Increase Pulp Production - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Increase Pulp Production with minimum




40 Rector Street, New York 6, Ν . Υ .





The Ammonium Bisulphite Pulping Process pioneered b y Allied's Nitrogen Division makes i t possible for you t o — Cut cooking time with better penetration Increase pulp yield, reduce screening losses · Handle lower cost wood species previously unusable Cut maintenance cost — no scale formation in equipment Reduce sulphur costs through more efficient SO 2 absorption ' Reduce stream pollution . Eliminate costly handling of limestone — anhydrous ammonia unloads from tank cars under its own pressure · Maintain uniform raw acid strength year round—automatically,.-All this can b e accomplished with little or no replacement of equipment! A technical service man will be glad to call — without obligation.

Dept. AA2-4-1




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