Improved Targeting of Ligand-Modified Adenovirus as a New Near

Mar 14, 2011 - Zhiyu Qian,. ‡. Samuel Achilefu,. § and Yueqing Gu*. ,†. †. Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Life Science and Tec...
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Improved Targeting of Ligand-Modified Adenovirus as a New Near Infrared Fluorescence Tumor Imaging Probe Lingling Shan,† Jianpeng Xue,† Jing Guo,† Zhiyu Qian,‡ Samuel Achilefu,§ and Yueqing Gu*,† †

Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Life Science and Technology, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 210009, China ‡ Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Automation, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210017,China § Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, United States ABSTRACT: E1/E3-deleted Adenovirus 5 (Ad.5) possesses a great potential in gene therapy because of its high efficacy in gene transfer and low toxicity. Studies have shown that Coxsackie-Adenovirus receptor (CAR) is the determinant factor for the targeting of Adenovirus vectors. To extend the natural targeting of Ad to low CAR expressing tumors, we covalently attached folic acid (FA) to E1/E3-deleted Ad.5 capsids. Nearinfrared (NIR) fluorescent dye ICG-Der-02 was subsequently conjugated with FA-Ad particles for in vivo imaging. The cell experiments and acute toxicity studies demonstrated the low toxicity of FA-Ad-ICG02 to normal cell/tissues. The dynamic behavior and targeting ability of FA-Ad-ICG02 to different tumors were investigated by NIR fluorescence imaging. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated its high targeting capability to CAR or FR positive tumors. The results support the potential of using ligandmodified Ad probe for tumor diagnosis and targeted therapy.

’ INTRODUCTION Adenovirus (Ad) vectors have received extensive clinical evaluation and constitute a quarter of all gene therapy trials,1 because of their relatively high efficacy in accomplishing gene transfer in vivo. As a gene carrier, Ad vectors do not insert their genome into the host chromosome. In particular, the gene depleted adenovirus lacks replication potential. Thus, it possesses low immunogenicity and low toxicity compared with other virus carriers.2 In addition, Ad features high infection ability compared with other nonvirus particles,3 which allows a more effective drug delivery to tumor cells overexpressing the Ad receptor. With the recent heightened interest in materials science and molecular medicine, Ad vectors are now finding new applications as carriers and delivery system for macromolecules other than DNA.4 Ad capsids are particularly amenable to modifications, allowing the use of Ad as a more functional vehicle for delivering imaging agents and drugs to target tissue. Researchers have successfully modified different sites on the Ad capsids with diverse reporter agents and drugs, such as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents,5,6 radiation sensitizers,7 paramagnetic nanoparticles,8 and antigenic peptides for vaccines.9,10 Serotype 5 adenovirus (Ad.5) is routinely used as a vector for gene transfer.11 However, the targeted delivery and infectivity of r 2011 American Chemical Society

Ad.5 is dependent on high expression of Coxsackie adenovirus receptor (CAR). Although the CAR receptor is usually overexpressed on tumor cells, many tumor types have low levels of this receptor,12,13 thereby limiting therapeutic gene transduction in such tumors.14 Furthermore, the inherent hepatic tropism of intravascularly administered Ad vectors hinder targeted delivery to alternative organs or disease sites.15 In addition, immune responses to Ad vectors represent a major limitation to their use in vivo, particularly when repeated administration is required to maintain a long-term sustainable effect.16 To overcome the above limitations, numerous strategies have been developed to modify Ad tropism and enhance its targeting ability to pathological sites. These surface engineering strategies often involve genetic modification of Ad capsids,17,18 physical modification of adaptive molecules,19 and chemical modification by covalent conjugation.20,21 Increasingly, more targeting ligands are chemically modified to Ad capsids surface for targeted delivery. Such modifications could also have the added benefit of reducing the immune response, and thus to minimize the vector-related toxicity. Received: May 30, 2010 Revised: February 14, 2011 Published: March 14, 2011 567 | Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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Figure 1. Synthetic scheme and structures of FA-Ad-ICG02 and Ad-ICG02 probes.

One of the fully characterized ligands for selective delivery of imaging or therapeutic agents to tumor cells is the vitamin folic acid (FA).22,23 Uptake of FA into cells is mediated by the folic acid receptor (FR), and the binding of FA to FR initiates receptor-mediated endocytosis and internalization of FA.24 Normally, the expression of FR on normal tissue and cells is low, whereas the demand for FA increases during cellular activation and proliferation in malignant tumors.25 Indeed, FR expression is upregulated on a variety of human tumors, including cancers of the colon, kidney, liver, testis, brain, lung, and myelocytic blood cells.26,27 Thus, FA has been studied as a promising targeting ligand for cancer detection, imaging, and treatment.28 In our previous work, we demonstrated the targeting of FA-labeled compounds to different tumors with upregulated FR expression.29,30 In this study, we covalently attached FA to the Ad capsid to enhance the tumor targeting ability of Ad particles for optical imaging. Biomedical optics is a rapidly expanding imaging field with direct applications in cellular biology, pharmacology, and disease diagnosis.31,32 In particular, near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging possesses many advantages as a noninvasive

technique for real-time in vivo monitoring of biological information in living subjects without the use of ionizing radiation.33,34 The wavelength of NIR light ranges from 700 to 900 nm. This spectral window minimizes the high absorption of light by intrinsic chromophores such as hemoglobin and water, which allows light to penetrate in deeper tissue relative to visible light. To harness this transparent imaging window, many NIR fluorescent dyes have been developed and used for tumor detection in vitro and in vivo.35 Among them, indocyanine green (ICG) is a widely used organic dye in optical imaging. This dye is approved for human use by the U.S. FDA. For this reason, many research groups have focused on the synthesis of ICG derivatives for in vivo imaging.3638 We have synthesized a variety of ICG derivatives and developed different types of NIR imaging systems for noninvasive in vivo imaging research. In this study, we used one of our hydrophilic ICG derivative (ICG-Der-02) to label FA-modified Ad (FA-Ad-ICG02) for NIR tumor imaging. We studied the dynamic behavior of the material in nude mice and demonstrated the tumor targeting capability of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe in mice bearing different tumor cell lines. 568 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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was evaluated by spectroscopic measurements at 365 nm, 260 nm, and 780 nm, which are the absorption peaks of FA, Ad, and ICG-Der-02, respectively. The influence of Ad particles on the absorption peaks of FA, Ad, and ICG-Der-02 were investigated by comparing the absorption spectra of FA, Ad, FA-Ad, and FA-Ad-ICG02. The modified number of FA molecules to the primary amino groups of viral particles was calculated by subtracting the unreacted FA from the initial total FA. The unreacted FA was obtained by following the recovery method (n = 4). The regression equation of the standard curve was obtained by dissolving different amounts of pure FA in Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 8.0). Different initial FA ratios (100107 pmol) in FA-Ad-ICG02 particles (molar ratio of FA:Ad:ICGDer-02 is 100107:1:105) were used to optimize incorporated FA numbers in the Ad particle formulation for in vivo imaging. The number of particles generating the brightest fluorescence in tumor tissue (Bel-7402) was used as the optimal FA bonding number. The number of Ad particles for different initial FA was fixed at 2  108 pfu/mL (4.74  109 VP/mL). Accordingly, the amount of ICG-Der-02 for different initial FA ratio was fixed at 1 mg. The labeled numbers of ICG-Der-02 molecules were evaluated by UVvis absorption spectroscopic at 780 nm (Tris buffer, pH 8.0). In addition, the successful conjugation of FA to Ad was further confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Characteristics of Size and Morphology. The size and morphology of Ad, Ad-ICG02, and FA-Ad-ICG02 were measured by Mastersizer 2000 Laser Particle Size Analyzer. Cell Culture and in Vitro Study. The human cell lines A549 (lung cancer), Bel-7402 (hepatocellular carcinoma cells), U87MG (glioblastoma cancer), and HELF (human embryonic lung fibroblast cell line) were all purchased from ATCC. These cell lines have been used for cytotoxicity and in vitro targeting studies.4143 All the cell lines were cultured at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2 in DMEM and RPMI1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 100 U/mL penicillin, and 100 μg/mL streptomycin. Assessments of CAR and FA Receptor Expression Level. The three tumor cell lines (A549, Bel-7402, U87MG) were used to evaluate receptor expression. The expression levels of CAR and FA receptors were assessed by reverse transcriptase PCR. Briefly, total RNA was extracted from freshly isolated A549, Bel7402, and U87MG tumor cells using RNeasy Kit. RNA (3 μg) from each cell line was converted into cDNA with Superscript III reverse transcriptase. Subsequently, 1.0 μL cDNA was used for PCR amplification with CAR-specific primers: sense, and antisense, 50 -AAAAAGCCAAAGGGGAAACTG-30 , 50 -TGAGCGCTAGAGCAAGCAAAG-30 . The product length was 669 base pair (bp). The cDNA (1.0 μL) was used for PCR amplification using FOL-specific primers: sense, 50 -ACACCAGCCAGGAAGCCCATA-30 , and antisense, 50 -GAGCAGCCACAGCAGCATTAG-30 . The product length was 563 bp. The product (5 μL) was used for 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. In Vitro Cytotoxicity of FA-Ad-ICG02. To evaluate the cytotoxicity of FA modified Ad and Ad itself, MTT assay was conducted on different cell lines (tumor cell A549, Bel-7402, U87MG; and nontumor cell lines HELF) by following standard protocols.44 Cells were plated at a density of 2  103 cells/well in 96-well plates and subsequently infected for 24 h with Ad, AdICG02, and FA-Ad-ICG02 at a wide range of multiplicity of infection (m.o.i.) from 0.01 to 1000 pfu/cell. Every moi was

Materials and Apparatus. E1- and E3-deleted Ad particles were purchased from Sino Geno Max Co (Beijing, China). FA (MW 441.4), N,N0 -Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC), N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS), 3-(4,5-dimethylthialzol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), RPMI 1640, fetal bovine serum (FBS), penicillin, streptomycin, and trypsin-EDTA were purchased from commercial sources. ICG-Der-02 (MW 995) was prepared in our laboratory. All reagents used in this study were certified analytical reagent grade. Spectral measurements were recorded on a UVvis spectrophotometer (JH 754PC, Shanghai, China) was used to record the absorbance measurements and a PHS-25 pH meter was used to determine the pH values. Sephadex G-25 was used to purify the products and a microscope equipped with a mercury vapor lamp, appropriate excitation and emission filters, a camera, and ACT1/DXM1200F software were used for recording images. An NIR imaging system was used for real-time fluorescence imaging of the probe’s distribution in animal subjects. This inhouse built imaging system has been reported previously.29,30 Briefly, the NIR imaging system is composed of an excitation laser (λ = 765.9 nm, NL-FC-2.0763 laser light), a highly sensitive NIR CCD camera (PIXIS 512B), and an 800 nm long pass filter for capturing fluorescence from the tissue. A second 808 nm laser was used as background light to obtain the profile of the animal. Synthesis of Folic Acid-Ad-Near Infrared Fluorescence Probe (FA-Ad-ICG02). FA and ICG-Der-02 were conjugated to the surface lysines on Ad capsid to form FA-Ad-ICG02 conjugate. The complex FA-Ad-ICG02 was synthesized in four steps, as shown in Figure 1. First, FA was reacted with DCC/ NHS (molar ratio of FA:DCC:NHS is 1:1.2:2) in anhydrous dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, 2.5 mL) and the mixture was stirred in the dark for 6 h at 50 °C. The residue was removed by filtration under reduced pressure, and the activated FA was extracted with anhydrous acetone. Second, 1 mg of ICG-Der-02 in 100 μL DMSO was activated with EDC and NHS (molar ratio of ICGDer-02:EDC:NHS is 1:1.5:1.5) at room temperature in the dark for 3 h. Third, the activated FA was dissolved in 2 mL of Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 8.0) and the Ad vectors were adjusted to a concentration of 2  108 plaque-forming units (pfu/mL) in 1 mL (4.74  109 VP/mL). The two solutions were then mixed in the above buffer (molar ratio of FA:Ad is 105:1).39,40 After 3 h at 4 °C, the reaction mixture was purified by filtration over a Sephadex G-25 column equilibrated with Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 8.0) to remove unconjugated Ad and FA fragments. Last, the purified mixture was added to the above activated ICG-Der-02 (molar ratio of FA-Ad:ICG-Der-02 is 1:105) in Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 8.0). After 3 h, the reaction mixture was purified by filtration over a Sephadex G-25 column equilibrated with Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 8.0) to remove unconjugated FA-Ad and ICG-Der-02 fragments. The resulting product was stored at 20 °C. A similar method described above was used to synthesize the control Ad-ICG02. To determine the approximate number of viral particles (VP) per mL, the equation below was used. Tris buffer (10 mM, pH 8.0) was used as a blank.40

VP=mL ¼ A260  dilution factor  1012 Characterization of Folic Acid-Ad-Near Infrared Fluorescence Probe (FA-Ad-ICG02). The synthesized FA-Ad-ICG02 569 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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tested in 6 wells. Five days after infection, each well was replaced and the cells were washed three times with Dulbecco’s phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.0) before addition of 180 μL of fresh DMEM and 20 μL of MTT solution (5 mg/mL). After incubation for another 4 h, the medium containing MTT was carefully removed from each well and 150 μL of DMSO was added to dissolve the formed crystals. The optical density (OD) was measured at 595 nm with a multiwell plate reader. The cell viability was calculated by the following equation:

investigated on the normal mice. Briefly, 80 Kunming mice (aged 34 weeks, weighed 1822 g, equal number of male and female subjects) were divided into 10 groups, including the control group (n = 8, 4 males and 4 females in each group), three normal dose group (1  1010 pfu/kg of Ad defined as normal dose, n = 8 for each probe), 25 dose group (25  1 1010 pfu/kg, n = 8  3), and 50 dose group (50  1  1010 pfu/kg, n = 8  3). Different doses of the above probes (Ad, Ad-ICG02, and FAAd-ICG02), 0.2 mL 1  1010 pfu/kg, 0.2 mL 2.5  1011 pfu/kg, and 0.2 mL 5  1011 pfu/kg, were injected by tail vein into the different groups of mice. Mice in the control group were given PBS buffer in the same volume (0.2 mL). Blood was drawn from the eye socket at the 24 h, 48 h, and 2 week time points after injection. The serum biochemical parameters including aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) indexes of the blood samples were examined. Finally, the mice were sacrificed 2 weeks postinjection and the livers were excised for histopathology. The pathological changes of liver tissue from different groups of mice were assessed and compared. Dynamics and Biodistribution of FA-Ad-ICG02 in Normal Nude Mice. Normal nude mice were used for the investigation of the dynamics of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe (n = 5). FA-Ad-ICG02 probe (0.2 mL, 1  1010 pfu/kg) was administered into the bloodstream of the subject mice through tail vein injection. Fluorescence imaging was acquired with our NIR imaging system using the method we reported previously.29 A series of images were collected from mice and the background images were taken for each mouse prior to injection. To confirm the biodistribution of FA-Ad-ICG02 probes in different organs obtained from the NIR imaging, the mice were sacrificed at 8 h postinjection. Different organs were separated and washed by saline and assembled for ex vivo fluorescence imaging. In Vivo Tumor Models. To investigate the targeting ability of the probes, three types of tumor models were established. Briefly, Bel-7402 (with high FR expression and low CAR expression) and A549 (with high CAR expression and FR negative expression) were implanted in the upper and lower axillary fossa in the same mouse of group I (n = 10). U87MG with intermediate expression in both FR and CAR were implanted in the upper left axillary fossa in the another group of mice (n = 5). In Vivo Study. As the tumors grew up to a diameter of 0.40.6 cm, the mice were immobilized for in vivo optical imaging. Ad-ICG02 or FA-Ad-ICG02 (0.2 mL, 1  1010 pfu/ kg) was injected into each mouse cohort. Imaging was performed with the NIR imaging system in a dark room. A series of images were collected at specific time intervals during 48 h postinjection. The accumulation of the probes in tumors was compared among different groups of mice. To quantify the targeting ability of the different probes in different tumors, the average fluorescence intensity in tumor regions was acquired by selecting the region of interests (ROI) and compared with normal muscle tissue.45,46 Tumor to normal tissue contrast ratios (T/N) were calculated by using the ROI functions of Living Image software. Statistical Analysis. All data are reported as the mean ( SD of n independent measurements. Statistical analysis was performed by using Student’s t-test with statistical significance assigned for P value of Bel-7402 > U87MG. (B) mRNA levels of FR was determined by reverse transcriptase PCR. The FA receptor expression follows the order Bel-7402 > U87MG >A549. (C) Targeting ability of FA-Ad-RhB and Ad-RhB particles in A549, Bel-7402, and U87MG cells imaged with a fluorescence microscope. FA-Ad-RhB and Ad-RhB were significantly retained in CAR overexpressed A549 cell lines. FA-Ad-RhB showed increased uptake in Bel-7402 and U87MG tumor lines (with low CAR expression and high FR expression) compared to Ad-RhB particles. (D) Flow cytometric analysis of FA-Ad-RhB and Ad-RhB particles in A549, Bel7402, and U87MG cell lines. FA-Ad-RhB and Ad-RhB particles were taken into A549 cell lines at about 74.6% and 72.8%. FA-Ad-RhB showed increased uptake in Bel-7402 and U87MG cells (78.1% and 53.1%) compared to Ad (63.1% and 45.0%). Flow cytometric analysis of the effect of NHS on the infection of Ad particles to the tumor cell line. There is no obvious difference between Ad-RhB and mixture (Ad-RhB and NHS) (63.2%, 62.9%).

FA-Ad-ICG02 at m.o.i. of 1 pfu/cell but more than 90% in normal cells infected with these viruses at m.o.i. of 10 pfu/cell. The results demonstrated that FA-Ad-ICG02 displayed low cytotoxicity to all cells. More significantly, there is no obvious negative effect on normal cells, suggesting that the particles are safe for use in living systems. In Vitro Cell Targeting. The FA-Ad-ICG02 was selectively retained in FA-positive (Bel7402 and U87MG) cells and CAR-

positive (A549) cells at very low m.o.i. To explain the receptor mediated targeting of FA-modified Ad vectors to different tumors, A549, Bel-7402, and U87MG tumor cells with different CAR and FA receptor expression levels were first investigated by reverse transcriptase PCR, as shown in Figure 5A and B. The CAR receptor expression was found to decrease in the following order, A549 > Bel-7402 > U87MG, while the FA receptors expression follows the order Bel-7402 > U87MG >A549. 573 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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Figure 6. Acute toxicity of Ad, Ad-ICG02, and FA-Ad-ICG02 assessed on normal mice. (A) For the group treated with the 25 dose, the serum AST and ALT levels were significantly elevated after administration of Ad-ICG02 or Ad probes and peaked at about 24 and 48 h postinjection. Administration of FA-Ad-ICG02 did not induce any significant change in AST and ALT levels in mice. (B) AST and ALT levels in mice treated with a 50 dose were significantly elevated after injection of Ad or Ad-ICG02. The administration of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe at the 50 dose also caused a significant increase in both AST and ALT (p < 0.05). (C) Tissue sections of liver excised from the mice 2 weeks after administration of Ad, Ad-ICG02, and FA-Ad-ICG02 at 25 dose. No histologic change was observed in control and FA-Ad-ICG02 treated mouse groups. The liver tissue showed slight spotty necrosis and nuclear fission after administration of Ad-ICG02 or Ad particles (image magnification is 200). (D) Tissue sections of liver excised from the mice 2 weeks after administration of Ad, Ad-ICG02, and FA-Ad-ICG02 at 50 dose. More than 90% of mice in the Ad and Ad-ICG02 treated groups showed hepatic tissue with slight spotty necrosis, nuclear fission, and venectasia under higher than normal doses. About 60% of the mice in the FA-Ad-ICG02 probe injected group exhibited different levels of toxicity, such as slight degree of inflammatory, spotty necrosis, and edemas diffusely distributed in the hepatic lobule (image magnification is 200).

To visualize cellular uptake of FA-Ad and Ad, FA-Ad-RhB and Ad-RhB particles were, respectively, incubated in the above three tumor cell lines at 37 °C for 1 h. The number of RhB molecules was calculated based on fluorescence emission spectroscopic, which was found to be 312 ( 49 molecules per Ad particle (n = 4). The cellular uptake of these probes in cell lines was imaged by fluorescence microscopy and the results are

shown in Figure 5C. FA-Ad and Ad particles were significantly retained in the CAR overexpressed A549 cells. The nonmodified Ad showed little uptake in the tumor lines with low CAR expression (Bel-7402 and U87MG). However, FA-Ad displayed increased uptake to FR overexpressed tumor cells (Bel-7402 and U87MG) compared to Ad. To determine the levels of cellular uptake of FA-Ad and Ad, flow cytometry data of 574 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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Figure 7. Dynamics of FA-Ad-ICG02 in normal nude mice monitored by NIR imaging system. (A) In vivo noninvasive monitoring of FA-Ad-ICG02 in mice within 24 h. Images show that the probe first accumulated in the liver and then cleared into the gastrointestinal and kidneybladder pathway, respectively. (B) Fluorescence image of FA-Ad-ICG02 on the main organs excised from the mice within 8 h. Images show that the fluorescence accumulated in the liver gastrointestinal, kidney, and bladder after 1 h, which confirmed the real-time imaging data monitored with a noninvasive NIR imaging system.

FA-Ad-RhB and Ad-RhB were acquired, as shown in Figure 5D. Flow cytometry analysis indicated FA-Ad and Ad particles were taken in A549 cells at about 74.6% and 72.8%, respectively. FAAd in Bel-7402 and U87MG cells were retained at 78.1% and 53.1%, respectively, while Ad was retained in Bel-7402 and U87MG at about 63.2% and 45.0%, respectively. This finding suggests that FA modification enhanced the targeting capability of Ad particles to tumors overexpressing FR. The uptake levels of Ad particles in the three tumor cells are consistent with their mRNA levels. To verify whether NHS affects the infection of Ad particle into tumor cells, the mixture of Ad-RhB and NHS was incubated with Bel-7402 cells. Flow cytometry analysis showed about 62.9% uptake of the particles (Figure 5D). There is no obvious difference between this mixture and Ad-RhB (63.2%), implying that NHS has no effect on the infection of Ad particles. Acute Toxicity of the Probes on Normal Mouse Model. The acute toxicity of Ad, Ad-ICG02, and FA-Ad-ICG02 was assessed on normal mice. The biochemical parameters AST and ALT levels at 24 h, 48 h, and 2 weeks postinjection are shown in Figure 6. For the group treated with 25 of the normal dose (Figure 6A), serum AST and ALT were significantly elevated after injecting Ad-ICG02 or Ad probes. Peak levels were attained at about 24 h postinjection, while the administration of FA-AdICG02 did not induce significant change of AST and ALT levels in the mice. Similarly, serum biochemical parameters AST and ALT were slightly elevated in the mice receiving a 50 dose after injection of Ad or Ad-ICG02 (Figure 6B). However, the administration of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe at 50 dose caused significant increase in both AST and ALT, suggesting some toxic effects at this high 50 dose. The above results suggest that the toxic effect only occurred in the high dosage of Ad particles, and ligand modified Ad could minimize liver toxicity compared with the nonmodified Ad.

To further evaluate the toxicity of Ad, FA-Ad-ICG02, and Ad-ICG02 on the animals, the main target organ, liver, was excised for pathology. Figure 6C,D is the representative tissue sections from different mouse groups. About 70% of the 25 dose group injected with Ad or Ad-ICG02 particles showed hepatic injury by 2 weeks, as evidenced by slight spotty necrosis and nuclear fission. More than 90% of mice in the Ad and AdICG02 groups treated with 50 dose showed hepatic injury in the form of slight spotty necrosis, nuclear fission, and venectasia. As expected, the administration of FA-Ad-ICG02 did not render any significant pathologic changes at a 25 dose. No histological difference was observed in the control, normal dose, and 25 dose groups (Figure 6C) after FA-Ad-ICG02 injection. Moreover, 60% of the mice in the 50 dose group exhibited different levels of toxicity, such as slight degree of inflammatory, spotty necrosis, and edema that were diffusely distributed in the hepatic lobule (Figure 6D). Dynamics of FA-Ad-ICG02 in Normal Nude Mice. To better understand the physiological behavior of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe, the dynamics of FA-Ad-ICG02 was first investigated in normal nude mice (n = 5) prior to using the tumor bearing mice. These mice were injected with FA-Ad-ICG02 probe (0.2 mL, 1  1010 pfu/kg) and monitored for 24 h. Representative images are shown in Figure 7A. The fluorescent probe FA-Ad-ICG02 initially spread in the whole body at about 30 min postinjection and gradually appeared in the excretion organs such as the liver, gastrointestinal system, and bladder. As the fluorescent probe in the liver gradually washed out in the first 8 h, the signal in the gastrointestinal organ and the bladder increased, as shown in the 8 h image (Figure 7A). At 24 h postinjection, the fluorescent probe has mostly cleared from the body. Typical of cyanine dyes, the probe probably entered liver and was subsequently transported to the gastrointestinal system. Another fraction of the probe was excreted by the kidneybladder pathway. 575 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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Figure 8. Tumor-targeting capability of FA-Ad-ICG02 and Ad-ICG02 in nude mice bearing Bel-7402 and A549 tumor xenograft monitored by NIR images system. (A) Fluorescence images of the mouse after administration of Ad-ICG02 within 48 h. Ad-ICG02 probe was targeted to CAR overexpressed A549 tumor and weak signal was displayed in the low CAR but high FR expressing Bel-7402 tumors. (B) Fluorescence images of the mouse after administration of FA-Ad-ICG02 within 48 h. FA-Ad-ICG02 displayed strong targeting capability to both A549 and Bel-7402. (C) Time courses of tumor-to-normal tissue (T/N) ratio in Bel-7402 tumor for Ad-ICG02 and FA-Ad-ICG02 probes. Statistical analysis indicates that there is a significant difference of T/N ratio in the Bel7402 tumors between the two probes (p < 0.05). (D) Time courses of tumor-to-normal tissue (T/N) ratio in A549 tumor. There is no significant difference in A549 tumors (p > 0.05). The data are represented as mean ( standard deviation (SD), n = 5/group. 576 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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Figure 9. Tumor targeting capability of FA-Ad-ICG02 and Ad-ICG02 in nude mice bearing U87MG tumor xenograft monitored by NIR images system. (A) Fluorescence images of the mouse after administration of Ad-ICG02 within 48 h. Ad-ICG02 probe was poorly retained in U87MG tumor. (B) Fluorescence images of the mouse after administration of FA-Ad-ICG02 within 48 h. FA-Ad-ICG02 displayed a strong targeting capability to U87MG. (C) Time courses of tumor-to-normal tissue (T/N) ratio in U87MG tumor for Ad-ICG02 and FA-Ad-ICG02 probes. Statistical analysis indicates that there is a significant difference of T/N ratio in U87MG tumors for the two probes (p < 0.05). The data are represented as mean ( standard deviation (SD), n = 5/group. 577 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

Bioconjugate Chemistry To obtain detailed information about the probe’s distribution in the main organs, the mice were sacrificed and the organs removed at 30 min, 1 h, 4 h, and 8 h (n = 5). Figure 7B shows the uptake of the fluorescent probes in representative organs ex vivo. Consistent with the in vivo observation, the fluorescent probe was first dispersed in all the organs and gradually moved to liver. At about 4 h, the probes were mainly observed in kidney and gastrointestinal system before clearing through urine and feces. In Vivo Tumor Targeting Study. To investigate the tumor targeting capability of FA-Ad-ICG02 and Ad-ICG02, Bel-7402 and A549 cells that overexpress FA and CAR receptors, respectively, were used. The Bel-7402 and A549 cells were injected in the left axillary fossa and lower flank, respectively (n = 10). The in vivo distribution of the probes at specific time points was recorded with our NIR imaging system. Representative images are shown in Figure 8A and B. Similar to the profiles of the dynamics study described above, the probes were initially distributed all over the body and subsequently cleared by the hepatobiliary and renal pathways. However, the tumor sites were identifiable within one hour postinjection of the probes. Over time, the probe increasingly accumulated in the tumors and the fluorescence intensity peaked at about 4 h. For CAR receptorpositive A549 tumors, both Ad-ICG02 and FA-Ad-ICG02 displayed strong tumor-targeting capability, which further confirmed that CAR is the primary receptor for Ad. For Bel-7402 with FR overexpression, the FA-Ad-ICG02 probe showed higher targeting capability than Ad-ICG02, which is consistent with our previous findings. The bright fluorescence signal gradually disappeared after one week (data not shown). To quantify the targeting ability of the probes, fluorescence intensity was analyzed by using ROI. The dynamics of the signals in tumors are depicted in Figure 8C and D. Fluorescence intensity ratio between Bel-7402 tumor and normal tissue (T/N) was 1.04 ( 0.24 at 1 h post injection of Ad-ICG02, reaching a peak at 4 h post injection (7.78 ( 0.51) and slowly declining to 3.11 ( 0.39 by 48 h (Figure 8C). In contrast, Bel7402 tumor-bearing mice intravenously injected with FA-AdICG02 probe showed a T/N ratio of 5.44 ( 0.49 after 1 h, and a peak uptake at 4 h reached 12.65 ( 0.48. Fluorescence intensity ratio between A549 tumor and normal tissue (T/N) was 5.83 ( 0.72 at 1 h after injection of Ad-ICG02 probe; a peak at 4 h reached 11.59 ( 0.46, and slowly declined to 8.06 ( 0.46 by 48 h (Figure 8D). Similarly, FA-Ad-ICG02 probe in A549 tumor bearing mice showed a T/N ratio of 5.84 ( 0.50 after 1 h, and a peak at 4 h reached 12.41 ( 0.61. Statistical analysis indicated a significant difference of T/N ratio in Bel-7402 tumors for the two probes (p < 0.05). There is no significant difference in the A549 tumors (p > 0.05). NIR images of mice with Bel-7402 and A549 tumor xenografts after injection of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe showed good fluorescence intensity and fast tumor targeting in vivo from 0.5 to 48 h. To further explore the targeting capability of FA-Ad-ICG02 and Ad-ICG02, nude mice bearing U87MG tumor in the right axillary fossa were used. As shown in Figure 5A and B, U87MG displayed a relatively low expression in CAR and slightly higher level of FA receptor. Figure 9A and B shows two representative series of NIR images after administration of Ad-ICG02 and FAAd-ICG02, respectively. Fluorescence signal was clearly visualized in the U87MG tumor as early as 2 h for FA-Ad-ICG02 conjugate. Compared with FA-Ad-ICG02, Ad-ICG02 probe showed less targeting ability to U87MG tumor. Thus, the T/N tissue contrast ratio was less than that of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe


(Figure 9C). The T/N ratio for FA-Ad-ICG02 probe peaked at about 4 h (6.84 ( 0.21), and the peak of Ad-ICG02 manifested at about 4 h (2.92 ( 0.23). Statistical analysis indicated the significant difference of T/N ratio existed in U87MG tumors for the two probes (p < 0.05). The results indicated that the targeting ability of FA-Ad-ICG02 probe to U87MG is stronger than that of Ad-ICG02 probe, which further confirms that FA modification can enhance the targeting ability of Ad to tumors with low CAR expression and high FA expression.

’ DISCUSSION In this study, adenovirus capsids were covalently conjugated with FA ligands to extend the targeting ability of Ad particles to tumors with low CAR expression. To visualize the distribution of Ad in a living animal, the NIR fluorescence dye, ICG-Der-02, was subsequently attached to the Ad capsids. The number of FA incorporation to the Ad surface was calculated by following the recovery method (Figure 2D).The successful conjugation of FAAd-ICG02 was confirmed by the absorption and fluorescence spectra and electrophoresis (Figure 2AC). It was previously reported that chemical modification of the Ad surface may alter their tropism and reduce infectivity because of the inherent CARmediated cellular uptake mechanism. To modulate CAR binding and extend the applicability of the Ad particles, we chose FA for reasons given in the Introduction. In this configuration, it is important to incorporate an optimal number of FA per Ad particle for maximizing tumor targeting ability while substantially reducing normal tissues toxicity. In this study, the initial FA to Ad ratio was optimized to approximately 1  105 FA moieties per Ad particle, as shown by the in vivo imaging data. This corresponds to 448 ( 42 molecules of FA modification on the Ad surface (Figure 2D), which is similar to previously reported information.40 After chemical conjugation, the size and morphology of FAAd-ICG02 remained unchanged (Figure 3AC). The TEM images of FA-Ad-ICG02 showed that the Ad particles were well dispersed as individual particles with spherical shape. However, in this study, FA was used as a cancer targeting moiety for Ad particles. The results reveal that FA-Ad-ICG02 could be delivered in more specific manner to target cells and tissues without undergoing a CAR-mediated viral infection mechanism. Our study demonstrates that retargeting of Ad particles is feasible by conjugating an appropriate targeting moiety on the surface, while maintaining high specific infection. The dynamics and biodistribution of FA-Ad-ICG02 in normal mice were traced by using NIR imaging system. The clearance profile of the functionalized Ad particles used in this study is consistent with that of Ad itself.4850 Ad vector is a powerful tool in gene therapy. Immune toxicity of Ad is the key factor hindering the practical application of Ad particle.5153 Although E1- and E3-deleted Ad vector have defective replication abilities, innate and adaptive immune responses are still the main concern for the real application, especially when repeated administration is required.54,55 Thus, toxicity study is crucial for the potential applications of new particles. In this study, we assessed the toxicity of the probes in vitro and in vivo investigation. As in previous studies, MTT assay was conducted on different cell lines to evaluate the toxicity of the new probes (Figure 4). The results indicate that FA-Ad-ICG02 can selectively kill CAR and FA-positive cancer cells at low m.o.i. 578 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

Bioconjugate Chemistry There is no obvious toxicity to the normal cell (HELF). In the FA-Ad-ICG02 probe, the FA moiety is vitamin B11, which is known to play an important role in DNA synthesis.56,57 ICGDer-02 is a derivative of ICG, approved by the U.S. FDA for human use.58,59 Ad has the selective infectious ability to the specific cells. Our results confirmed that Ad has low infection to the cells without Ad specific receptors. Thus, the probe FA-AdICG02 is relatively nontoxic to normal cells. To further investigate the in vivo toxicity and acute toxicity, we studied these factors using conventional procedures. The liver expresses high levels of CAR, and it is the main target organ of toxicity.60,61 Thus, pathologic status of liver and blood chemistry indexes was examined after intravenous administration of Ad, FA-Ad-ICG02, and Ad-ICG02 particles in normal mouse models. All data demonstrated that there was no obvious hepatotoxicity after injection of the three probes within the normal dose. The hepatotoxicity occurred at high doses of Ad and Ad-ICG02 injection, with significant increase of AST and ALT in 25 and 50 doses. However, the FA modified Ad FA-Ad-ICG02 did not induce any change even in the 25 dose. The cytotoxicity only occurred in the 50 high dose of FA-Ad-ICG02. The histologic examination showed that a small inflammation was observed in the 50 dose group (Figure 6). No obvious histologic changes were found, including focal necrosis, degeneration, and fibrosis in normal and 25 doses. These data suggest that even high doses of FA-Ad-ICG02 were not sufficient to cause damage to normal tissues compared to the nonmodified Ad. The in vitro and in vivo toxicity studies indicate that FA-AdICG02 is less toxic than Ad, which is consistent with a previous finding.62 Usually, chemical modification of Ad particles could diminish the innate immune response due to the change of CAR dependent tropism. FA modification altered the tropism and thus decreased the Ad infection to liver cells. The in vivo imaging and pathological pictures also demonstrated the lower accumulation and reduced damage of FA modified Ad to the liver than that of Ad itself. Consequently, the modification to Ad may regulate the pharmacokinetics or part of the liver response, as reported in the literature.40 The modified Ad has great potential for clinic application. The primary purpose of this study is to extend the targeting ability of Ad to broad tumor types. FA was modified to the Ad capsids to improve the targeting of Ad to FA receptor overexpressed tumors except for the Ad specific tumors. In vitro studies in cell lines with different CAR and FA receptor expression (Figure 5A,B) showed that the targeting ability of Ad itself correlated with CAR expression, which corroborates other literature reports that infection of Ad is initiated by high-affinity binding of the fiber protein to CAR receptor.63,64 Ad and FAmodified particles have almost identical infectivity in high expression CAR and FA negative cells (A549, Figure 5C,D). Differences were found in the low CAR expressing and FApositive cells (Bel-7402 and U87MG, Figure 5C,D). The results showed that FA-modified Ad exhibited a relatively high targeting ability when compared with Ad particles in low CAR expressing and FA-positive cells. This suggests that FA-modified Ad infected Bel-7402 or U87MG cells via the dual recognition of CAR and FA receptors. The extent of enhancement in infectivity is consistent with the cell-surface FA expression level. In vivo targeting capability of FA-Ad-ICG02 was investigated on different tumor bearing nude mouse models. Figures 8 and show that FA-Ad-ICG02 rapidly accumulates in tumors (Bel-7402 and U87MG), reaching the peak after 4 h


postadministration. A significant amount of FA-Ad-ICG02 accumulated in the FA-positive and low CAR expressing tumor cells compared to Ad-ICG02. These results indicate that the tumor imaging ability of the probe correlated well with the receptor expression levels (Figure 5A and B), which is consistent with the in vitro experiments. In vitro and in vivo experiments all demonstrated that CAR is the primary receptor. FA modification could improve the targeting of Ad to low CAR and FA-positive tumors. FA-Ad-ICG02 can be used to enhance the ratio of tumor to normal tissue. Although the accelerated clearance of the modified Ad under repeated administration was reported,16 the enhanced targeting ability and long retention time of the probes in the tumor site (one week) implies the possibility of sustained antitumor drug release to the tumors. This feature will decrease the need for repeated administration of the probe. Ligand modification of the Ad surface is a more straightforward and versatile method than genetic modification of Ad surface with cell-recognizable proteins such as antibodies. Based on our results, we can deduce that Ad could be targeted to other tumor lines by chemically conjugating with the appropriate ligands. With the low toxicity of E1/E3-deleted Ad, FA-Ad-ICG02 probe has great potential for early tumor diagnosis and gene therapy. In our previous studies, we have shown that the NIR molecular imaging technique is a useful tool to trace the dynamics of different probes in small animals.29,30,47,65 This approach provides rapid, convenient, noninvasive, real-time, and inexpensive assays to monitor the distribution, magnitude, and duration of tumor targeting probes. In this study, the tool once again demonstrated its powerful ability in drug development.

’ CONCLUSIONS In this study, FA was successfully conjugated to E1/E3deleted Ad capsids (FA-Ad), which extended the targeting capability to low CAR expressing tumors. NIR fluorescent dye ICG-Der-02 was subsequently attached to the Ad (FA-AdICG02) for in vivo fluorescence imaging. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrated that the targeting capability of FA-AdICG02 correlated well with the different receptor expression levels. CAR was shown to be the primary receptor of FA-AdICG02 and FA modification enhanced the T/N tissue ratio in the CAR-negative and FR-positive tumors (Bel-7402, U87MG). The systemic toxicity study demonstrated the selective toxicity of FAAd-ICG02 to tumor tissue and low toxicity to normal tissues. The chemical modification of Ad decreased its toxicity. All the results support the hypothesis that the targeting capability of Ad could be extended to other Ad nonspecific tumors by chemical modification of the corresponding ligands. The modified E1/ E3-deleted Ad has great potential for early tumor diagnosis and targeted therapy. ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: Yueqing Gu, Ph.D., China Pharmaceutical University. Tel: 86-2583271046. Fax: 86-25-83271249. E-mail: [email protected].

’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to Natural Science Foundation Committee of China (NSFC30672015, NSFC30700779, 579 |Bioconjugate Chem. 2011, 22, 567–581

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NSFC30800257, NSFC30970776, NSFC 81000666, NSFC31050110123, and NSFC81071194), the Ministry of Science and Technology (2009ZX09310-004) for their financial supports.

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