Infrared Spectrum of the Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Chloroform

Feb 28, 1979 - Lester Andrews" and Frank T. Prochaska. Contribution from the Chemistry Department, Uniljersity of Virginia,. Charlottesdle, Virginia 2...
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Journal of t h e American Chemical Society

(14) Y. I. Arkhangel'skii, V. D. Kimov, V. A. Kuz'menko, V. A. Legasov, and S. L. Nedoseev. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 235, 1075 (1977). The SFBt HX reaction is not well characterized; no kinetic data are available and it has not been established that a simple bimolecular reaction is involved.




February 28, 1979

(15) A. Gupta, 2. Karny, and R. N. Zare, preliminary unpublished results. The possibility of complicating surface effects has not been excluded. We appreciate these authors communicating their results to us prior to publication.

Infrared Spectrum of the Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Chloroform Anion Cl--HCC12 in Solid Argon at 15 K Lester Andrews" and Frank T. Prochaska Contribution f r o m the Chemistry Department, Uniljersity of Virginia, Charlottesdle, Virginia 22901. Receiljed June 13, 1978

Abstract: The matrix photoionization products of chloroform, including its deuterium and I3C isotopes, and the CHClzBr and CHClzl compounds have been studied by infrared spectroscopy. The anion product exhibits isotopic data appropriate for a single H , single C. and two equivalent CI atom species, while bromine and iodine substitution data indicate the involvement of a third inequivalent halogen atom; these observations identify the CI--HCC12 anion, which is produced upon electron capture by chloroform. The infrared spectrum containing us, 2Vb, and vx clearly demonstrates the effect of hydrogen bonding in CI--HCC12, which decreases in the Br--HCC12 and I--HCC12 anions.

Introduction Thermal electron capture by chloromethanes in the gas phase is generally considered to be a dissociative process giving chloride ion and the appropriate methyl radical. The intermediate parent radical anion in this process is of limited stability since the radical anion electron probably first occupies a a*(C-C1) antibonding orbital and this C-CI bond is easily dissociated. Direct spectroscopic evidence for parent radical anions of this type is limited to recent ESR studies of CF3Cl-, CF2C12-, and CFC13- following y-radiolysis of the parent in tetramethylsilane at 101 K,' to infrared detection of CHC13and CHBr3- prepared by proton radiolysis of the haloforms during condensation with excess argon at 15 K,2 and to infrared observation of CF3CI-, CF3Br-, and CF3I- and the possible infrared detection of CF2C12- and CFC13- following argon resonance photoionization of the precursors during condensation with argon at 15 KS3y4 The CHCI3- radical anion in solid argon readily photodissociated, but the products were not identified.* Since hydrogen bonding has been documented for c h l o r ~ f o r mthe , ~ possibility of an intramolecular hydrogen-bonded chloroform anion must be considered for the decomposition product of CHC13- in condensed media. Three infrared matrix isolation studies involving electron capture by chloroform have been reported, but the stable anion product was identified as CHC12- in each c a ~ e . ~We , ~report , ~ here a reinvestigation of the chloroform electron capture product, including infrared studies on the bromine and iodine substituted compounds, with a reassignment of the infrared absorptions to the intramolecular hydrogen-bonded anion CI-HCC12, which is of considerable chemical and spectroscopic interest as a model compound for hydrogen bonding. Experimental Section The experimental methods and apparatus have been described in detail Samples of chloroform (CHCI3, CDC13, and 3CHC13), dichlorobromomethane, and dichloroiodomethane in argon (Ar/CHX3 = 40011) were condensed on a CsI window at 15 K and simultaneously exposed to an open argon microwave discharge through a 1-mm orifice for 20-h periods. Dichloroiodomethane was synthesized by the reaction of iodoform and mercuric chloride.' I The solid compounds ( 1 0 g of C H 13 and 14 g of HgC12) were ground to0002-7863/79/1501-1190$01 .OO/O

gether, placed in a Pyrex tube attached to a vacuum line, and heated to about 95 OC. Dichloroiodomethane was distilled into a cold finger; the liquid product was faint purple owing to the presence of iodine impurity. The matrix sample was prepared by distilling CHC121 from Mg(C104)2; infrared spectra showed about 5% CHC13 impurity. A Beckman IR-12 infrared spectrophotometer uas used to record spectra at 8 cm-l/min on expanded wavenumber scale before and after f i l tered high-pressure mercury arc photolysis of these matrix samples; wavenumber accuracy is f0.3cm-I when reported to the nearest 0.1 cm-1 and f l cm-I otherwise.

Results The infrared spectrum from a CHCI3 experiment is illustrated in Figure la. The major product bands at 2723, 2499, 1291, and 1271 cm-I, a triplet at 1038, 1035, and 1032 crn-l, and a doublet at 838 and 836 cm-I, labeled A and C in the figure, are in agreement with the earlier work of Jacox and Milligan (JM).637Using a 90% carbon-13 enriched I3CHC13 sample, the spectrum in Figure 2a was produced. The carbon-1 3 product bands shifted to 27 14,2493, 1282, and 1268 cm-l, a triplet at 1013, 1010, and 1007 cm-I, and a doublet a t 81 3 and 81 1 crn-', also labeled A and C in the figure; the latter five bands are in agreement with J M , who could not resolve the former broad band into isotopic components with a 55% 13CHC13 sample. The absorption bands and intensities from this 90% 13Cexperiment are listed in Table I; the observation of both I2Cand 13C counterparts of the major product bands with 1:9 relative intensities indicates that the products are single carbon atom species. High-pressure mercury arc photolysis of the 90% I3CHC13 matrix sample is of particular interest, and the spectra are contrasted in Figure 2. As seen in trace (b), 30 min of 2901000-nm photolysis had little effect on the C bands, but the A absorptions were decreased by 60%, broad 705- and 974-cm-' bands were markedly increased, and a comparatively sharp 3:l relative intensity 898.0-891.7-cm-' doublet appeared in the spectrum. The sample was next exposed to the water-filtered arc (220-1000 nm) for 30 min, and the resulting spectrum is shown i n Figure 2c; the C bands were reduced by 40%, the A absorptions were slightly increased, while the 974-, 898-, 892-, and 705-cm-I bands were decreased. A final exposure to the water-filtered arc for an additional 100 min reduced all of the 0 1979 American Chemical Society

Andrews, Prochaska



I R of Chloroform Anion CI--HCC12




(a) CHCI, A









(c) CHCI,I











2400 "1290

























Figure 1. Expanded-scale infrared spectra of dichlorohaloform matrix samples, Ar/CHCI*X = 400/1, subjected to argon resonance photoionization during condensation at 15 K: (a) CHC13, (b) CHCI*Br, (c) CHCIzI. The label R denotes CC12X radical and R+ identifies CC12Xf product absorptions.

above product absorptions and increased bands a t 1003,904 and 870 cm-l, due respectively to I3CC13+, Ar,H+, and I3CC13,638,10312.13 as shown in Figure 2d. The natural isotopic CHC13 experiment was photolyzed by the high-pressure mercury arc with analogous results; 340-600-nm photolysis reduced the A bands by 20% and produced new 705-, 918.0-, 924.0-, and 974-cm-' absorptions without changing the C bands. The new bands reached full intensity after 2901000-nm photolysis as in Figure 2b; the new 918.0- and 924.0-cm-l doublet had intensities A = 0.04 and 0.12, respe,ctively. One CDCI, experiment was performed; the product absorptions at 2059, 1894, 1 122,96 1,864, and 798 cm-' are in agreement with previous ~ o r k .On ~ .290~ 1000-nm photolysis, a strong 472-cm-' and a weaker 924-cm-' absorption appeared while the A absorption counterparts were decreased by 50%. Important new data from the study of CHCl2Br are shown in the infrared spectrum of Figure 1b; the original six chloroform product absorptions each have two counterparts, which are also labeled A and C in the figure. Two new broad bands were observed a t 2795 and 268 1 cm-l, two new sharp bands a t 2488 and 2447 cm-l, weak new bands at 1287 and 1254 cm-I, sharp new bands at 1258 and 1245 cm-I, a new triplet at 1048,1045, and 1042 cm-I, a doublet at 988 and 983 cm-I, and new doublets at 846 and 844 cm-] and 805 and 801 cm-l. In addition, weak 888- and 836-cm-' bands due to the CC12Rr free radicalI3 were observed. The new bands in the CHCl2Br experiment exhibited interesting photolysis behavior. Exposure of the sample to 420-1000-nm light decreased the 2795-, 2488-, 1258-, and 846-, 844-cm-1 bands by 33% and increased the 2681-, 2447-, 1245-, and 805-, 801-cm-l bands by 33% without changing the other absorptions; further ultraviolet photolysis decreased the intensities of both groups of absorptions, as summarized in Table 11.

Two investigations with CHCl2I produced new sets of product absorptions which are illustrated in Figure I C and listed in Table 111. In the higher frequency region two new broad absorptions and two new weak sharp bands were observed at 2863,2670, 2470, and 2386 cm-', respectively, while in the lower frequency region a sharp new band was observed at 1245 cm-l, a new 3:2 relative intensity doublet appeared a t 854 and 852 cm-I, and a new 3:l doublet was found a t 797 and 793 cm-I. Also, weak bands were observed at 871 and 810 cm-' which are due to the CC12I free r a d i ~ a 1 . IOn ~ 4201000-nm photolysis, the 2863-, 2470-, 1245-, and 854-, 852cm-I bands decreased by 50% and the 2670-, 2386-, and 797-, 793-cm-' bands were not changed. Photolysis with ultraviolet light decreased both sets of new absorptions, as seen in Table 111. The CHClzI infrared absorptions are of interest as the spectrum of this compound has not been previously reported. The C-H stretching mode at 3055 cm-I is near the 3058-cm-] CHC13 and 3063-cm-l CHC12Br values. The doubly degenerate deformation mode of CHC13 a t 1224 cm-I splits into bands at 1221 and 1181 cm-' for CHClzBr and 1216 and 1142 cm-I for CHC12I. The antisymmetric and symmetric C-CIz stretching modes for CHC12I at 759 and 7 13 cm-I are slightly lower than the 767- and 727-cm-I values for CHC12Br. The C-I stretching mode of CHC12I a t 546 cm-l falls below the C-Br mode of CHC12Br a t 608 cm-].

Discussion The new product species will be identified, and the spectroscopic effects of hydrogen bonding will be described for the X--HCX2 molecular anion. Cation. The bands labeled C in the figures were destroyed by 220-1000-nm photolysis while CX3+ and CX3 absorptions were produced; the chloroform C bands have been assigned to CHC12+ by JM.637These absorptions are better characterized

Journal of the American Chemical Society / 101:s / February 28, 1979


Table 1. Absorptions (cm-I) and Intensities (absorbance units) Observed on 15 K Deposition of a n ArICHC'Ij = 400/1 Sample (90% riched) during Exposure to Argon Discharge Radiation and Following Filtered High-Prcssurc Mercury Arc Photolysis" abs 697 705 724

81 1.2 8 13.5 819 836 838 867 870 874 891.7 898.0 904.5 924 914 1000.5 1003.5 1007.0 1010.0 1013.0 1016.9 1019.8 1035.4 1038.3 1268.0 1271.0 I282 1291 2493.0 2499.0 2714 2123 3047.8 3058.3

h ~-




h u2

0.03 0.05 0.03 0.18 0.30 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.09 sh 0.00 0.005 0.01 0.00 0.005 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.46 0.68 0.025 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.16 0.0 I5 0.06 0.007 0.35 0.04 0.26 sh 0.22 0.02

shb 1.2 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.06 0.005 0.01 0.04 0.10 sh 0.03 0.10 0.0 I

sh 0.33 0.03 0.12 0.20 0.04 0.010 0.01 5 0.04 0.10 0.03 0.0 1 0.04 0.02 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.25 0.40 0.03 0.05 0.01 5 0.04 0.10

0.03 0.24 0.04 0.10 0.17 0.02 0.005 0.01 0.07 0.18 0.03 0.0 1 0.03 0.04

HClz(HC12-)(CCI) 'CC12 (CI- -H'3C35C137CI) (CI--H 13c'35C12) ? (C1--H12C35C137CI) (Cl-- ti 12c35c12 '3CCI3 '3CC13 I3CHC12 (HCI>-)('3C37C1) ( H a ? - ) ( '3C35CI) -2 r,, H



(CI---HCCII) (I--HCC12) (CI- -HCClI) (I-.HCC12) CHC171

hul is 30 min of 420-1000-nm photolysis, h u 2 is 30 min of 290-1000-nm photolysis, and hu3 is 30 min of 220-1000-nm photolysis,

This is consistent with a larger cubic anharmonic term in the

hydrogen-bonded C-H vibrational potential function. The -tibon-13 shift, from 2723 to 2714 cm-I, is precisely that :upected for a C-H stretching mode, since the C-H stretching mode of CHC13 a t 3058 cm-I exhibited a carbon-13 shift of 10.5 cm-I. The C-H stretching mode was red shifted to 2863 cm-l for I--HCC12, to 2795 cm-' for Br--HCC12, and to 2723 cm-' for Cl--HCC12; the smaller red shifts for the iodide and bromide hydrogen-bonded C-H modes are in accord with the progressively weaker hydrogen bonding expected for the larger halide ions with decreasing proton affinities. I t is interesting to note that the fluoride compound in this series has a significantly stronger hydrogen bond, and this

species is more correctly written as (F-H- - -CC12)-, based on infrared spectroscopic studies." The CI--HCC12, Br-HCC12, and I--HCC12 anions are classified as type I hydrogen bonding'* species, and the increase in C-H stretching frequency with the heavier halide (weaker hydrogen bond) is clearly characteristic of the B-H-A system. The larger proton affinity of fluoride ion, however, produces more proton transfer, and the fluoride compound in this series probably involves a type 111 hydrogen bond.17b The intensity of the C-H stretching mode for CI--HCC12 is markedly stronger than this mode for CHCI3. The absorbance of the 3058-cin-' mode of CHCI3 in solid argon is 2% of the 767-cm-' antisynimetric C-CI3 stretching mode; however,

Andrews, Prochaska

/ I R of Chloroform Anion Cl--HCC12

Table IV. Vibrational Assignments (cm-I) to the X--HCXz Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonded Anions

CI--HCC12 us

2Vb vb vx


2ub Vb VX


2Vb Yb vx a


2723 2499 1271 838

2714 2493 1268 813



2795 2488 1258 846

268 1 2447 1245 805

2863 2470 1245 854

2670 2386 a


Estimated at 1214 cm-l under the intense CHC12I absorption.

the absorbances of the 2723- and 838-cm-I bands of C1-HCC12 are comparable, and if integrated intensities are considered, the us mode is fivefold more intense than u,. Hence, the hydrogen bonding of C1- to HCCl2 has probably increased the infrared intensity of the C-H stretching mode by two orders of magnitude. The sharp, weak 127 l-cm-I band has the characteristics of a hydrogen-bonded C-H bending mode, Ub.' Hydrogen bonding decreases the intensity, does not affect the bandwidth, and shifts a C-H bending mode about 3% to higher frequency, exactly as observed for the 1271-cm-I vibration relative to the 1226-cm-' value for the radical H-CC12. The H / D bending frequency ratio for the product bands is 127 1/961 = 1.3226, which is also slightly smaller than the parent ratio, 1225/914 = 1.3403. This indicates a larger cubic anharmonic term in the hydrogen-bonded C-H deformation potential function. In addition, the weaker iodide complex I--HCC12 only shifted Vb to 1245 cm-I and the bromide species Br--HCC12 displaced the bending mode to 1258 cm-I. whereas the stronger chloride complex shifted this mode a greater amount to 1271 cm-I. The sharp, stronger 2499-cm-' band is assigned to the first overtone of the 1271-cm-' bending mode. This assignment is in agreement with the carbon- 13 shifts of 3.0 f 0.2 cm-l for Vb and 6.0 f 0.2 cm-I for 2Vb. Furthermore, the earher assignment of the 2499-cm-l band to a C-H stretching mode6 requires a 7.5-cm-' carbon-13 shift, clearly greater than the 6.0 f 0.2 cm-l value observed for the 2499-cm- band. The carbon- 13 data thus strongly supports the present overtone assignment of the sharp 2499-cm-' band. The greater intensity of 2Vb compared to U b for Cl--HCC11 is probably due to large anharmonicity. The mode Vb is clearly more anharmonic than the analogous u4 mode of CHC13 since 2 X uq of CHC13 exceeds 2 ~ by 4 only 18 cm-','9 whereas 2 X U b exceeds 2Ub by 43 cm-I For the less anharmonic deuterium mode in the CI--DCC12 species, 2Vb is considerably less intense than Vb, as expected, and 2 x Yb exceeds 2Vb by only 28 cm-I. The overtone 2Vb is clearly more anharmonic than the fundamental Vb as shown by the overtone H / D ratio 2499/ 1894 = 1.3 194 as compared to the fundamental ratio 1271/961 = 1.3226. The unusually great intensity of 2Ub compared to Vb of Cl--HCC12 is not without precedent. When CHC13 hydrogen bonds to trimethylamine, the 2V4 mode of CHC13 is considerably more intense than v4.*O In the complex Cs+(HC12)-, the bending mode overtone is stronger than the fundamental.2) These effects have been rationalized on the basis of electrical anharmonicity (nonlinear dependence of the electric dipole

1195 moment on internuclear distance) which arises from the unusually large charge mobility along the bond axis with a change in internuclear distance.2' This argument is appropriate for the present ion-molecule Cl--HCC12 species. The mixed chlorobromo and chloroiodo species also provide support for this overtone assignment. For the chloride complex species Cl--HCCIBr, 2 X Vb exceeds 2Vb by 43 cm-I showing comparable anharmonicity to the Cl--HCC12 complex, whereas the bromide complex Br-HCC12 has 2 X Ub greater than 2Vb by only 28 crn-', indicating less anharmonicity in the deformation for the weaker hydrogen-bonded bromide complex. In the still weaker I--HCC12 complex, 2 X Ub exceeds 2Ub by 20 cm-I showing progressively less anharmonicity. The 838-cm-I band is clearly due to an antisymmetric C-ClZ vibration of one carbon and two chlorines, as originally assigned based on carbon-13 and natural chlorine isotopic shiftse6This absorption, however, appears intermediate between the analogous HC-CI2 radical mode at 902 cm-', which has a relatively high frequency due to A bonding in the radica1,I6 and the C-Cl2 mode of the completed octet valence species H2C-Cl2 a t 749 The 838-cm-I C-Cl2 vibration is more appropriate for a perturbed radical than a CHCl2anion with a complete octet of electrons about the central carbon; the latter species would be expected to absorb near or below 750 cm-I. The stronger chloride complex shifts the HC-CI2 radical mode from 902 to 838 cm-I, whereas the weaker bromide complex shifts this mode from 902 to 846 cm-l, and the still weaker iodide complex displaces this mode a lesser amount from 902 to 854 cm-I. This reduction in antisymmetric C-Cl2 frequency upon hydrogen bonding is probably due to a reduction in the n bonding'6*22responsible for the high 902-cm-I frequency of the HCC12 radical, since charge transfer from the hydrogen-bonded chloride ion to the HCCl2 free radical increases antibonding electron density in the C-CI2 n-bonding system. Photolysis of the Anion. The molecular anion bands were decreased by 60% upon 290-1000-nm photolysis, as shown in Figure 2b for the isotopic C1--H13CC12 species, while a very intense 705-cm-I band, a broad 974-cm-' absorption, and a comparatively sharp 892-898-cm-' doublet appeared. After photolysis of the C1--Hl2CCl? species, new unshifted 705- and 974-cm-l bands were produced, but the 1:3 relative intensity doublet shifted to 918 and 924 cm-l; after photolysis of the Cl--DCCIl anion, the strong band appeared at 472 cm-I. but the weaker 924-cm-' band was not shifted. Jacox' noted the proximity of the broad 705- and 974-cm-l bands to the sharp 697- and 956-cm-I absorptions of isolated HC12- and assigned the former to a perturbed bichloride ion (HC12-) (M) without characterizing M; the present studies reveal the identification and origin of the perturbing species M. The above isotopic data for the sharp 924-cm-l absorption indicate a vibration of one carbon and one chlorine atom and suggest that carbon monochloride radical is the perturbing species. Since the isolated CCI radical absorbs at 866 cm-I in solid argon with 6- and 26-cm-" 37Cland I3C isotopic shifts,23 the present characterization of M as the CC1 radical is confirmed. Photolysis of the anion product, reaction 3, to give (HC12-) and (CCI) provides further support for the ionic nature and the CIHCClz identification of the chloroform electron-capture product. CI--HCC12

+ hu (290-1000 nm)


(HC12-)(CCl) (3)

Final photolysis with full 220-1000-nm mercury arc light decreased both of these molecular anions. Since the complete chloroform stoichiometry is maintained in these anions and the photodetachment threshold of chloride ion is 343 nm,24the final photolysis likely detaches the electron and produces the original CHC13 molecule.


Journal of the American Chemical Society

Conclusions The identification of the matrix-isolated Cl--HCC12 anion invites consideration of the hydrogen-bonded structure and models for hydrogen bonding. The structure proposed here for the stable chloroformelectron capture product, C1-- - -H-CC12, is an unusual but straightforward intramolecular hydrogen-bonded species, which may help elucidate the bonding interaction between chloride ion and chloroform in the gas ph'ase. Yamdagni and KebarleZShave studied the dissociation of the Cl--HCC13 complex in a high-pressure mass spectrometer source and proposed a hydrogen-bonded species C1-- - -H-CCl3 with a dissociation energy of 15 kcal/mol. The more recent work of Dougherty et a1.26 proposed an association ion with the structure of the s N 2 transiton state. Although the present Cl--HCCl:, species is not directly applicable to the chloridechloroform association ion structure, the present work shows that the intramolecular hydrogen-bonded structure is relatively stable and certainly more stable than the chloroform radical anion structure. The great intensity of us and 2Ub and the reduced ux frequency for Cl--HCC12 are all indicative of some charge transfer from chloride to the HCCl;! radical in the hydrogenbonded species, as has been discussed here. These observations suggest a weak covalent chloride-hydrogen chemical bonding interaction involving electron density from the chloride ion. It has been clearly shown that the halide ion-hydrogen bond strength decreases with decreasing halide ion proton affinity, which is reasonable in view of comparative sizes of the interacting species. The inert gas matrix is an excellent medium for spectroscopic studies of hydrogen bonding, particularly when ionic systems are being investigated. The matrix provides a pseudo-gas-phase environment allowing spectroscopic data to be obtained without large solvent effects. The bands are sharp, and deuterium, carbon-1 3 and chlorine-37 isotopic shifts can be determined which provide information on the potential functions for the hydrogen-bonding interaction. As has been



/ February 28, 1979

demonstrated here, the substitution of an iodide or bromide ion for chloride ion can be used to examine the spectrosopic effect of a weaker hydrogen bond in the same chemical system.

Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, and the National Science Foundation for support of this research, and to Mr. B. W. Keelan for assistance with the CI-ICl21 synthesis and experiments. References and Notes (1) . . A. Haseaawe. M. Shiotani, and F. Williams, FaraWDiscws., Chem. Soc., 83, 157-(1977). (2)B. S.Ault and L. Andrews, J. Chem. Phys., 83, 1411 (1975). (3)F. T. Prochaska and L. Andrews, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. 100, 2102 (1978). (4)F. T. Prochaska and L. Andrews, J. Chem. Phys., 88, 5568, 5577 I1 978). (5)G.C. Pimentel and A. L. McCielian, "The Hydrogen Bond", W. H. Freeman, San Francisco, Calif., 1980,ChaDters 3 and 6,DD . . 120-121 and 197199, (6) M. E. Jacox and D. E. Milligan, J. Cbem. Phys., 54, 3935 (1971). (7)M. E. Jacox, Chem. Phys., 12, 51 (1976). (8) C. A. Wight, 8. S. Auk and L. Andrews, J. Chem. Phys., 85, 1244 119761. - -, \

(9)L. Andrews, C. A. Wight, F. T. Prochaska, S. A. McDonald, and B. S. Ault, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 73, 120 (1978). (IO) F. T. Prochaska and L. Andrews, J. Chem. Phys., 87, 1091 (1977). (11)M. V. Auger, C.R. Acad. Scl., 148, 1037 (1908). (12)M. E. Jacox and D. E. Milllgan, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 48, 460 (1973). (13)L. Andrews, J. Chem. Phys.. 48, 972 (1968). (14)L. Andrews. F. T. Prochaska, and B. S. Auk, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,101, 9 (1979). (15)A. S.Werner, B. P. Tsai, and T. Baer, J. Chem. Phys., 80, 3650 (1974). (16)T. G. Carver and L. Andrews, J. Chem. Phys., 50, 4235 (1969). (17) . . (a) M. E. Jacox and D. E. Mlliigan, Chem. Phys., 18, 195 (1978);(b) B. W. Keelan and L. Andrews, to bepublished.

(18)B. S. Auk, E. Steinback, and G. C. Pimentel, J. Phys. Chem., 79, 615 (1975). (19)T. G. Gibian and D. S. McKinney, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,73,1431 (1951). (20)W. E. Thompson and G. C. Pimentel, Z. Elektrochem., 84, 748 (1960). (21)J. W. Nibler and G. C. Pimentel, J. Chem. Phys., 47, 710 (1967). (22)L. Andrews and D. W. Smith, J. Chem. Phys., 53,2956 (1970). (23)M. E. Jacox and D. E. Miiligan, J. Chem. Phys., 5 3 , 2688 (1970). (24)R. S.Berry and C. W. Reimann. J. Chem. Phys., 38, 1540 (1963). (25)R. Yamdagni and P. Kebarle, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93,7139 (1971). (26)R. C.Dougherty. J. Dalton, and J. D. Roberts, Org. Mass Spectrom., 8,77 (1974) \

- I

Cyclization by Radical Displacement on Ester Groups. Conversion of Acetals to Lactones by Radical Abstraction with Stereoelectronic Control of Bond Scission Carolyn M. Rynard, Chacko Thankachan, and Thomas T. Tidwell* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry a n d Scarborough College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, C a n a d a M5S I A l . Receiced J u n e 2, I978

Abstract: The thermal reactivities of monoperoxy ester monoester derivatives of diacids were examined. Kinetics and product studies of twt-butyl4-carbomethoxyperbutyrate (1 l ) , rert-butyl o-carbomethoxyphenylperacetate (14). and tert-butylo-carbobenzoxyphenylpcracetate (15) showed that these materials react by formation of intermediate carbon centered radicals which undergo 4-9% of intramolecular radical attack on the carbonyl oxygen of the ester grouping to give lactones. The intermediate l-alkoxy-l,4-dihydroisobenzofuranradicals 28 and 29 formed in the reactions of 14 and 15 undergo cleavage of the 0-alkyl bond exocyclic to the ring in preference to ring opening. This was confirmed by independently generating 28 by hydrogen atom abstraction from I -rnethoxy-l,4-dihydroisobenxofuran(24), which gave lactone 19 as the major product. A general stereoelectronic explanation is proposed to account for the direction of bond cleavage in 28 and 29, and for other cases reported i n the literature as well.

Radical displacements on carboxyl groups constitute an example of the S Hreaction' ~ and have been most commonly observed in reactions of percarboxy groups.* In every case for 0002-7863/79/ 1.501-I l96.$0l .OO/O

which the position of radical attack on acylperoxy groups has been determined by isotope labeling the point of attack has been found to be peroxidic oxygen as shown in eq 1 Thus

0 1979 American Chemical Society