IN PRODUCTION... When high purity is your target use BAKER

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use BAKER £y A P A M S O N Reagent Acids If acids are imolved in your piocess. and high punty of end product is your target, it will pay you to investigate the advantages^f Baker & Adamson Quality Reagent Acids.


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Many production men have found they can often eliminate costly purification steps, up-grade their products, or even recover valu­ able wastes when B&A Reagent Acids are used in place of ordinary commercial acids. And, in many instances—the advantages of VC.P." Acids so far offset the difference in raw material costs that worthwhile savings can "be effected too! Remember—B&A " C . P / ' Acids always offer you "quality in quan­ tity J' Every acid is made in full conformance to "A.C.S." reagent specifications—guaranteeing you highest purity every time. For further information on any of the B&A "C.P." Acids listed here, phone or write the nearest General Chemical office shown below.




GENERAL CHEMICAL D I V I S I O N ALLIED CHEMICAL & DYE CORPORATION 40 Rector Street, New York 6, Ν. Υ. Offices: Albany· . Atlanta . Baltimore* · Birmingham* . Boston· . Bridgeport· · Buffalo* «· Charlotte· Chicago* · Cleveland· · Denver* - Detroit* • Houston· · Jacksonville · Kalamazoo · Los Angeles* Minneapolis . New York· . Philadelphia* · Pittsburgh· . Providence* · St. Louis· . San Francisco* Seattle . Kennewick* and Yakima OVash.) · In Wisconsin: General Chemical Company. Inc., Milwaukee In Canada: The Nichols Chemical Company, Limited . Montreal· . Toronto· · Vancouver· S E T T I N G T H E P A C E IN C H E M I C A L PURITY S I N C E 1 8 8 2 •Complete stocks carried here


B&A Reagent A c i d s include: Acetic Acetic, Glacial Arsenic, Anhydride Arsenic, Crystal Arsenious Benzoic Boric Carbolic Chloroplatinfc Chromic Fluoboric Fluosulfonic Formic, 99-100% Hydriodic Hydrobromic Hydrochloric (C.P.) Hydrofluoric Hydrofluosilicic Hypophosphorous Iodic

Lactic Molybdic Monochloroacetic Nitric (C.P.) Nitric, Fuming Nitric, Red Fuming Oxalic Perchloric Phosphomolybdic Phosphoric, Meta Phosphoric, Anhydride Phosphoric, Ortho Phosphorous Phosphotungstic Phthalic, Anhydride Picric Pyrogallic Salicylic Silicic Silico-Tungstic Succinic Sulfanilic Sulfuric (C.P.) Sulfuric, Fuming Sulfurous Tannic, Light Trichloracetic