Infrared spectra of N-methyltetraphenylporphyrin complexes (1600

Apr 26, 1977 - Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523. Infrared Spectra of iV-Methyltetraphenylporphyrin Complexes (1600-200 cm V...
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Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1978 231

N-Methyltetraphenylporphyrin Complexes mechanism of electron transfer involving metalloporphyrins.

Acknowledgment. We wish to thank the National Science Foundation for support under Grant No. CHE 74-08534A02. Registry No. Fe(m-CN)TPPCl, 6441 3-49-6; Fe(p-CN)TPPCl, 19570-49- 1; Fe@-COOCH3)TPPC1, 64413-48-5; Fe(p-C0OH)TPPCl, 55266- 17-6; Fe(m-Br)TPPCl, 6441 3-47-4; Fe(m-Cl)TPPCl, 6441 3-46-3; Fe(m-F)TPPCl, 6441 3-45-2; Fe(m-OCH2C6H5)TPPCl, 64413-44-1;Fe(p-Br)TPPCl, 6441 3-43-0; Fe(p-Cl)TPPCl, 36965-70-5; Fe(pF)TPPCl, 60250-86-4; Fe(p-C6H5)TPPCl,644 13-55-4; FeTPPC1, 16456-81-8; Fe(m-CH3)TPPCl, 52155-49-4; Fe(p-CH3)TPPCl, 19496-18-5; Fe(p-C(CH3)3)TPPCI,64413-51-0; Fe@-OCH3)TPPCl, 36995-20-7; Fe(p-OH)TPPCl, 644 13-57-6;Fe(p-OCM2C6HS)TPPC1, 6441 3-56-5; Hz(m-CN)TPP, 64397-83-7; H*(m-F)TPP, 50800-86-7; H ~ ( ~ - O C H ~ C ~ H S ) T64397-82-6; PP, H*TPP, 917-23-7; H,(mCHS)TPP, 50849-45-1.

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Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523

Infrared Spectra of N-Methyltetraphenylporphyrin Complexes (1600-200



Received April 26, 1977 The infrared spectra of chloro-N-methyltetraphenylporphinato complexes of Mn(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and Cd(I1) as well as N-methyltetraphenylporphinatophenylmercury(I1) are reported in the region 1600-200 cm-I. Comparisons with infrared spectra of nonmethylated porphyrins in “metal-sensitive’’ regions near 1000 and 600-200 cm-’ indicate that the metal-ligand interactions are more similar among the N-CH3TPP complexes than among corresponding series of nonmethylated porphyrin complexes. Use of the mass effect of N-CD3TPP in comparing the scectra of ClCo-N-CH3TPP, CICC-N-CD~TPP, and CoTPP allows assignment of peaks in spectra of N-CH3TPPand TPP complexes which have significant C-N components. A comparison of the spectra of BrCc-N-CH3TPPand ClCo-N-CH3TPPallows assignment of metal-halide stretching bands. These bands occur, in cm-’, at 314 (Cl-Mn), 332 (CI-Fe), 318 (Cl-Co), 257 (Br-Co), 300 (Cl-Ni), 264 (Br-Ni), 313 (C1-64Zn), 309 (C1-68Zn), and 292 (Cl-Cd). The softening effect of the porphyrin ligand found for nonmethylated porphyrins (e.g., u(C1-Mn) at 271 cm-’ for CIMnTPP) is not evident for N-CH3TPP complexes. With the exception of the Cl-Mn stretch, only very small shifts (


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