Infrared spectrometers (concluded)

S. Z. LEWIN, New York University, Washington Squore, New York 3, N. Y. T/r,is series aj articles presents a surwy of the basic prin- ciples, rhn~nrtr~...
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Chemical Instrumentation S. Z. LEWIN,

N e w York University, Washington Squore, New York 3,

N. Y.

T/r,is series a j articles presents a surwy of the basic prinof those instruments which find iniciples, r h n ~ n r t r ~ i s f iand ~ . ~ limilations , oortanl aoulirntions i n chen~icalwork. The emnhasis is on com.mercialln .. &~ailahlrerpipwrnt, and approximate prices are qudted to show the order of ma;: nitude of cosf qf the zrarious types of design and construction.

11. Infrared Spectrometers Applied Physics Corporation

One of the most highly devcloprd infrsred spmtromcters (.on~m~r~i:t11y ~vailahlr is the- rrt.r.t,tly-: