Apr.9 = 9 = 7
TABLEV-REMELTINGFERROSFOR REFINING Tilting Furnace, Water-cooled Hearth CHARGE PROPER IN POUNDS Disregarding Slag in Furnace Furnace ANALYSIS FERRO Mill Time at Expt. FBRRO U C Si Slag UOz Scale CaFz Hr. Min. Start NO. 7 1 .................. 6 . 0 (No.7 0 ) ( a ) 2 5 . 5 4 . 2 2 . 5 None 5.0 1 0 Cold 83 9 . 0 (No. 82)(a) 4 5 . 0 3 . 6 1 . 2 9 . 0 (No. 82) 5 . 0 0:;s 1 20 Cold 84 7 . 0 (No. 65)(a) 3 8 . 0 5 . 8 1 . 0 7 . 0 (hTo. 82) ... 1 . 7 5 0 . 7 5 50 Hot 90 7 . 0 (No. 89)(a) 5 6 . 0 1 . 2 0 . 6 5 . . . 3.0 .... 1.2 1 .. Cold 91 .................. 9 . 0 (No.86)(a) 6 8 . 5 5 . 0 0 . 2 5 . . . 6.0 . . . . 2.5 . . 50 Hot
.... ....
.................. .................. ..................
83... 83
RATIOSPER 10% U Original Rifined Ferro CFe’roSi C Si 1.64 0 . 9 8 0 . 2 5 1.28
........ 0.80
........... 1 . 5 3 90 ........... 0 . 2 2 91 ........... 0 . 7 3
0.27 0.26 0.12 0.04
0.30 0.52 0.22 0.27
0.29 0.30
0.12 0.11
--RECOVERY I n Ferro Charged U C Si 1.50 0.25 0.15 4.05 2.67 3.56 6.17
0.25 0.41 0.07
0.07 0.04 0.02
(POUNDS)In Ferro Recovered U C Si 1.25 0 . 0 3 0.16 2.70 0.07 1.90 0 . 1 0 0 . 9 7 0.024 0.126 4 3 ,. 36 02 o , 0 9
0.06 0.06
Lbs. Percentage Analysis Ferro of Product Kw.-H. Poured U C Si 49 3.5 36.5 0 . 9 4.7 55 4.0 56 1.7 1.6 31.25 4.0 47.5 2.45 1.4 49 2.25 43.0 0.95 1.S5 36 7.0 66.0 1 . 8 0.75 5.0(b)
REMARKS S i c hearth &walls, walls crumbled and contaminated Ferro
mith .Si
Magnesite hearth Magnesite hearth 0.035 Magnesite hearth‘ Increase in O.O53(c) 0.038(d) siliceous impurities in CaFz
due to
( a ) Crushed to pea size and smaller.
Plus any ferro left in furnace from preceding run. ( b ) Taken from furnace in regulus, when cold. (6) Poured. ( d ) Regulus.
I n all of these runs t h e recovery of t h e ferro charged was poor, much less being poured t h a n was charged, There was always some spatter, small globules of ferro being shot u p into t h e air above t h e hearth, oxidizing, a n d dropping back into t h e hearth, t h e Fez03t h u s produced tending t o decrease t h e percentage of U in t h e recovered ferro, as metallic U in t h e ferro will be oxidized b y Fez03. The experiments indicate t h a t i t is probably desirable t o produce a low carbon ferro in one operation, rather t h a n first t o make a high carbon ferro a n d t h e n t o refine it. Vanadium has not been determined in most of t h e ferros. It cannot average as high as 0 . 2 5 per cent, though individual ferros, made with a large amount of fresh UOz, will run a trifle higher t h a n t h e average because V is more readily reduced t h a n U, while one made from a charge consisting largely of old slag from which t h e V is already largely extracted will run lower t h a n t h e average. A few analyses of t h e ferros indicated t h a t prabably 0.4 per cent a n d certainly not over 0 . j per cent is t h e maximum. Traces of V were present in all. 9 s V is used in almost all tool steels, t h e very small amount of V t h a t would be introduced into steel by t h e ferro-uranium certainly would not be classed as a harmful impurity, though for experimental work on t h e value of U in steel it is desirable to have a ferrouranium as low as possible in V in order not t o have another variable t o contend with in t h e V. It appears t h a t b y using a pure UOz, a low-ash coke, and a pure iron as raw materials, with C a F z as slag former, a n d using a tilting direct arc t y p e furnace with water-cooled magnesite hearth and sides, i t should be possible t o produce commercially, without a second refining operation, ferro-uranium of any desired U content, say 40-70 per cent, with carbon averaging below 2.0 pei cent, silicon below 0.7 j per cent, vanadium below 0 . j per cent, a n d with aluminum, sulfur, phosphorus and manganese all so low as t o be negligible. If experiments with such a ferro show t h a t uranium steels high in uranium are not valuable, b u t t h a t a little uranium is useful, a n d if t h e amount required is so low t h a t t h e carbon introduced b y a high carbon ferro is harmless, then t h e furnace might have a n uncooled carbon hearth, a n d t h e ferros would contain 4 - j per cent carbon, If uranium is found useful only as a deoxidizer or
scavenger of oxygen and nitrogen, aluminum would not be harmful a n d might be advantageous, a n d t h e slag former might be wholly or in p a r t A1203. Grateful acknowledgment is made t o t h e Department of Chemistry a t Cornel1 University for t h e use, under a cooperative agreement, of its laboratory facilities, which are particularly well adapted t o a problem of this nature. ITHACA, NEWYORK
As was stated in a previous paper,’ if dust could be entirely confined within t h e machinery of a mill in which combustible dust is produced, a n d a method could be found for preventing explosions in these machines, a long step would be taken in t h e prevention of dust explosions in mills. T o keep a dust cloud from forming in t h e machines appears t o be almost, if not utterly, impossible. It is possible, however, by proper cleaning t o remove foreign material from t h e grain and t h u s lessen t h e possibility of a spark being formed in t h e machine which might ignite t h e dust. But cleaners a n d separators do not always take out all t h e foreign material, so t h a t even under t h e best conditions foreign materials may get into t h e machines, or other conditions develop which might cause sparks, or other sources of heat, t o be formed within t h e machine, thus creating a very dangerous condition. However, if there were present within t h e machine a n a t mosphere which would not support combustion, t h e dust could not ignite and a n explosion could not take place. For some time t h e possibility of preventing explosions within machines b y t h e use of inert gases has been under consideration. I n a n article on “Coal Dust Explosions and Their Prevention,” J. Harger2 recommends a low oxygen content in t h e atmosphere of t h e mines as a preventive of explosions. The writer states in part as follows: “ T h e only way t o absolutely prevent dust explosions is t o reduce t h e oxygen percentage below t h e lower limit, which varies with t h e different coal dusts. 1 “Inflammability
of Carbonaceous Dusts,” THIS JOURNAL, 9 (1917).
269. 2
J . SOL.Chem. Ind.. 31 (1912). 413.
A reduction of 2 per cent in practice will do this for all mines, b u t t o get a guarantee of absolute immunity 1 7 l / 2 per cent oxygen is t h e figure. A 1 7 l / 2 per cent oxygen atmosphere is ideal for a coal mine, if i t were not too expensive t o obtain, which should not be t h e case.” He recommends not over I per cent carbon dioxide in this atmosphere, as a higher percentage would be dangerous from t h e point of view of respiration. Referring t o decreasing t h e oxygen content of t h e atmosphere he states: “This method is, in my opinion, the only one which can be thoroughly applied t o mines or machines making inflammable dust.” The most likely source of such inert gases around a mill are the flue gases. These contain a large amount of nitrogen, 79 per cent, t h e other 2 1 per cent containing varying amounts of oyxgen and carbon dioxide. Under normally good working conditions the oxygen content is about 1 1 per cent. Small amounts of carbon monoxide are often present, especially when t h e oxygen content is low, but this is usually under one per cent. For use in enclosed machines t h e carbon dioxide content would not necessarily have t o be as low as in a mine or in an atmosphere where men were working so this would not have t o be removed from t h e flue gases before they could be used in t h e grinding systems of mills. The purpose of this investigation was t o determine t o what amount t h e oxygen content of t h e air must be reduced in order t o prevent t h e propagation of explosions of various carbonaceous dusts. EXPERIMENTAL
APPARATUS-The Bureau of Mines has made a number of tests upon t h e inflammability of coal dusts in mixtures of air and natural gas. For this work t h e apparatus used in t h e usual testing of coal dusts was adopted with but one change. This was an auxiliary attachment t o t h e base plate for putting the gas into t h e globe.’ It consists of a brass tube lying just above t h e glass injection funnel a n d passing upward through t h e base plate a t t h e right of t h e funnel. After passing through t h e base plate it extends upward for a distance of I in. and then encircles t h e t o p of t h e funnel. The portion of the brass tube forming this circle has eight small holes, spaced a t equal intervals from each other, drilled through its upper wall. The outward end of t h e brass tube is connected t o t h e gas holder. GAS MIXTURES-The gas mixtures used contained approximately 79 per cent of nitrogen, t h e remaining 2 1 per cent being made up of carbon dioxide and oxygen. T o obtain t h e gas mixtures, commercial carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen were used. T h e gas mixtures were made in a large gas holder, t h e amount of each gas used being measured roughly by t h e height of gas in t h e holder. The mixtures were then analyzed before a n d after each series of tests. METHOD OB OPERATION-TO test t h e inflammability of t h e dusts in these gas mixtures in t h e apparatus 1
“Inflammability of Carbonaceous Dusts.”
Vol. 9, No. 4
referred t o above, it was necessary t o displace all t h e air in t h e globe with t h e gas mixture. Evacuating and refilling were considered, as were other methods, but t h e only method which proved t o be practical was t o allow a sufficient amount of t h e gas t o enter t o displace all the air. To determine t h e amount of gas necessary t o displace t h e air in t h e globe (capacity of 1390 cc.), measured amounts of a gas containing 9.5 per cent carbon dioxide and I I . 2 per cent oxygen were allowed t o flow into t h e globe through t h e gas injecting tube around t h e t o p of t h e funnel, and t o force t h e air out of a valve in t h e tube t o which the pressure gauge is attached. A sample taken after 4 . 5 liters had been allowed t o flow into the globe showed 8.2 per cent COz a n d 1 3 per cent oxygen. Four and a half liters more were allowed t o flow into t h e globe. A sample taken showed 9.6 per cent COS and 11.4 per cent oxygen. Nine liters of the gas were allowed t o flow through another globe. A sample of t h e gas in the globe showed 9.5 per cent C 0 2 and 11.4 per cent oxygen. These results indicate t h a t 9 liters of gas will displace all t h e air in t h e globe. Therefore, t o be certain t h a t all t h e air is displaced, I O liters of gas were allowed t o flow into t h e globe before each test. The gas flowed a t a rate of 0.9 t o 1.0liter per minute. To blow t h e dust into this gas mixture b y a puff of air would change t h e oxygen content and introduce an appreciable error. Therefore, a second connection was made t o t h e gas holder so t h a t gas could be drawn from it and compressed b y a vacuum a n d compression pump, into t h e bulb attached t o t h e funnel which contained t h e dust t o be tested. The method of testing was, therefore, not unlike t h a t used for testing t h e explosibility of carbonaceous dusts in air, except t h a t the explosion flask was filled with a known gas mixture and t h e dust was injected by the same gas mixture under a pressure of 2 0 cm. of mercury. The heating of t h e igniting coil was so regulated t h a t t h e dust might be injected as soon as possible after all t h e air had been displaced. This was done t o obviate a n y possible change in t h e gas mixture by leakage or any other way. SERIES O F TESTS-A few preliminary tests were made with dusts which gave a n indication of t h e lower limit t o be expected. Five typical dusts were then tested, using t h e following gas mixtures: Per cent Oz
Per cent COz
Per cent Nn
Pittsburgh Standard Coal Dust was tested with the following gas mixtures: Per cent Oz 19.8 19.2
Per cent COz
18.1 16.9 16.0
1.2 1.9 2.8 4.6 8.8
Per cent Nz 79.0 78.9 79.1 78.5 75.2 99.2
It will be observed t h a t t h e sum of t h e oxygen a n d carbon dioxide content does not always add t o 2 1
A P ~ . ,1917
T H E J O U R N A L O F , I N D U S T R I A L AiVD E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y
per cent. This is due t o t h e inaccurate method of measuring t h e gas as i t was mixed. These figures are t h e mean of two analyses made before a n d after each series of tests. I n no case was there a variation of over 0.2 per cent in t h e t w o analyses. As in all cases where n o inflammation was noticeable, a pressure was obtained above t h a t given by t h e blank-that is a test made without a n y dust-it was thought t h a t these might be due t o a decomposition caused by t h e dust striking t h e hot coil a n d not due t o a slight ignition. T o determine this, a series of tests was made using 99.2 per cent pure nitrogen in t h e globe. With all grain dusts a pressure of 0 . 4 t o 0.5 lb. more t h a n t h e blank was obtained, t h a t is. a pressure of 0.6 t o 0 . 7 lb. The average of 0.6 lb. was therefore taken as t h e zero correction, in all tests where gas mixtures are used. Coal dust gave a pressure of 0 . 2 lb. more t h a n t h e blank, or a pressure of 0.4lb. This pressure was taken as t h e zero correction for coal dust. REsuLTs-The results obtained with t h e five typical dusts and coal dust are given in Fig. I, t h e average lbs. pressure being plotted against t h e percentage of oxygen in t h e gas mixture. This method was adopted 16
43 10
(R Q
e: w a
a"* z 3
E 4
instead of plotting pressures against percentage of COe since i t is t h e amount of oxygen in t h e air rather t h a n t h e amount of carbon dioxide t h a t determines inflammable limits If t h e carbon dioxide replaced t h e oxygen in air, then plotting against carbon dioxide would gir-e t h e same curves because t h e balance of t h e 2 1 per cent would be oxygen. But in t h e gas mixtures used, t h e carbon dioxide was sometimes one per cent lower t h a n would be required t o make t h e s u m of it and t h e oxygen u p t o 2 1 per cent. This one
per cent or less is nitrogen, a n inert gas, and, therefore, would have a similar effect t o t h a t of t h e carbon dioxide in preventing combustion. The values as given in t h e curves are t h e average of all results obtained in each series of tests. For t h e pressures above 2 pounds, t h e results given in each series were quite uniform a n d concordant. This is also t r u e for pressures averaging under 0 . 5 lb. But those results between 0.5 lb. a n d 2 lbs. are less uniform. I t will be observed t h a t these curves are quite similar in their direction, falling very rapidly as t h e percentage oxygen is decreased until a point is reached where t h e curves flatten. This point is in nearly every case a t pressures near or less t h a n I lb. I t is considered t h a t rapid oxidation will t a k e place if t h e oxygen cont e n t of t h e atmosphere is above t h a t indicated b y t h e break in t h e curve, b u t cannot t a k e place if t h e oxygen content is less t h a n this amount. coxcLusIoNs-Although n o large scale tests have been made with which t o compare these results, from t h e general action of t h e dusts in t h e tests, i t may be concluded t h a t a n explosion of a grain dust cannot be initiated in a gas mixture containing 1 2 or less per cent of oxygen, t h e remainder being inert gases. And this limit could be extended t o 1 4 or 14.3 per cent of oxygen if elevator dusts alone are considered. The results would suggest t h a t t h e maintaining of a n atmosphere of inert gases in all systems grinding or handling carbonaceous materials which form dangerous dusts would be a n effective means of preventing many dust explosions; for even though a n ordinarily dangerous amount of dust may be present a n d a spark or other source of heat may be formed, t h e dust would not be ignited or an explosion be propagated because t h e oxygen content of t h e atmosphere would be too low t o support combustion. The results of these tests show t h a t a lower oxygen content in t h e inert gas mixture is necessary t o prevent an explosion of grain dust t h a n would be required t o prevent a coal dust explosion. And, t h e results obtained with coal dust would indicate t h a t a lower oxygen content in t h e mine atmosphere would be necessary t o prevent a coal dust explosion t h a n was recommended b y Harger. However, his recommendation of 1 7 . 5 per cent oxygen was very close t o t h a t determined by t h e authors. I t may be noted in this connection t h a t t h e results published in a previous paper show t h a t with one exception coal dust is less inflammable in air t h a n t h e other dusts used in t h e tests with inert gases. This one exception is wheat flour, a comparatively coarse dust. Large scale tests are being planned t o demonstrate further t h e effectiveness of this preventive. The results which may be obtained then may alter t h e above results slightly. However. i t is considered, as a result of t h e present tests, t h a t a n inert gas mixture cont'aining 1 2 per cent or lower of oxygen will prevent a dust explosion from starting or propagating. BUREAUO F
Lor. c i t .
D. C .