Nov 4, 2010 - The booklet deals with applications to water softening, reduction of bicarbonate alkalinity, reduction of total solids of water, removal...
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Vol. 19, N o . 20 Cooling System Operation. A compre­ hensive text on scale, corrosion, and liv­ ing organisms in cooling system opera­ tion is represented in a 46-page booklet of reprints of published articles from indus­ trial and Engineering Chemistry and The Refiner and Natural Gas Manufacturer. Cooling Waters Booklet IE. D . W. H A E R ING & Co., INC., 205 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, IU.

INDUSTRIAL LITERATURE L i s t e d p u b l i c a t i o n s s h o u l d b e r e q u e s t e d directly f r o m t h e c o m p a n y c o n ­ c e r n e d . U s e b u s i n e s s s t a t i o n e r y , m e n t i o n b u l l e t i n n u m b e r s , a n d refer t o this journal. P u b l i c a t i o n s will b e s e n t free u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e n o t e d .

Diesel Engines. An 8-page bulletin describes these D D - 8 totally enclosed Diesels in a workmanlike discussion o f en­ gineering design and operation characteris­ tics. T h e engines, said t o be particularly adaptable t o pumps, compressors, and other power drives, are recommended for peak load units in larger plants having other types of prime movers. Bulletin S-δδ-Β 88A IE. WORTHINGTON P U M P & MACHINERY CORP., Harrison, N . J.

Amberlites. This booklet describes general properties and proposed applica­ tions of these synthetic resin ion exchange adsorbents, one of the most important recent developments in resin technology. Their development followed the discovery in 1939 that certain synthetic resins, when correctly formulated and prepared, can function as cation or anion exchangersThe booklet deals with applications t o water softening, reduction of bicarbonate alkalinity, reduction of total solids of water, removal of iron, copper, and other harmful cations, conversion of salts b y double decomposition, recovery of valu­ able elements from aqueous solutions, re­ moval of electrolytes from solutions of nonelectrolytes, purification of m organic bases, acidification and deacidification, and purification of gases. Amberlite Cata­ log





CHEMICAL C O . , Philadelphia, Penna.

which the equipment is recommended. Bulletin






Decatur, 111. Ball and Pebble Mills. A 4-page bulletin summarizes a line of equipment re­ cently put on the market. T h e mills de­ scribed are both lined and unlined. This equipment m a y be had in jacketed or unjacketed type. Bulletin 201 IE. H . K . PORTER CO., INC., Pittsburgh, Penna. Conductivity Measurement and Control Instruments. T o simplify selection of the instrument best fitted for a given applica­ tion, a condensed listing and price list of types and models has been issued. Con­ centration ranges or ohmages a n d other pertinent data are included for ready refer­ ence. Price Listing Bulletin IE. I N D U S ­ TRIAL


I N C . , 156


Ave., Jersey City, N . J. Ameripol D Synthetic Rubber. An Spage illustrated booklet covers properties of this new synthetic rubber with reference to t h e manufacture of chemical rubber products. Four tables compare proper­ ties of natural and synthetic rubber, sum­ marize properties of typical vulcanized compounds using the synthetic rubber, and indicate various chemical products with which it is advisable to use Ameripol. Catalog Section 8000 IE. T H E B. F. GOODRICH CO., Akron, Ohio. Automatic Valves. This bulletin pre­ sents a brief but comprehensive view of a line of valves, regulators, and controllers. The various types are illustrated and a brief paragraph indicates the principal de­ sign features and classes of service for

Conveying Equipment. This booklet describes and illustrates conveying equip­ ment installed in a recently erected bot­ tling plant. T h e text gives a brief cover­ age of general operating features of t h e plant. Conveyor Catalog IE. LAMSON CORP., D E P T . L, Syracuse, Ν . Υ.

Conveyor Belts. A 1940-page catalog covers a line of wire conveyor belts. T h e text deals with installations in various in­ dustries, such as food, glass and ceramic, metal, and the processing industries. T h e authors have added chapters on conveyor design, installation and operation, and metals and alloys. Conveyor Belts Catalog IE.


Cambridge, Md.

Direct Acting Controller. An 8-page bulletin gives information o n a directacting type of controller, of interest prin­ cipally t o water-supply engineers. Re­ cent design improvements are stressed as well as advantages such as precise control, low loss of head, rigid balanced valve, powerful "floating piston* ' actuation, and exclusive molded, tapered piston seal. Bulletin

8&1 IE.


DRY, Providence, R. I. Electrical Machinery. This is a re­ vised edition of a booklet whicb has proved useful for men not entirely familiar with electrical phenomena or terminology. A general discussion of basic principles of electrical current work is followed b y in­ formation on important electrical meas­ urements. Succeeding sections deal with direct current, generators a n d motors, alternators and alternating current m o ­ tors. Diagrams, photographs, and tables of practical application are included. Bulletin




& Co., 600 South Michigan Ave., Cbicago, HI. Flowmeters. .In this bulletin a num­ ber of pages have been devoted to a general discussion of flow measurement specifica­ tions and primary elements used i n this work. T h e various types of equipment offered and applications t o industrial processes are described. Liberal use of diagrams makes it easy t o figure possibili­ ties of equipment hook-ups involving these meters. Publication 8010 IE. COCHRANE CORP., Philadelphia, Penna. Fluorescence Meter. This highly tech­ nical bulletin describes working charac-

PROPERTIES OF ORDINARY WATER-SEBSTMCE In All Its Phases—Water-Vapor, W a t e r , a n d All t h e Ices Compiled by N . Ernest Dorsey, National B u r e a u of Standards HIS monograph is so comprehensive that only a few of the more general topics can be mentioned. Among these are the thermodynamic considerations involved in the synthesis and dissociation of water-substance; thermal energy of dilated water-vapor; molecular and pressure-volume-temperature data for all forms o f water-substance; acoustic^data^ optical properties; the structure of water and ice as revealed b y Raman Spectra and X-rays; the reflectivity of ice and snow; electrical properties of water-substance; t h e color of water and of the sea, etc. Of particular interest to aeronautical engineers is the material presented o n such subjects as the mechanism of ice formation and the viscosity of fog; the data on icebergs and glaciers will b e useful t o geologists, oceanographers and hydrographes; and detailed information on rain, hail and snow will be indispensable for meteorologists. Hydrau­ lic, steam and marine engineers, and physicists and physical chemists will also find a vast amount of vital information in this compilation.


A.C.S. Monograph No· 81


700 Pages, Illustrated


289 Tables


Price, $15.00

REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORPORATION, 330 W e s t 42nd S t . , N e w York, U.S.A.

October 25, 1941


teristics of t h e Lumetron photoelectric fluorescence meter. T h e subject is dis­ cussed so thoroughly that it would be more appropriate t o call this publication an applications manual. Lumetron Catalog IE.

PHOTO VOLT CORP., 95 Madison Ave.,

N e w York, Ν . Υ . Intensive Mixers. I n this 36-page bul­ letin operating characteristics and installa­ tions in a variety of industries are dis­ cussed. T h e feature of these mixers is that they operate on a mulling principle. T h e mixer consists of a circular, stationary pan i n which is mounted a special combina­ tion of plows and mullers. T h e principal field of usefulness is in handling plastic or semiplastic materials. Mixers Catalog IE. N A T I O N A L E N G I N E E R I N G C O . , 549 Wash­

ington Blvd., Chicago, 111. Manometers- A bulletin details work­ ing characteristics of this instrument, one o f t h e oldest known devices for measure­ m e n t . T h e authors review t h e manome­ t e r in simple language and discuss its a p ­ plication in t h e field of accurate pressure measurement in industry. Manometer Bulletin





W e s t 112th St., Cleveland, Ohio.

this new equipment.

Dye Box Catalog IE.

S. BLICKMAN, I N C . , Weehawken, N . J.

Vacuum Cleaners. A pocket-size book­ let describes a line of industrial vacuum cleaners. T h e manufacturers describe a wide variety of applications. Vacuum Cleaners Bulletin IE. T H E K E N T C O . , INC., Rome, Ν . Υ . Variable Gears. A working catalog is offered on this line of speed-changing mechanisms. Design principles are ex­ plained thoroughly with line drawings and sectional illustrations. A section on fac­ tors which should be considered in select­ ing a gear unit for a specific job, specifica­ tion tables, and installation photographs are included. Book 1874 IE. L I N K - B E L T Co., 307 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Wrought Iron for Radiant Heating I n ­ stallations. T h e theory of radiant heat installation is discussed in detail, followed by a series of case studies showing applica­ tion of this system of heating t o resi­ dences, factories, and other structures. Wrought Iron Catalog IE. A. M. B Y E R S Co., Pittsburgh, Penna.

Modern pH and Chlorine Control. T h e fifth edition of this handbook carries working information about applications of this t y p e of chemical control equipment. T h e range of applications mentioned is wide, covering inhibiting corrosion in airconditioning systems, checking of elec­ troplating solutions, laundry operations, or flotation materials and refrigerating brines. pH and Chlorine Control Catalog IE. W . A . TAYLOR & Co., 7300 York Road, Baltimore, M d .

Titanium Pigments. T w o informative booklets o n t h e newly developed rutile crystal form of titanium pigments discuss the properties of Ti-Pure R titanium di­ oxide and Ti-Cal R titanium calcium pig­ ment. Sections treat hiding power, color, abrasiveness, consistency flow, drying and film hardness, a n d other characteristics.

Nickel Alloys. This 12-page data book points out t h e usefulness of this group of alloys. While supply of these alloys is limited b y priority ruling, t h e booklet is published in t h e hope that it will b e help­ ful i n solving m a n y of today's problems and i n carrying out future plans. Nickel

Metals Magazine Issued

Alloys Bulletin IE. WHITEHEAD M E T A L P R O D U C T S C O . , I N C . , 303 W e s t 10th St.,

N e w York, Ν . Υ . Santophen 7. A data sheet covers this new germicide and industrial preserva­ tive. T h e bulletin gives specifications i n detail, discusses applications, and sug­ gests formulas for making up solutions t o m e e t various industrial needs. Technical Bulletin

No. OS IE.


CAL Co., St. Louis, Mo. Smoke Control Robot. A 4-page bulle­ t i n discusses this type of electric eye equip­ m e n t in detail. Application of this equip­ m e n t to t h e factory stack is illustrated. Smoke Control Catalog IE. REHTRON C O R P . , 2159 Magnolia Ave., Chicago, 111.

P U B L I C A T I O N of Ajax Meteleclric Progress, a new bimonthly magazine for metals executives, has been announced b y t h e Ajax Metal Co. and divisions, 46 Rich­ mond St., Philadelphia. The first issue appeared October 1. W i t h a circulation under 20,000, t h e publication carries n o advertising. Describing t h e magazine as "an act of communication i n fields where practical applications tread so closely on research as t o b e news rather than theory", G. H . Clamer, Ajax president, asserts t h a t the day of commercial secretiveness has virtu­ ally ended i n t h e pooling of resources for America's defense effort. Ajax Metelectric Progress is edited b y Howard Linn Edsall, formerly of t h e staff of t h e Philadelphia Public Ledger. For the past 10 years h e has been a n interpre­ tive writer for industrials.

A COPY of Nivoc Supplement, the regu­ lar house journal of W. & J . George, L t d . F. E . Becker & C o . , London and Birming­


ham, has been received b y the N E W S E D I ­

Catalog IE.


Stainless S t e e l Dyeing Equipment. I n a 4-page bulletin on a recently developed stainless steel d y e box, t h e authors stress t h e trouble-free operation possible with



Since Beckman pioneered the first practical glass electrode pH instru­ ment, every major advancement in the field of pH has been a Beckman develop­ ment— • • • •

Self Balancing Electronic Circuits Internally Shielded Glass Electrodes Permanently Sealed Glass Electrodes T h e first completely automatic glass electrode pH instrument.

. . . are a few of the far-reaching Beckman developments. And . . .



THESE IMPORTANT ADVANCEMENTS High pBC Glass Electrodes—the only ones that can be used in highly alkaline solutions, even in the presence of sodium ions. Indispensable for many alkaline processes, such as soap making, the manufacture of industrial cleaners, deter­ gents, bleaches, etc.

Booklets IE. K R E B S PIGMENT & COLOR CORP., Wilmington, Del.

Spectroanalysis Equipment. A brief bulletin describes a line of plate processing equipment which will be useful in spectro­ analysis, metallography, or x-ray work. Specifications, illustrations, and a con­ densed description of operations are packed into this 4-page booklet. Spectro­ Co., 9330 Roselawn, Detroit, Mich.



TION. This latest issue is devoted mainly t o export of chemicals under wartime con­ ditions. A two-page world map points ο ut the resources of Great Britain and her allies.

High Temperature Glass Electrodes — the only ones that can be used for con­ tinuous operations at high temperatures up to 212° F. (100° C.). Invaluable for boiler feed "water treat­ ment, sugar refining, electro-plating and many other applica­ tions. Whether for portable plant a n d field use . . . for laboratory research. . . . o r for large-scale automatic process control, there i s a Beckman instrument for every purpose and for every size of plant. ALL in­ corporate exclusive Beckman developments. Send for literature, indicating what type of equipment you require.

O u r R e s e a r c h Staff w i l l g l a d l y a s s i s t you with your p H problem. When w r i t i n g please give sufficient infor­ m a t i o n to p e r m i t a c o m p r e h e n s i v e recommendation.


