Intensities of Electronic Transitions of Acetylene in the Vacuum

Intensities of Electronic Transitions of Acetylene in the Vacuum Ultraviolet1. George Moe, A. B. F. Duncan. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1952, 74 (12), pp 3136...
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1-1,8-Bis-(2'-hydroxy-3 '-methoxybenzylideneamino)-3,6dithiaoctane Cobalt(II1) d-Antimonyl Tartrate Pentahydrate --The dl-iodide rlewribed ahove IVA\ sii\pcnticd i i i water (150 ml.) and excess freshly precipitated silver rhloride added. The mixture was then wartned to 50" and vigorously shaken for 20 minutes, after whir11 t tic solids were filtered off and washed. 'The conibiticd filtrate a n d washings (total voluitie 200 nil.) wcrc thcii slonly tredtcd with an almost saturated solution of potassium d-antimonyl tartrate (2.23 g.) in hot water, the sides of the container being scratched during the addition. Crystalline black prisms separated. These were collected and recrystallized several times from hot water to which a little potassium dantimonyl tartrate was added. The final crystalline prorluct charred on heating. Anal. Calcd. for Co( CZZH~~N~O,SZ)( C4H407Sb),5Hz0: Co, 6.7; Sb, 13 8; HzO, 10.2. Found: Co, 6 7; Sb, 13.7; HjO, 10.3. A 0.02% solution in water g a v e m -0.94' in a 1-dm. tube, whence [a]~ O D -4,700'. 1-1 ,S-Bis-(2 '-hydroxy-3 '-methoxybenzylideneamino)-3,6dithiaoctane Cobalt(II1) Iodide Dihydrate.-The 2-complex d-antimonyl tartrate just described was suspended in water ( 2 . 5 g. in 100 ml.) a t 40' and hydrochloric acid ( 5 A', 10 ml.) added. The mixture was then vigorously shaken until -111 the aiitimoiiy had been precipitated as antimony oxy-



chloride. After filtration, the green-brown solution of the active chloride was treated with potassium iodide. The jircci~iitalrr~ x l i v r . iodide was collected and recrystallizrll twice from hot water and obtained in black needle\ wliicli sintered a t 2177"and melted at, 212'. .1nnl. C a l ~ ~ lfor . Co( C'?.Ff.RS.0,S?)J.2TII.0: Cn, 8.8; 1, 19.0. IToUtlrl: CO, A 0.02% aqueous solution gavc an -1.10' in a 1-dm. tube a t 20", whence, [a12'D -5,500" and [:If]% - 36,700'. d-1 ,S-Bis-(2 '-hydroxy-3 '-methoxybenzylideneamino)-3,6dithiaoctane Cobalt(II1) Iodide Dihydrate.-The filtrate left after precipitation of the l-complex d-antimonyl tartrate was strongly dextrorotatory (wide supra). It was precipitated fractionally with potassium iodide. The first (least soluble) fractions were mainly composed of dl-complex iodide. The more soluble fractions were rich in the d-complex iodide. They were collected and recrystallized many times from hot water to which potassium iodide was added until the specific rotation was constant. The black needles sintered a t 207" and melted a t 212". Anal. Found: Co, 8.9; I, 19.1. A 0.02% aqueous solution gave CYD + l . l O ' in a 1-din. tube a t 20" whence, [ C Y ] ~ O D +5,,500" and [M]?OD+36,7flO". S Y D N E Y , AUSTRALIA


Intensities of Electronic Transitions of Acetylene in the Vacuum Ultraviolet1 BY GEORGE 3.10~ AND ~ A. B.F. DUNCAN R E C E I V E D SEPTEMBER

15, 1950

The absolute intensities of thirteen separate electronic transitions of acetylene in the region 1520-1050 A. have been measured quantitatively. A one-meter vacuum grating spectrograph was used to photograph the spectrum. Molecular hydrogen lines occurring in this region from a low pressure hydrogen discharge tube were used as background for the absorption. Absorption coefficients were determined a t wave lengths where these lines occurred, using the methods of photographic photometry. "Oscillator strengths" (f-numbers) for the transitions were found. The values obtained are compared with theoretical f-numbers calculated from approximate wave functions.

Introduction transitions between 1520 and 1050 A. will be conThe ultraviolet spectrum of acetylene has been sidered. The general theory of calculation of inthe subject of numerous investigations. Early tensities of electronic transitions is discussed in studies were confined to the region above 1800 A. detail in the report by Mulliken and Rieke.6 The where some complex band systems were found vector Q is The work was extended between 2400 and 2000 Q = SvhErriC/Id r (1) z to the far ultraviolet by Price4 and Price and W a l ~ h . The ~ absorption between 2400 and 1500 $k and $1 are the wave functions for the normal and A. consists of many weak diffuse bands, the anal- excited electronic states, respectively. ri is the ysis of which is as yet unsatisfactory. From 1500 radius vector of the ithelectron which enters into to 1050 A., intense absorption bands representing the transition. Transitions are either of the perfifteen electronic transitions were reported by pendicular type or the parallel type. I n the former Price,4 who assigned the transitions to two Rydberg the electric moment moves perpendicular to the series. These series converge to the same ioniza- internuclear axis, which may be chosen to lie in the tion limit at about 92,000 ern.-'. z direction. Y then becomes either s or y. For The present investigation is directed primarily parallel type transitions, r = z. to the measurement of the intensities of these Theoretical Q2's are compared with experimental Rydberg series members. It was not possible with f-numbers which are obtained in the following way. the equipment available to include the transitions The absorption coefficient, a,, is determined a t L: a t longer wave lengths in this work. Hence, only large number of wave lengths within the absorption band. CY" is defined by the equation (1) This work was supported in part under Contract No. N6onr-241,


Task Order X with the Office of Naval Research, United States N a v y . (2) Part of dissertation presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Rochester in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (3) (a) S. C.WOO, T. K.Liu, T. C. Chu and W. Chih, J. Chcni. Phys., 6 , 240 (1938); (b) G. B. Ristiakowsky, Phys. Rco., 37, 276 (1931); (c) G.Herzberg. Trans. Faraday Soc., 27, 378 (1931). (4) W. C. Price, Phys. Rce., 45, 843 (1934); 47, 444 (1935). (5) W. C. Price and A. D. Walsh, Trn?ts. F a r n d n v .Sac., 41, 381 (1945).

I,/I$ =



where I J I ; is the fraction of light of frequency v(cm.-l), transmitted by a column of gas of length lo, measured in cm. a t 0' and 76 cm. pressure. T o obtain the total absorption strength for an entire electronic transition, a, is integrated over the It1

I? '3 MiillikPIl ~ n C d A Rieke, Rep Pvor P h y s 8, 211 (1q11)

June 20, 1952


whole range of v’s belonging to the transition, Theoretical values of Qz (in c m 2 ) are related to theoretical f-numbers by the approximate equationfi f = 1.085 x in11 .QZ (3) where Y is the frequency at iiiaxiinuiii of the experimental absorption curve. The following section is concerned with the details of the method for obtaining experimental f-numbers, along with a description of the apparatus used. Following this the results of some theoretical calculations of f-numbers from Q2 values are presented and compared with experiment.

Experimental Details Commercial tank acetylene was purified according t o the method described by Conn, Kistiakowsky and Smith.7 This treatment removes acetone which is used as a solvent in tank acetylene, as well as traces of oxidizing and reducing agents which might be present. The gas was dried by passing through towers of CaClz and Dehydrite, and stored in a &liter flask. Before each use the acetylene was repeatedly frozen down with liquid Nz and outgassed in vacuum. The spectrum was photographed in a vacuum grating spectrograph similar in essential design to one described by Sawyer.8 The grating had a radius of curvature of about one meter, and was ruled on aluminum with 30,000 lines to the inch. The theoretical resolving power in the fir5t order was about 40,000, and the dispersion about 8.32 A./mm. The grating was mounted at aboyt normal incidence a I I first order spectra from 0 to 2400 A. could be photographed in one setting. The slit height was 2 mm., and the width was usually 0.06 mm. Some difficulty was experienced in bending glass photographic plates 0.8 mm. thick t o the required curvature; breakage was minimized by coating the backs of the plates with gelatin. The spectrograph had a volume of about 70 liters and could be evacuated to a pressure of 1 X 10-6 mm. The pressure rise was less than 0.001 mm. in 24 hours. A glass hydrogen discharge tube of conventional design, operated on direct current, was used as a light source. Currents from 20 to 50 ma. were used. The operating voltage was about 1800 volts. This source gives numerous well resolved lines of known wave length9 a t which cyv may be measured. A shutter cut off light from the spectrograph except during exposures. Line voltage fluctuations were reduced by insertion of a constant voltage transformer in the primary circuit. The intensity of the discharge depends rather critically on the pressure of H2. Our experimental conditions were complicated by the use of the slit to separate the acetylene, a t a constant pressure in the spectrograph, from the Ht a t a higher pressure in the discharge outside. Hydrogen was pumped through the discharge tube continuously a t a pressure which was not quite constant, since a little flowed into the spectrograph through the slit. This caused small changes in the intensity of the source, which were seen in the recorded output of a photocell exposed to visible light from the source. Independent measurements showed that the intensity of vacuum ultraviolet radiation was directly proportional to the intensity of visible radiation, and compensation for this intensity variation was made by adjustment of the voltage on the discharge tube with a Varitran. After the spectrograph had been evacuated to a pressure of less than 1 0 6 mm. a sample of acetylene was then frozen down and repeatedly outgassed. The desired amount was admitted into a calibrated volume and the pressure measured accurately. The hydrogen discharge tube was then turned on and allowed to run for 20-25 minutes with the shutter closed. Next, five or six exposures of the source were taken a t constant intensity for varying lengths of time for plate calibration. An exuosure then was made with acetylene at (7) J. B. Conn, G. B. Kistiakowsky and E . A. Smith, THISJOURNAL, 61. - -, -1888 - - - (> 1- -R- - ,R- R l . (8) R. A. Sawyer, J. Opt. SOC.Am. and Rcu. Sci. Inslr., 16, 303 i~---.,. iam (9) ( a ) T. Lyman, Astvophys. I.,28, 181 (1926); (b) T. Hori, 2. Physik, 44, 838 (1Y27); (c) C . R. Jeppesen, Phys. Rea., 44, 165 (1933).



a definite pressure, for a time equal to the longedt calibration exposure. The spectrograph was isolated from the main pumping system during actual exposure intervals. Between the calibration exposures, the He which had diffused into the system was pumped out. Eastman Kodak Company 111-0 ultraviolet sensitive photographic plates were used for this work. After exposure the plates were bathed for two minutes in dry ethylene dichloride and dried for two minutes. They were then developed in fresh Eastman developer D-19 for exactly five minutes a t 18” in a tray which was continuously agitated with a rocking motion. After fixing and washing, the gelatin backing was removed by scraping before allowing the plates to dry. Microphotometer tracings were made of all the calibration exposures as well as the exposures through acetylene on the same plate. The absorption coefficients, cyv, a t the frequency of H2 band lines were obtained in the following manner, using Eq. 2. The photographic densities, D, were obtained from the microphotometer traces in the usual way,lO and plotted against the logarithm of the exposure time in minutes. This served as the calibration curve for the line a t this wave length. Then D was obtained for the exposure through the absofbing gas, and the corresponding time, t , read off from the calibration curve. The actual exposure time was to. The quantity log, to/t = log, & / I is equal to avh, assuming no reciprocity law failure. Actually at the times and intensity used this contributes a 4 5 % error (from data on the emulsions used) and av could have been increased by a factor 1.05 to allow for this. The experimental f values would have increased by about the same factor. The absorption coefficients thus measured were plotted against the frequency in ern.-'. In most cases the H2 lines occurred a t closely spaced intervals so that the shape of the band envelopes could be found unambiguously. In one or two cases where the H2 lines are more widely spaced, the position of the band center could not be determined accurately in this way, and the wave length of the center was taken from the data of Price. The complete absorption curve thus obtained is shown in Fig. 1. The analysis of Price4 was used in assignment of vibrational bands to electronic transitions. The area under the curve corresponding







v (cm.-l) X 103.

Fig. 1.-Absorption curve of acetylene. to each electronic transition was measured with a precision planimeter. This gave the J a d v for each transition. The f-numbers were obtained from the areas using the relation f = 4.20 X 10-8Javdv (4) The photometric technique is subject to the usual errors of photographic photometry. These are discussed in detail in a number of references on the subject.lOJ1 In addition to the errors of photometry one must also consider the effect of slit width on the measurement of line intensity. In the case of truly continuous spectra this effect is negligihle since the absorption coefficient does not change appreciably over the range of frequencies covered by the width of the spectral line. In the present case some vibrational structure was partly resolved but no structure was present which was at all comparable to the slit width. The slit width used throughout our investigatioa was 0.060 mm., corresponding to a range of about 0.5 A . on the plate. At 1500 (10) R. A. Sawyer, “Experimental Spectroscopy,” Prentice-Hall, Inc.. New York. N. Y.,1944. 0.284. (11) (a) W.E. Forsythe, ediior, “Measurement of Radiant Energy,“ McGraw-Hill Book Co.. . Inc... New York. N. Y..1939.. .D. 326:. (b) ., G . R. Harrison, R. C . Lord a n d J. R. Loofbourow, “Practical Spectroscopy,” Prentice-Hall, Inc.. New York, N. Y., 1948, p . 390.

A,, this corresponds to about 22 cm.-l. The narrowest band appearing in the spectra which we photographed for this work was about 150 cm.-i wide, and it was possible to make four measurements of cry over the width of this band. W’e estimate that the errors arising from photometric trchniques in the present work is between 5 anti IO%, as has been found in previous work in this Laboratory aud by others. Reciprocity law failure is estimated to contribute an additional 5%, and we conclude that the maximum error in the experimental absorption coefficients is about 15%. I t may be asked, however, if the spectrum being measured is in reality composed of numerous narrow rotational lines which are not resolved under our experimental conditions, which cause extreme variations of cry over a slit width of about 20 cm-1. Price‘ photographed these bands with n higher resolving power and dispersion thfn we had available, and described the bands near 1500 A . , on which we have made intensity measurements as “very diffuse.” He interpreted this diffuseness on the basis of predissociation caused by interaction of the excited level with the normal level of the molecule. We have assumed, largely on the basis of this observation, that ayis essentially constant over a slit width corresponding to each of the background lines. Price pointed out, however, that his dispersion was inadequate to resolve the rotational structure, if present. Some evidence for absence of extreme variation of au across a slit width is found in a study of the transmission, log, ( I o / I ) ,for individual lines, as a function of pressure of the absorbing gas. I t was found that the transmission depended linearly on the pressure for many lines, some of which were near the tails of vibrational bands, where departures from Lambert’s law might be expected to be largest. Unfortunately the pressure variation may have been too small (from 0.015 to 0.06 mm.) in these cases, and the absolute pressure too low to cause any additional broadening. Consequently this evidence is not conclusive. Perhaps it is best t o conclude that minimum values of the integrated absorption coefficients have been obtained, but that the true values may be much larger. Experimental Results Table I shows the experimental results which are based on eleven plates of acetylene a t pressures ranging from 0.0026 to 0.55 mni. I n Table I n is the principal quantum number, and vmax is the frequency of the maximum of the absorption band in cm.-’. The series members with n = 3, 4, 5 and 6 do not overlap, and hence offer no problem of resolution. I n the higher members of the series, there is considerable overlapping of the bands and the amount of the band envelope to be assigned to each transition must be estimated. I n cases


7451G 83140 86666 88431 8946-4

8 9


3 4 E,

0 r.






5 6


85226 87636, 8894 G






where overlapping was not too large, this was done by dividing the ordinate a t the minimum between two overlapping transitions by two and extrapolating the curve from the two peaks through this point to the base of the curve. I n this way f-numbers for the series members with n = 7, 8 and 9 were estimated. ’The accuracy of the results for these members is therefore not expected to be as good as those obtained for the non-overlapping bands. It is noted from Table I that in series I there is a rapid decrease in intensity in going from n = 3 to n = 4. The decrease is not so rapid, and is fairly uniform, in going to the higher members. I n series 11, there is only a gradual decrease throughout. Except for the n = 3 members of the two series, which differ appreciably, the corresponding members of the two series have about equal f-numbers. These results will be compared with some theoretical calculations in the section following. The calculated f-numbers are included in Table I for reference in making these comparisons. Theoretical Calculations and Comparison with Experiments The electronic configuration of acetylene in its normal state may be formulated in many ways. A partly localized molecular orbital formulation is (“CAIIA)’ ( “ C U H B ) ~(“zdtI2 ( “ u ~ p ) ~


where the two electrons in (6cAxA) are from carbon atom C and its attached H, with similar meaning for ( u c ~ H ~ ) .The orbital ( u 2 d i ) is a linear combination











There appears to be little doubt that the orbital ru has the highest energy of all orbitals occupied in the normal state; the transitions corresponding to the longest wave length absorption spectra would then arise from excitation of an electron from this orbital. I t is expected that the transition of lowest energy will occur when the electron is excited to an anti-bonding orbital, rg. I t has been suggested that the transition occurring a t 24002200 A. in acetylene may be of this type.12 At shorter wave lengths there may be transitions to other upper states associated with ru 3 rg. There will be also some transitions t o Rydberg orbitals. TYe have made some theoretical calculations of the dipole moment integrals, and hence intensities, associated with transitions of the Rydberg type, using approximate, wave functions. The complete electronic wave function will be a product of orbital functions of the 14 electrons, corresponding to configuration (5). However, i t has been shown that the dipole rnoment integral calculated from the complete wave functions is the same as that calculated by ignoring electrons which remain in closed shells during the transition.I3 The closed shell ( r u , 2 p ) 4 of equation (5) may be reformulated (nu); ( T ~ ) ~ ~Tentatively , . we consider that the excitation occurs from (nu)!, and the shell remains closed. lye iise & = rL,(1) n,!(2) for the (12) (1 4)

K S Mullikeii, J Chcm P l t y s , 3, t2G ( I q 7 i ) H 5 rvll‘iiLhf 11 I D i I , 8 . 2 7 1 f1010)


June 20, 1952



The integral of equation (8) was evaluated in elliptical coordinates, with the Zp, function centered on one of the carbons and the (nd) function referred to a center midway between the two nuclei, which are located on an axis extending in the z direction. The equilibrium C-C distance is taken as 1.2074 A,’* S,, was obtained from tables of overlap integrals. l5 Analytical forms of the functions used were of the Slater type16 QI = (2)’/2J7rUrRd7 N r b * - 1) exp ( - I t ? ) Y(1, m [@,y) An identical expression is obtained for excitation Q4 , where N is a normalizing factor, n* the “effective from the shell (nu); and since Q2 = Qf the total dipole moment integral principal quantum number,’’ Y(1, m/e, (p) a normalized spherical harmonic, and h represents Q = 2frr,rRd~ (6) Z*/n*ao. Z* is given by (2 - s), where Z is the (nu) was approximated by a linear combination nuclear charge and s is the “screening constant.” of normalized 2px atomic wave functions, i.e. a0 is the Bohr radius. T U = (@X(CA) 2pX(cB))/(2 2SHlI)l/’ (7) The detailed forms of Q for the two series, after where S,, = J2px (CA)2px (CB)d r is the overlap integrating over the angle (P, are integral for the atomic orbitals 2 p x ( c ~ and ) 2p,. Q(Series I ) = CN,N,Jr,r,(n* - 1) exp ( -hcrc - hiu) (CB). Substituting (7) into ( 6 ) z sin 8, sin 8, cos @,dT (9a) Q = 4(2 f ~ S H H ) - ’ / ~ S ( ~ P X ) ~ ( R ) ~(8) T Q( Se:~,I* = ( 2 ) ~ / 2 ~ ~ , ~ -~ 1)~ exp( r , r- ~~t , r(, ~- * The form of the Rydberg orbital will now be conLr,) x sin e, sin2 eudT (loa) sidered. This will be similar in nature to an = 1.733Q(ndug) atomic function of a united atom. Possibilities to be considered are m u g , ndu,, ndn, and nd6,. We where the subscript u refers to the united atom accept the conclusions of Price4 that his series I orbital. h, in the above equation is given by bands are of a parallel type (r = z), and series I1 Slater’s rules as 3.25/2a0, since n* = n = 2. bands are of a perpendicular type (r = x or y). Choices of Z* and of n* for the united atom orbitals Then Q for series I will be zero unless R in Eq. (8) are much more difficult. Z* should actually be is ndn,. There are several possibilities for series equal to one for the higher members of the series 11, since Q vanishes only for R = nda,. The possi- and we have used Z* = 1 for all values of n. For bilities are mug, ndu, and dag.Reference to the n* we used values determined from the Rydberg usual correlation diagrams shows that nsug corre- series formulas given by Price,4 with n* = 2.5, sponds to the bonding molecular orbital up(n- 1)p 3.5, etc., for series I and n* = 2.05, 3.05, etc., for which may be approximated by [(n - 1)pu series 11. However, the integrals in equation ( n - l)pu] a t least for n = 3, 4. Similarly 3du (sa) and (loa) cannot be evaluated in elliptical corresponds to a bonding molecular orbital u3s coordinates for values of n* which are not integers. which may be approximately (3s 3s). Also for The integrals were evaluated for n* = 2, 3, 4. series I, 3dn, may be approximated by the anti- For n* > 4 it is sufficiently accurate to evaluate bonding molecular orbital n,2p of the approximate the integrals in a spherical polar coordinate system, form (2pn - Zfin). I n the latter approximation since the average distance of the electron from either the f value obtained ( > 1) was far higher than center is very large in comparison with the distance anything observed experimentally. between centers. Values for n* = 5 for the two I n order to evaluate equation (8), with R = series were obtained in this way. Results a t the ndn, for series I and R = nd6, or ndu, for series 11, desired values of n* were obtained by graphical the analytical forms of these orbitals must be interpolation. f-numbers corresponding to Q values specified. ndn, is thc atoiiiic function ndxz or calculated in this way are reported in Table I. nd,, and nd 6, is ndx2 - Z, or ?zdxy,and ndu is ndz2. Values for series I1 (ndu,) are not given but are Calculatioiis for trntisitiolls to nsug liavc liot bccn approximately one-third17the values for (ndS,). itlade. tVe h a w then for series I It is evident that the calculations are in very bad agreement with the experimental values for C)(scries I ) = C f ( 2 p s )z ~ t d ~ ~ d ~ members of both series with n 2 5 and in fact = C f ( 2 p x ) z nd,,dr (9) calculations for even the first two members are not with C = 4(2 + 2ssa)-’/z very good, but possibly are acceptable for order of and for series I1 magnitude. It is evident also that the calculated values deQx = Cf 2 p , x ndrl-ya crease much more rapidly with n than the experi= Cf 2 p y x ndXy = C f Z p , x nd.2 0.577Cf2 p , x nd,l-,a (14) G. Herzberg, “Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules,” D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., New York, N. Y., 1945, p. 398. (10) QY = C S Z P , y ndxy (15) R. S. Mulliken, C. A. Rieke, D. Orloff a n d H. Orloff, J . Chcm. = Cf 2py y nd.2 = 0.577Cf2 p , x ndy2-y2 Phrs , 17, 1248 (1949). (16) J. C. Slatar, P h y s . Rev., 36, 57 (1930). and since Qx = QY = Q (17) This factor is exact when the integrals are evnluated in spherical Q(series XI, nd6,) = Cf Zp, n d,n-,l polar cobrdinates, and the approximation is good for n 2 4. It is

normal state function and $1 = (2) --‘I2 [a,( 1)R (2) rTU (2) R (l)]for the excited state function, where 12 is a Rydberg orbital as yet unspecified, and (1) and ( 2 ) refer to the two electrons. These functions are inserted into Eq. (l), and the two-electron integrals are reduced to oneelectron integrals, making use of the fact that nu is orthogonal to R and both R and nu are taken as normalized. The result of the reduction is







()(series 11, nduE)i Z0.57712f Zp. n dzl-#a

probably satisfactory for n = 2,3.


niental values. 'l'he calculations are quite sensitive to small variations in n* and to a lesser extent to Z*. I t is quite possible also that the form


of the Slater functions used are not suited to intensity calculation of Rydberg series members. ROCHESTER, pu' 3'.