industrial chemistry. - ACS Publications

F. P. Underhill. On Secretionand Lymph-Flow. By Lafayette B. Mendel. (for Henry C. Thacher). Am. J. Physiol., 9, XV.—The ex- periments show that inj...
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Synopsis of Experiments on the Transformation of Circulating Uric Acid in the Organism of flan and Animals. BY ALFREDC. CROFTAN. N. Y.Med. Record, 64, 6-11.-The author shows that uric acid is normally transformed in the organism and that this destruction is carried on by the aid of unorganized "ferments" that the organs secrete. The muscles destroy most uric acid, next to the kidneys, then the liver, the spleen, and the blood. The old view that uric acid is an intermediary product between proteids and urea has been rehabilitated. F. P. UNDERHILL. On Secretion and Lymph-Flow. BY LAFAYETTE B. MENDEL (for HENRYC. THACHER). A m . J. Physiol., 9, XV.-The experiments show that injections of secretin, free frorii albumose, cause an increased flow of lymph, somewhat richer in solids. No influence upon the blood pressure could be observed. F. P. UNDERHILL.

The Influence of Quinic Acid on the Elimination of Uric Acid. BYW. A. TALTAVALL AND WILLIAMJ. GIES. Am. J . Physiol..9, XV1.-The results of these experiments show that the output of uric acid in the urine of dogs is not materially affected by the administration of quinic acid. F. P. UNDERHILL. Peptic ProteoIysis in Acid Solutions of Equal Conductivity. BY WILLIAMJ. GIES. Am. J. Physiol.,g, XVL-Numerous digestive experiments with various equidissociated acids and with fibrin as an indicator, have invariably given results lacking quantitative agreement. F. P. UNDERHILL. INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY. Cold Storage. BY H. T. GILPIN. Journalof Society of Ckemical Indusfry, March 31, 1903, p. 346.-As a medium for absorbing and distributing cold, the author prefers calcium chloride brine. The reason why it has not come into general use to the exclusion of common salt is because it is, or has been, much more expensive in its cost, is more difficult to prepare and handle, and cannot be obtained everywhere like common salt. Calcium chloride has less corrosive action upon the pipes than common salt, especially when exposed to the air. The author states that it is a better conveyor of cold than any other salt with which he is acquainted, because, with a given freezing-point at a given temperature, its specific heat is higher, consequently less brine is necessary and less is required to be circulated than would be in all other media with which he has had experience. Most brines, other than calcium chloride, at their maximum density will freeze at about 7' below zero F., while calcium chloride brine will not freeze at 50' below zero F., hence

Review of Americaz Chemical R e s e a i d .


a less dense brine of calcium chloride can be made than any other, and give more conducting power per pound. T h e following figures are proportions found most useful i n making brine from the commercial fused calcium chloride, which already contains 25 per cent. of water ; the figures represent the percentage of anhydrous calcium chloride : Pouiids of calcium chloride t o I U . S. gallon of water. 2


3 3% 4 4 :i 5


Degrees salometer at 600 F.

Freezing-point. Degrees F.

so 85 96

4 -2




I I2



-39 -54

. ..

The necessity for change of air in cold storage spaces is as important as in dwellings. For example, analyses of atmospheric air taken from different stores at different times of storage give varying proportions of carbonic dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen, and complex organic gases. I t is not uncommon to see fungi growing on the walls in cold storage, even within ice which has been produced by condensation through imperfect iusulation. Of two roonis having equal exposure and equal cooling and ventilating facilities, the one containing greater tonnage of produce will show a higher temperature, as all organized matter generates more or less heat. Experiments prove that nearly all fruit, vegetables and eggs are preserved best in a temperature just ahove their freezing-point. T h e agents which act as absorbents of gases and vapors, which help to retard the injurious effects to a certain degree, are quick-lime, lead acetate, ferrous sulphate, and " carbo ligni " (wood charcoal). S. P. SXDTLER.

The Schroeder Contact Process of Sulphuric Acid Manufacture. BY DR. FRANZ MEYEK A N D GEORGEC. STOWE.JOUY. SOL.Chem. Ind., March 31 , 1903, p. 348.--The Schroeder process in its present form uses a contact material described in U. S. Patents No. 636,924 and No. 636,925. I n this mass, Schroeder replaces the insoluble bodies used heretofore as carriers for the platinum, as, for instance, asbestos, pumice stone, burnt clay, etc., by calcined soluble salts, principly sulphates, obtaining the following advantages : I . The contact mass is easily regenerated, hence the kiln gases do not need to be purified as perfectly as if working with platinized, insoluble vehicles. 2. The calcined salt crusts are very porous, so that the contact mass made from them offers much less resistance to the gases passing through, than the tightly packed asbestos formerly used. 3. The catalytic action of the contact mass made from soluble salts is far superior to that of platinized, insoluble carriers and the

Industrial Chemisi?y.


contents of the platinum in the contact mass, which was from 8 to I O per cent. of the weight of the asbestos in the old Schroeder plaiits, has been decreased to 0.1 percent. without reducing the efficiency of the contact material. The mass is made by adding platinic chloride to a solution of soluble salt or salts which are not acted upon by sulphuric acid or decomposed at the maxinium temperature of the reaction, about 600' C. T h e solution is evaporated and the residue ignited to drive off water of crystallization and decompose the platinum chloride. The salt mixture is granulated and is ready for use. To prevent channelling, the contact tubes are no longer placed horizontal or even inclined, as at first, but are vertical and are divided into compartments to insure a thorough admixture throughout of the sulphurous gas with the air. At present there are about twenty-three Schroeder plants built or building: Seven in Germany, two in Russia, one in Poland, one in Italy, two in France, one in Chili, one in Mexico, two in South Africa, and six in the United States. Some are using blende, some pyrites, some brimstone, and one a low grade gold ore. Acid up to about 40 per cent. of free sulphuric anhydride can be made in the absorbers. If stronger acid is required, it must be niade by distillation. The advantage of the contact process is greater the stronger the acid made, the cost being the same per unit of sulphur for all strengths. For acids stronger than 60' B., it is cheaper than chambers; but for so', and perhaps 60' B., it has at present but little if any advantage. S . P. SADTLER.

Acetylene Dissolved in Acetone. BY R. S. HUTTON. Efecfrochemical Industry, April, 1903, p. 274.-In searching for a suitable liquid which might dissolve acetylene iii such amount as to act as a reservoir for the gas, acetone was found to have great advantage. It dissolved twenty-four times its volnnie of acetylene at 15' C., at ordinary atmospheric pressure, and as the pressure increases its solubility also very considerably augments. The liquid has, moreover, the practical advantage of a comparatively high boiling-point (56' C.) and can be had as a common industrial product, The solution has none of the dangerous explosive properties which it will be remembered have been ascribed to the liquefied gas. As the volume of acetone increases very largely by the solution of acetylene in it, space must always be left and to obviate dar;ger it was thought best to fill all the space of the cylinders with porous material which should absorb the solution. Porous bricks and cements have been used with a low density and considerably porosity, up to 80 per cent. , and these are found capable


Review o j American Clleniicai Research.

of storing the solution of the gas under pressure up to 3 j atniospheres without the least fear of explosion, although high pressures like these are not even approached in the apparatus used for commercial purposes. I n these cylinders, the volume of gas is ceii times the cylinder volume at normal prcssure, and, using a pressure of ten atmospheres, the volume of gas stored becomes IOO times the volume of the cylinder. T h e use of acetylene in this form obviates niaiiy of the troubles adherent to the direct generation from carbide, but, of course, necessitates the use of suitable reducing valves to insure a constant pressure of gas from the charged cylinders. T h e loss of acetone is comparatively small. S.P. SADTLEK.

Siloxicon. ELectrochentical Indushy, June, 1903, F. 3j8.-This is a new compound obtained in the electric furnace and patented recently by hchesou. I t seems to contain various oxygen compounds of carbon and silicon whose formulas vary from Si,C,O to Si,C,O. The former compound may be considered as formed according to the equation : 2SiO,+gC=Si,C20+3CO. T h e niaterial is described as of a gray-green color, with a density of about 2 . 7 j. I t is non-oxidizable, infnsible, neutral, insoluble in molten metals, and unaffected by any acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric, which seems to act upon i t very gradually. It promises to be of valne as a refractory material for lining furiiaces, for crucible manufacture, etc. S.P.SADTLER. Canadian Chemical Industries. BY W. R. Lasti, D. S c . . Chairman's Address, Canadian Section, Soc. Chern. Z d ? ~ s & y , May 15, 1go3.-The atinual aggregate capacity of the completed and unfinished iron furnaces i i i the Dominion i n 1901 was close to I,OOO,OOOgross tons. These plants are at Sault Ste. Marie, at Collingwood, Ontario, where the Gilchrist-Thomas basic steel process will be used, and at Sj.dney, Nova Scotia. T h e Dominion Iron and Steel Co., at the latter place, also operate by-product ovens and collect and utilize all the residuals. Copper ores are abundant, but are not worked for refined copper, but the copper matte is exported to the United States to be refined. Its value in 1901 was $6,600,104. Nickel ores are worked extensively. Both the Morid and the Frasch processes are used in working up the matte. The value of the production in 1901 was $4,594, j23. T h e Canadian branch of the Pittsburg Reduction Co. has aluminum works at Shawinigan Falls, near Quebec, and have an annual production in 1902 valued at $1,643,250. Both arsenic and antimony are produced in Canada, the former from arsenical pyrites (mispickel), the latter from stibnite. T h e gold production, which includes that from the Yukon and that from British Columbia, amounted in 1901 to $24,463,222. Sulphuric acid, is manufactured mainly for the refining of the Canadian petroleum, but the Lake Superior Power Co. employs

Industvial Chemistry.


the sulphur obtained in the smelting of nickeliferous ores in the manufacture of sulphite pulp. T h e destructive distillation of wood is beginning to be carried on extensively for the production of wood alcohol and acetic acid. .Both of these products are now largely exported to Europe. As Canada possesses enornious supplies of wood, this industry should develop largely. T h e soap industry of Canada is growing rapidly. I n 1902 the value of the soap produced was approximately $3,00o,m. Sulphate of ammonia is manufactured at the works of the Dominion Iron and Steel Co., Sydney, Nova Scotia, and supplied to dealers and others engaged in the fertilizer business. The Michigan Alkali Co. works up the ammoniacal liquors of Quebec, Ottowa and Toronto at the latter city. Sulphate of ammonia is also made in Montreal. The calcium carbide industry has also advanced very rapidly, the Canadian companies being the Willson Carbide Co., at St. Catharine’s, Ontario, and the Ottawa Carbide Co. The Union Carbide Co., of Chicago, has contracted for a large amount of power for a new plant at Sault Ste. Marie for the manufacture of carbide, and another prospective company is the Shawinigan Carbide Co., of Shawinigan Falls, Quebec, the works of which are under construction. T h e Canadian branch of the Carboruudum Co., manufactures both carborundum and artificial graphite under the Acheson patents, most of the former being exported to Scotland for finishing granite. The Portland cement industry has developed very greatly in the past few years, there being eight factories in Ontario, and one in Quebec. T h e combined capacity of these factories is 875,000 barrels per annum and the output in 1902 was 565.000 barrels with a value of $1,028,618.T h e fine deposits of gypsum found near Hillsborough, N. B., have given rise to a plaster industry amounting to 60,000 barrels per annum. The refining of raw sugar, as imported from tropical countries and from the continent of Europe, and the production of beet sugar are both important industries and the latter particularly is developing rapidly. Four companies in Ontario, and one in the Northwestern Territory are now producing sugar from the beet, the combined capacity being 2650 tons of beets per day. Both natural gas and petroleum are important products of the Dominion, the former being found in two well-defined areas, the Essex Co. field, and the Welland Co. field. The gas from the latter field is exported largely to the American side of the Niagara River to Buffalo, N. Y. T h e principal seat of the petroleum industry is in Ontario, in the counties of Kent and Lambton. T h e production of oil in 1901 was a little over 26,500,000 imperial gallons. As timber is one of the chief natural products of the Dominion, Canada has naturally a very large wood-pulp industry. In 1901, some thirty-five factories reported wood-pulp valued at nearly


Review of American Chemical h’escavch.

beside that used directly for paper making. T h e total production for 1902 is thus given by the “Toronto Globe”: Mechanical wood-pulp, I j j , 2 1 0 tons; sulphite pulp, 76,735 tons; soda pulp, 9,044 tons. T h e world’s supply of asbestos is for the most part obtained from Canada, and the Quebec deposits have proved t o be the most profitable industry worked in the province. The production for 1901 amounted to 38,000 tons. S. P. SADTLER.


Conditions of Progress in Electrochemistry. BY J. TV. RICHARDS. T v a m . A m . Electrochemical Sac., Vol. I11 (1902).T h e speaker, in his presidential address before this society, classified the items of progress under: ( I ) Discovery of new facts : ( 2 ) clearer understanding of the laws correlating facts ; ( 3 ) more rational theories of the why and the wherefore ; (4) increasing application of the facts to the welfare of mankind ; ( 5 ) increasing dissemination of scientific literature ; (6) an increasing vision, 011 the part of the scientist, of the possibilities of scientific achievment. T h e author’s conclusion regarding the publication of results obtained i ~ ]industrial establishments is interesting ; it is, that ‘ ‘ when the research has achieved its financial purpose, the scientific results should be given to the world.” The addre.q;s contains the author’s opinions on many other industrial and scientific questions. J, W. RICIIAKDS. Solid Electrolyte Cells. BY A. I,. MARSH. E/ect?-ochemi‘ml l a d u s t r y , March, 19o3.-A copper phosphide, Cu,,P,, was prepared and mixed i n small fragments with red phosphorus. This iiiixture was compressed between terminals of copper and zinc or copper and sodium, and the whole covered with oil. Another cell consisted of copper, metallic arsenic, and sodium. Electromotive forces up to 1.5 volts were found for the first, 0 . 8 volt for the second, and 0.3 volt for the third. Metallic arsenic and sodium pressed together. using copper wires for terminals, gave I . 2 volts. J. TV. RICHARDS. The Use of Pyroxylin in Electric Storage Batteries. BY E. A . SPERRY. Trans. A m . ELectrochemicaZSoc., T‘ol. 111 (~gos],-This is a fabric, like cheese-cloth, first freed from all traces of soluble, starchy and oleagenous matter by successive hoilings in pure water, then titrated by a mixture of I 13 parts nitric acid to 150 parts pure sulphuric acid. T h e fiber is then washed, neutralized and made hygroscopic by using a small quantity of nitrobenzene in the last washing. As thus prepared, the material is always moist, does not explode and will not fire. T h e fabric is then wound tightly around the positive plate of the battery, where it remains unaffected by the charge or discharge, and by its elasticity keeps the active material in close contact with the plate and prevents it falling off. J. \Ir. RICHARDS.

Industrial Chemistry.


Ions and Electrons. BY L. A. PARSONS. Trans. A m . Electrochemical SOC., Vol. I11 (rgo3).-A twenty-page review of the prevalent views regarding this subject. J. W. RICHARDS. Uniformity in Electrochemical Equivalents. BY CARL HERING. Trans. A m . Electrochemical Soc., Vol. I11 ( 1 9 0 3 k - A plea for using, by universal agreement, 96,540 coulombs as the Faraday,” and the electrochemical equivalent of silver as o.oo1118gram, until these values have been proved so far erroneous that an International Congress fixes on more accurate values for general use. Opinion was divided, in the discussion, as to the wisdorn of thus fixing a value, as it would be the equivalent, for instance, of chemists having legalized atomic weights. J. W. RICHARDS. Influence of Impurities in Salt upon the Yield of Caustic Soda by the Amalgam Process. BY J. W. WALKER AND C. S. PATERSON. Trans. A m . Electrochemical Soc. ,Vol. I11 (1go3).With pure salt, the percentage of sodium lost by recombination is in no case greater than 1.6 per cent. T h e common impurities in salt have a very slight influence on the yield, not over 2.5 per cent. Nickel caused great losses, 0 . 0 0 0 2 per cent. in the solution causing 9.5 per cent. loss, and 0.006 per cent., 35.8 per cent. loss. Cobalt acts similarly. Iron added to solutions containing the ordinary traces of calcium and magnesium found in commercial salt, caused losses from I O per cent., with 0.0003 per cent. iron, to 30 per cent. with 0.001 per cent. iron. Increasing the current, under the last conditions, increased the percentage loss. Magnesium had little effect, but calcium and nickel together caused losses up to 7 5 per cent., when 0.0008 per cent. nickel aud 0 . 0 2 per cent. calcium were present. T h e authors believe that local galvanic action is the cause of the loss, for when iron is present, the amalgam showed signs of decomposing the solution as soon as the current is turned off; when nickel is present, the decomposition commences instantly and is very rapid. I t is possible that the compound of nickel with magnesium or calcium may he more active in this respect than the amalgam of either metal alone. J. W. RICHARDS. Electrolytic Production of Metallic Compounds. BY C. F. BURGESSA N D C. HAMBUECHEN. Trans. A m . EZectrochemical SOL., Vol. I11 (1go3).-1n producing a metallic sulphate, nitrate, or chloride, it is cheaper to obtain the SO, or Cl or NO, from a sodium salt than from the acid. The metal is to be used as a soluble anode, and the cost of power is usually insignificant compared with the difference between the cost of the acid and that of the sodium salt. Furthermore, valuable cathode products, such as sodium hydroxide, are obtainable by the electrolytic method. Such metallic compounds may be soluble or insoluble. Using


Review of Americaa Chernicul R e s e a d z .

lead in sodium nitrate, it is important to avoid formation of nitrites, or ammonia, or deposition of lead a t the cathode, or formation of basic lead salts at the anode. Clean corrosion of the anode at I O O per cent. efficiency is dependent principally 011 maintaining an acidity of 0 . 1normal nitric acid in the vicinity of the anode, with which perfect corrosion can be obtained with current densities u p to 2 0 amperes per square foot. Similar observations apply to the corrosion of other metals. The cathode should be of such material that it is not corroded by the cathode solutions. T h e electrolyte is the all important factor. The two products must be kept separate in the cell, by using proper diaphragms, and the best arrangement is the use of double diaphragms, nit11 the pure electrolyte fed into the space between and the solutio11 standing at a higher level inside. This gives a pressure producing a flow into both compartments, and overcomes any tendency of the cathode or anode solutions to pass backwards through the partitions. A light, firm canvas gives very satisfactory results as a diaphragm. Devices for automatically preserving the difference of level are illustrated and described. About I .1volts will give a current density of I O amperes per square foot, arid the apparatus as finally arranged worked perfectly. Tests were made with it on the many processes proposed for manufacturing white lead, with interesting results. T h e conclusion is that it is eritirely possible to produce a white lead of exactly the saine composition, a s far as the relative amounts of hydroxide and carboiiate of lead are concerned, as in the old Dutch process, and that the physical properties can also be duplicated, hut there is very little chance of the commercial success of such a process because of its cost. A bibliography (not as complete as it might be) is appended. J . W.RICHARDS.

The Formation of Nitric Acid by Electric Energy. 1 3 C~ . 1%'. VOLSEY. T r a m . A m . Electrochemical SOC., Yol. 111 [ 1go3).This gives a record of experiments carried on in a reaction flask of I liter capacity, with electrodes I j nim. apart, the current coining from a transformer giving 8 amperes at s volt produced in air the yellow vapors in 4j secouds, and nit gas inside of a minute. T h e result of acting on nitric oxide gas showed a maximum of 3.58 per cent. converted into peroxide and nitrogen in twenty minutes. The author concludes from his experiments that the forniation of trioxide and pentoxide electrically is out of the question, as they decompose at all temperatures over I j o . T h e tetroxide is the highest oxidation product which can be formed electrically, and the yield is small, both absolutely and compared with the energy employed. J . W. RICHARDS. Electrolytic Experiments with iletallic Diaphragms. BY UT.D. BANCROFT. Tyans. Am. Elecfrockewznical Soc., Vol. I11 ( 1903).-When the diaphragm does not completely fill the cross-

AgricuNwal Chemistry.


section of the cell, the percentage of the current passing through the diaphragm depends on the surface, thickness, and nature of the diaphragm, on the nature of the electrolyte, and on the fall of potential in the electrolyte. T h e current will always pass through an interposed plate unless prevented by polarization. Copper is deposited upon the negative side of a platinum partition even when the drop of potential in the electrolyte from one side of the partition to the other is less than that theoretically required to deposit copper from a normal copper sulphate solution. The author does not see why this should be so. The explanation is that the energy absorbed is that theoretically necessary, but part of the copper deposited is redissolved. giving back energy, and so only a fraction of the critical voltage is necessary to supply all J. W. RICHARDS. the energy required.

AGRICULTURAL CHEnISTRY. Influence of the Soil on the Protein Content of Crops, BY A. R. WHITSON, F. J. WELLS,AND A. VIVIAN. Wis. Agr. Expt. Sta. Rep., 1902, pp. 1g2--20g.-In a study of this question, plant-house and field experiments were conducted with corn, oats, barley, rape, and cow-peas. The crops were grown on soils of different degrees of fertility and determinations were made at frequent intervals of the available nitrogen in the soils and the protein in the crops. I n one test, the proteid nitrogen, in oats grown on soils having the same physical composition but different degrees of richness in nitrates, was 1.93 per cent. on the poorest soil, 2.53 per cent. on the medium fertile soil, and 2.66 per cent. on the richest soil. I n a similar test with corn the figures were, respectively, 1.35, 1-59, and 1.80 per cent. The results of the experiments as a whole indicate that farm crops vary greatly in their protein content at the same stage of development, and that this variation may exist even when the crops are making practically equal growth. Under similar seasonal conditions, the amount of nitrates in the soil is believed to be the most important factor in causing this variation. H. W. LAWSON. Field Experiments with Fertilizers. BYC. S. PHELPS.Conn. Storrs Agr. Ex@. Sta. Rep., 1901, pp. 122-147.-0ne object of these experiments, which are continued from year to year, was to study the effect of nitrogenous fertilizers upon the amount of protein in the crops grown. I n the case of corn, the percentages of nitrogen and protein in both grain and stover were highest where the largest quantity of nitrogen had been used in the fertilizer. I n the leguminous plants (cow-peas and soy-beans) the protein was increased but little, if any, by the use of nitrogenous fertilizers. H. UT. LAWSON. Pot Experiments with Nitrogenous Fertilizers. BY C. S. PHELPS. Conn. Storrs Agr. Exjt. Sta. Rep., 1901, pp. 154-164.