In This Issue

Radiation Chemistry-The State of the Art ... presents! on on bacqroma meter a so lnal a warher fan, ar * In malnstrennl cnornsr, w II be ar e to ..nde...
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State of the Art

Radiation Chemistry-The


"State-of-the-Art" Symposia The Divisionat Chemical Educationhas embarked MI a series of svmoosia. oresented at National Meetinas. oh certain raoidiv . . . . . develoolno . .. arms 01 Chemistry. In general. !he symposna aredeslgned to brmg crflcal lnlormt on and deas to a sate where it may be used by leacherz immedlalely. All symposm ud nave a slrong pedagoqcal emphasis and udl lnvolvc srllled erposnors uho will spena a major pan of m a r presents! on on bacqroma meter a so lnal a warher fan, ar In malnstrennl cnornsr, w IIbe ar e to ..ndernana an0 use me nforrnilllon presented in the symposium. It is expected that there will be a coherence in the entire pmgram, such that the later papers will build on the foundations laid in the first papers. This issue contains the proceedings of the second of these Symposia, presented at the Las Vegas ACS Meeting in August 1980. The subject matter of the Stataof-the-Art Symposia oflen does not diffuse into standard textbooks at a high rate. It is anticipated that by car& coordination between the symposium organizer, the speakers and the Joumai, we shall be able to produce symposia issues in good time and in a f m a t that is directly usable by teachers for their personal or for classroom use. Multiple copies at such special issues of the Jwrnai will be made available at special rates as indicated below.


Offprints of "Radiation Chemistry" Available


The sixteen oaoers comorisinrr this second State-of-the-ArtSvmposium plus the laboratory experiment following them provide a unique . . nackaoa of taachlno material; on a k c of current interest. and it was felt that there would be h/qh demand for reprints of the whole package. -.. .-.. .-~ Tnerefore ollpr nts coma n n g a 01 the an cles ,n me r e d o n ano covered w m i n 1.~ moor S S . ~cover nave men made ano are a m m l e lor 5600aacht$4 50 each tor 10or mare tosame address). incud ng poslage In order to keep p r o c e s s n g m t r a l a mm mum. I d 1 pavmen must accompany all orders Sena checr or money orocr to Radiatlon Ollwmt. J u u r ~of l Chemcal tducahun. 238