In any language, the catalyst for quality urethane foams - C&EN Global

Nov 6, 2010 - All Publications/Website. facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... In any language, the catalyst for quality urethane foams. Chem. Eng. New...
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In any language, the catalyst for quality urethane foams Proved Performance—Over 400,000,000 pounds of urethane foam have been catalyzed with DABCO. Through experience and evaluation of all types of amine catalysts, urethane foam producers through­ out the world have chosen DABCO—the catalyst you can depend on. Economical Flexible Foam—Stability and uni­ formly high activity permit concentrations below 0.2 parts per 100 parts polyol. DABCO promotes fast curing foams with excellent physical properties and maximum bun height. DABCO catalyzes both poly­ merization and gas reactions and therefore requires a minimum concentration of tin. Compare perform­ ance and cost of activator systems based on DABCO and you will know why DABCO is your best buy. Closed Molding—Slightly higher concentrations shorten mold cycles and reduce rejects. Molded pieces can be released from molds faster and easier. Foam skins are soft and uniformly smooth. Be it "one-shots" or "prepolymer" DABCO is by far the superior catalyst. Rigid 24

Foams — "Prepolymer,"




"frothed" rigid urethane foams aged for extended periods at both room temperature and 140°F have lower Κ factors, skins on molded foams are tough and durable, cut foams are less friable when cat­ alyzed with DABCO. NEW DABCO-33 — An extremely stable, non­ aqueous liquid form of DABCO is now available in developmental quantities. Its low viscosity and excel­ lent solubility suggest positive advantages for rigid and flexible foams, elastomer and coating systems. For the full DABCO story write to:



1528 Walnut Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. *Houdry means Progress...through Catalysis Patent Reference; U.S. Patent No. 2939851 issued to Houdry Process Corporation covers use of triethylenediamine (Trademarked DABCO) as catalyst in producing polyurethanes. Similar patents exist or are pending in other countries.