Integrative Top-Down System Metabolic Modeling in Experimental

Page 502, ref 6. Due to a production error, ref 6 has an incomplete list of authors. The correct citation should be as follows: (6) Xia , Y. , Yu , H...
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A Limited Screen for Protein Interactions Reveals New Roles for Protein Phosphatase 1 in Cell Cycle Control and Apoptosis J. Proteome Res. 2007, 6, 1165–1175. Guillermo Flores-Delgado, Cathy W. Y. Liu, Richard Sposto, and Norbert Berndt* In the “Experimental Procedures” section of the paper, we mistakenly stated the peptide sequence used to generate antibodies specific for PP1β as 298SEKKAKYGYGGLNG-312. The correct sequence we used was in fact 298-SEKKAKYQYGGLNSG-312. Although this error has no impact on any of the results or conclusions presented in the manuscript, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this might have caused. PR800047Z 10.1021/pr800047z Published on Web 02/07/2008

Integrative Top-Down System Metabolic Modeling in Experimental Disease States via Data-Driven Bayesian Methods J. Proteome Res. 2008, 7, 497–503. Jung-Wook Bang, Derek J. Crockford, Elaine Holmes, Florencio Pazos, Michael J. E. Sternberg, Stephen H. Muggleton, and Jeremy K. Nicholson* Page 502, ref 6. Due to a production error, ref 6 has an incomplete list of authors. The correct citation should be as follows: (6) Xia, Y.; Yu, H.; Jansen, R.; Seringhaus, M.; Baxter, S.; Greenbaum, D.; Zhao, H.; Gerstein, M. Analyzing cellular biochemistry in terms of molecular networks. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 2004, 73, 1051–1087. PR800098N 10.1021/pr800098n Published on Web 02/15/2008

1352 Journal of Proteome Research 2008, 7, 1352

10.1021/pr800047z CCC: $40.75

 2008 American Chemical Society