Infrared spectroscopic practices

In most laboratories the arms of KBr pelleL holders are generally breaking or broken. The problem of holding pellets on the holders is solved by placi...
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Infrared Spectroscopic Practices There am two simple practices which I find useful in obtaining certain infrared spectra. I n most laboratories the arms of KBr pelleL holders are generally breaking or broken. The problem of holding pellets on the holders is solved by placing over the extreme upper portion of the pellet a pioce of tape. This offers soch advantages as ease in handling thin, easily broken pellets without worry of the arm either not, holding t,he pellet on the holder or breaking the fragile pellets. I t also eliminates the need for replacing broken pellet holder arms. Obtaining a n infrared specbrum of many liquid acid chlorides offers problems to many spectroscopists, since such compounds and other corrosive liquid compounds can deface KBr or other salt plates. The problem is solved by placing a drop of the material on a produced KBr pellet; then taking the spectrum of Lhe material. After the spectrum is obtained the pellet can he d e strayed without loss. Both practices are formd to work well.



Journal of Chemical Education