Intensity Dependence of the Excited State Lifetimes and Triplet Conversion Yield in the Fenna−Matthews−Olson Antenna Protein Gregory S. Orf,‡,§ Dariusz M. Niedzwiedzki,§ and Robert E. Blankenship*,‡,§ ‡
Departments of Chemistry and Biology, §Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center (PARC), Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri 63130, United States S Supporting Information *
ABSTRACT: The Fenna−Matthews−Olson (FMO) protein is a soluble lightharvesting, bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) containing antenna complex found in green sulfur bacteria. We have measured time-resolved fluorescence and transient absorption at variable laser intensities at 298 and 77 K using FMO protein from Chlorobaculum tepidum prepared in both oxidizing and reducing environments. Fitting of the spectroscopic data shows that high laser intensities (i.e., above 1013 photons × cm−2 delivered per laser pulse) distort the intrinsic decay processes in this complex. At high laser intensities, both oxidized and reduced FMO samples behave similarly, exhibiting high levels of singlet−singlet annihilation. At lower laser intensities, the reduced protein mainly displays a singlet excited state lifetime of 2 ns, although upon oxidation, a 60 ps lifetime dominates. We also demonstrate that the apparent quantum yield of singlet−triplet intersystem crossing in the reduced FMO complex is ∼11% in the most favorable low laser intensities, with this yield decreasing and the probability of singlet−singlet annihilation yield increasing as laser intensity increases. After correcting for stimulated emission effects in the experiments, the actual maximum triplet yield is calculated to be ∼27%. Experiments at 77 K demonstrate that BChl a triplet states in FMO are localized on pigments no. 4 or 3, the lowest energy pigments in the complex. This study allows for a discussion of how BChl triplets form and evolve on the picosecond-to-nanosecond time scale, as well as whether triplet conversion is a physiologically relevant process.
energies have been investigated both experimentally and computationally.15−18 Structurally, the FMO protein complex is a homotrimer containing seven BChl a pigments bound inside each monomer with an eighth BChl a bound in a cleft between monomers, totaling 24 BChl a pigments in a fully intact complex.19−22 The FMO protein is unlike every other known light-harvesting complex in that it lacks association with carotenoids, which aid in light absorption and (B)Chl triplet state quenching. The FMO protein should therefore be subject to increased oxidative damage in the presence of molecular oxygen. To seemingly combat this, the FMO protein displays redox-dependent energy transfer behavior: in an anaerobic environment, the protein’s fluorescence lifetimes are on the order of ∼2 ns, but in aerobic environments, this lifetime shrinks to ∼60 ps, indicating the presence of a redox-dependent excitation quenching pathway whose molecular mechanism is unknown.23−26 For at least 30 years, time-resolved pump−probe spectroscopic experiments, such as transient absorption (TA), have been performed on this complex at room and cryogenic temperatures to probe behaviors of its pigments and to isolate individual pigments or groups of pigments for analysis (Figure 1).15
Photosynthesis is the metabolic process by which solar energy is transduced into chemical energy.1,2 Large pigment-containing antenna complexes absorb solar energy and transfer it to reaction center complexes that use the energy to transfer electrons. Although the reaction centers can be divided into two distinct, conserved groups, the antenna complexes are diverse across taxa and are uniquely tuned to each environment’s light niche.3,4 The anaerobic green sulfur bacteria Chlorobi and the recently discovered phototrophic acidobacterium Chloracidobacterium thermophilum contain two light-harvesting complexes: the chlorosome and the Fenna−Matthews−Olson (FMO) protein.5−7 The chlorosome transfers energy to the FMO complex, which in turn transfers energy to the reaction center. Together, the chlorosome and FMO protein act as a funnel and wire, respectively, to aid in light absorption by the reaction center.8−10 Within the FMO complex itself, energy transfer between individual pigments cannot be explained by semiclassical energy “hopping” mechanisms alone; there is compelling evidence that wave-like quantum coherence occurs on the femtosecond-topicosecond time scale.11−14 The close intermolecular distances between pigments inside the complex lead to exciton coupling in which the chromophores can be described as in a superposition of several states. These excitonic couplings and © 2014 American Chemical Society
Received: November 8, 2013 Revised: January 31, 2014 Published: February 3, 2014 2058 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Protein Preparation. The FMO protein was purified from the green sulfur bacterium Cba. tepidum by a previous method,30 except that ultracentrifuged and resuspended photosynthetic membranes were used instead of whole cell lysate for carbonate treatment and protein purification. The protein was considered pure when the absorbance value at 267 nm divided by that at 371 nm was less than 0.6. The pure protein was concentrated and dialyzed back into fresh 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0) (for room temperature experiments) or 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0) + 60% (v/v) glycerol (for cryogenic experiments) using Amicon 30 MWCO centrifugal filters (EMD Millipore, Billerica, MA). FMO protein considered “oxidized” was used as-purified. FMO protein considered “reduced” was first placed into an anaerobic chamber (80% N2, 10% H2, 10% CO2) and allowed to equilibrate open to the chamber for 0.5 h. Sodium dithionite (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) was then added to a final concentration of 10 mM to react with all remaining dissolved oxygen. After another anaerobic incubation of 0.5 h, the protein was placed into square cuvettes (10 × 10 mm) and tightly sealed before removal from the chamber for experiments. FMO protein used in cryogenic experiments was frozen to 77 K in a VNF-100 liquid nitrogen optical cryostat (Janis Research Corp., Woburn, MA). Before and after all time-resolved spectroscopy experiments, sample integrity was verified by measuring a steady-state absorption spectrum with a UV-1800 UV/vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu North America, Columbia, MD). Femtosecond Time-Resolved Transient Absorption Spectroscopy. Time-resolved pump−probe absorption experiments were carried out using Helios, a femtosecond transient absorption (TA) spectrometer (Ultrafast Systems LCC, Sarasota, FL) coupled to a femtosecond laser system described in detail previously.31 The repetition rate of the 780 nm excitation beam was 1 kHz, consisting of a ∼1 ms gap between excitation pulses. The energies of the pump beam were variably set to 0.02, 0.05, 0.06, 0.10, and 0.50 μJ per pulse in a circular spot size of 1 mm diameter, corresponding to photon intensities of (0.10−3.0) × 1014 photons × cm−2 per pulse. The sample absorbance (path length 10 mm) at the Qy maximum at 808 nm was 0.1. Conversions of laser pulse intensities to photon flux are shown in Table 1.
Figure 1. Steady-state near-infrared (NIR) absorption spectra of the FMO protein at 298 and 77 K, illustrating how experiments at cryogenic temperatures can separate the contributions of different groups of BChl a pigments to the overall spectrum. Various calculations of site energies for the BChl a molecules have produced different results; however, the general consensus is that BChls no. 4 and 3 contribute most strongly to the 816 and 825 nm absorption bands, respectively.15
Through analysis of these experiments and performing our own on the FMO protein from Chlorobaculum (Cba.) tepidum, we have found that the laser intensity with which the pump− probe experiments are conducted has a strong effect on the distribution of contributions of excited state lifetimes of the protein-bound pigments. These experiments are similar to those performed in a previous study nearly two decades ago,27 but we now have far better control over the photon fluxes available for experimentation. We show that when the laser intensity of a pulsed laser spectroscopic experiment is above ∼1013 photons × cm−2 per pulse, the reduced FMO complex behaves as if it is in an oxidizing environment, where the majority of the contribution from its 2 ns lifetime is replaced by fast (1−3 ps) singlet−singlet annihilation and the 60 ps lifetime representative of redox-dependent quenching. The singlet-to-triplet intersystem crossing (ISC) yield, how the triplet states evolve, and on which BChl a pigments the triplet states rest are lingering questions that tie into this subject. Studies concerning the FMO triplet state have not been revisited in well over a decade and relied on an FMO protein with a different spectral type than that from Cba. tepidum.15,20,28,29 In our picosecond-to-nanosecond pump−probe TA experiments at room and cryogenic temperatures, it is possible to calculate the yield of triplet conversion of the FMO BChls. These triplet yields are also dependent on the pulse intensity with which the experiment is performed; in low photon flux conditions, there is a higher population of persistent (nonannihilating) singlet excited states that can intersystem cross to the triplet state. In conditions where the singlet−singlet annihilation effects are minimized, the apparent triplet yield was as high as ∼11% per excitation pulse. After correcting for stimulated emission effects, we calculate the maximum triplet yield to be ∼27%. Using these data, we can begin to recommend which conditions are optimal to use to measure the FMO protein, as well as to describe how BChl a triplet states in the protein form and evolve on the picosecondto-nanosecond time scale.
Table 1. Excitation Laser (780 nm) Intensities Used in This Study and Their Equivalents in Photon Flux experiment
laser intensity (μJ per pulse)
0.5 0.1 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.0012
laser photon flux (photons × cm−2 per pulse) 3.0 3.0 1.6 1.5 1.0 2.0
× × × × × ×
1014 1013 1013 1013 1013 1011
Picosecond Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Time-resolved fluorescence experiments were carried out using a Hamamatsu Corporation (Middlesex, NJ) universal streak camera consisting of a cooled N51716-04 streak tube, C5680 blanking unit, digital CCD camera (Orca2), and A636501 spectrograph from Bruker Corporation (Billerica, MA). Excitation pulses were delivered from Mai-Tai, an ultrafast 2059 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Ti:Sapphire laser, generating ∼90 fs laser pulses at 780 nm with a frequency of 80 MHz consisting of a ∼12.5 ns time gap between excitation pulses into the FMO Qy absorption band. The time interval between excitation pulses was adequate to avoid buildup of the BChl a triplet that will diminish observed fluorescence. (From TA experiments, we saw a low triplet yield for BChls in the FMO, which is discussed in the Results.) The energy of the excitation beam was 0.0012 μJ per pulse in a circular spot of 2 mm diameter, corresponding to a photon intensity of 2 × 1011 photons × cm−2 per pulse. The sample absorbance (path length 10 mm) at the Qy maximum at 808 nm was 0.1. The excitation beam focus point was adjusted to be very close to the cuvette wall that was used to measure emission (at right angle), and self-absorption was practically negligible in all cases. To ensure isotropic excitation of the sample, the excitation laser beam was depolarized (polarization was randomized) before the sample using a DPU-25 achromatic depolarizer (Thorlabs, Inc., Newton, NJ). Ultrafast Spectroscopy Data Processing and Global Fitting. Group velocity dispersion of the femtosecond TA spectra was corrected using Surface Xplorer 2.0 (Ultrafast Systems LCC, Sarasota, FL) by building a dispersion correction curve from a set of initial times of transient signals obtained from single wavelength fits of the representative kinetics. Kinetic traces were then fitted to a series of exponential functions, extracting lifetimes and maximum amplitudes. If a nondecaying (“infinite”) component was necessary to properly fit the kinetic spectrum, this component was considered to reflect the conversion of the FMO protein pigments to a triplet state, which has a decay time greater than the measurement window (8 ns maximum) of the femtosecond TA system. Global fitting of the data sets was performed using a modified version of ASUfit ( asufit.html). Global fitting was done by applying a sequential irreversible decay path model (A → B → C → D → ...). The spectral profiles obtained from this sequential fitting of the TA data sets are termed evolution-associated difference spectra (EADS).32 The full width at half-maximum of the instrument response function was obtained as one of the global fitting parameters and was always less than 250 fs. BChl a Purification and FMO Fluorescence Quantum Yield Determination. BChl a was purified from a BChl overproduction ΔCrtJ mutant strain of Rhodobacter capsulatus, which was a kind gift from Dr. Carl Bauer at Indiana University.33 Cells were grown microaerobically in the dark in liquid RCV media for 3 days at 32 °C and harvested via centrifugation.34 Pigments were extracted with HPLC-grade 7:2 acetone/methanol (v/v) and transferred to a microcentrifuge tube. The solution was then centrifuged (13 000g for 5 min). The clear, blue-green supernatant was directly injected into an Agilent Series 1100 HPLC system (Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) equipped with a reverse-phase C-18 column (4.6 × 250 mm, Agilent Technologies, Inc., Santa Clara, CA) regulated at 20 °C. BChl a eluted at 11 min with 60:36:4 acetonitrile/methanol/tetrahydrofuran (v/v) pumped at a rate of 1.5 mL min−1 was collected, dried under a stream of nitrogen, and redissolved in degassed pyridine.32 Fluorescence quantum yield measurements for FMO were performed similarly to a previous study,35 except that BChl a was the quantum yield standard and oxidized or reduced FMO were the analytes. For these measurements, aliquots of purified BChl a, oxidized FMO, or reduced FMO were transferred to square quartz cuvettes (10 mm × 10 mm) with screwtops fitted
with rubber septa. Before sealing the cuvettes, the headspace was sparged with nitrogen to eliminate as much oxygen as possible. Degassed pyridine (for BChl a), 20 mm Tris-HCl buffer (for oxidized FMO), or 20 mM Tris-HCl + 10 mM sodium dithionite (for reduced FMO) was injected through the rubber septa to adjust the absorbance of the samples at their excitation wavelengths to a series of values between 0.02 and 0.10. Absorption spectra were taken after each fluorescence measurement to ensure that degradation of the pigments was negligible, as well as to record accurately the absorbance value at the excitation wavelength. Fluorescence emission spectra of BChl a and oxidized or reduced FMO at each absorbance were taken using a 602 nm (FMO) or 612 nm (BChl a) excitation beam (lamp flux ∼1 × 1012 photons × cm−2 × s−1), measuring emission from 650−1000 nm on a customized fluorometer with an avalanche photodiode detector (Photon Technology International, Inc., Birmingham, NJ). Fully corrected fluorescence spectra were integrated to determine quantum yield using BChl a (ΦF = 0.20) as the reference36 using the method described in.35,37 No correction for reabsorption was made because the absorbance values were low enough that the correction values are insignificant. Relative fluorescence quantum yield (ΦF) was solved using the following equation previously described,35,37 2 ⎞⎛ Ordinate1 − TspectrumatBChlaλ ⎞ ⎛ Grad FMO ⎞⎛ ηFMO ex ⎟ ΦF,FMO = ΦF,BChla ⎜ ⎟⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎟ Grad ⎝ BChla ⎠⎝ ηBChla ⎠⎝ Ordinate1 − TspectrumatFMOλex ⎠
which contains a correction for an experiment using different excitation wavelengths for the standard and analyte. Grad refers to the slope of a linear regression of an x−y scatterplot of integrated fluorescence versus absorbance, and η is the refractive index of the solvent. The η term for pyridine is 1.51 at 20 °C (MSDS, Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) and 1.36 for 20 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) at 20 °C (MSDS, Hampton Research, Aliso Viejo, CA). Excitation Probability Analysis. To determine the probability with which multiple chromophores within a single FMO monomer will be simultaneously excited with the same pump pulse, a statistical treatment similar to a previous study38 was applied. This model will allow us to determine if any of our laser conditions are strong enough to produce singlet−singlet annihilation effects within a single FMO monomer with any high probability. We begin by considering our laser pulse flux, I, in terms of photons × cm−2 per pulse incident on our FMO sample which has an extinction coefficient, ε, equal to the average extinction coefficient of a single BChl a in the protein (1.53 × 106 M−1 × cm−1)39 multiplied by the number of BChl a in each “interacting unit”. We define the “interacting unit” as a single monomer of the FMO protein, because we assume high levels of intramonomer energy transfer and low levels of intermonomer energy transfer due to distance constraints. The number of BChl a in a single monomer is assumed to be an average of ∼7.67 in our preparations from mass spectrometry results.19 Therefore, we calculate εmonomer to be ∼1.17 × 107 M−1 × cm−1. The effective absorption cross-section available to the laser pulse from each FMO monomer is therefore σ=
2303ε NA
where NA is Avogadro’s number. The average number of photons simultaneously absorbed by chromophores, x, in the FMO monomer in a single laser pulse of intensity is given by 2060 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Figure 2. Transient absorption spectra taken at different delay times after excitation for all experimental conditions performed on the FMO protein, including different incident laser intensities, different temperatures, and different redox environments.
excitation, P2 = (x2/2) e−x is the fraction that receives two excitations, and so forth. Therefore, the expression
x = Iσ It is important to note that though this average number of “hits,” x, can be any real number, each individual FMO monomer must absorb only an integer number of photons. If we consider n to be the integer number of photons absorbed by single FMO monomers, we can produce a Poisson distribution modeling the probability distribution of simultaneous hits at each laser intensity using the following equation: Pn =
∑ i=2
represents the fraction of FMO monomers that receive more than one excitation and are subject to singlet−singlet annihilation. With this distribution, the consequence of high laser intensity on the probability of singlet−singlet annihilation can be analyzed.
x ne−x n!
RESULTS Transient Absorption Experiments. The TA spectra taken at different delay times after excitation for each condition subjected to the FMO protein are shown in Figure 2. These spectra represent the raw data on which analyses were performed. It can be seen from visual inspection of these plots that the behavior of the protein at each temperature and
where n
∑ i=0
x ne−x n!
x ne−x =1 n!
Therefore, P0 = e−x is the fraction of FMO monomers that receive no excitations, P1 = xe−x is the fraction that receives one 2061 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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redox condition changes as the incident laser intensity in the TA is decreased. Analysis of TA and TRF Performed at Room Temperature. Figure 3 shows the TA kinetics, TA global analysis, and
Figure 4. (A) Raw TA kinetics (circles) and their fits from global analysis (lines) for oxidized FMO samples at 298 K excited with different pump laser intensities. (B) Two-dimensional contour plot of the streak camera-derived TRF data of the same sample. (C) Representative fluorescence decay kinetics extracted from the TRF data set at 825 nm. (D−F) Results from global analysis of the TA data sets from each incident laser intensity using a sequential decay path (EADS). The FMO protein was excited at 780 nm in all experiments.
Figure 3. (A) Raw TA kinetics (circles) and their fit from global analysis (lines) for reduced FMO samples at 298 K excited with different pump laser intensities. (B) Two-dimensional contour plot of the streak camera-derived TRF data of the same sample. (C) Representative fluorescence decay trace extracted from the TRF data set at 825 nm. (D−F) Results from global analysis of the TA data sets from each incident laser intensity using a sequential decay path (EADS). The FMO protein was excited at 780 nm in all experiments.
Similar to the case of the reduced protein at this temperature, the decrease in laser intensity alters the distribution of contributions of different TA lifetimes. In this case, regardless of laser intensity, the TA kinetics can be satisfactorily fit without the need for an infinite component, indicating that there is no detectable population of BChl triplets. The TRF results (Figure 4B,C) confirm that this protein is fluorescing in an “oxidized” regime via the appearance of only a ∼60 ps lifetime.26 Using the results from TA kinetics analysis, we are able to construct bar graphs representing the contribution of each component to the overall TA kinetics of the protein. The amplitude of each lifetime component from fitting was divided by the maximum amplitude of the TA spectrum, giving a relative amplitude, or percent-contribution of that lifetime to the system. These bar graphs are visualized in Figure 5. At high laser intensities, the TA spectra are dominated by the short ∼5 ps component, indicative of high levels of singlet−singlet annihilation. As the laser intensity is decreased, in the case of the reduced protein, the contribution of the 2 ns singlet excited state lifetime begins to dominate and the apparent BChl singletto-triplet conversion yield increases to ∼11%. In the case of the oxidized protein, the 60 ps component begins to dominate at low laser intensities, and BChl conversion to triplet state is not observed. Analysis of TA and TRF Performed at Cryogenic Temperatures. Figure 6 shows the TA kinetics, TA global analysis, and TRF kinetics for the reduced FMO protein at 77
TRF kinetic trace for the reduced FMO protein at 298 K. It can be seen from Figure 3A that decreases in the laser intensity result in drastic changes to the TA dynamics. From fitting, the TA kinetics are composed of three to four different (∼5 ps, 60 ps, 2000 ps and “inf inite lifetime”) components. Decreases in laser intensity shift the contribution of these lifetimes from heavily favoring the shorter components to heavily favoring the longer components. These changes are also shown in EADS profiles (Figure 3D−F), where longer lifetime components consistently show a more negative amplitude in respect to the minimum as laser intensity is decreased. We define the ∼5 ps component here as mostly singlet−singlet annihilation, the ∼60 ps component as the FMO’s redox-dependent quenching pathway, the ∼2000 ps component as the intrinsic singlet excited state lifetime of the energetically lowest BChl a exciton(s), and the infinite component as the BChl a triplet excited state. The TRF contour plot and fluorescence dynamics in Figure 3B,C indicate the fully reduced nature of this protein via the appearance of a ∼2 ns lifetime.26 A full table of fitting results from all TA and TRF experiments (including lifetimes and amplitudes) is given in Figures S1 through S4. Figure 4 shows the TA kinetics, global analysis of the TA data, and TRF kinetics for the oxidized FMO protein at 298 K. 2062 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Figure 5. Bar graph representation of the contribution of individual lifetime components of the TA kinetics at 808 nm to the overall behavior in the FMO protein at 298 K in reducing (left) and oxidizing (right) conditions.
Figure 6. (A−C) Raw TA kinetics (circles) and their fit from global analysis (line) for reduced FMO samples at 77 K excited with different pump laser intensities. (D−F) Results from global fitting of TA data sets from each incident laser intensity using a sequential decay path (EADS). (G) Two-dimensional contour plot of the streak camera-derived TRF data of the same sample. (H) Representative fluorescence decay kinetics extracted from the TRF data set at 829 nm. The FMO protein was excited at 780 nm in all experiments.
fitting (Figure 6D−F) to see how the differences in amplitudes of those components indicate different protein behaviors. The shape of the shortest (∼1 ps lifetime) component is drastically different between the highest laser intensity and the two lower intensities. The ∼1 ps EADS shape in Figure 6D is indicative of high levels of singlet−singlet annihilation, because it resembles a pure absorptive event (short lifetime with negative amplitude
K. At 77 K, due to the splitting in the absorption spectrum, it is possible to separately fit the TA kinetics for the different BChl a bands at 806, 816, and 825 nm. In the case of reduced FMO at 77 K, there is no qualitative difference in the TA kinetics (Figure 6A−C) across laser intensities. The derived lifetimes generally match those that were observed in the reduced protein at room temperature, but it is possible after global 2063 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Figure 7. Bar graph representation of the contribution of individual lifetime components from the TA kinetics at 806 (top left), 816 (top right), and 825 nm (bottom left) to the overall behavior in the FMO protein at 77 K in reducing conditions. The triplet conversion contributions are combined into a single graph (bottom right).
temperature (Figure 5). Also, in contrast to the oxidized protein at room temperature, the oxidized protein at 77 K must be fit using an infinite lifetime component, indicating that BChl a triplets are indeed formed in these conditions. From Figure 9, these triplet conversions are localized to the 825 nm absorption band only. Fluorescence Quantum Yield Determination. Figure 10 shows the fluorescence quantum yield (ΦF) determination of FMO using BChl a in pyridine as a standard. The value of ΦF in air-oxidized buffer for FMO is 0.02, and the value in dithionite-reduced buffer is 0.08. It is crucial to note that this is a static spectroscopy experiment, in which the sample is irradiated with a lamp flux of ∼1 × 1012 photons cm−2 s−1. Excitation Probability Analysis. The results of our Poisson analysis of excitation probability in the FMO protein are shown in Figure 11. At the highest laser intensity, 0.5 μJ per pulse (corresponding to 3.0 × 1014 photons × cm−2 per pulse), the average number of excitations in a single FMO monomer occurring due to a single laser pulse is 1.34, resulting in a broad distribution where a statistically significant probability exists in which 0, 1, 2, or 3 BChl a pigments in that single monomer can be excited with the same laser pulse. As the laser intensity is decreased, the average number of excitations decreases sharply, approaching zero. The Poisson distributions for the other, lower laser intensities show that FMO monomers in these conditions do not have a statistically significant probability of absorbing more than one excitation in a single pulse. But, the amounts of expected singlet−singlet annihilation determined from the Poisson distributions do not exactly match the
only), whereas the corresponding shape in Figure 6E,F is indicative of energy transfer or exciton diffusion (a short lifetime with an S-shaped curve);18 both processes occur around this time scale. The TRF spectra from Figure 6G,H, showing only a ∼2 ns fluorescence lifetime, confirm that this protein is indeed still “reduced” at 77 K. We can apply the same bar graph representation as before for the protein in these conditions, which is represented in Figure 7. The effect of laser intensity is most obvious in the 825 nm absorption band, showing a distinct rise in the contribution from the singlet-excited state lifetime and triplet conversion as laser intensity is decreased. It can also be seen from these plots that the maximum apparent triplet conversion seen is ∼10% and is concentrated in the 816 nm band, and to a lesser extent, on the 825 nm absorption band. Figure 8 shows the TA kinetics, TA global analysis, and TRF kinetics for the oxidized FMO protein at 77 K. Unlike in the reducing conditions at 77 K, it is easier to see the effect of laser intensity on TA kinetics by visual inspection in Figure 8A−C. Upon looking at the global fitting results (Figure 8D−F), it is easier to quantify these differences, and again there is a large difference seen in the shape of the EADS short component between the highest laser intensity to the two lower intensities. The TRF spectrum and kinetics in Figure 8G,H can be fit using two lifetimes, a medium and long component, indicating that the redox-dependent quenching in this condition is somewhat attenuated. This is reinforced by the bar graphs seen in Figure 9, which show that the amount of redox-dependent quenching (∼60 ps lifetime) is attenuated in comparison to room 2064 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Figure 8. (A−C) Raw TA kinetics (circles) and their fit from global analysis (line) for oxidized FMO samples at 77 K excited with different pump laser intensities. (D−F) Results from global fitting of transient absorption data sets from each incident laser intensity using a sequential decay path (EADS). (G) Two-dimensional contour plot of the streak camera-derived TRF data of the same sample. (H) Representative fluorescence decay kinetics extracted from the TRF data set at 829 nm. The FMO protein was excited at 780 nm in all experiments.
performed nearly two decades ago27 also experimented with singlet−singlet annihilation effects in the FMO protein, but since that time the photon flux range available for experimentation has greatly improved, such that we can essentially eliminate the annihilation effects. It is possible that because the annihilation is on a similar time scale to the quantum beating behaviors seen in the FMO protein, high amounts of annihilation could perturb the observance of these phenomena. We suggest that in pulsed experiments with this protein, the use of photon fluxes less than 1 × 1013 photons × cm−2 per pulse ensures maximal physiologically relevant behavior. It is also interesting to note that the ability of the FMO protein to quench its excitations in an oxidizing environment is attenuated at low temperatures, regardless of laser intensity. This seems to reinforce the hypothesis from ref 26 that suggests the quenching mechanism in the FMO protein is chemically based and is likely due to a modified or radical amino acid side chain. Addressing question (2) is also fairly straightforward, but the data here do not answer every question about FMO triplet states. From the triplet conversion rates calculated both for the protein at room temperature and the cryogenic temperature, it seems likely that triplet states do form with a significant probability when singlet−singlet annihilation effects are kept to a minimum. This occurs in low laser intensity conditions where
experimental transient absorption data. For example, at the 0.5 μJ per pulse level, the expected amount of singlet−singlet annihilation is about 40%, whereas the experimental data (for the reduced protein at room temperature) places this value at about 55%. A possible explanation for this is given in the Discussion Section.
DISCUSSION The results presented here can begin to answer the following questions: (1) How does laser intensity distort the intrinsic decay processes in the FMO protein? (2) How do BChl a triplet states evolve, and where do they rest on the picosecondto-nanosecond time scale? (3) What do these results imply for the integrity of static spectroscopy experiments or singlemolecule experiments? Addressing question (1) is fairly straightforward with the data at hand. It is clear that when the probability of exciting more than one pigment in each FMO monomer in the same pulse is high, such as 0.5 μJ per pulse in our experiments, high amounts of singlet−singlet annihilation distort the shape of the overall TA kinetics. The high probability of singlet−singlet annihilation dominates and masks the longer singlet excited state components. When this singlet−singlet annihilation is minimized, the protein is able to function as expected. A study 2065 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Figure 9. Bar graph representation of the contribution of individual lifetime components from the TA kinetics at 806 (top left), 816 (top right), and 825 nm (bottom left) to the overall behavior in the FMO protein at 77 K in oxidizing conditions. The triplet conversion contributions are combined into a single graph (bottom right).
Figure 10. Linear correlation of integrated fluorescence vs absorbance at excitation wavelength for determination of the fluorescence quantum yield of the FMO protein in both oxidizing and reduced buffer conditions. BChl a in degassed pyridine was used as the known reference.
Figure 11. Set of Poisson distributions illustrating the probability of exciting n number of pigments in a single FMO monomer with the same 780 nm laser pulse at different laser pulse intensities.
the lowest energy BChl a excitons (see Figure S5 for more information). These results also reinforce older EPR and magnetic resonance data predicting BChl no. 3 as a resting place for the triplet state, though these studies used the FMO protein from Prosthecochloris aestuarii, which has a different spectral type than the protein from Cba. tepidum.20,28,29 The triplet yields that are calculated from data in Figures 3, 4, 6, and 8 do not account for stimulated emission (SE) effects in our laser experiments. SE will deplete the initial population of excited states, eliminating their probability of intersystem
the probability of exciting more than one BChl a per FMO monomer per pulse is very low (see Figure 11). This allows for a larger pool of persistent singlet excited states that have the ability to convert to triplet states. From the 77 K data shown in Figures 6−9, the most triplet character is seen in the 816 and 825 nm absorption bands, which, according to most site energy calculations, mostly represent BChls nos. 4 and 3. This demonstrates that the triplet state is preferentially localized on 2066 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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crossing. We calculate that ∼60% of our TA signal is due to SE (see Figure S6 for more information). Therefore, the true triplet yield should be ∼2.5 times higher than the calculated in each experiment and is, at maximum, ∼27%. Also, we did not observe a “building up” of triplet (infinite lifetime component) amplitude in our TA kinetics. This would have been manifested as an increase in −ΔA as experiments reached longer delay times in the 1−8 ns regime. As our TA Instrumentsation excites the sample at a frequency of 1 kHz (1 ms between pulses), this indicates that any BChl a triplets form and then decay on the 10−100 μs time scale. This is in agreement with the 99 μs triplet lifetime of monomer BChl a in solvent.32 With the lack of triplet-scavenging carotenoids in the FMO complex, it is appropriate to ask if BChl a singlet-totriplet conversion poses a danger to the bacterium, especially in the presence of oxygen. Our data, especially those shown in Figures 4 and 5, conclusively show that the FMO protein is protected from triplet formation in oxidizing conditions through the presence of redox-dependent quenching. Even if a triplet were to form on a BChl a in an oxidized environment, it is possible that the energy level of that triplet state is lower than that of the energy necessary to produce singlet oxygen, thereby preventing production of a reactive species. From ref 32, it was shown that the energy gap between fluorescence and phosphorescence for BChls was ∼4430 cm−1, on average. Using the room temperature fluorescence maximum of the FMO BChl a pigments, 825 nm, the phosphorescence spectrum (indicating the triplet state energy) of the BChl a pigments in FMO should have a maximum at ∼1300 nm, a lower energy than that required for the production of singlet oxygen (1270 nm). 40 Accurate in vitro measurements of the FMO phosphorescence spectrum are necessary to confirm this. If these calculations were shown to be accurate, then the FMO protein’s redox-dependent quenching activity serves not to protect FMO itself from oxidative damage, but rather, to protect the reaction center from accepting energy in aerobic environments. We can address question (3) by returning to Figure 11. By changing all pulsed units to s−1 units and converting all photon fluxes accordingly, we can evaluate the number of excitations in a single FMO monomer per second in a static spectroscopy experiment that utilizes a lamp or static laser. At 3 × 1014 photons × cm−2 × s−1 (0.5 μJ × s−1), the average number of excitations per FMO monomer per second is 1.34, with significant probability of exciting 2, 3, or even 4 chromophores in that single second or laser shot. But, considering that 1 s is 500 000 times the maximum lifetime of the FMO BChl a pigments (2 ns), the chance of two excitations in the same monomer existing simultaneously in that time frame is minimal. Thus, in static spectroscopy experiments that use no more than 3 × 1014 photons × s−1 (most standard spectrophotometers and fluorometers for bulk solutions), singlet−singlet annihilation should not be an issue. In fact, even in highly sensitive single-molecule static spectroscopy experiments,41 wherein the laser fluences imply that the Poisson distribution featured in Figure 11 could stretch to an average excitation value of about 100 per second per protein, we expect negligible singlet−singlet annihilation. This suggests that the fluorescence quantum yields that we have determined for FMO are not being influenced by singlet−singlet annihilation effects. These relatively low quantum yield values may indicate that there is a significant amount of triplet conversion occurring in the FMO protein, or
there are very few absorption events (i.e., the extinction coefficient is lower than previously determined). With respect to Figure 11 and the TA experimental data, it is clear that the expected amount of singlet−singlet annihilation from the Poisson distributions do not exactly match the experimental values from TA. We believe this is due to the fact that our measurements of laser power are average values and assume that the power is homogeneous across the surface area of the beam. In reality, the laser power is represented by a Gaussian curve when precisely measured across the diameter of the beam. Therefore, the laser intensity in the center of the beam will be much larger than the average intensity value. Because we aligned the beam along the side wall of the cuvettes used in experiments, this may artificially raise the local laser intensity experienced by the protein solution above the measured average beam intensity value. However, we do not believe that this inconsistency affects the integrity of our conclusions; the trends observed in our experiments are still well-defined and compelling. Finally, it is of importance to note that as the laser power is decreased in these time-resolved experiments, there is trade-off between more physiologically relevant behavior and signal-tonoise ratio. This is clearly an instance where optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio in an experiment may be detrimental to the study of the actual function of a pigment−protein. One must also always remember that there are no assurances that isolated pigment−protein complexes should behave exactly the same way as they would in vivo. The FMO protein in vivo is not the site of primary absorption of incoming solar photons to a green sulfur bacterium; it is the chlorosome. The FMO is likely being fed by a steady stream of excitations regulated by the chlorosome. The excitation density in a single FMO protein in vivo in physiological light conditions is likely lower than what an isolated FMO protein is subjected to in an in vitro laser experiment.
CONCLUSION In conclusion, we have quantified the effect of incident laser intensity on the intrinsic lifetimes and triplet state conversion in the FMO protein. We have also measured the fluorescence quantum yield of the protein. We can now suggest that using laser intensities under 1 × 1013 photons × cm−2 per pulse ensures the observance of maximal physiologically relevant behavior. We have demonstrated that BChl a singlet-to-triplet conversion occurs with significant probability when singlet− singlet annihilation is minimized. Due to the lack of carotenoids in the protein, when BChl a triplets are formed, they migrate quickly to and persist on BChl no. 4 or 3, the lowest energy BChls. The triplet states that do persist are likely not energetic enough to react with molecular oxygen. With the time window of our instrumentation, determining the lifetime of the BChl a triplet state is not possible, but it should be on the 10−100 μs time scale in order to avoid being gradually built up to high density in our TA experiments. This work opens the door for further study of triplet states in the FMO protein.
S Supporting Information *
Tables are included that summarize the fitting results from all TA and TRF experiments. These include lifetimes and amplitudes for all spectral components. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at 2067 | J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 2058−2069
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Corresponding Author
[email protected]. Tel.: + 1-314-935-7971. Author Contributions
All authors designed the study; G.S.O. and D.M.N. performed experiments; G.S.O. analyzed data and wrote the manuscript; all authors participated in review of the manuscript. Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Dr. Sergei Savikhin of Purdue University and Dr. Dewey Holten of Washington University for insightful discussions, as well as Dr. W. E. Moerner and Dr. Gabriela Schlau-Cohen of Stanford University for inspiring this study. The authors also thank Mr. Duo Xu and Mr. Brandon Chang of Washington University for assistance in purifying the necessary quantities of the FMO protein. The portion of this work involving protein preparation was supported by DOE grant DEFG02-10ER15902 to R.E.B. The portion of work involving ultrafast laser spectroscopy and data analysis was supported by the Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center (PARC), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under award DE-SC0001035 to R.E.B.
ABBREVIATIONS FMO, Fenna−Matthews−Olson; Chl, chlorophyll; BChl, bacteriochlorophyll; (B)Chl, bacteriochlorophyll or chlorophyll; TA, transient absorption; TRF, time-resolved fluorescence; Inf, infinite; norm, normalized; Flu, fluorescence
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