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ACS SHORT COURSES taught by recognized authorities to your staff members on your premises

TYPICAL SAVINGS ON IN-HOUSE PACKAGE SESSIONS "Thermal Methods of Analysis." Cost per registrant, off-site course . . . $145.00. Basic fee for in-house course . . . $1,700.00. Additional fee per s t u d e n t . . . $15.00.

ACS Intensive Short Courses are conducted by recognized authorities and designed to meet the needs of professionals. That is why so many cor­ porations, laboratories, government agencies and universities send staff members to these productive sessions, wherever they are given. Perhaps your organization has sent people, too. But consider the time and money that could be saved by offering these same courses, taught by the same experts, right on your own premises (or, if you prefer, at a nearby facility of your choice). Consider, too, how many more staff members could take these valuable courses for the same amount of money—or even less! Package sessions could benefit you in many ways: 1. Group rates cut tuition fee per student from 11% (for a class of fifteen) to 78% (for a class of 100) 2. All costs for transportation, hotels and meals are eliminated 3. Staff members remain in-town, on call, if problems arise 4. No time is wasted in staff travel 5. All questions raised by participants will be relevant to your organization and its work

No. of Registrants 15 25 50 75 100

• Business Aspects of Chemistry · Laboratory Safety • Emulsions and Dispersions · Gas Chromatography • Interpretation of Mass Spectra · Polymer Chemistry And Over Thirty More!

Cost per Registrant $128.33 83.00 49.00 37.67 32.00

Savings per Registrant $ 16.67 62.00 96.00 107.33 113.00

% Savings per Registrant 11% 43% 66% 74% 78%

The more people you register, the greater the savings... and that's on tuition alone! Estimate for yourself the additional savings in travel and per diem costs.

Call, write, or send coupon below for more in­ formation on nearly forty intensive In-House Short Courses, and how to bring leading authorities to your own headquarters to teach your staff members in person!

^a* m WU «ft §» m m a* lev Department of Educational Activities American Chemical Society ; 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036 YES, I am interested in information on intensive In-House ACS Short Course Package Sessions. Please ν' send me details on courses available, costs, savings, etc ..

Here are just a few of the important ACS Short Courses now available on an in-house basis:

Total ACS Cost per Package $1,925 2,075 2,450 2,825 3,200


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* # a » Mb Nov. 8, 1976C&EN