Inherently Dissymmetric Chromophores: the Absolute Configuration of

Albert. Moscowitz, and Kurt. Mislow. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1962, 84 (23), pp 4605–4606. DOI: 10.1021/ ... Joel F. Liebman and Arthur Greenberg. Chemic...
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Dec. 5, 1962


and trideuterated species as well as undeuterated material. After a 100 hr. run there was a slight indication (0.2%) of a tetradeuterated species as well. When the product from the 100 hr. run was treated with potassium t-butoxide in fresh t-butyl alcohol-d for an additional 166 hr., the relative amounts of deuterated species were: 1% (no 7% (ID), 26% (2D), 38% (3D), 21% (4D), 6% (5D), 1% (6D). Incorporation of up to three deuterium atoms is understandable in terms of the homoenolate anion 11, which could permit exchange of both hydrogens a t C.6 as well as of the bridgehead hydrogen a t (2.1. This latter hydrogen becomes exchangeable as a consequence of the interconversion of positions 1 and 6 in the homoenolate anion. That prolonged treatment eventually produced species with more than three deuterium atoms shows that C.6 is not the only homoenolizable site. Additional information on the homoenolate ion was obtained by comparison of the extent of racemization of (+) -camphenilone with its extent of deuterium incorporation. Table I1 shows the results of four runs conducted with t-butoxide a t 185' in t-butyl alcohol-d. The deuterium incorporation was assayed mass spectroscopically and the extent of racemization was determined from the optical activity of the derived semicarbazone. I n each run the percentage racemization corresponded closely with the percentage of molecules having d e ~ t e r i u m . ~This close correspondence between racemization and deuterium entry reveals (a) that the first hydrogen exchanged is a t a location that leads to a racemizable ion (this can only be a t C.6) ; and (b) that the homoenolate ion formed by loss of a (2.6 hydrogen racemizes before i t can pick up deuterium from the solvent. Consequently, the homoenolate anion either has a symmetrical structure or, if unsymmetrical, it rearranges to its enantiomer faster than i t reverts to the ketone. The symmetrical ion may be described approximately by the three canonical structures IIIa, b, c , or ~ by either of the mesomeric formulations IVa or IVb (shown as partial structures).


il ,






(4) An equivalent statement is t h a t t h e fraction of molecules not racemized corresponds t o t h e fraction t h a t contains no deuterium. ( 5 ) If t h e ion can have a n unsymmetrical structure then IIIa a n d I I I b could differ slightly in geometry, in which case t h e resonance arrows would b e replaced b y equilibrium arrows,



Time, hr.

No D

12 24 36 48

75 48 29 13

Molecules with-One or more D

25 52 71 87

76 RacemiLed

26 52 69 88

These results reveal the existence of homoenolate anions and bring into consideration the general concept of homoenolization. This concept may be extendable to transformations of biological interest, to sulfur and phosphorus compounds (e.g., sulfones, phosphine oxides), to polyfunction molecules, etc., and work along these lines is in progress. (6) This work was supported in part by t h e Petroleum Research Fund' administered b y t h e American Chemical Society, a n d in part by t h e Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. T h e results were presented a t the 142nd Meeting of t h e American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September, 1962.


Sir : It is recognized that the contribution to a transition moment associated with the oscillation of charge between 2p orbitals positioned on two separate atomic centers can be either electric dipole allowed-magnetic dipole forbidden, or magnetic dipole allowed-electric dipole forbidden, depending on whether the orbitals are directed parallel or perpendicular to each other, as indicated in I and 11, respectively. Any conformation in which the orbitals are mutually disposed a t some intermediate relative angle y ( e . g . , 111) may be viewed as a superposition of I and 11. In such circumstances the transition moment can be both electric and magnetic dipole allowed, and the relevant electric and magnetic transition moment contributions are directed collinearly. More specifically, for an angle of twist y, situation I contributes to the extent cos y and situation I1 to the extent sin y , so that the contribution to the rotational strength associated with situation I11 will be proportional to sin y cos y or to sin 2y. Evaluation of the relevant matrix elements indicates that a (+)-sign is to be associated with the chirality indicated by 111.' Hence any transition involving such a conformation of orbitals may be viewed as arising from an inherently dissymmetric chromophore whose transitions are perforce optically active. Such a situation would arise in the case of an olefin containing a twisted ethylenic bond and would manifest itself experimentally by a marked increase in the magnitude of the optical activity (relative to that of comparable but unstrained olefins) as measured in the visible and near ultraviolet. In light of the above discussion, the molecule ( -)-truns-cyclooctene2 ( -411' or molecular (1) R . Deen, Dissertation, Leiden, 1961. (2) A. C. Cope, C. R. Ganellin and H. W.Johnson, Jr., J . A m . Chew?. Soc., 84, 3191 (lQIi?).





bond accounts for the major portion of the observed optical activity? a t 589 nip, one may conclude that the absolute configuration of the (-)-enantionleiis as shown in I V and Vas A direct quantitative comparison of the calculated values for [+*ID with experimental values of [+ID is unwarranted because of the uncertainty in vo and the contributions of higher lying transitions to [ 4 ] ~ .Rather, a direct comparison of the calculated with the experimental rotational strength (presently lacking) for the lowest T-T* singlet would be more appropriate. Nevertheless, if we estimate an upper limit of i 140’ due to these uncertain tie^,^ we may still specify y as equal to 17 i 5 O .


rotation [ c # I ] ~ ’ ” D - 4 5 3 O , methylene chloride), where Dreiding models indicate a permanent twist of the double bond,3 is of special interest. The Dreiding models in fact suggest two conformations of minimum angle strain which are indicated schematically in Newman projections in IV and V. The angle of twist y may actually be slightly different for the two conformers, although the models indicate that y is substantially the same in the two cases.

I /


Employing the simplest Pariser-Parr4 wave functions for ethylene in conjunction with the Kosenfeld equation,6one arrives a t a n expression for [4t], the contribution of a twisted ethylenic bond to the molecular rotation





na -Rtr sin 2 y hc VD’ - v a v4

VOl. 84


where R ~isKthe maximal rotational strength (for a given bond distance and transition frequency YO) associated with y = 45’. Here Nois Avogadro’s number, and h, c, and n have their usual meanings. For y = 15O, the Pariser-Parr type calculations indicate that the first ethylene T-T* singlet transition would shift in the vapor phase from 7.6 ev. (163 mfi) to 7.38 ev. (16s mp). Assuming a similar red shift for IV and V relative to trans-2-butene @E.”,”’ 178 rnfi),6 and assuming no further shift for the solution spectnmi, one calculates from equation (1) values of [&]*’D 395’ and 404’ for isooctane and methylene chloride solvents, respectively. The optical activity so calculated is a somewhat sensitive function of angle, and for y = 20’ one calculates [+t]*’D 551” and 564O, respectively, for the two solvents. If i t is allowed that the inherent dissymmetry associated with the twist of the double (3) T h e possibility of a twisted double bond in trans-cycloactene has been considered previously in connection with t h e interpretation of dipole moment d a t a ; N . L. Allinger, J. A m . Chcm. Soc.. 80, 1953 (1958). (4) R. G. Parr a n d R. Pariser, J . Chcm. Phys., 28, 711 (19X), sections IVA and B. (5) L. Rosenfeld, Z . Physlk, 62, 161 (1928). ( 0 ) J. T. Gary a n d L. W. Pickett, J . Chein. P h r s . , 22, 599 (1954).

(7) Clearly t h e inherently dissymmetric twisted double bond is situated in a molecular environment which is itself dissymmetric. The approximation of the present work is t o ignore t h e weakly perturbing esects of such a n environment on t h e ethylenic chromophore which would in a higher order approximation provide further smaller contribueons t o the optical activity and also affect the dipole moment (cf. ref. (3)). ( 8 ) According t o t h e nomenclature proposed by R. S. Cahn, C. K. Ingold and V. Prelog, Expcrientia, 12, 81 (1956), theconfiguration of I V a n d V is (S)if t h e double bond is taken a s t h e axially asymmetric frame of reference (as in allenes, biphenyls and t h e like). (9) T h e estimate of 1 1 4 0 ’ is based in part on the assumpticn t h a t t h e twisted six-carbon methylene chain contributes relatively little t o t h e observed rotation a t 589 mfi, a s might be inferred from t h e values of [+ID generaily reported for flexible hydrocarbons. Recently P. Fino a n d G. P. Lorenzi ( J . A m . Chem. S o c . , 8 2 , 4745 (1960)) and W. J . Bailey and E. T. Yates ( J . O r e . C h e m . , 26, 1800 (1960)) have shown t h a t cartain poly-a-olefins may exhibit enhanced rotations ([..ID 200300’) and t h e phenomenon h a s been attributed t o sterroregularity in t h e relevant alkane polymrrs. 117. Edel Wnsserman points out t o 11s (and we concur in his opinion) t h a t comparable enhancements coiild conceivably be associated with thr more or less rigidly fired methylen? chain in IV and 1‘. I n this event, the 10’ range of uncertainty for y would necessarily have t o be \videned. IIowerer. in order that o u r claims a s to absolute configumtion be i n d i d d t e d , t h e contribution t o [#ID associated with t h e methylene chain would have t o exceed 400°, and this we deem unlikely. (10) Fellow of t h e Alfred P. Sioan Foundation.




Sir : Previous work on the photolysis of crot onaltlchyde has not led to any very definite conclusions about the mechanism of the reaction. Though Blacet and Roof’ in an early publication stated that no photodecomposition occurred, later studies2*3showed clearly that free radicals were produced and that CO and propylene were the main products. A more recent study4 of the Hgphotosensitized decomposition of crotonaldehyde confirmed the earlier observations that propylene was a major product and that the reaction produced the propenyl radical. Our recent studies of the photolysis of crotonaldehyde in the gas pha2e st ~ 3 0 ’ in the wave length range 2450-4000 A. (1) F. E.Blacet and J. G. Roof, J . A m . Chcm. Soc.. 58, 7 3 (1936). (2) F. E.Blacet and J. E. Lu Valle, i b i d . , 61, 273 (1939). (3) D. H. Volman, P. A. Leighton, F. E. Blacet a n d R. 11. Brinton, J . C h e m Phys., 18, 203 (1950). ( 4 ) A. G. Harrison and F. P. Lossing, Can. J . Chem., 57, 1696 (1959).