INFOTRONICS CORP. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (4), pp 32A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60210a725. Publication Date: April 1964. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of ...
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Amperometric setup is used to follow reaction of uric acid with the enzyme, uricase, by chemist at the University of Maryland. The reaction forms hy­ drogen peroxide which reacts with iodide ion to form iodine. The for­ mation of iodine is followed amperometrically, and the concentration of reacted uric acid is calculated from the amount of iodine formed catalytic wave. For cysteine con­ centrations between 2 χ 10 7 Μ and 10~3M in O.liVf ammonia—ammo­ nium chloride, the catalytic current was proportional to the surface area of the mercury drop. The currents were not proportional to the con­ centration of the divalent cobalt. Miiller and Davis (23) suggested t h a t the only suitable method for reporting these data was to plot the current density vs. the molar con­ centration of cysteine. For pro­ teins, the method of reporting is a plot of current density vs. the loga­ rithm of the protein concentration in grams per 100 ml. I t is only through the use of master curves prepared in this way t h a t the data of different workers can be com­ pared. Cancer Diagnosis with the Protein Double W a v e

A further study of the catalytic cysteine wave and of proteins which on hydrolysis yielded either cys­ teine or cystine hydrolysates, led to an interesting discovery. There was a difference in the n a t u r e of the double wave for sera of normal and cancer patients (5). These differ­ ences could be exaggerated by denaturation of the proteins with po­ tassium hydroxide or by peptic di­ gestion or by t r e a t m e n t with sul-