filtrations for decolorizing, and evaporation follow. In the case of corn simp (commercial glucose) the concentration is stopped a t the proper specific gravity. Solid sugar is obtained from a properly converted and purified liquor by evaporation to the point where on cooling crystallization occurs. The concentrated solution is poured on a special crystallizing floor and after partial solidification, cut up in large rectangular slabs. These slabs are " cured or "aged" to allow the fullest possible crystallization before delivery to the consumer. In this manner the various grades of crude corn sugar for industrial purposes are produced. The so-called "pressed sugars" are obtained from the sugar described by expelling the adhering mother liquor (hydrol) in hydraulic presses. Hydro1 corresponds to the molasses produced in the cane sugar industry. When sugar of the highest puiity is desired, the converted and purified liquor is concentrated to the crystallizing point and crystallized out in crystallizers while in motion, under proper precautions for temperature control in order to obtain the hydrated crystal containing one molecule of water of crystallization, or the anhydrous crystal, and not a mixture of the two forms. The crystals, after centrifugation and washing, will be 99.5 to 99.8% pure dextrose on the dry basis. Naturally, a certain amount of hydrol is eventually obtained from this process of crystallization.
Sleepy Plants Jazzed Up by Chemical Treatments. Chemical alarm clocks to arouse sleepy seed potatoes and other plant cuttings from their lethargy and start them into mowth weeks before their usual time were described to the National Academy of Sciences in session in Washington, recently, by Dr. Frank E. Denny of the Boyce Thompson Institute. Yonkers, N. Y. "Potato tubers when freshly harvested are dormant, and will not sprout if planted a t once under growing conditions, the rest period lasting from 1 to 4 months in different varieties of potatoes," said Dr. Denny. "This period of inactivity may be shortened by treating the tubers with various chemicals. The gain in time of sprouting is about 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the variety of potato and the stage of dormancy a t the time the treatment is applied. Twigs of apple, grape, lilac, also have this dormant period in autumn, and the buds of these species can be forced into early growth by treatment with certain of these chemicals, the gain in time of budding or blooming ranging from one t o nine weeks." The chemicals used by Dr. Denny include thiocyanates, thiourea, and ethylene chlorohydrin.-Science Service Insulin Crystallizer Honored by Chemists. Prof. J. J. Abel of the Johns Hopkins University will he awarded the highest honor in the gift of the American Chemical Society, the Willard Gibbs medal, a t the second annual meeting of the Mid-West regional division which will be held in Chicago on May 2 i t h and 28th. Prof. Abel has achieved international recognition for his researches on the hormones, or secretions of the ductless glands. His latest feat has been the production of insulin in so high a degree of purity that it forms solid crystals.-Science Service