Intel gets the second Project XL permit - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Intel Corp. and the Environmental Protection Agency have signed a five-year Project XL agreement for controlling emissions at the company's new Chandl...
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quired distance is 56 feet. Plant person- Project XL's more flexible agreements as nel will involve themselves in education- they are under current rigid commandal mentoring activities, and the company and-control regulations. Indeed, these will donate equipment to various com- problems face the Intel plant. Intel Corp. and the Environmental Pro- munity programs. Intel also is preparing Fears have been expressed that the tection Agency have signed a five-year an integrated electronic emergency re- company's flexibility to use alternative Project XL agreement for controlling sponse plan for responding to accidental chemicals or to change to processes withemissions at the company's new Chan- spills of hazardous chemicals. out modifying its permit may increase dler, Ariz., semiconductor manufacturing Project XL is a major environmental ini- risks to workers or the surrounding comfacility. This is the second permit issued tiative of the Clinton Administration munity. A number of local stakeholders since Project XL was announced with (C&EN, Sept. 9, page 24). It is supposed to have also complained that they were left great fanfare by the Administration in give a select group of companies in- out of the negotiating process and are unMarch 1995. The first permit went to a creased flexibility to adopt innovative or certain that the agreement will ensure adFlorida citrus plant. alternative strategies for meeting high en- equate protection of their fellow citizens. Its XL status allows Intel to file a single, vironmental goals. In the year-and-a-half EPA thinks this won't be a problem. It consolidated emissions report to the Arizo- since the program was announced, proj- maintains that overall emissions from the na Department of Environmental Quality ect implementation has been slow. Legal facility will be lower than what would instead of separate reports for air, water, snags and long delays are becoming com- have been achieved under the usual perand land pollution to several agencies. And mon, and several states and companies are mit process and points out that the comthe agreement, signed Nov. 19, will give electing to drop out of Project XL because pany must file quarterly emissions data Intel an air pollution permit that eliminates of these and other problems. reports that are public. the usual need for formal permit modificaThe delays have been caused by obFor their part, company officials say Intions each and every time the company jections to a variety of Project XL agree- tel has no incentive to avoid regulations by changes its manufacturing operations. ments from environmental and commu- using unregulated hazardous chemicals. In exchange for this reduction in re- nity organizations. Many of these so- They say Intel has agreed to evaluate the quirements, Intel promises to meet more called stakeholder groups doubt that health risk of any substitutes and find suitstringent air pollution standards than the companies are going to be held as ac- able emissions levels for those chemicals. David Hanson state currently requires, increase its recy- countable for their emissions under cling of waste and chemicals, and keep the local community informed of and involved in plant activities. At the plant-site signing ceremony, EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner said: "In place of the one-size-fits-all approach of the past, we are harnessing the creativity, the ingenuity, the innovation that have long been the strength of the nation. Rather than seeking the minimum, we are demanding superior environmental results from those who truly know the community and this company. The results promise to be good for the health of this community, good for the environment, and good for business." The agreement includes a laundry list of special performance features Intel is to provide. For example, the company says it The Eldex MicroPro™Pum) is setting new lows in will keep its air emissions below major high-performance pumping. Flow rates to 0.01 pL/min. Gradient source levels for all criteria pollutants and flow as low as l|ilVmin. No pulsation. Even the price is low. develop a production-based performance But the MicroPro sacrifices nothing when it comes to standard to restrict emissions at the plant. performance. With operating pressures up to 1Q000 psi, control Freshwater consumption will be miniof up to four compact pump modules, gradient operation, mized by using treated effluent water for temperature control, and remote programming, the MicroPro is cooling, and the plant will use managed taking versatility and convenience to all time highs. stormwater retention basins to control runThe Eldex MicroPro. The micropump with really big off water instead of simple dry wells. Intel also commits itself to recycling large volperformance advantages. umes of its solid and hazardous wastes. For details, call 1-800-969-3533. Or fax 1-707-224-0688. Permit provisions that directly affect the surrounding community include a setback of 1,000 feet from any manufacturing building to the closest residential property, even though the legally re-

Intel gets the second Project XL permit

Anewkv in high performance: Eldex