index to advertisers in this issue - ACS Publications - American

Marketing Directions. Inc. Cathodeon, Ltd................. F2. Lovell and Rupert Curtis. Ltd. Chemical Research Services, Inc. . . . 385A. Ross Llewel...
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INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE •Academic Press, Inc. Flam m Advertising •American Instrument Co., Div. of Travcnol Laboratories, Inc Industrial Advertising Associates Analog Technology Corporation *Applied Research Laboratories, Sub. of Bausch & Lomb T. F. Murray and Associates, Inc. ArRo Laboratories * Bausch & Lomb, Analytical S v stems Division 308A, WollV Associates, Inc. *Beckman Instruments, SID Division N. W. Ayer/Jorgenscn/ MacDonald. Inc. *Bio-Rad Laboratories Fred Schott & Associates *Brinkman Instruments, lnc Blatt Advertising, Inc. Brooklyn Thermometer Company. ,. . Snow & Depcw Advertising. Inc. *Burdick & Jackson Laboratories, Inc Studio 5 Advertising, Inc. *Cahn Instruments Emerson & Mcalcr, Inc. R. P. Cargillc Laboratories, Inc. John H. Dalzoll *Carle Instruments, Inc Marketing Directions, Inc. **Cathodeon, Ltd Lovell and Rupert Curtis. Ltd. Chemical Research Services, Inc. . . . Ross Llewellyn, Inc. Corco Chemical Corporation Charles D . Karlsruher Advertising *CVC Products, Inc Blair Advertising. Inc. *Crawford Fitting Company Falls Advertising C o m p a n y Digital Equipment Corporation.. 316A, Schneider Parker. Inc. DuPont Instruments N . W. Aycr & Son, Inc. * Eastman Kodak Company Rumrill-Hoyt, Inc. Elkay Products Don Hodes Advertising, Inc. ELSCINT, Inc Hauser Associates * E M Laboratories, Inc. Kcnyon Hoag Associates *Engefhard Industries, Div. of Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals Corporation Keyes, Martin & C o m p a n y Environmental Science Associates. . . . Val Laughner Associates, Inc. Finnigan Corporation 300A, John Feack Advertising *Fisher Scientific Company Tech-Ad Associates *Floridan; A Member of the ITT System Marstellcr, Inc. *Forma Scientific, Inc. E-LEE Advertising Agency *GCA/McPherson Instrument Culver Advertising. Inc. *GCA/Prccision Scientific Tri-State Advertising C o m p a n y , Inc. •Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc The Bayless-Kerr C o m p a n y GOW-MAC Instrument Company . Kcnyon Hoag Associates *Hamamatsu Corporation Mandabach & Simms, Inc.* Hamilton Company Mealer & Emerson, Inc. * Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc.. . . Schneider Parker, Inc.

392A 293A 387A 332E 347A 327A 380A 384A OBC 389A 389A 294A 385A 342A F2 385A 388A 330A 332II


317A 332F 377A 339A 388A 297A

3321 315A 301A 359A 378A 382A 335A 382A

332A 306A 385A 332G 310A

JEOL Analytical Instruments, Inc. . 332C-D Wcinrich Associates, Inc. J-Y Optical Systems 386A Designsense Laboratory Data Control Tech Communicators, Inc. Leeds & Northrup Company Schaefer Advertising. Inc. Lindberg Division, Sola Basic Industries Fensholt Marketing Communications 3M Company/Staff Marketing Services D'Arcy-MacManus tit Masius Advertising *Mettler Instrument Corporation. . . . Harris D . McKinney, Inc.



Advertising Management American Chemical Society


* Orion Research Inc. OBC Advertising Ortec, Inc. Thomas R. Sundheim. Inc.

299 A

CENTCOM. LTD. Thomas N . J. Kocrwcr, President; Clay S. Holden, Vice President; Benjamin W. Jones, Vice President; Robert L. Voepel, Vice President; C. Douglas Wallach. Vice President; 50 West State Street. Westport, Connecticut 06880 (Area Code 203) 226-7131

340A A D V E R T I S I N G SALES M A N A G E R Thomas N. J. Koerwer



Packard Instruments 303A Mandabach & Simms, Inc. PARR Instrument Company 330A F. Willard Hills Advertising Service Pcmlab Company 361A *The Perkin Elmer Corporation 312A, 348A, 349A.371A Marquart & Roche. Inc. * Pharmacia Fine Chemicals 345A Cummins. MacFail &. Nulry. Inc. **Philips Industries- Pollution Monitoring Dept F3 C. J. Nicholl & Associates, Ltd. * Precision Sampling Corporation- . . . 328A David M. Klock and Associates Princeton Applied Research Corporation 365A The Message Center. Inc. **PYE UNICAM, Ltd Fl Rainin Instrument Company, Inc.. . . . 373A Robert J. Allen Rank Hilger 322A, 323A Centrum Industrial Marketing, Ltd. *Sargenl-Wclch Scientific Company . . 332B,362A Polytcch Advertising Schleicher & Schuell 374A Weston Associates. Inc. Scientific Research Instruments Corporation 331A Advertising, Etc., Ltd. *SGA Scientific, Inc 352A Lakcwood Advertising Agency Sola Basic Industries, Lindbcrg Division 314A Fensholt Marketing Communications *Spcx Industries 375A Seymour Nussenbaum Commercial Art Service 382A IFC

SALES R E P R E S E N T A T I V E S Chicago . . . Eugene Eldridge, C E N T C O M , L T D . , 540 Frontage Rcl., INorthfield, 111. 60093. 312-441-6383. Cleveland . . . Michael H a y e s , C E N T C O M , LTD., 20340 Center Ridge Rd., Rocky River, Ohio 44116. 216-331-2324. Houston . . . Michael H a y e s , C E N T C O M , L T D . , 216-331-2324 Denver . . . Clav S. Holden, C E N T C O M , L T D . , 213-776-0552. Los Angeles 90045 . . . Clay S. Holden, C E N T C O M , L T D . , Airport Arcade Bldg., 8820 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 215,213-776-0552 New York 10017 . . . Richard L. Going, C E N T C O M L T D . , 60 East 42nd St., 212-972-9660 P h i l a d e l p h i a . . . William Ripetto, C E N T C O M LTD., 535 Pennsylvania Avenue, Fort Washington, Pa., 19034. 215-643-2586. San Francisco . . . Clav S. Holden, C E N T C O M , L T D , 213-776-0552 Westport 06880 . . . Don Davis, C E N T C O M L T D . , 50 West State Street, 203-226, 7131. London, England . . . Malcolm Thiele, Technomedia Ltd., Warwick House, 9 W a r wick St., London, WIR 6 L S . Telephone: 01-437-5461 Manchester, England . . . Malcolm Thiele, Technomedia Ltd., 8 Fernhill, Mellor, Stockport, SK6 5AN. Telephone: 0614275 Reading, England . . . Malcolm Thiele, Technomedia Ltd., Wood Cottage, Shurlock Row, Reading, RG10 O Q E . Telephone: 073-581-302 Paris, France . . . J a c k Andersen, Technomedia Ltd., 18 Rue Gounod, 92 SaintCloud, Paris. Telephone: 602-24-79 Tokyo, J a p a n . . . Haruo Moribayashi, International Media Representatives Ltd., I 1, Shibe-Kotohiracho,Minato-ku,Tokvo. Telephone: 502-0656

United Systems Corporation 350A Advertising & Merchandising. Inc. *Varian 367A, 369A Ahern Advertising Agency

so marked

for the Publications



* Whatman, Inc. (formerly H. Reeve Angel) J. S. Lanza & Associates


Bio-Rad Isotope Division Eastern Chemical Div. of Guardian Chemical Corp. Koch Isotopes R H O Scientific, Inc.


*NesIab Instruments Goodhue/Gunthcr Advertising. Inc. Nicolet Instrument Corporation Technical Communications Nuclear Semiconductor The House Agency

Teledyne Isotopes Mead Associates *Tracor Northern Dave Carman & Associates, Inc.



*See ad in ACS Laboratory Guide has advertisement in the foreign regional

PRODUCTION D E P A R T M E N T Production Director Joseph P. Stenza Advertising Production Assistant Alice M. Hansen

