Intercalation of ammonia into tantalum disulfide - ACS Publications

Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey 07036 (Received June 4, 1975). Publication costs assisted by Exxon Research and ...
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Intercalation of Ammonia into Tantalum Disulfide

On the Intercalation of Ammonia into Tantalum Disulfide‘ Martin Dlnes. and Ricardo Levy Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Linden, New Jersey 07036 (Received June 4, 1975) Publication costs assisted by Exxon Research and Engineering Company

In an effort directed toward a more thorough comprehension of the process of intercalation of Lewis-base guests into the layered transition metal dichalcogenides, we studied the gas-solid reaction of ammonia and tantalum disulfide. The uptake and desorption were followed gravimetrically. Isotherms for (NHS)*TaS2 between 308 and 353OK and 0.65 < x < 0.85 did not show hysteresis. In this concentration range, the variation of composition with temperature a t constant NH3 pressure (1 atm) shows the presence of a simple homogeneous phase. This is confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Deintercalation below x 0.65 leads to the formation of a second-stage compound. In the single phase region, the isosteric enthalpy of intercalation increases with increasing ammonia content. This suggests strong interaction between intercalated molecules and a structure having the C3 axis of the guest parallel to the layer planes.


Introduction Intercalation refers to the process of two-dimensional inclusion of a guest species between the composite sheets of a lamellar host. Generally, the driving force for such a reaction is attributed to the interaction between guest and host, which overcomes the relatively weak interlayer forces of the host. The nature of this bonding may be covalent, ionic, or even van der Waals. Graphite is often cited as an example of an “amphoteric” host capable of interaction with a broad spectrum of electron donors or acceptors. This interaction may be viewed as a localized phenomenon or as involving the energy bands of the host, but in either case, the results are the same-namely, that in the product, both guest and host experience some degree of perturbation of their geometrical and electronic structure to minimize energy. Many of the transition metal dichalcogenides belong to a class of lamellar hosts capable of intercalating only Lewis base or electron-donating species (such as alkali metals). This behavior is attributed to the population and energy of the bands of the solid.2a Despite the substantial attention recently paid to these compounds and the materials resulting from their intercalation, there is a lack of information on the details of the intercalation process itself. We have investigated as a prototypical case the system ammonia-tantalum disulfide, and examined in some detail the pattern of their interaction. We chose this particular system because the starting materials are relatively simple, well characterized, and they react under ambient conditions a t rates which are easily followed by conventional vacuum system techniques. Furthermore, the product has been examined in parallel investigations using solid-state NMRZband X-ray and neutron diffraction.3 In this study we looked at the kinetics and thermodynamics of intercalation by gravimetric absorption, thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray diffraction. Particular emphasis was placed on the phase behavior of (NH3),-TaS2 in the regime 0.5 < x < 1.0. Experimental Section 2H-Tantalum disulfide was prepared from the elements by a slow cooling technique from 1173°K.4 The samples

were sieved through a 100 mesh screen, and had a BET surface area of 0.1 to 0.2 m2 g-l. The ammonia was obtained from Matheson Corp. (Anhydrous) and was of 99.99% purity. Prior to use, it was distilled from sodium. The NH3 uptake was followed gravimetrically using a Cahn microbalance enclosed in a glass vacuum manifold connected to mechanical and oil diffusion pumps. Pressure was read by a calibrated Baratron gauge. Thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry were performed on a Dupont 900 instrument. Heating rates of 10°/min were employed, and argon or ammonia was the carrier gas, run at atmospheric pressure. X-Ray patterns were obtained on a Phillips powder diffractometer using Ni-filtered Cu Ka radiation. Results and Discussion A. Uptake and Deintercalation Experiments. The uptake of ammonia a t 298OK and 1 atm is shown in Figure 1. Fresh TaS2 exhibits a sigmoidal uptake curve with no observable breaks. However, a threshold pressure of ca. 700 Torr was found, below which intercalation could not be detected. This observation, coupled with the relatively slow initial rate seen in the uptake suggests B nucleation process. The NHs uptake of previously deintercalated tantalum disulfide, on the other hand, does not show either a slow initial rate or threshold pressure. The nucleation is, therefore, related to the initial cleaving of the tantalum disulfide planes. In either case, absorption of ammonia proceeds until approximately one molecule of guest is included per formula unit of host. At 1 atm ammonia pressure and room temperature, this saturation value actually occurs a t about 0.95 ammonias per tantalum disulfide. Pumping on the fully intercalated product a t room temperature resulted in rapid loss in weight, which soon levels (although never truly asymptotically) a t a value of composition of nearly one-half the initial total weight gain (Figure 1).This composition, (NHs)d,sTaS2, was shown via X-ray powder diffraction (Figure 2) to be a second-stage compound. In such a compound the intercalated ammonia occupies every other van der Waals space in the layered structure. Although not previously seen in the case of T a S p NHB,such second-staged compounds are well known in the chemistry of graphite, and have also been reported in the The JourRalofPhysicalChemistry, Vol. 79. No. 18, 1975


Martin B. Dines and Ricardo B. Levy 1.0,















t AH

L . ' :8 , , , , , , 2



10, 1 2

I.II.-..L--l 14 16 18 2 0


1 22





Figure 1. Uptake and deintercalation of ammonia by tantalum disulfide at STP. Open circles are initial uptake, closed circles are deint&rcaIationat ca. Torr. Triangles refer to the uptake of a previously deintercalated sample.

+---+ (NH3)



20 Figure 2. X-Ray powder diffraction results on the starting material, Second-stage product, and fully intercalated product (only the O W reflections are shown). chse of tantalum disulfide-pyridine and titanium disulfideamm~nia.~ Although the density of the ammonia within the layers of the second-stage compound is nearly the same as the first stage (indicated by the composition) it is apparent that its vapor pressure is much lower. The same second-stage compound is obtained if tantalum disulfide is allowed to absorb 0.5 equiv of ammonia and the product subsequently equilibrated several days at 373OK in a sealed tube. The process of intercalation can be completely reversed by pumping on the product at elevated temperatures (2' > 423OK). However, the tantalum disulfide thus recovered shows significant loss of crystal perfection. B. Thermal Analysis. The thermogravimetric behavior of the nominally 1:1 ammonia-tantalum disulfide product (Figure 3) had the following salient features: (1)the weight ltiss commenced immediately, indicating a high vapor pressure for the saturated product; (2) no discernable steps TYe Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 79, No. 18, 1975






Flgure 3. (a) Differential scanning calorimetric curve for (N&)o.g5TaS2:The endothermic heat is measured to be ca. 8.5 kcal/ mol referenced to indium melting. (b) Thermogravimetric curve for the same compound. Weight loss corresponds to 6.06%. were seen in the deammoniation; (3) the overall weight loss corresponds to 6.06% of the initial weight. The weight loss is consistent with tho formulation of the starting composition of (NH3)0,93TaS2.Diffraction patterns of the product of the TGA experiment were typical of pure tantalum disulfide, although with broadened 001 reflections indicative of disorder in the c-axis lattice direction. If ammonia was the carrier gas, essentially the same results were found. Differential scanning calorimetry using indium as a standard indicated a broad endothermic process for the deammoniation, with an enthalpy for the overall reaction of ca. 8-9 kcal/mol (Figure 3). This value is probably good to only about 120% due to the large error in the method and the fact that the process occurred over such a broad range of temperature. This overall enthalpy has two main components, the endothermic heat necessary to overcome whatever forces keep the ammonia in the lattice, and an exothermic term regained when the layered tantalum disulfide lattice is recovered on evacuation by the guest. The value of this interlayer enthalpy is not known, but probably is less than about 4 kcal/mol and nearer to 1 kcal/ mol. This estimation is based on phase transformation studies conducted by Huismann? and the heat of condensation of sulfur (2.5 kcal/g atom).7 In layered tantalum disulfide the chalcogen bears a partial negative charge. Therefore, it is argued that due to mutual repulsions, the molar interlayer enthalpy should be lower than the heat of condensation of sulfur. Thus, the overall value for the heat of intercalation from the DSC experiment of ca. 8 kcal/mol can be considered to be a lower limit to the overall average bonding energy of the complex. C.Intercalation Isotherms. Between 310 and 353'K, the uptake and desorption isotherms of the NHS-TaS2 system show no hysteresis. As shown in Figure 4, the composition at these temperatures varies between 0.65 < x < 0.85 for variations in NH3 pressure from 10 to 700 Torr. At lower and higher temperatures, on the other hand, strong hysteresis is observed. The high-temperature hysteresis is probably due to the phase change which occurs near x = 0.5. This has limited the thermodynamic study to the 310-353'K temperature range. In this range, and for 0.65 < x < 0.85, (NH3),TaS2 is a homogeneous solid phase. This is con-


Intercalationof Ammonia into Tantalum Disulfide I






X -




8 -


t '-

E 0


.6r z 0.76 0





$ 5 v)













Figure 4. Intercalationisotherms for TaSZ-NHs. Circles refer to a run conducted at 346'K, triangles at 331°K, and squares at 311'K. Closed data points are for the forward (intercalation) direction and open points are the reverse.




3 L















103 -K~-

Flgure 6. Clausius-Clapeyron plots at various stoichiometries.


0.5 a solid solution occurs with a vapor pressure dependence on composition which varies such as to indicate rising negative enthalpy with increasing occupation by the guest. This observation is most simply explained by invoking significant interguest hydrogen bonding, which in turn implies that the ammonias are not “plugged in” to the layers as might be expected on conventional coordination chemistry grounds, but rather they lie with their C3 axes parallel to the TaSz layers. Bonding to the layers thus involves a sulfur-nitrogen-sulfur three-center interaction. Acknowledgment. The authors are grateful to several colleagues, in particular to M. S. Whittingham and J. P. deNuefville for their helpful comments and discussion. In addition, we are thankful to R. Kelly and J. Picone for their able assistance.

References and Notes (1) Presented in part at the 168th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N.J.. Sept. 1974. (2) (a) For a comprehensive review, see A. D. Yoffe, Annu. Rev. Meter. Sci., 3 (1973); (b) E. 0.Silbernagel and F. R. Gamble, Phys. Rev. Len., 32, 1436 (1974). (3) R. R. Chianelli. J. C. Scanion, M. S. Whittingham and F. R. Gamble. Inorg. Chem., 14, 1691 (1975). (4) F. R . Gamble and T. H. Geballe in “Treatise on Soli State Chemistry”, Vol. 2, N. B. Hannay, Ed., Pergammon Press, New York, N.Y.. 1974. (5) F. R. Gamble, J. H. Osiecki, M. Cals, R. Pisharody, F. J. DiSalvo, and T. H. Geballe, Science, 174, 493 (1971). (6) R. Huismann, Dissertation, Groningen, 1969. (7) E. Mayer, “Elemental Sulfur”, Interscience, New York, N.Y.. 1965, p 87. (8) The overall or integrated enthalpy (equivalent to l x l *hFi dx) can be 11 (see F i g calcuhted from the straight line equation: hFi = -36x ure 7). In the region 0.65 x 0.85 this integrated enthalpy ihcreases by about -3 kcal/mol, about half the value found for the partial molal counterpart. (9) G. M. Holmes in “The SolibGas Interphase”. Vol. I, E. Alison Flood, Ed., Marcel Decker, New York, N.Y., 1966, p 133. (10) E. Wicke and 0.H. Nernst, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.,68, 224 (1964). (11) 8. G. Silbernagel and F. R. Gamble, J. Chem. Phys., in press.
