Inner Complex Salts of the 8-Hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic Acid

DOI: 10.1021/ja01860a024. Publication Date: March 1940. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Click to i...
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March, 1940






Inner Complex Salts of the 8-Hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic Acid BY JACOB MOLLAND When a solution of ferric sulfate is added to an aqueous solution of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid, the mixture is colored a deep green. If increasing amounts of copper sulfate are added to this mixture, the color gradually fades. If copper sulfate is added to a solution of the pure 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid, no appreciable change of color occurs. The color reaction of iron has a considerable interest for analytical chemistry, as will be shown in papers which are to be published in the near future. The reaction is due to the formation of an inner complex iron salt, and the fading caused by the addition of copper must be explained by the formation of an equilibrium between the green iron salt and a colorless copper salt. The scope of this paper is to study the composition of these salts by means of a spectrophotometric investigation. Supposing that the color reaction of iron is due to the formation of z molecules of an inner complex salt from x molecules of the 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid and y ferric ions, the reaction can be represented by the equation xR f yFe+++ = eRFe sH+


R denoting the 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid and RFe the iron compound. Analogously the formation of the copper compound, RCu, can be represented by the equation tR

+ &u++



+ uH+

If the initial hydrogen-ion concentration is sufficiently large, the alteration caused by the reaction may be neglected, and the equilibrium condition for an aqueous solution of the 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonicacid containing iron and copper will be

Let the initial concentrations be [R]o = a, [Fe+++]o= b, [CU++]O = c, [RFeIo = 0, [RCu]o = 0. In order to simplify the calculation, the concentrations of iron and copper are also kept so large that they may be considered as constant during the reaction. After establishment of the equilibrium, the concentration of the complex iron salt is measured by means of an extinction estimation. Let the observed Bunsen-Roscoe

extinction coefficient be d. Further, let the extinction coefficient D be observed when a great excess of iron is added to a solution of the pure 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid of the concentration A . In this case the 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid is practically completely transformed to the complex iron salt, giving a concentration Az/x. The salt concentration corresponding to the extinction coefficient, d, is then [RFe] = dzd/xD. On account of the great excess of iron and of copper, the concentration of the s-hydroxyquinolined-sulfonic acid is vanishing. The amount of the acid which is not used for the formation of the iron salt, is used for the formation of the copper salt. This amount is a - - -X [ R F e ] = a - $ d 2

and the quantity of the copper salt formed is

Finally, the concentrations of iron and of copper will remain practically constant, [Fe+++] = b and [Cu++] = c. Introducing these values into equation (l),we obtain br€(a

- A5 d ) x r


= const.


The ratio x / y can be determined by the following experiment. The maximum concentration of the iron compound obtainable from a concentration p of the 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid will be pz/x. This concentration can be obtained approximately if a great excess of iron is used. Let the extinction coefficient in this case be d9. Further, the maximum concentration of the iron salt obtainable from a concentration q of iron will be qz/y, and this concentration is approximately reached if a great excess of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid is used. Let the extinction coefficient in this case be d,. If now the same iron compound is formed in both cases, the molecular extinction coefficient e must be the same in the two experiments, and we obtain the equation



giving x / y = #d,/qd,. An experiment gave the figures = 3.10-6, q = 2.10-5, d, = 0.314, d, = 0.630. Substituting these figures, we obtain x / y = 3.01. The simplest formula giving this result is (CeHe04NS)aFe. If we accept this formula, we obtain x = 3, y = 1, z = 1. If b and c are kept large and constant, and the extinction coefficient is measured for different values of a, equation (2) then can be written in the form (a

- $ d)"/El

d = const.

Vol. 62



tion (4). Therefore we select ten combinations giving small mean square errors (Table 11). The mean value of {/t is 0.509, showing that one molecule of the copper compound contains two molecules of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid. If a and b are kept constant, we are now able to write equation (2) in the form (a

-gd)' &/rd2

= const.

allowing the determination of v/{. Let the extinction coefficients d, and d, correspond to the concentrations c, and cn. Then

allowing the determination of the ratio {/t. Let the extinction coefficient d, correA (log ( a - D d m ) - log dm) - (log ( a - d n ) - logdn) spond to the concentration a, and (5) d, correspond to a,. Then is = log cm - log C" determined by the equation An experiment for the determination of s/{ by log d , - log d, means of equation (5) was carried out with a series (4) = log (am - ij A d,) - log ( a n - A 5 d.) of solutions containing 0.0025 g. molecule of ferric sulfate, 0.00013 g. molecule of S-hydroxyIn order to determine {/[ by means of equation quinoline-5-sulfonic acid, and increasing amounts (4), an experiment was carried out with a series of of copper sulfate, from 0.01 to 0.1 g. molecule per solutions containing 0.003 g. molecule of ferric liter. The extinction coefficients seen in Table I11 sulfate, 0.01 g. molecule of copper sulfate, and were observed (corrected for the extinction of the increasing amounts from 0.00002 to 0.00014 g. ferric sulfate and the copper sulfate). For the molecule of 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid wave length used, A I D was determined to per liter. The constant AID for the wave 0.0000786 by means of the data of Table 111. length in question was determined to 0.0000685 Also in this case ten combinations with small by means of the observations given in Table I. mean square errors are collected (Table IV). The results are seen in Table I. These data TABLE I11 TABLEI V should be combined two by two in equation (4). 100 c d lOOcm 100Cn n/r Generally q numbers can be combined in couples 0 1.654 10 1 0.987 in '/zq(q - 1) different ways. In the present case 1 1.407 10 2 .972 2 1.202 10 3 .937 with q = 9 we get 36 possible combinations. A 3 1.025 9 1 1.015 mathematical investigation' will, however, show 4 0.902 9 2 1.011 that a great part of these combinations will give a 5 .765 9 3 1.030 poor determination of { / f , as the mean square 6 .681 8 1 1.018 error of the extinction estimation in some cases 7 ,600 8 2 1.016 8 .553 7 1 1.039 will be greatly magnified by insertion into equa-





2 3 4


14 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 8

6 8 10 12 14

.300 .415 .525 .662 .875 1.152 1.370 1.624

9 10






2 3 4 5 2 3 4 2 3 2


0.509 .506 .499 .525 .494 .497

.488 .537 .559 .476

(1) J. Molland, Avhondl. Norske Vidcnskaps-Akad. i Oslo. I . Mal.Nafurv. Klassc, 0 (19313).

.502 .481


1 1.035 Mean value 1.006

The copper compound thus contains one atom of copper and two molecules of 8-hydroxyquinoline5-sulfonic acid.

Summary The inner complex iron and copper salts of the 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid were studied by means of extinction measurements, and the composition of the salts is found to correspond to the formulas (CeHaOaNS)sFeand (C~H~O*NS)~CU. OSLO, NORWAY