INDUSTRIAL NEWS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Automatic pH Instrument. THE National Technical Laboratories, 3330 East Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif., manufacturers of Beckman pH control instrument...
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17, N O . S

ance of 500° F., and an impact strength of 0.19 (A. S. T. M.). Its flexural strength of 9,000 (A. S. T . M.) is greater than for any previously available. Compressive strength is also 28,000 (A. S. T. M.). New Filter Paper

A u t o m a t i c pH I n s t r u m e n t HE National Technical Laboratories, 3330 East Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif., manufacturers of Beckman pH control instruments, have announced a new type of automatic pH instrument, developed for iisc in sugar refineries, paper manufacturing:, leather manufacturing, and all manufacturing operations where large-scale pH control must be accurately maintained.


that, with the better facilities available at the Russell plant, further improvements in the product should be possible and its use extended. The Russell plant is expected to employ about 30 operatives. New Synthetic Waxes HE Beacon Co., 89 Bickford St., Boston, Mass., has recently introduced two new synthetic waxes. Carnaqua No. 1 and Carnaqua N o . 2, which have almost the same properties as Carnauba wax. The waxes are claimed to form emulsions with water and when mixed with a synthetic resin solution a product is obtained which may be used to produce glossy, selfleveling, waterproof films. Literature may be obtained by writing to the manufacturer.



Valve P o s i t i o n e r

NEW touch filter paper, produced by a novel process, has been developed by J. Barcham Green & Son and is available through dealers in laboratory supplies. It is claimed that the wet strength of this paper is about four times as great as that of ordinary filter papers, that it is exceptionally fast, highly retentive of fine precipitates, of low ash content, chemically free of impurities, resistant to acid and caustic solutions, and retains its firmly matted fibrous texture when wet. It is known as Green's filter paper No. 904. B. S. Proper, 3 9 Linden Place, Summit, N. J., is one of the agents for this paper.



The instrument incorporates a potentiometric circuit that is automatically maintained in null balance by a 110-volt alternating current operated electronic amplifier. The device can be plugged into any standard light circuit and fluctuations in line voltage are automatically compensated. It uses Beckman glass electrodes which are permanently sealed, internally shielded, and unusually- rugged. They may be installed anywhere in the plant without danger of stray current effects. Provision is made for connecting additional indicating meters a t any distance from the instrument, and for connecting a controller mechanism and any standard recording potentiometer. The automatic temperature compensator by means of a resistance thermometer incorporated i n the electrode assembly, automatically adjusts the instrument to any changes i n the temperature of the test solution. A device securely locks the control panel against unauthorized tampering. The instrument is available in standard scale ranges of 0 to 7 pH, 3 to 10 pH, or 6 to 13 p H in €.1 divisions, and in other scales a n d ranges on special order. I t is highly compact and completely self-contained. Du P o u t ' s FabrUkoid D i v i s i o n L e a s e s P a p e r Mlill a t R u s s e l l , M a s s . HE Fabrikoid Division of E . I . du Pont d e Nemours & Co. has leased the vacant Chapic & Gould paper mill at Russell, Mass., and expects to start operating the plant early in March. The products to be made at Russell are latex-impregnated fiber sheets known as "Texon, used principally as midsoles and innersoles in shoe manufacturing. "Texon" iias been made at another location for several years. I t is expected


S t r e a m l i n e d Motor S a f e t y HE Louis Allis Co., Milwaukee, Wis., has announced a new line of alternating and direct current explosion-proof motors characterized by dependability, convenience, long life, and safety. Eight-



HE Bristol Co., Waterbury, Conn., has developed a new valve positioner for use on diaphragm control valves to overcome the effect of friction in the valve stem and top. This pneumatic device is for use on all air-operated control installations where close control is of paramount importance and particularly where there is considerable process lag. I t assures a proportionate valve stem travel for even the slightest change in the pressure of the air from the controller. Asbestos-Filled Molding Compounds

wo asbestos-filled molding materials T have been made commercially available by General Plastics, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y. Durez 38-443 was formulated specifically to meet Underwriters' specifications of withstanding 200° C. for 72 hours. It has an impact strength of 0.23 (A. S. T. M.) and a comressive strength of 28,000 (A. S. T. M.). [eat resistance is recorded a t 490° F. Specific gravity is 1.80. Durez 38-646 has a specific gravity of 1.59, heat resist-



een mechanical and electrical improvements, several of them patented features, are incorporated in this new line of explosion-proof electric motors. New Leavening Agent NEW type of leavening agent recently introduced by t h e Victor Chemical Works, Chicago, is reported to be probably the most important contribution to the art of baking since the intro-


(Continued on page 18£)



(Situations Wanted Continued) RESEARCH- DEVELOPMENT Chemist. Ph.D. Extensive experience, organic and colloid, in research, development, pilot plant, chemical supervision in plant. Includes diversified syn­ thesis» derivatives, by-products, improved proc­ esses, new products, viscosity, color, solvents, purification, oxidation, polymerisation, plasticisιης. waterproofiog. Industrial and research or_,niiationa. Reasonable salary. ox 6 3 - N - 3 . Ind. A Eng. Chem., Esaton. Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Physics, Ph.D. 1935. Colloid physics, viscosity of gases, solu­ tions and pure liquids, diffusion, applications of statistical and quantum mechanics m chemistry. Foreign languages, several publications, excellent references. At present in large Eastern Univer­ sity. 27, single. University or Industrial posi­ tion desired. Box 6 4 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. East on, Pa. TEACHING POSITION (general, analytical or physical chemistry) in college or university wanted by capable man. Age 26, married; B.A. Reed College 1035, Ph.D. from New York Uni­ versity expected this June; four years* experience in teaching and research. Write for qualifica­ tions and references. Box 6 6 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., East on, Pa. ΒΙΟ-ORGANIC CHEMIST Ph.D. desires research or teaching position, preferably in a medi­ cal school. Excellent background in the medical and physical sciences. Three years of medical research. Two years of college teaching. Pub­ lications. Available for interviews at the Balti­ more and Toronto meetings. Box 6 9 - N - 3 , Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Eaaton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER. B.S. Chem. Eng. June 38. Single, age 23. Location im­ material. No experience, because no chance to get experience. Capable of doing experimental roduction or office work. Êίοχ 7Q-N-3, Ind. A Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL DIRECTOR—Experienced in technical organisation, the organisation and su­ pervision of research and oontrol, cost finding and oontrol, sales-service work, etc. Eleven years* broad experience in many chemical fields. Box 7 5 - N - 3 , Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST, ANALYTICAL, teaching or research; five years of industrial chemical experi­ ence including petroleum, gas, iron and steel Desires industrial work or teaching; graduate University of Pittsburgh, B.S. in Chemistry, 1933; attending Carnegie Tech; location imma­ terial; good references; available immediately. Box 7 6 - N - 3 . Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. desires organic research position. Experienced in preparative organic chemistry and directing men. Can develop practical syntheses. Publications. Loca­ tion immaterial. Available for interviews at Baltimore meeting. Box 77-N -3. Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.
