the field of solid state science and encourage the interchange of in- formation on objectives, standards, and techniques, and recent progress. Discuss...
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search, New York, N. Y.; C. A. A n dersen, Hasler Research Center, Goletta, Calif. Mineral Chemistry of Enstatite Chondrites. K. Keil, NASA A m e s Research Center, M o f f e t t Field, Calif. Electron Probe Microanalysis of Ohmic Contacts t o GaAs. R. H. Cox, J. P. S m i t h , Texas I n s t r u m e n t s Research Lab., Dallas, Texas. Electron Probe Techniques in t h e Analysis of Refractory Metal Coatings. P. L u b l i n , W. J . S u t k o w s k i , General Telephone a n d Electronics Laborat o r i e s , Inc., Bayside, Ν. Υ. Electron Microprobe Analysis of the Alpha and Beta Phases of 4AI-4V and 4 A I - 3 M o - l V Ti Alloys as a Func­ tion of Heat Treatments. R. H. Olsen, B o e i n g Co., R e n t o n , Wash. Effects of Interstitial and Substitutional Impurities on Diffraction in the T i - N b System. D. J . Nagel, L. S. Birks, Naval Research Laboratory, Washing­ t o n , D. C. Metallurgical Investigation of Problems Associated with the Production of Steel. H. Nikkei, Y o u n g s t o w n Sheet and Tube Co., Y o u n g s t o w n , Ohio. A Simple Correction for Ultrasoft X-Ray Microanalysis. P. D u n c u m b , D. A. M e l f o r d , T u b e I n v e s t m e n t s Research Labs., H i n x t o n Hall, England. Modifications of an Electron X-Ray Probe Microanalyzer for the Analysis of the Elements in the Range Sodium to Boron. I. K. Openshaw, Associated Electrical Industries, Manchester, England. Evaluation of the Correction Procedures Used in Electron Probe Microanalyzer with Emphasis on the Atomic-Num­ ber Interval between 12 and 3 3 . D. R. B e a m a n , Dow C h e m i c a l Co., Midland, Mich.

International Conference on the Characterization of Materials Pennsylvania State University's, Ma­ terials Research Laboratory and Con­ tinuing Education is holding an International Conference on the Char­ acterization of Materials, Nov. 16 to 18. The conference is designed to focus the attention of the scientific commu­ nity on the field of solid state science and encourage the interchange of in­ formation on objectives, standards, and techniques, and recent progress. Discussions will cover the following topics: elemental composition of ma­ terials; site distribution and valence state of ions in solids; structure deter­ mination, particularly in aperiodic, lattices; point, line, and surface defects, their characterization in materials; or­ der-disorder, clustering, and phase separation; and crystal growth and preparation of crystals and polycrystalline solids with pre-detcrmincd char­ acter. Further information may be obtained by writing The Director, Ma­ terials Research Laboratory, 1-112 Re­ search Bldg., Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity, University Park, Pa. 16802.