Industry Trends

contract with Caneel Bay Plantation to produce ... ington D.C., has received a contract from the New ... and land use planning around airports. Bolt, ...
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industry trends Basic Sciences Inc., (Bethel, Conn.) has completed acquisition of the United Corp. (Topeka, Kan.) for an undisclosed amount of Basic's common stock. Basic Science makes mobile thin-walled incinerators. United makes commercial air pollution control incinerators.

Earth Satellite Corp. (Earthsat), Washington D.C., has received a contract from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the mapping of 450 square miles of wetlands using aerial color infrared photography.

Resources Conservation Co. (RCC) (Seattle, Wash.) has signed an eight-year contract with Caneel Bay Plantation to produce freshwater from seawater for the Virgin Island resort. RCC will build and deliver the 60,000-gpd desalination plant by mid 1972.

Westinghouse subsidiary C&C/Bohrer, Inc., has received a $1.6-million contract to build a waste treatment plant at Cab0 Rojo, Puerto Rico. The contract also calls for improvement of water transmission lines in parts of Puerto Rico. The Cab0 Rojo facility will process 700,000 gpd. Work will be complete by September 1972.

The California Filter Co. (CALFILCO) will design an automatic demineralizer system for Carolina Power and Light's Brunswick Nuclear Station, Southport, N.C. The demineralizer will supply makeup water for two 820-MW boiling water reactors.

Wisely and Ham, a South Pasadena, Calif. engineering consulting firm, has received a contract from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to prepare the first comprehensive manual dealing with noise abatement and land use planning around airports.

Bolt, Beranek and Newman, an acoustical engineering firm, will consult with Wisely and Ham on the project. Zurn Industries' Zurn Foundation is sponsoring two environmental fellowships at Cornel1 University's College of Engineering. The fellowships will be used to support two research projects. One is directed toward improvement of automatic control methods for water treatment systems. The other will investigate problems of air-water interaction on lakes and in the lower atmosphere. Heil Process Equipment Corp. has expanded its international marketing program by signing licensing agreements with 3 foreign companies. Toyo Rubber Industries Ltd., Osaka, Japan; Ateliers Belges Reunis, Familleureux, Belgium; and Maskell Productions Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand have been authorized to manufacture some of Heil's proprietary equipment.

An environmental chromatograph from the people who build process chromatographs. You know us. We build first-rate process chromatographs. And now, we're usingthe same technologies t o build environmental chromatographs, too. Same sampling techniques. Same analytical skills. Using hydrogen flame-ionization detectors, our chromatograph detects methane, carbon monoxide and total hydrocarbons. Sensitivity?To an incredible parts per billion. Operation is automatic, too. Concentrations are automatically recorded on a moving strip chart. Our environmental chromatograph is just one weapon in an arsenal of equipment we offer to help you fight the dirty dozen, today's twelve most common air pollutants: total hydrocarbons, NO, NOx, CO, C02, S02, SOS, HIS, mercaptans, phosphorous, OS, "3. Whether you want to tackle one or the whole dirty bunch, we have the detection capability to help YOU do it. The BendixCorporation, Process I nstriments Division, Ronceverte, W. Va. 24970.


Bendix declares war on the dirty dozen.

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