNHPh or 100 nmol benzylamine; mobile phase, acetonitrile/potassium phosphate buffer 0.05 M : 70/30 (v/v)


Retention and selectivity

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desirable and rapid adsorption-desorption of the template to the sites is necessary for high performance separations (66,67) Band broadening and assymmetry effects due to the heterogeneous distribution of binding sites is an important problem that may need to be addressed. In solid phase extraction, the important criteria are the sample load capacity, affinity, and selectivity for the compound in question as well as its recovery (68,55). On the other hand, in capillary chromatography or capillary electrophoresis, materials that can be fabricated in situ in capillaries offer certain advantages (69,47). Finally for continuous separations, imprinted membranes may need to be developed (70-72). The choice of monomer should be made considering functional group complementarity and the option of terpolymers should be considered. A combinatorial approach may present advantages provided that rapid preparation and evaluation can be performed. Some predictions of the recognition properties may be done by investigating the monomer-template association using N M R . Furthermore, this technique may be used to determine the optimum composition of the prepolymerisation mixture. A n important part of the optimization process is the stabilization of the monomer-template assemblies by thermodynamic considerations (Figure 23). Knowledge of the enthalpic and entropic contributions to the association is informative of how the association will respond to changes in the polymerization temperature (29). Knowledge of the change in free volume of interaction is informative of how the association will respond to changes in polymerization pressure (73) and finally knowledge of how the solvent solvates the monomertemplate assemblies relative to the free species will indicate which solvent will stabilize the monomer-template assemblies the most (28). Here each system has to be optimized individually. A final option is to simply increase the concentration of the monomer or the template. In the former case, a problem is that the crosslinking as well as the potentially nonselective binding will increase simultaneously. In the latter case, the site integrity will be compromised. The final optimization concerns the medium used in the rebinding step. Some general observations have been made. For nonprotolytic templates which interact weakly with the monomer, efficient recognition is usually seen in media of lowto-medium polarity which resemble the media used in the polymerization. For Bronsted-basic or acidic templates, a higher chromatographic efficiency is usually seen in aqueous media where the retention is controlled by an ion-exchange mechanism. Finally for templates containing hydrophobic substituents, a specific hydrophobic contribution to binding may be observed at higher aqueous contents. Due to the many variables involved in molecular imprinting, a systematic approach to the preparation and evaluation of a new material is necessary to fully exploit the potential of this technology.

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In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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pH 4:

Solute protonated Negatively charged chiral sites High selectivity

pH 5.5:

Solute partly deprotonated Number of chiral sites increases Retention increases with pH

pH 6.5:

pH = pKa of solute Retention decreases Number of nonselective sites increases with pH


Solute uncharged Low retention and selectivity

Figure 22. Electrostatic Model Accounting for the Changes in Retention and Selectivity on an L-imprinted Polymer in Response to the pH in the Mobile Phase (59).

T + nM



5 Polymerization



Figure 23. Stabilization of Template-monomer (TM) Assemblies.

In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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In Molecular and Ionic Recognition with Imprinted Polymers; Bartsch, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.