Zoom lens in the IL 151/251 AA spectrophotometer.
We've got α little book that will help you choose an AA spectrophotometer. Anyone's. You've decided on AA for your lab. You've convinced manage ment. Now you're faced with a staggering selection of equip ment, priced from several thousand dollars to over $20 K. Here's a book that'll help. It'll help you figure out what kind of equipment you need. It'll tell you what the specs mean — what's important and
what's not. It'll help you eval uate your workload and lab environment, and choose an AA unit to fit. An AA unit from any manu facturer. Not just from our own line, great as it is. Because we know you'll want to check out our competition. And we're confident enough to help you do it.
Send for our booklet. It's free. Just circle our number on the reader service card.
How to choose a n AA spectrophoto meter
Instrumentation Laboratory Inc., Analytical Instrument Division, Jonspin Road, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887. Tel: 617-658-5125.
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