in the Analytical Power of Energy

matically summedup X-ray emissions of each element, subtracted background contributed by the filter paper, and displayed the elemental spectrum at the...
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Another Major Advance in the Analytical Power of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis WATER


Particulate· From New York Ctty Air. CONCENTRATION = /ig/em* Fe 4,37


Zn 1.60



Dried Plankton CONCENTRATION = μβ*»» 2 Κ Ca Be Fe 47.60 69.04 42.30 18.91

Br 2.12

A Finnigan QM-900 Automated Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis System detected and quantified trace concentrations of iron, copper, zinc, lead, and bro­ mine in an air pollution particulate sample in less than two minutes. The sample, on filter paper, was simply inserted into the instrument's sample chamber. Under X-ray excitation, atoms in the particulate matter fluo­ resced X-rays of different energy levels, depending on the element fluorescing. In 30 seconds, the QM-900 auto­ matically summed up X-ray emissions of each element, subtracted background contributed by the filter paper, and displayed the elemental spectrum at the left. Under internal program command, each peak was integrated, compared to stored standards, and the identification and concentration of each element on the filter paper were printed out in μg/cm 2 . Finnigan X-ray systems detect and analyze elements at concentrations less than 0.5 μg/cm 2 . The spectrum at the right shows a similar two-minute analysis of dried plankton from the Pacific Ocean off

Cu 1.10

Zn 26.20

Br 35.00

Sr 67.55

Monterey, California. In similar fashion, we have analyzed such other water pollution samples as sludge from the Houston Ship Channel and New York's East River, and effluent from a Georgia paper mill. The Finnigan Automated Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluo­ rescence System is the most efficient solution for highvolume pollutant analysis requirements. Unlike atomic absorption spectrometry, X-ray analysis is fast, non­ destructive, requires little sample preparation and simultaneously measures trace concentrations of all elements of interest (including sulphur, phosphorous and the halogens). With our automatic sample changer, a technician can analyze 250 samples for 10 elements in an 8-hour day. And, all data is stored and available in digital form for further computer processing if desired. At Finnigan, we believe that energy dispersive X-ray will become the dominant day-to-day technique for environ­ mental survey. Finnigan X-ray systems begin at $35,000 and are rugged enough for use in vans and trailers. Con­ tact us for detailed pollutant analysis applications data.

finnigan 595 N. Pastoria Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-732-0940 Washington D.C. * Chicago · Houston · Munich · Basel * Hemel Hempstead (U.K.) CIRCLE 71 ON READER SERVICE CARD 698 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 8, JULY

Pb 0.73