(27) Swift, R. S., Posner, A. M., J . Soil Sci., 23, 50 (1972). (28) Schnitzer, M., Kahn, S.U., in “Humic Substancesin the Environment”, Marcel Dekker, New York, N.Y., 1972. (29) Van Dyk, H., in “The Use of Isotopes in Soil Organic Matter
( 3 2 ) Hoak, R. D., Adu. Water Pollut. Res., 1,163 (1963). (33) Lamar, W. L., Goerlitz,D. F., “Organic Acids in Naturally Colored Surface Waters”, US.Geol. Survey Water Supply, Paper 1817A, Washington,D.C., 1966. 134) DeHaan.. H... Freshwater Biol.., 2.235 (1972). , . .
Studies”. Pereamon. Oxford. England. 1966.
(30) Forsyth, W.G.C.,biochem. J.:46, 141 (1950). (31) Broadbent, F. G., in “Isotopes and Radiation in Soil Organic Matter Studies”,p 131,Int. Atom. Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1968.
Received for reuiew September 9, 1974. Resubmitted April 27, 1976. Accepted August 30, 1976. Financial support by the U.S. Enuironmental Protection Agency under contract 68-03-0162.
Impregnated Filter Sampling System for Collection of Volatile Arsenic in the Atmosphere Paul R. Walsh’’, Robert A. DuceZ, and James L. Fasching’ Department of Chemistry’, and Graduate School of Oceanography*, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881
An impregnated filter sampling system for the collection of volatile and particulate atmospheric arsenic is described. An aqueous glycerol and polyethylenimine polymer solution is used to impregnate Whatman filters. Laboratory studies show that for volatile arsenic trioxide the total collection efficiency of three impregnated filters in line averages approximately 96% a t flow rates from 15 to 23 lpm. The less volatile hydroxy dimethyl arsine oxide is collected more efficiently than the inorganic oxide on both Nuclepore and impregnated Whatman filters. Particle loading on Nuclepore prefilters enhances the adsorption of volatile arsenic on these filters. Ambient measurements of atmospheric arsenic using this sampling system indicate that the major fraction of arsenic is collected on the Nuclepore prefilter and is thus apparently particulate. The existence of a vapor phase for atmospheric arsenic has been proposed by several authors to explain anomalously high atmospheric particulate concentrations of this element (1-3). The high equilibrium vapor pressure of arsenic trioxide ( 4 ) has led to the suggestion that gaseous arsenic is (As~OB) released from high-temperature processes ( 2 , 5 )and caused concern regarding the efficiency of atmospheric arsenic sampling systems (6). Arsenic trioxide is the most volatile arsenic compound stable in air. This substance is weakly acidic and is most soluble in alkaline or organic solutions (7). Naturally occurring alkyl arsine oxides have also recently been found in air (8) and natural waters (9). They may also exist in soil-sediment ecosystems (IO,11).Impinger techniques (6) and absorption on silver coated glass beads (8)have been used for volatile arsenic collection in the atmosphere. Impregnated filters have been used for ambient hydrogen sulfide (121, sulfur dioxide (13, 14), hydrogen chloride (15), and other inorganic halogen (16) gas collection. For certain applications, this collection method has some advantages over impinger techniques, especially with regard to field sampling and the capability to operate a t higher flow rates. Various organic bases have been tested in this laboratory as impregnating reagents for the collection of volatile arsenic trioxide and hydroxy dimethylarsine oxide. Most amines are too volatile and tend to “bleed” from the filters during air sampling. A nonvolatile organic base, a polyethylenimine, was found to perform satisfactorily for the collection of gaseous arsenic species over extended periods of time and still maintain highly basic conditions on the filter. In addition, the re-
quired impregnation levels were such that arsenic blanks could be routinely kept a t or below 1 ng of arsenic per filter (47 mm diameter). This system could therefore be used for either low or high concentration arsenic sampling.
Experimental Reagents. Reagents used were as follows: arsenic trioxide and hydroxy dimethylarsine oxide, J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J.; 1000 ppm (pg/ml) As reference solution, Fisher Scientific Co., Fairlawn, N.J.; PEI-6, polyethylenimine, Dow Chemical Co., Midland, Mich.; and glycerol (spectra grade), Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y. Filter Impregnation. Whatman No. 41 and 43 (Whatman, Inc., Clifton, N.J.) cellulose fiber filters were used for impregnation. Nuclepore polycarbonate filters (Nuclepore Corp., Pleasanton, Calif.) with a 0.4-pm pore size were used as described (not impregnated). A 10% (v/v) PEI-6 and 10% (v/v) glycerol solution in distilled deionized water was used for impregnation. The Whatman cellulose filters were soaked in this solution for 6 h. Filters were dried by placing them on a Teflon sheet in a laminar flow clean bench. Drying was facilitated by the use of a heat lamp. Filters were stored in sealed polyethylene containers until used. Apparatus. Bendix (Environmental Science Division, Baltimore, Md.) 47-mm in-line filter holders and a 47-mm open face (Research Appliance Co., Allison Park, Pa.) filter holder were used in various arrangements during the testing of the impregnated filters. The filters were separated in the filter holder by 47-mm nylon screen (100 mesh). A schematic of a typical laboratory sampling arrangement is shown in Figure 1. Ambient air can be prefiltered through a glass fiber filter (Gelman A, Gelman Instrument Co., Ann Arbor, Mich.) or a Whatman 42 filter before entering the sample stream. Arsenic vapors in the source flask diffuse into the air stream and pass through the sampling train. A Nuclepore filter or a nonimpregnated Whatman filter can be placed in line before the impregnated filters to observe their relative absorption of arsenic vapors or to separate particle and gas collection when ambient air is not prefiltered. Procedure. Approximately 25 mg of the desired arsenic source was placed in a clean 250-ml filter flask and connected to the sampling train as shown in Figure 1. If no ambient air prefiltering was desired, the top of the filter flask was left open to allow unfiltered air to pass over the source. The depth of the filter flask minimized the entrainment of particulate arVolume 11, Number 2, February 1977 163
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Figure 1. Schematic of
typical impregnated filter test apparatus
senic from the source. Tests conducted with a condensation nucleus counter (Environmen/One, Model Rich 100, Schenectady, N.Y.) showed that condensation nuclei levels behind the ambient air prefilter were independent of the arsenic source flask a t flow rates less than 16 liters per minute (lprn). Scanning electron microscopic analysis of the Nuclepore filters also confirmed that particles from the arsenic source flask were not being picked up by the airstream a t flow rates of less than 16 lpm. Entrainment of particles from the arsenic source flask was sometimes apparent at flow rates greater than 16 lpm. At these flow rates, double Nuclepore filters were placed in-line before the impregnated filters. With this arrangement of filters, all particles greater than 0.4 pm diameter were excluded from the test filters behind the first Nuclepore filter. Molecular absorption of the arsenic species on Nuclepore and impregnated filters could therefore be studied a t the higher flow rates. I t is realized that the terms “molecular” and “vapor” are in fact only operational definitions dependent on the particle filtration efficiency of the Nuclepore filter. In this report a molecular vapor is defined as material passing through a 0.4-pm Nuclepore filter. Recent tests showed that Nuclepore filters with a pore size of 0.6 pm have a collection efficiency of greater than 50% for 0.05-pm diameter particles under filtration face velocities similar to those used in this study (17). The source flask was kept a t room temperature (20 OC) so that the sublimed vapor concentration in the airstream sampled was dependent upon the vapor pressure of the arsenic species a t that temperature and the quantity of source used. In general, the vapor concentration, determined by analysis of the collecting filters, was less than 200 ng As/m3 of air for the conditions described previously. Raising the temperature of the source flask to increase the vapor concentration caused a much higher percentage of the vapors to condense on the Nuclepore filter than observed a t room temperature. This effect, caused by a large vapor-filter temperature differential, is not present under most ambient conditions and was therefore avoided by keeping all apparatus and the source a t room temperature. For all samples, at least one Nuclepore filter or nonimpregnated Whatman filter was used as a prefilter in front of either two or three impregnated filters. Filter collection efficiencies were obtained by comparison of the amount of arsenic per filter relative to the total collected. Since only one arsenic source species was used in each test, the total arsenic could be determined from the in-series impregnated filters 164
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provided the last filter had no detectable arsenic a t the end of the test run. The observation that arsenic levels decreased regularly to zero on the series of impregnated filters indicated that all of the arsenic was being collected. Time and flow rates were recorded for all collections. Sampling times ranged from 24 to 48 h. After collection the filters were stored separately in acid-washed polyethylene vials for arsenic analysis by neutron activation. The sample holders, nylon spacers, stainless steel screens, and silicone rings were soaked in a very dilute ammonium hydroxide (pH = 8) solution, rinsed with distilled water, and dried in a laminar flow clean bench prior to sample collection. Sample holder filter blanks were routinely taken to ensure that the cleaning procedure eliminated all possible sources of contamination. Neutron Activation. Samples and standards were irradiated for 6 h a t a thermal flux of 4 X 1012 neutrons/cm2/s in the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center 2-MW swimming pool reactor. After a 24-h decay period, during which the high background activities of short-lived isotopes, mainly 3sCl,were significantly reduced, each sample was counted for 2000 s on a 60 cm3 Ge(Li) coaxial detector (resolution of 2.5 keV a t the 1.332-MeV y of 6oCo) interfaced to a computer-controlled 4096 multichannel analyzer (PHA-11, Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, Mass.). Pulse height data were stored on magnetic tape for computer processing. The 0.559-MeV gamma ray of 76As( t 1 / 2 = 26.4 h) was used for quantitation. A detection limit of 1ng of As was readily obtained for these analyses.
Discussion The collection efficiencies of arsenic trioxide vapors on impregnated cellulose filters are shown in Table I. No significant distinction between the efficiencies of the Whatman 41 and 43 filters was observed, and the data for these filters were therefore combined. Efficiencies did not show any significant variation over the range of flow rates (15-23 lpm) used for normal sampling. The efficiency did increase a t the very slow flow rate of 2 lpm. Relative humidity also did not affect the performance of the filters. The glycerol and viscous polyethylenimine provided a moist surface which eliminated any dependence on atmospheric water content. The collection mechanism could tentatively be attributed to a solubilization in the basic reagent followed by a thermodynamically favorable oxidation to the less volatile pentavalent oxide species. The collection efficiency is apparently most dependent on vapor contact time with the filter. These times range from 5.8 to 0.5 ms for the volumetric flow rates of 2-23 lpm through Whatman 41 and 43 filters of 0.2-mm thickness. Lowering the flow rate increases contact time but a t the expense of increasing total sampling time to collect an equivalent volume. This may be quite disadvantageous when the flow rate must be reduced by a factor of 10 to obtain a collection efficiency greater than 80%. Efficiency control is therefore most easily obtained through filter thickness. The alternatives are to use one very thick filter of high efficiency or two or three thinner filters, each having a lower efficiency but having a combined Table 1. Gaseous Arsenic Trioxide Collection Efficiencies on Single Whatman No. 4 1 or 43 Filters No. of samples
Flow, lpma
Face veloclty, cm/sa
Contact t h e , a ms
% Efficiency
3 13 4 7
2 15 19 22
3.5 25.9 32.9 38.1
5.8 0.8 0.6 0.5
85 f 7 65 f 6 65 f 2 62 f 8
a Flow data for the Whatman No. 41 or 43 filter, 35 rnrn effective diameter, 0.2-rnm thickness.
Table It. Percent Arsenic (Asdoe) Vapor Collection by Nuclepore and Nonimpregnated Cellulose Filters Filter
No. of runs
Nuclepore (0.4 p m ) Whatman 4 1
0.2-18 7-37
Table 111. Percentage Desorption of Arsenic from Nuclepore Filter a Arsenic source
No. of runs
A s 4 0 6 sublimed from flask
Ambient arsenic particulates