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Carleton Ellis A Supplementary Volume (1937) covering the ad­ vance of petroleum during the past three years» 54 Chapters, 1464 Pages, 6000 References, 350 Illustrations. Price $20.00 TO

T H O S E familiar with the first volume of " T h e Chemistry of Petroleum Derivatives" this new volume will need no recommendation. Nor t o the chemist or tech­ nologist engaged in any phase of the development of petro­ leum or of its utilization, can its importance be overempha­ sized. As complete and massive as the first volume was— with its 1283 pages and some six thousand references—since its publication in 1931 the enormous a m o u n t of investigation in this field has compelled the writing of a supplementary edition a t this t i m e . This latter compendium is comprehen­ sive and concise in nature and panoramic in scope. Further, the enhanced activity associated with petroleum chemistry, coupled with its every-broadening domain of allied researches, has necessitated the addition of four new chapters t o t h e already large number of fifty. T h e new subjects t r e a t e d a r e : T h e Synthesis of Hydrocarbons from Carbon Monoxide a n d Hydrogen; Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Anaesthesia; Petroleum Asphalts; and Thermodynamics and I t s Applications to Petroleum. These, in addition t o recent developments relating t o t h e subjects dealt with in t h e earlier edition, represent a systematic a n d exhaustive survey of t h e field. A thorough t r e a t m e n t of pyrolysis, polymerization, hydration, halogenation, sulphonation and sulphation, nitration, and oxidation of hydrocarbons makes this treatise indispensable t o t h e scientist dealing with even the most r e m o t e phases of petroleum technology. I t may suffice t o s t a t e t h a t this compilation, covering t h e advance of petroleum during t h e past three years, contains over 1464 pages and m o r e t h a n 6000 references. I t is profusely illus­ trated with m o r e t h a n 350 photographs and drawings exemplifying i m p o r t a n t phases of t h e a r t , a n d it is written so as t o supplement smoothly t h e first edition, or alone it is self-contained a n d of untold utility t o the research chemist, the refiner, a n d the student of chemistry. T h e various topics treated, which are multitudinous in number, deal with such diversified fields a s detergents and wetting agents, paints, varnishes, lacquers and resins, solvents, motor fuels, lubri­ cants, hydraulic brake fluids, textile penetrants, beverages, rubber, explosives, pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs, printing inks and insecticides. Truly this masterpiece perpetuates the lofty standard estab­ lished by its memorable predecessor.

Volume I Petroleum Derivatives (1934) Price $18.00

Dr. William Krumbhaar In charge of Technical Development, Beck, Koller and Co., Inc. Formerly Director of Institute of Paints and Varnish Research, Berlin. 202 Pages, 39 Illus­ trations and Photo Micrographs. Price $4.00 IΝ

T H I S book the vital i m p o r t a n t problems of chemical reactions in t h e varnish kettle a n d of surface chemistry of pigments and paints a r e discussed from a fundamental point of view, and in the same way drier chemistry a n d the physical chemistry of surface coatings are reviewed. A special c h a p t e r is devoted t o the fundamentals of the c o m ­ position a n d the application of printing inks with reference t o the new possibilities offered by synthetic resins. I t is realized t h a t some of t h e basic conceptions c a n n o t a s yet b e fully supported b y experiment a n d a r e n o t m u c h more than reasonably founded guesses, b u t even so they are extremely useful, providing food for t h o u g h t and a c t u a l working hypotheses. M a n y of t h e phenomena in question can b e made visible t o the e y e (by the microscope) assisting considerably t o a b e t t e r understanding of t h e problems involved. For this reason a number of descriptive photomicrographs a r e reproduced. T o make the general c o m m e n t s more concrete and more helpful for t h e practical formulator a classification of syn­ thetic resins is outlined in an Appendix, illustrated by r e p r e ­ sentative examples, and in a final section is given a sugges­ tive description of the American method of using such synthetic resins in the actual formulation of varnishes, enamels a n d lacquers. A practical book for the manufacturer of paints, pigments, paper, printing inks, colors, enamels, lacquers, metal coat­ ings, synthetic resins, and all those concerned w i t h t h e development and utilization of synthetic surface coatings. C H A P T E R H E A D I N G S : Preface; Chemical Reactions in the Varnish Kettle; Drier Chemistry; Surface Chemistry of Pigments a n d P a i n t s ; Physical Chemistry of Surface C o a t ­ ings; Synthetic Resins in Printing I n k s ; Appendix—Con­ t e n t s ; T h e Classification of Synthetic Resins; S y n t h e t i c Resins in the Formulation of Varnishes, E n a m e l s and Lacquers; Index.

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