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WEB SITES. The Universities Water Information. Network ( offers useful water resource informa- tion. The searchable database c...
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ONLINE IN PRINT Principles of Environmental Sampling I s l u i o n

WEB SITES The Universities Water Information Network ( offers useful water resource information. The searchable database contains more than 250,000 abstracts (1967-93) covering a wide range of water-related subjects, from industrial water treatment to heavy metal concentrations. The site includes directories of consulting firms, water associations, and "water experts"; is searchable by subject; and includes international entries. 100 To speed the commercialization of innovative, cost-effective environmental technologies that it has developed, the U.S. Department of Energy has put up the Global Environmental Technology Enterprise site ( gete/getedisc.htm). The site provides a database of technologies to tackle subsurface contamination and links to lists (not searchable) of demonstration sites run by DOE, EPA, and the departments of Defense and Agriculture. Information about marketing environmental technology is included. 101 Canada began collecting data on industrial releases to air, water, and land in 1993. The Canadian National Pollutant Release Inventory (http: // brings these data on more than 1700 Canadian facilities to the Web. The database can be queried for any of 178 regulated substances. Data and summary reports can be downloaded. 102

BOOKS Environmental Immunochemical Methods, Jeanette M. Van Emon, Clare L. Gerlach, Jeffre C. Johnson, Eds. (American Chemical Society, 1996, Series No. 646, 342 pp., $109.95). This work includes 27 papers on research and technology de-

velopment, applications and evaluations, data interpretation, and human exposure assessment derived from EPA's National Immunochemistry Summit IV, August 1995. 103 Humic and Fulvic Acids, Jeffrey S. Gaffney, Nancy A. Marley, Sue B. Clark, Eds. (American Chemical Society, 1996, Series No. 651, 338 pp., $109.95). Derived from an American Chemical Society annual meeting symposium in August 1995, this volume presents papers on molecular properties and sampling, chemical characterization, metal binding, and organic pollutant interactions. 104

New Edition!

Principles of Environmental Sampling, Second Edition This e x p a n d e d s e c o n d e d i t i o n retains the essential s a m p l i n g

Introduction to Remote Sensing, 2nd ed., James B. Campbell (Guilford Publications, 1996, 605 pp., $60.00). An introductory textbook on image acquisition, analysis, and applications, this revised edition includes new chapters on hyperspectral and global remote sensing and coverage of recently declassified CORONA imagery. 105 The Search for the Ultimate Sink, Joel A. Tarr (University of Akron Press, 1996, 419 pp., $49.95). A collection of 20 essays on U.S. urban pollution from an historical perspective, this work investigates water and smoke pollution; land, transport, and the environment; and industrial wastes as hazards. 107

t h e o r y a n d t e c h n o l o g y from the p o p u l a r first e d i t i o n , but a d d s 2 4 n e w c h a p t e r s to cover the most recent s a m p l i n g t e c h n o l o g y for all m a j o r e n v i r o n m e n t a l matrices: water, air, b i o t a , solids, sludges, a n d l i q u i d wastes. Principles



focuses o n the essentials


of o b t a i n i n g r e l i a b l e samples, including calculating how many samples to collect for specific objectives a n d c o n f i d e n c e levels a n d presents t y p i c a l p r o b l e m s a n d solutions, s a m p l i n g e q u i p m e n t , preservation techniques, a n d special c o n s i d e r a t i o n s for e a c h matrix. This n e w e d i t i o n is useful for b o t h experts a n d novices w h o n e e d to

Water Disinfection and Natural Organic Matter, Roger A. Minear, Gary L. Amy, Eds. (American Chemical Society, 1996, Series No. 649, 394 pp., $109.95). Characterization and control are the focus of this volume derived from a symposium on disinfection byproducts and natural organic matter precursors held at the American Chemical Society annual meeting in August 1995. 109

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obtain reliable environmental samples. L a w r e n c e H . K e i t h , Editor ACS Professional Reference Book 8 0 0 pages (1996) Clothbound ISBN 0-8412-3152-4 $99.95 ORDER


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