Inclusion of polymer topics into undergraduate inorganic chemistry

Inclusion of Polymer Topics into Undergraduate lnorganic Chemistry Courses lnorganic Core Course Committee1 lnorganlc Core Content Related to Polymer ...
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report of the polymer core courfe committee

Inclusion of Polymer Topics into Undergraduate lnorganic Chemistry Courses lnorganic Core Course Committee1

lnorganlc Core Content Related to Polymer Science Inorganic chemistry core courses typically focus on the relationships of structure and reactivity in compounds of all the elements except catenated carbon (organic chemistry). Included as integral parts of these courses are discussions of polvmers and ~olymericstructures since many inorganic substances lackdis&ete molecular species and have chemistry inextricably related to their extended structures. Notable examples of these substances would he metals, metal salts, oxides, silicates, nitrides, etc. These and even the more classical inorganic polymers such as siloxanes, boranes, silanes, phosphazenes, polyphosphates, etc. often do not have isolable monomeric units typical of classical organic polymers, so the actual "polymer science" content in the core courses has somewhat different format. Practical applications of polymeric inorganic substances likewise extend beyond the usual wurview of ~ . o l v m e rchemistrv concerns. which are lareelvorganic in nature. I t is safe to conclude, nevertheless, that no studv of inoreanic chemistrv is intellieible without an understanding of its intrinsically "polymeric" structural content. I t does seem appropriate that chemistry of the more traditional inorganic oolvmers be included in the core along with discussioni of me~hnnismsand syntheses of suhstanc& capahle of forming linear 1w hranched pdyrners. Addirionslly. the chemistry bf inorganic speciei that catalyze organic polymerizations or the synthesis of important monomers should be presented. A listing of important inorganic topics of current interest to polymer science would thus reasonably include:



a) Notable linear and branched polymers: silicones, phosphazenes, polysuifides, (SN),,borazenes, polyphosphates, silicates. b) Catalvtic svstems imoortant to condensation orocesses of or-


The lnorganic Core Course Committee consists of: Norman E. Miller. Chair. University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD

Polymeric solid state structures: oxides, chlorides, sulfides, carbon (graphite and diamond). d) Important polymers (but not necessarily in commerce):aluminum hydridelalkoxide, (S03),, metal alkyls, SbFs, sulfur, phosphorus. e) Concepts useful to the understanding of polymerization reactions: structure and chemistry of organometallics,metal carbony1 chemistry, and olefin complexes. C)

These topics are, in fact, considered in current inorganic texts in enough lenah and drtnil to please poljmer scienlists. Where only one course of truly inorganic chemistry is in the curriculum i t is impossible for it to include of all polymer science concerns. 1f the structure and reactivity relationships among the elements are faithfully portrayed, however, the interests of polymer scientists, biochemists, hiologists, solid state chemists, physical chemists and analysts, engineers, and nuclear scientists, etc. are being well served. When possible, an additional course can provide for study of organometallic chemistry in a depth more suited to polymer science interests. Resource information and illustrations In order to stimulate student interest and emphasize real world relationships of inorganic chemistry and polymer science, it would he extremely valuable to have, for classroom use, samples of actual commercial materials employing inoreanic wolvmers. Some materials like (SN),. . . .. boron-fiher-reinfurad plaslir, ftmocene, and polycarborane poljmere wonld he uniauelv and com~ellinalsillu.itrativc hut are not readily available. other ma