INFOTRONICS® CORP. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

INFOTRONICS® CORP. Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44 (4), pp 98A–98A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60312a782. Publication Date: April 1972. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:An...
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You're invited to visit one of our CRS-1000 lab computer installations. The CRS1000 is fast coming to be regarded as the computer system for the analytical l a b . . . we'd like to let the system itself show you why. EXTENDED BASIC Converse with the CRS1000 in EXTENDED B A S I C - a language not so different from yours. Thanks to this highlevel programming language, you can modify existing CRS-1000 programs to meet your specific analysis requirements — even write your own programs. CRS-1000 accepts an unlimited number of channels of analog data over lines from remote analyzers... gc's, amino acid analyzers, mass specs —whatever you have. It processes 40 channels on-line, and simultaneously functions as a general-purpose computer to let you enter, de-bug, and process BASIC programs. MODEST COST Fully developed software, designed and refined over a period of years, helps you get bonus performance from your existing analysis equipment. Hardware includes the Infotronics mini/ max computer, a 16-bit powerhouse specially designed for lab automation. The complete CRS-1000 package is available at a modest cost for its level of capability and —just as important —

a cost that r e p r e s e n t s a finished, proved system. Base price is $27,500. RESOLVING POWER In the typical analysis shown in the diagram, CRS1000 converts the fused mass of peaks into three well-defined peak area values. Note the baseline correction, and the recognition of shoulder peaks that appear only as a distortion of a larger peak. The resolved areas are true representations of components, not just a crude projection of prog r a m m e d assumptions. From these resolved areas a n d retention times, CRS-1000 determines peak identity and concentration, then gives you a complete alphanumeric report. INSTANT REPLAY Get a CRS-1000. Installation and start-up normally takes only a few days. Teach the system to handle special problems on-line. Run instant replays of difficult raw data, adjusting its processing to perfection. As your requirements grow, easily e x p a n d a n d t u n e the system to meet them. The summation of CRS-1000 features and capabilities is dazzling. See it —you'll believe it! For a demonstration and/or a detailed brochure, contact Jim Cotton, Vice-President for M a r k e t i n g , Infotronics C o r p o r a t i o n , 8500 Cameron Road, Austin, Texas, 78753. Phone (512) 836-8330.



See it at the Pittsburgh Conference, booth #1011-1017 CIRCLE 95 ON READER SERVICE CARD 98 A

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 4 4 , NO. 4 , A P R I L 1 9 7 2