INFOTRONICS CORP. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

INFOTRONICS CORP. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (6), pp 66A–66A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60275a754. Publication Date: May 1969. Copyright © 1969 American Chemical ...
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The only true test of any integrator is... on your gas chromatograph!

Put an Infotronics electronic digital integrator to work on your most difficult GC peaks...convoluted, drifty, noisy, or fused. See for yourself how precisely each peak is resolved and integrated automatically. We know you'll agree Infotronics integrators offer superior accuracy and overall performance. Test these features: Test greater slope sensitivity. Carefully designed slope sensing and noise rejection systems enable you to handle both fast and gradually changing peaks with a single control set-up...once set, hands-off! Other integrators, even those offering dual slope sensitivity controls, cannot match the accuracy and ease-of-operation. T e s t automatic baseline drift correction. Though the output signal from your GC drifts —they all do —our drift corrector detects and precisely corrects the error...hands-off, automatically. T e s t sophisticated logic circuitry. Our integrators do more than simply count areas accurately. Our logic circuitry

(including memory) distinguishes a true peak, or noise, or a shoulder peak. The integrator also approximates the area count for fused peaks... hands-off, automatically. Test wide dynamic range. We know our integrators will match your GC detector across its full output range...without attenuation switching, because we offer wide dynamic range... 0 to 1 volt. Test our experience. Eight years' spent in designing, manufacturing, and innovating in the field of digital integration gives us confidence we have the problem-solving, hands-off integrators. If you want to test one on your "worst case" run, contact Jim Cotton, Infotronics Corporation, 7 8 0 0 Westglen, Houston, Texas 7 7 0 4 2 . Phone (713) 7 8 2 - 9 7 7 0 .


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