Improved System for Spray Drying and Recovery of Product1

May 5, 2018 - milk from tuberculin-tested cows, from dairy farms that have fulfilled the sanitary requirements of the City of Cleveland. Board of Heal...
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June, 1930




Improved System for Spray Drying and Recovery of Product' Everett P. Partridge 1140 F A ~ TP ~ r aA Y S ,

XE\V system of ailray drying has been liereloped at the Meson, Mich., plant of the Laboratory Products Cornpany t.o handle the produqtioti of the substitute for breast milk which is put out under t.lie name of "S.M.A.," slid other products for the hifant's diet soli1 under the tradr-mark


"SMBCO." S.M.A. \\-a? dereiopcd at the Babies and Cbildren'i Hospital of Cleveland and is produoed by its special permissiou exclusively hp the Laboratory I'rodiiets Company. Only inilk frim t,iiliereulin-teste[l cows, from dairy farms that liavr I'iilfilled the sanitary reqiiircnlents of the City of Clevelaud I3oard of Health, is used as a basis. Tlie fat, protein, carhohydrate, a i d salt contents are adjusted in such a way as to pTolhlre R mixture that resembles hreilst milk in its essential physical. rhrmical, and metaholic properties. %-hen prep a r d for Scrding, S.M.A.has the same total aInount of fat as

PiLure 1-Air

A N N Awsoa


in laying out the spray-tlrying syattwi.? Among the eonsiderations in\-olved was the highly important one of prrventing any contamination of the product, either actual or merely apparent, on aocourit of tlie highly critical cliaractrr of the market for the prodnet. Tlie spray-drying and product-recovery cla-sified for convenience under tliree heads: and heating equipment; (2) liquid heating :uld spraying equipment; and (3) the spray elrainher, tire air filters fvr scrubbing the rffliirnt air, and thr rqoipirimit for rriiiixing thl. powtlrred product. Air Cleaning and Heating Equipment

Air is drawn continuoiisly from tlie outside atmospliert~ withoiit any attempt at recirdation of the m o i s t effliient. air from the spray rhanihcr.. Wliile recirvulation woiilrl prohatily result in eoonomy durirg winter opwatioii, diiriiw the suinnier it wiuld not. In addition, it is planned to ut,iliac the warin moist air from the spray chainbw in a mlitinooris teiii for drying casein, sincc it is ideal for this piirpiist~, iireventing the casetiardening of the casein piwticles which rcsiilts from the use of of low homiditg. Tlie air for the spray drier is pulled throiigh two I k d oil fik!TS at the rat,e of 20,000 crihic fret per minute. Tlir first of tliese filters is of the continuoiis type, the second of tlir sectional t,ype. Ttrcse effect the rcnioval of atmosplieric dust particles. It is plannrd to suppleincnt these filters with an air filter in series to reiiiovc any extrcmely fiiie particlrs of dust, or sinokr which might otlicr~~ise not, hr rrrnovsl.

Heater Insfallntlon and Vertical A l r Duct to Spray


that prcwit, in Iminan milk, and this prepared fat also rrhiinian milk fat in having the same irheiiiical and pliysioal characteristics. It has the same salxmification nunher, iodine niimber, Reichert-Meissl immber, Polenskc number, niclting point, and refractive index RS the Sat of brrait inilk. Cod-liver oil forriis a part of t.his fat in adequnts nmourit, not only t o satisfy the body's requirements for tlit: Iat-soluhlr .i p;rowth factor, but also enough vitamin D to Iirevent riclirts and spasmophilia. Tlie company is an off-hoot of thr Rrsearch 1,ahoratory of the Telling-:-HelleTeriion C'ompany, aiid Lias Iiad ail enviablr growt,h record. I lie approximate contriit of rarioos constitiicnts iii the finistwrl product is slim~ni n tlic following tahlr:



i'rr Prolei,, Pal Caibohydrrte Ash MIuiSLsrr