International and metric units of measurement (Green, M. H.) - Journal

International and metric units of measurement (Green, M. H.). William F. Kieffer ... Journal of Chemical Education ... Published online 1 April 1974. ...
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Internationaland Metric Unlts of Measurement

M H. Green, New Jersey State Bureau of Air Pollution Control. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1913. 118 pp. Tables. 14.5 X 22 cm. $12.50. This is a complete revision of the previous edition but retains the same pattern. International units are used consistently and many tables of conversion factors to customary units are included. The liter is now 1WU rm3, the atmosphere is 1.01R.250 dyne ~ m - SI ~ .eonventio& are recognized where applicable, but the old familiar units are still spelled out in handbook fashion (e.g., one foot per minute = 9.874730 X lo-= knots). Sections cover angular measure, area, atomic energy, density and concentration, electrical, energy, flow, force, length magnetic, mass, power, pressure, time, velocity, and volume. References are up to 1960 hut two appendices relate systems of units. Conversions are usually given to seven significant figures. Alihrary reference volume for $12.50. WFK

Volume 51, Number 4, April 1974

