SPECIALTIES COMPANY. 4700 SUPERIOR. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 68504. PHONE ... Two interchange- able plug-in flow cells are available: an. 8-jttl cell for ...
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New UV Detectoi • • • •

D o n ' t play hide a n d seek w i t h i m ­ portant L/C peaks. Effluent peaks b e t w e e n recorded event marks aren't always deposited in t h e indicated test tube. Event marks locate t u b e changes, but the adjacent curve m o n i t o r s t h e effluent as it is passing t h r o u g h the f l o w c e l l , not into the tubes. The resulting discrepancy c a n be q u i t e large if t h e effluent t u b i n g , f l o w rate, a n d c o l l e c t e d sample size are not perfect. M a n u a l chart correc­ tions are inaccurate a n d t i m e c o n ­ suming. ISCO linear and c i r c u l a r f r a c t i o n collectors are a v a i l a b l e w i t h an auto­ matic t i m e d e l a y . This solid state, electronic timer w i l l delay t h e tube c h a n g e t h e r e q u i r e d p e r i o d after event m a r k i n g t h e recorder curve. Easy adjustment f r o m o n e second to 9.9 minutes gives y o u perfect curves for a n y r u n . The a u t o m a t i c delay is o n l y o n e of the m a n y features o f ISCO fraction c o l l e c t o r s . C o m p l e t e l y s o l i d state c i r c u i t r y , easy c l e a n u p after spillage, and l o w cost are other features c o m ­ pletely described in the current ISCO catalog. It has a b r o w n square o n the cover— if y o u d o n ' t have y o u r c o p y , send for it today.


Fluorispec spectrophotometer Model SF-100 has an optical system consisting of a double monochromator in the emis­ sion mode and a double monochroma­ tor in the fluorescence mode, each covering the spectral range from 220 to 700 nm, an off-axis ellipsoid mirror condensing system, and a 150-watt xenon arc lamp. The electronic sys­ tem includes an 1P28 photomultiplier tube (interchangeable with other types), solid-state photomultiplier power supply and amplifier, regulated xenon lamp power supply, 10-X 10-χ 40-mm fused quartz cuvette, set of 3 cell spacers, ozone exhaust adapter, dust cover, in­ struction manual, and recorder leads. An extended range model, SF-102, ex­ tends from 220 to 1200 nm, and in­ cludes all the features of the SF-100 plus several additional features. Ap­ plication sheets detail specific uses for these instruments. Model SF-100 costs $5775 to $5875; Model SF-102, $8950 to $9050. Baird-Atomic, 125 Middle­ sex Tpke., Bedford, Mass. 07130. 617276-6000 410

Flame Photometry System A flame photometry system made by Evans Electroselenium, Ltd., England, is automatic from sample dilution through shutdown. Key elements of the system arc the Model 170 digital flame photometer, Model 246 automatic dilutor and sampler, and Model 232 printer unit. The system automatically dilutes 0.1-ml samples to 10 ml; the sampler's turntable has a capacity for 40 samples in quadrants of 10 samples each. The range for Na and Κ in serum is 0-200 meq per liter and 0-20 meq per liter, respectively ; in urine, Na and Κ are determined from 0-200 meq per liter. Undiluted sample size may be 0.01 ml. The complete system costs $8480; individually, the Model 170 costs $2095, Model 227, $1995. The latter is a low-cost, stable, twinchannel, double-beam flame photome­ ter with meter display for laboratories not having high volume requirements. Corning Glass Works, Corning, Ν. Υ. 14S30. 607-962-4444 411

Circle No. 93 on Rollers' Service Card

136 A ·

wide linear range high sensitivity O.D. and % Τ microflow cells


Chromatronix Model 200 UV Photometer combines a linear absorbance range up to 3.0 O.D. with very low noise and d r i f t less than .0004 O.D. Measurements can be made on any of ten absorbance ranges (from .01 O.D. full scale to 5.12 O.D. full scale) or on a single 0 to 100% transmittance scale. Recorder outputs of 1 mv and 10 mv are supplemented by a 0 to 1 ma output, which will drive low-cost galvanometric recorders. Two interchange­ able plug-in flow cells are available: an 8-jul cell for micro-column analyses and a 32-/il cell for monitoring preparative separations, density-gradient centrifugation and electrophoresis. Free new technical bulletin. A technical bulletin describing the use of ultrasensi­ tive UV detectors in liquid chromatogra­ phy is yours for the asking. Please ad­ dress us at 2743 Ninth Street, Berkeley, California 94710. Phone (415) 841-7221.

CHROMATRONIX Circle No. 39 on Readers' Service Card