Information content of mass spectra as determined by pattern

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Information Content of Mass Spectra as Determined by Pattern Recognition Methods J. B. Justice and T. L. lsenhour Department of Chemistry. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hi//, N.C. 27574

Six pattern recognition methods are compared for their ability to extract information of importance to chemists from a data set of mass spectra. Predictive ability increases in the order Sum Spectra < Binary Spectra < Normalized Sum Spectra < Nonlinear Transform = Learning Machine < Nearest Neighbor. The effect on prediction of including more than one near neighbor is also examined and shown to result in poorer prediction

This study has a twofold purpose. One is to compare methods of predicting chemical properties from the mass spectra of compounds. The second is to develop an idea of the ability of mass spectra to answer questions of chemical interest. The predictive ability is an indication of the information inherent in the spectra, as related to the property predicted. Mass spectra contain a wealth of structural information. However, extracting this information is not easy. In this study, pattern recognition methods were applied to low resolution mass spectra to determine the information content of the data as related to functional group presence and structural properties of compounds. For some properties, the information may not be present in the mass spectra, for example, d and 1 conformational isomers. Information about other properties may be stored in the data in such a form as to be unrecognizable. This study shows the extent to which the information is present as a linear function of the intensities in the mass spectra and illustrates how some structural properties are more easily recognized than others. The methods used in this paper are all pattern recognition approaches to interpretation of data ( I , 2 ) . A function is developed that in some way describes a characteristic of the data. Generally the data set is divided into two or more categories and functions approximating each category are calculated. The differences in the calculated functions are then used for predicting properties of unknown patterns. The better a function can predict the proper category of unknown compounds, the more characteristic it is of the category. The differences in the functions describing each category are more important than the functions themselves as far as predicting structural properties are concerned. A descriptor that perfectly classifies carbonyl spectra is of no use if it gives the same results for noncarbonyl compounds. The first four discriminant functions calculated in this study are the differences of descriptive functions of each class. Three are linear and one is a nonlinear function of the intensities in the mass spectra. The linear discriminant functions describe planes separating classes in the n-dimensional pattern space of the spectra. Given a particular structural property, for example, the presence of a ( 1 ) G. S. Sebestyen, "Decision-Making Processes in Pattern Recogni-

tion," The Macrnillan G o . . New York, N.Y., 1962. (2) N. J. Nilsson, "Learning Machines," McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. N.Y.. 1965.

triple bond, if the information sought were a perfect linear function of the intensity data, all spectra of compounds containing triple bonds would occur on one side of this plane while all remaining spectra would be on the opposite side of the decision plane. Therefore, the predictive ability of the decision function is an indication of the linearity of the relationship between a given structural property and the spectral intensities. Function four is a nonlinear function of the intensities and therefore the decision function generates a nonplanar surface. By not constraining the surface to a plane, a closer approximation to the true surface separating the two classes is made with concomitantly higher prediction.

METHODS Each of the above methods was applied to 630 low resolution mass spectra taken from the American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44 tables. Calculations were done on an IBM 360175, and Raytheon 706 and 704 computers. All program were written in FORTRAN IV. The approaches were evaluated by calculating a decision function using all but one spectrum and then predicting on the one "unknown" spectrum. This spectrum was then included in the function and the contribution of another spectrum removed. The removed spectrum was used for prediction and reincluded in the decision function. This process was repeated for the entire data set. In this manner, all compounds in the data were tested as unknowns. Sum Spectra. An obvious first choice of describing a class of compounds is to calculate the average spectrum of the class. For example, one calculates the average spectrum of carbonyl compounds and the average spectrum of noncarbonyl compounds. An unknown compound is then classified by its relative distance from the means of the two classes.

2% M,


= n1



M, =n2

where XI,= ith spectrum in category 1 and X z r = ith spectrum in category 2. The a priori probabilities of the categories are included as follows: (3)

(4) where nl = number of compounds in class 1 and nz = number of compounds in class 2 . The decision vector is then:

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, N O . 2, F E B R U A R Y 1974




M', - M',

( 5)

If the product of D and the unknown spectra is positive, the unknown is assigned to the category whose mean is M I . If negative, it is assigned to the category of M 2 . Normalized Sum Spectra. An improvement on the above approach is to adjust the spectra so that each spectrum contributes equally to the average vector. Each spectrum is normalized by the sum of intensities in the spectrum.

(6) where rn = number of mass positions and xi, = intensity of j t h mass position in the ith spectrum. Binary Spectra. In order to test the information inherent in the intensities at, each mass position, the data were reduced to peak/no peak spectra. Grotch ( 3 ) has studied the information loss when mass spectra are reduced to peak/no peak form and found that non-identical compounds rarely produce identical binary spectra. All intensities greater than 1% were set equal to 1 while all less than 1% were set equal to 0. The means were calculated from these binary data. In the mean vectors for each class, the value in any mass position corresponds to the probability of a peak being present in a spectrum of that class. Mass positions of equal probabilities for the two classes result in a null contribution to the decision vector. Nonlinear Transformation. This method ( 4 ) also consists of summation and calculation of means, but a nonlinear transformation is applied to the data before summation. The transformation consists of:

T ( I )= (e2''z'M)'


where I = intensity of peak and M = maximum intensity + 1. This transformation is applied to each mass position to give a complex valued transformed mass spectrum. The transformed spectra are summed and the complex mean is calculated. The decision vector is then:





where Wl = complex rnean of class 1 and Wz = complex mean of class 2. Prediction is then accomplished by taking the product of D and an unknown spectra and noting whether the real part is positive or negative. Nearest Neighbor Classification. The nearest neighbor approach ( 5 , 6) is conceptually different from the four previous methods. Asserting that the best description of the data is the data themselves, a comparison is made between the unknown spectra and each of the compounds in the data set. The euclidian distance in n-dimensional space (where n is the number of mass posit,ions) is measured using:

measuring distance are possible. A modification of the nearest neighbor approach is to use the K-nearest neighbors. One vote is assigned to each of the K neighbors and a poll taken to determini the class of the unknown. Various weighting methods may be applied to the votes. In this work, the votes were weighted by dividing each vote by the distance and by the square of the distance from the unknown spectra.


KV, 2or ,=ID!

KV ,-I



where V, = f l for class 1 and -1 for class 2, D, = distance from unknown soectra. and K = number of knowns used. The result is either positive or negative, and the unknown is assigned to the positive or negative class accordingly. Learning Machines. A learning machine (7) is a completely nonparametric approach to classification in which a classifier is developed by training on the data. The training consists of starting with an initially arbitrary vector and modifying it based on its ability to classify spectra in the data set. Negative feedback is used to alter the weights assigned to each mass position in the vector until the vector of weights needs no further modification to correctly classify all the spectra in the data set. By converging to a solution, the weight vector has learned to predict a specific characteristic of the data. Mathematically the training is represented by:

where W' = corrected weight vector, W = previous weight vector, s = correction increment, and X , = ith spectra in the training data set. Error correction continues until W converges to a solution. If W converges, then the training set is linearly separable. Prediction is accomplished by taking the product of W and the unknown spectra. P R E D I C T E D CLASS = U . W If the result is positive, the unknown is assigned to the positive training class, and if negative, to the negative class. It is not necessary that the XI be the original patterns. A transformation is sometimes applied ( 8 ) and training done on the transformed data, RESULTS

where n = number of dimensions, X i = j t h spectra in the data set, and U = unknown. The unknown is then classified according to the class of the nearest compound in the data set. Other methods of

The results are shown in Tables I and I1 and Figures 1 and 2. In Table I, the rate of correct prediction is recorded for each structural property and for average overall prediction by each method. The results for any one property are similar for all methods. Generally. the nearest neighbor approach gave more accurate results than methods based solely on the means of the classes. This is to be expected because the decision vector approach reduces the information from an entire class of vectors to a single vector. The nearest neighbor method, on the other hand, retains all the original vectors. In the study of learning machines applied to mass spectra ( 3 ) , the data set was divided into two separate data sets consisting of 387 hydrocarbons in one and 243 oxygen and nitrogen compounds in the other. This precludes di-

(3) S L Grotch, Ana/. Chem.. 43, 1362 (1971). ( 4 ) J. €3. Justice, D. N. Anderson, T. L. Isenhour, and J. C. Mar6hall. Anal. Chem , 44, 2087 (1972). ( 5 ) T M. Cover and P. E. Hart, / € E € Trans lnfo Theory. IT-13, 21 (1967). (6) E. R. Kowalski and C. F. Bender, Anal. Chem , 4 4 , 1 4 0 5 11972).

(7) T. L Isenhour and P. C. Jurs,Anel Chern.. 4 3 (101.20A (1971). (8) L. E. Wangen. N. M. Frew. T . L. Isenhour. and P. C. Jurs, Appl Spectrosc . 25, 203 (197.3). ( 9 ) P. C. Jurs. 6. R. Kowalski. T. L. Isenhour. and C. N. Reilley, Anal Chem., 42, 1387 (1970)


A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1974

Table I. Predictive Abilities of Six Pattern Recognition Methods Learning machineb Property

Sum spectra

Binary spectra

Normalized sum spectra

Oxygen Nitrogen Amine Carbon-4 Carbon-5 Carbon-6 Carbon-7 Carbon-8 Carbon-9 Double bond-1 -2 -3 Methyl Phenyl CnH2, CnH?,+2 Average

88.9 91.3 94.6 89.1 83.2 80.2 82.1 81 9

85.6 92.5 95.4 89.7 86.7 84.0 83.5 ... 88.9



91.0 88.9 91.9 91.3 85.2 83.8 84.1 85.6 89.5

90.3 92.9 92.1 86.4 85.2 88.1 85.4 90.5

91.6 94.9 95.6 89.4 88.4 89.5 89.2 88.9 91.1

97.3 97.9 94.1 93.6 92.5 89.3

82.5 95.2 98.1 85.4 97.0 94.1 96.0 89.3

82.4 95.1 98.4 87.1 97.0 96.8 97.3 90.3


82.5 95.2 98.3 88.7 96.8 96.8 95.6 91.0

86.2 95.7 97.1 88.9 96.8 97.0 95.4 92.2

77.5 92.5 98.4 89.3 ... ,96.8 96.8 93.0

95.2 98.3 87.9 96.8 97.6 97.8 90.8

Nonlinear transformatmn'

Nearest neighbor

CH compounds

CHON compounds

... ...

93.5 91.4 92.5 82.8 80.0 83.9 90.3 87.1 94.6



94.6 94.6 85.0 ... 91.4 87.1 89.1 91.0


Rei. 4. Ref 9. SINARY SUM




Table 11. Nearest Neighbor Prediction as a Function of Number of Neighbors



Weighted Voting (1/Distance)2










Total Larger c1a.w Smaller class

93.3 95.8 77.7

93.2 95.9 75.3

92.7 95.6 72.7

92.8 95.8 72.1

92.8 95.8 71.9

Simple Voting (Unweighted)

Total Larger class Smaller class


93.3 95.8 77.7

92.7 95.2 73.9

91.6 95.5 68.2

91.4 95.5 66.6

91.2 95.7 64.7



















Figure 1. Per cent prediction of five pattern recognition methods for eight structural properties

Figure 2. Per cent prediction as a function of number of neighboring spectra used







A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1974


rect comparison with the results in columns 1-5 of Table I because one would expect results to be better on the more homogeneous data sets. The results do establish an upper bound for learning machine prediction based on the entire data set so that some comparisons can be made. As the overall average line in Figure 1 illustrates, the predictive ability increases in the order Sum Spectra < Peak/No Peak < Normalized Sum Spectra < CNDF = Learning Machine < Nearest Neighbor. Calculating the means of the original spectra gave the lowest prediction rate. That the reduction to binary intensities improved prediction not only indicates that there is considerable information in binary spectra ( 3 ) , but also suggests that there may be considerable noise in the original spectra as related to the identification of structural properties. The relative success of each method depends on the particular structural properties studied. Peak/no peak prediction was better than summation of the original spectra in determining the number of carbon atoms. This indicates information related to the carbon structural frame of the molecule may be obscured by functional groups whose presence adds nonlinear noise to the intensity data relevant to the carbon skeleton. Normalizing the spectra before summation resulted in improved prediction, as did applying a nonlinear transformation. Examination of the effectiveness of the methods on individual structural properties reveals that phenyl groups, 3 or more double bonds, carbon/hydrogen ratio, nitrogen presence, and the amine functional groups were identified with greatest accuracy. Number of carbon atoms and the presence of one double bond were lowest in predictability. Figure 2 illustrates expansion of the nearest neighbor method to include three, five, seven, and nine nearest neighbors. Overall prediction decreased as number of neighbors increased. The greatest effect occurred in the smaller of the two classes of each property and was most severe in the very small classes (approximately 50 compounds). The results are attributable to the larger class having a greater a priori probability of including compounds in the nearest neighbors of the unknown as the number of known neighbors used for prediction increases.

CONCLUSIONS Six pattern recognition methods have been tested for their ability to extract information of importance to chemists from a data set of 630 low resolution mass spectra. Four of these methods involved calculation of a mean. Normalizing the spectra was shown to improve the ability of the mean to describe the data set. Little or no information was lost when the data were reduced to binary form. A nonlinear transformation applied to the data before calculation of the mean improved prediction, indicating the


classification information may be a nonlinear function of the intensities in the spectra. The structural property information is most linearly related to the intensities in phenyl groups, 3 or more double bonds, carbon/hydrogen ratio, and nitrogen and amine presence. When prediction is improved markedly by reduction to binary data, the indication is that a close to linear relationship exists but is obscured by noise. The nearest neighbor method resulted in generally higher predictive ability; however, this method suffers from the amount of computation necessary to determine the nearest known compound of the entire data set. Inclusion of more neighboring compounds in the prediction formula led to generally poorer prediction. Weighting the contribution of the neighboring compounds retained predictive ability somewhat, but did not improve it. The learning machine approach was shown to be better than the methods using the means of the original data. This is encouraging because the amount of information capable of being stored by each method is the same. The learning machine is therefore more efficient in this respect. The learning machine method generally gave lower prediction rates than the nearest neighbor method. This is to be expected for the reason cited previously-Le., that the information has been reduced to a single vector. From the overall results, some conclusions can be drawn about the ability of mass spectra to answer questions concerning the presence of functional groups and structural moieties in compounds. However, it must be borne in mind that any conclusions are ultimately determined by the data being analysed. The 630 mass spectra are only a small sample of the total recorded spectra and the total recorded spectra are but a small part of the number of chemical compounds in existence. Analysis of a larger quantity of data may modify the conclusions presented here. For some groups and properties, the mass spectrum can determine presence or absence with almost 100% accuracy. Other properties are not so well characterized by mass spectra. Since prediction was not perfect using any of the methods, one may infer that the information sought either doesn’t exist or is stored in a manner which was not resolved by any of the six approaches. Apparently, the information is stored in a nonlinear manner which can be approximated by a linear function, to a greater or lesser degree of accuracy, depending on the information sought. Received for review July 5 , 1973. Accepted September 17, 1973. T. L. Isenhour is an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow, 1971-73.

A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , VOL. 46, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1974