Insecticide formulators: don't order solvents from anyone-even us-until

Nov 6, 2010 - Previous Article · Next Article · Table of Contents. Insecticide formulators: don't order solvents from anyone-even us-until you've read...
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Insecticide formulators: don't order solvents from anyone - even us until you've read our book

"Aromatic Solvents For Insecticide Formulation" is a comprehensive,analytical summary of all pertinent data needed by the formulator. You'll find you can depend on the long-range validity of this report because you can depend on the consistency of Espesol solvents... consistent purity and consistent meeting of specifications. Here are some of the subjects the book covers: Heat capacity and latent Solubility curves heat of vaporization Phytotoxity tests Toxic concentrations Miscible formulations Component distribution Gravity conversion chart Specifications In addition to the book (well, it's actually a handsome 24-page brochure), we offer immediate delivery on a full line of insecticide solvents. Multi-plant formulators will find that all Espesol products delivered from our eight strategically located terminals consistently meet identical specs. But for the specs and the specifics, send for the book, using the coupon at right. One thing youll find is that all of our solvents have greater solvency power, requiring less emulsifier... but that's getting ahead of the story.

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Clip and mail to Signal Oil & Gas Co., Petrochemical Dept, P.O. Box 5008, Houston 12, Texas

Please send me a copy of "Aromatic Solvents For Insecticide Formulation"

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