Introducing Students to Feedstock Recycling of End-of-Life Silicones

Mar 6, 2015 - via a Low-Temperature, Iron-Catalyzed Depolymerization Process ... enormous amounts of end-of-life polymers, which are currently recycle...
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Laboratory Experiment

Introducing Students to Feedstock Recycling of End-of-Life Silicones via a Low-Temperature, Iron-Catalyzed Depolymerization Process Peter Döhlert, Maik Weidauer, Raphael Peifer, Stephan Kohl, and Stephan Enthaler* Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Chemistry, Cluster of Excellence “Unifying Concepts in Catalysis”, Straße des 17. Juni 115/C2, D-10623 Berlin, Germany S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The straightforward large-scale synthesis and the ability to adjust the properties of polymers make polymers very attractive materials. Polymers have been used in numerous applications and an increased demand is foreseeable. However, a serious issue is the accumulation of enormous amounts of end-of-life polymers, which are currently recycled by thermal degradation, undergo downcycling, or buried in landfills. In contrast, only a minor fraction of polymers is recycled by selective depolymerization processes to produce low molecular weight chemicals that can be polymerized to new polymers. Polysiloxanes (silicones) are widely used polymers, and recycling is challenging due to their intrinsic properties. A few high temperature or less environmentally friendly protocols have been reported for recycling silicones. To circumvent these problems, a lowtemperature process was developed for the depolymerization of polysiloxanes using catalytic amounts of cheap, iron salts as a precatalyst and benzoyl fluoride as a depolymerization reagent. Low molecular weight products (difluorodimethylsilane and 1,3-difluoro1,1,3,3-tetramethyldisiloxane) are used for the synthesis of new polysiloxanes; hence, overall a recycling process is feasible. This inorganic chemistry experiment introduces second-year undergraduate students to the concept of feedstock recycling via depolymerization/polymerization processes and exemplifies modern advances in sustainable chemistry. KEYWORDS: Second-Year Undergraduate, Inorganic Chemistry, Laboratory Instruction, Catalysis, Green Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Polymerization

BACKGROUND Every year, large amounts of end-of-life plastics are produced on a multiton scale by our consumer society.1−4 State-of-the-art waste management is composed of landfill storage, thermal recycling (decomposition for energy purposes), and downcycling to produce low-quality materials. In contrast, the selective degradation to valuable synthons (feedstock recycling) is only performed for a minor fraction of the waste.5 Noteworthy, low molecular weight chemicals can be applied as feedstock for new high-performance polymers, and therefore, a recycling of polymers is feasible. The development of efficient recycling technologies can be an opportunity to save steadily decreasing natural resources and to contribute to a greener society.5 The advantages of feedstock recycling are apparent; however, several issues hamper implementation, for example, high energy demand for depolymerizations, copolymers, and selectivity. The application of catalysis can be a useful tool to overcome these issues and to make the whole process more valuable.6,7 Widely used polymeric materials are polysiloxanes/ silicones (e.g., silicone-oil, -rubber, -grease, -resin) with outstanding properties, for example, thermal stability, low chemical reactivity, low toxicity, stability to UV radiation, and electrical insulation. With these properties, a broad range of applications spanning from medicine, electronics, cookware, © 2015 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

and coatings to the construction industry has been established. Moreover, the straightforward availability of polysiloxanes on a large scale by the Müller−Rochow Process and subsequent hydrolysis makes them attractive materials (Scheme 1a).8−10 In more detail, methyl chloride is reacted with silicon at elevated temperature to produce a mixture of silanes (Me2SiCl2, MeSiCl3, SiCl4, Me4Si) with dichlorodimethylsilane as the major component. Additional synthetic steps and high energy input are required to access the starting materials; for example, methyl chloride is formed in a sequence from natural resources via synthesis gas and methanol.8 In addition, a very large amount of energy is required to convert SiO2 to silicon. After the synthesis of Me2SiCl2, the addition of water produces the desired polysiloxanes, with hydrogen chloride as byproduct. After polysiloxanes have fulfilled their uses, the notation changes to end-of-life polysiloxanes. Currently, one major treatment for end-of-life polysiloxanes is thermal decomposition. At this stage, all integrated functions derived from natural resources (e.g., −CH3) are converted to carbon dioxide, which has a negative impact on the environment, and for new polysiloxanes, natural resources will be consumed. To overcome these issues, depolymerization to low molecular weight Published: March 6, 2015 703

DOI: 10.1021/ed5007579 J. Chem. Educ. 2015, 92, 703−707

Journal of Chemical Education

Laboratory Experiment

Scheme 1. Lifetime of Polysiloxanes and Recycling Concept

academic, as well as industrial, chemistry.37 One subaim is to acquaint students with the concept of metal-catalyzed depolymerizations to produce practical monomers, which is underrepresented in introductory-level chemistry textbooks. At this stage, a discussion on the advantageous application of catalysis can be helpful.38 The current trend in catalysis to substitute expensive, rare, and toxic metals with cheap, abundant, and low-toxicity metals can add new aspects for understanding of catalyst selection (see, for instance: metal costs (e.g., Fe 0.005 €/mol, Rh 2484 €/mol, Ru 150 €/mol, Ir 2052 €/mol),39 metal availability (e.g., Fe 4.7%, Rh 0.001 ppm, Ru 0.02 ppm, Ir 0.001 ppm),40 and toxicity (e.g., permitted daily oral exposure: Rh, Ru, Ir 10 ppm, Fe 1300 ppm)41). On the other hand, the monomers obtained can be applied in a polymerization reaction to produce new polysiloxanes. In this regard, students gain experience in polymer chemistry. For both experiments (depolymerization and polymerization), different analytical techniques for characterization, for example, NMR spectroscopy or mass spectrometry, are utilized. Students can (im)prove their skills in interpretation of 1H NMR and 13 C{1H} NMR spectra and practical knowledge can be obtained with 19F NMR and 29Si{1H} NMR techniques.

synthons can be an interesting option (Scheme 1b). However, only a few high temperature (>200 °C) or less environmentally friendly protocols have been established so far.10−29 Recently, it was reported that zinc- and iron-catalyzed low-temperature (