index to advertisers in this issue - ACS Publications - American

Chemical Co., Inc.. ........ 36. Advertising Design Studios, Inc. •American Instrument Co., Inc........ 1. Industrial Advertising Associates. •Ame...
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INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc Tallant/Yates Advertising, Inc. «Air Products & Chemicals, Inc Arthur Falconer Associates Corp. «Alconox, Inc Miller Advertising Agency, Inc. «Aldrich Chemical Co., Inc Advertising Design Studios, Inc. «American Instrument Co., Inc Industrial Advertising Associates «American Optical Corp Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. °American Optical Corp Bonfield Associates, Inc. «Analtech, Inc Allyn H. Jacobson The Analyst «Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd Ardiel Advertising Agency, Ltd. Austin Science Associates, Inc «Aztec Instruments, Inc A.B.W. Toft & Co.

39 61 48 36 1 127 50 62:63 163 98 57 IFC

Barber-Colman Co 102 E. R. Hollingsworth & Associates * Barnes Engineering Co 140 Albert A. Kohler Co., Inc. «Bausch & Lomb, Inc 8-9:59:154 Wolff Associates, Inc. °Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific Instruments Div 38:99,100:117,118:126:150 Hixson & Jorgensen, Inc. «Bel-Art Products 146 Gallard Advertising Agency, Inc. «Bendix Corp 76 MacManus, John & Adams, Inc. «Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc 153 Beaumont, Heller & Sperling, Inc. «James G. Biddle Co 156 The Michener Co. «Bio-Rad Laboratories 60 Bonfield Associates, Inc. «Blue M Electric Co 6 South Suburban Advertising Brinkmann Instruments, Inc OBC:18:45:91:113 The Shaller-Rubin Co., Inc. °Bronwill Scientific, Div. of Will Scientific, Inc 144 Hart-Conway Co., Inc. «Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc 160 Creamer, Trowbridge, Case & Basford, Inc. «Buchler Instruments, Inc 132 Selvin & Jaffe «Burdick & Jackson Laboratories, Inc.. 162 Studio 5 Advertising «Calm Instrument Co 55 Haas, Zimmerman, Ostrowe «Gary Instruments, Subsidiary of Varian 67 Jay Chiat & Associates Chemical Materials Catalog 154 Persons Advertising, Inc. Chromatronix, Inc 144 Bonfield Associates, Inc. «Clay-Adams, Inc 37 Cummins, MacFail & Nutry, Inc. «Coleman Instruments 106:136 Mandabach and Simms, Inc. «Consolidated Electrodynamics C o r p . . . 40 Hixson & Jorgensen, Inc. «Coors Porcelain Co 158 Tallant/Yates Advertising, Inc. «Corning Glass Works 69-74 Rumnll-Hoyt, Inc. «Cosmos Scientific Co 143 Keyes, Martin & Co. «Crawford Fitting Co IBC Falls Advertising Co. «W. H. Curtin & Co 109 Robinson-Gerrard, Inc. «Digital Equipment Corp Kalb & Schneider, Inc. «Disc Instruments, Inc * Jansen Associates, Inc. «Distillation Products Industries Rumrill-Hoyt, Inc. «Dohrmann Instruments Co Bonfield Associates, Inc. Dunn Associates Ted Cook Associates «DuPont Co Rumrill-Hoyt, Inc.

128 5 114 88 28 116

«Eastern Industries 142 Hepler & Gibney, Inc. «Eberbach Corp 152 Drury, Lacy, Inc. «Engelhard Hanovia, Inc., Hanovia Lamp Div 90 Keyes, Martin & Co. Engis Equipment Co 14:123 Stevens, Kirkland, Kreer, Inc. Carlo Erba S.p.A 168 Publicitas «Fish-Schurman Corp John O. Powers Co. «Fisher Scientific Co Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc. Floridin Co Friend-Reiss Advertising, Inc. Fluid Metering, Inc S. M. Sachs & Associates, Inc.

156 65:155 80 162

Gallard-Schlesinger Chemical Mfg. Corp 56 Tobias Associates, Inc. «General Electric Co 161 Robert S. Cragin, Inc. Geoscience Instruments Corp 49 Taube/Violante, Inc. «Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc. 108:131 Garber-Evans Advertising, Inc. Glas-Col Apparatus Co 78 Fensholt Advertising, Inc. Hallikainen Instruments Hal Lawrence, Inc. «Hamilton Co Swain/Mealer, Inc. «W. A. Hammond Drierite Co «Haws Drinking Faucet Co Pacific Advertising Staff «Heath Co Advance Advertising Service, Inc. «G. K. Heller Corp Feeley & Wheeler Advertising Agency «Hewlett-Packard Co., Avondale Div.. . Richardson, Thomas & Bushman, Inc. «Hewlett-Packard Co Lennen & Newell, Inc. Honeywell, Inc N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc. «Hotpack Corp Allyn H. Jacobson Houston Instrument, Div. of Bausch & Lomb, Inc Ray Cooley & Associates, Inc. Infotronics Corp Robinson-Gerrard, Inc. «Instrumentation Laboratory, Inc.. . . . . Pazolt & Co. «Instrument Specialties Co., Inc Graham Printing & Advertising Service «Instruments for Research & Industry. . Leonard M. Sive ce Associates, Inc. Intertechnique Instruments, Inc Keyes, Martin & Co. Kaman Nuclear Tallant/Yates Advertising, Inc. «Keithley Instruments, Inc The Bayless-Kerr Co. «Kewaunee Mfg. Co Phillipps Associates, Inc. «Klett Mfg. Co., Inc «Labindustries Bonfield Associates, Inc. «Laboratory Equipment Corp Advertising Services, Inc. R. S. Landauer, Jr. & Co Garfield-Linn and Company «LKB Produkter ABC Annonsbyra AB «The London Co Ritchie & Sattler, Inc.

157 103 159 146 85 160 41 19 95 57

«Nalge Co., A Div. of Bitter Pfaudler Corp 147 Wolff Associates, Inc. «Nelson Vacuum Pump Co 166 Pacific Advertising Staff «Nester/Faust Mfg. Corp 82:83 Allyn H. Jacobson «Nuclear-Chicago Corp 112 Sidney Clayton Associates, Inc. Nuclear Data, Inc 77:79 Sang. Wardrop & Woolway «Orion Research, Inc Corporate Design Consultants, Inc.


«Packard Instrument Co., Inc 12:58 Ross Llewellyn, Inc. Parr Instrument Co 156 F. Willîard Hills «Perkin-Elmer Corp 20:93:115:133 Gaynor & Ducas, Inc. «Pharmacia Fine Chemicals, Inc 130 Paul Klemtner & Co., Inc. «Philbrick/Nexus Research, A Teledyne Co 30 Culver Advertising, Inc. «Philips Electronic Instruments 52 Anders Advertising, Inc. «Phoenix Precision Instrument Co 49 Product Promotions Agency, Inc. «Pierce Chemical Co 153 Advertising Design «Polyscience Corp 162 «Precision Scientific Co 54 Tri-State Advertising Agency, Inc. Princeton Applied Research Corp 16 Mort Barish Associates, Inc. Princeton Organics 160 «Professional Tape Co., Inc 159 Robert Peterson Advertising Agency


«Quantum Industries J. S. Lanza & Associates



RCA Corp Al Paul Lefton Co., Inc.


97 75 149 46 138 141 158 152 145 140 163 64 96

Materials Analysis Co 35 Bonfield Associates, Inc. «The Matheson Co., Inc 68 Leonard M. Sive & Associates, Inc. «Matheson, Coleman & Bell, Div. of The Matheson Co., Inc 142:148 Leonard M. Sive & Associates, Inc. McPherson Instrument Corp 125 Culver Advertising, Inc. E. Merck, AG 31 Deutsche Anzeigen GMBH

*See ad in ACS Laboratory

«Mettler Instrument Corp 10:110:135 Mort Barish Associates, Inc. «Millipore Corp 92:154 Czyryca/Design, Inc. Milton Roy Co 151 Beaumont, Heller & Sperling, Inc. MKS Instruments, Inc 162 Chambers, Wiswell & Moore, Inc. Molded Products Div 156 Albert L. Gibney Co.

«Sadtler Research Laboratories, I n c . . . 25 Fay Advertising Co. «Sage Instruments, Inc 54 Mohr & Co., Inc. «Sargent-Welch Scientific Co 32:137 Sidney Clayton & Associates, Inc. Savant Instruments, Inc 42 Co-Art Associates, Inc. «Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co 27 Wildrick & Miller, Inc. «Schoeffel Instrument Co, 154 Cristina Agency «Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., I n c . . . 101 Wood Publication Relations «Scientific Products, Div. of American Hospital Supply Corp 94 Alex T. Franz, Inc. «Siemens America, Inc 167 Clinton E. Frank, Inc. Staco, Inc 34 Berner & Berner, Inc. «Techne, Inc. 135 Technical Operations, Inc 89 Creamer, Trowbridge, Case & Basford, Inc. Technicon Corp 124 Mediad, Inc. «Thermolyne Corp 84 E. R. Hollingsworth & Associates «Arthur H. Thomas Co 134 « Tracerlab, A Div. of Laboratory for Electronics, Inc 149 Coakley/Heagerty, Inc. «Tracor, Inc 7:159 Weekley and Valenti, Inc. TRW Instruments 44 Fuller & Smith & Ross, Inc.


VOL. 40, NO. 1 1 , SEPTEMBER 1968


165 A


UItra Carbon Corp The Jaqua Co. Unilab Research Corp Moore-May hew

Los Angeles 90045 . . . Clay S. Holden, Lynn Gaskill, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 8939 So. Sepulveda Blvd., 213-776-0552

151 160


Vacuum/Atmospheres Corp 45 Farnell & Polk Advertising, Inc. ^Varian Associates, Cary Instruments Div 67 Jay Chiat & Associates AID Division 86:87 Botsford, Constantine & McCarty, Inc.

430 Park Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10022 Cable Address:


Waring Products Div., Dynamics Corp. of America 66 Helfgott & Partners, Inc. Whittaker Corp., Gencom Div 145 A. D. Adams Advertising, Inc. *Wilks Scientific Corp 47 A.B.W. Toft & Co. Wilmad Glass Co., Inc 107 George F. Walsh Advertising, Inc. * Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc.. Odiorne Industrial Advertising, Inc. «Carl Zeiss, Inc Michel-Cather, Inc.



Laboratory Supply Center. , Alpha Metals, Inc. Burdick & Jackson Laboratories, Inc. Eastern Chemical Corp. GCA Corp., Technology Div. Gollob Analytical Service Gulf General Atomic, Inc. LaMotte Chemical Products Co. Petroleum Analytical Research Corp. Southwestern Analytical Chemicals Henry Troemner, Inc.


Denver 80203 . . . Robert H. Heidersbach, Roy McDonald Associates, Inc., 846 Lincoln St., 303-825-3325

Advertising Management for the American Chemical Society Publications


Houston 77006 . . . Frank N. Vickrey, Roy McDonald Associates, Inc., 3130 South­ west Freeway, 713-529-6711


Thomas N. J. Koerwer Advertising Sales Director, ACS Publications Arthur P. Watts Advertising Sales Manager, AC J. Barry Stanford Assistant Advertising Sales Manager, AC

Tulsa 74114 . . . Max C. Nelson, Roy Mc­ Donald Associates, Inc., 2570 South Harvard Ave., 918-742-9961


Japan . . . Bancho Koheki Co., Ltd., 8 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Ja­ pan

Great Britain and Western Europe . . . Brayton Nicholas, The American Maga­ zine Group, 44 Conduit Street, London, W. 1, England

New York 10022 . . . Arthur P. Watts, J. Barry Stanford, Frank Ryan, Murray Strelitz, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., 212-688-8600 Philadelphia 19107 . . . James A. Byrne, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 12 So. 12th St., 215-922-0346 Chicago 60603 . . . Eugene P. Eldridge, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 10 So. La Salle St., 312-726-1282 Cleveland 44114 . . . Michael Hayes, Rein­ hold Publishing Corp., East Ohio Bldg., 1717 East 9th St., 216-771-4011 *See ad in ACS Laboratory


PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT Alfred E. Gall Advertising Production Director ACS Publications Anne Forrest Advertising Production Manager, Analytical Chemistry


Werner Centennial ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES NO. 62 Forty-two papers survey the work of Alfred Werner, founder and systematizer of coordination chemistry, evaluate progress since his time, and report current research in this active field.


• Personal recollections of Alfred Werner • The Werner-J0rgensen controversy • Werner and cobalt complexes • Nomenclature of coordination compounds • Coordination in the second sphere • Masking of ligand reactivity • Linkage isomerism |

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The elastometer impeller —one of two moving parts on the Nevaco two-stage high-vacuum pumps

The really new high-vacuum pump for the laboratory field. Pump and motor completely encased in single portable unit . . . servicing and disassembly is easy—model capacities from 1.2 C.F.M. (35 l./m.) to 17 C.F.M. (480 l./m.), ultimate vacuum 0.1 microns on McLeod. Write for full details... NELSON VACUUM PUMP CO., 2133 Fourth St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710, phone (415) 848-2277.

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166 A .


Dept. Β Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036