Investigations on the Mechanism of Hydrogen Overvoltage. The Salt

Surtension d'hydrogène, double couche électrique et questions connexes. Geneviève Sutra. Journal de Physique et le Radium 1951 12 (6), 673-681...
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Vol. 71

AND& J. DE B ~ H U N E


tween copper(I1) ions and ethylenediamine have been re-investigated over the visible range of the spectrum by the method of continuous variations and other physical methods. 2. In solutions over the concentration range studied it has been shown that both mono-ethyl-


enediamine and bis-ethylenediamine copper(I1) ions are present. 3. Water solutions of the crystalline complex compounds Cu enCl2 and Cu(en)&l2,H20 show marked difference in absorption characteristics. NEW ORLEANS,




Investigations on the Mechanism of Hydrogen Overvoltage. The Salt Effect’ BY ANDRE:J When the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of electrolytes is conducted in such a manner that hydrogen is evolved a t the cathode, the electromotive force (with its sign3) of the cell cathode 1 solution 1 reversible hydrogen electrode (1)



moderately acid solutions, the overvoltage can be represented over a fairly wide range of current densities by the Tafel equation 7 = b log Ill0


where b and IO are empirical constants.6 At low overvoltages, this equation breaks down since q and I must approach zero together. The constant h is proportiona16J to the absolute temperature T , and a t 25’ often has the value 0.12 volt, which is constant reference electrode 11 solution j cathode (2) 2 (In lO)RT/e, where K is the Boltzmann constant where the constant reference electrode may be, and e the electronic charge. This value of b has e. g., a calomel electrode o r a standard hydrogen been confirmed by numerous workers and obelectrode, and the liquid junction potential is elimi- served on different metals.8 The constant Io is nated as well as p o ~ s i b l e . ~The relation between very dependent on the metal used; its temperacathode potential and overvoltage is ture dependence is given by the Arrhenius equav = v*-q (3) tion (with an energy of activation of 18 kcal. on where Ve is the equilibrium cathode potential (i. mercury in 0.2 N sulfuric acid.s) The dependence of IO on the composition of the e., the cathode potential at zero current, provided the electrochemical reaction remains the same in solution has been investigated b y B ~ w d e n , ~ the measurement of Ve as in the measurement of Frumkin and co-workers1°and BCthune and KimV ) . The measured overvoltage defined above ball,” who all used mercury cathodes. Bowden always includes a fraction of the Ohmic potential discovered that, in dilute acids and in buffers condrop in the solution. This must be suitably elimi- taining 0.1 M potassium chloride, Io is constant nated or corrected for to obtain the “true” over- throughout the entire pH range covered (from 0.8 = -11.5 * 0.2 a t 18’). This revoltage. Overvoltage measurements can have to 6.6) (log IO sult was confirmed by the Russian workers for dimeaning only within the current density range in which a single reaction occurs a t the cathode (ex- lute solutions of pure acids. BCthune and Kimball cept at a dropping cathode). When several reac- extended Bowden’s work to more concentrated tions occur a t once, not only do the observed over- acids and found that Io remains constant in sulvoltages and currents become very unsteady but furic acid up to a concentration of 3 M . Above 3 M , there is a gradual decrease in overvoltage as they become difficult to interpret. The overvoltage may be considered as an e. m. f. the acid concentration is increased. I n acid solulocalized a t or near the cathode surface, and tions containing salts, the Russian measurements needed to drive the chemical reaction a t the cath- seemed to indicate a salt effect, which, in the case ode a t a finite rate. The overvoltage vanishes of sulfates, raised the overvoltage (i. e., lowerqd a t zero current, and is, in general, a monoto( 5 ) J. Tafel, 2.physik. Chem., 60, 641 (1905). (6) F. P. Bowden, Proc. Roy. SOC.(London), 8128, 107 (1929). nously increasing function of the current density I (7) A. Frumkin, Acta physico-chimico U.R.S.S., 18, 45 (1943). (in amperes cm.-*). On several metals and in (8) S. Glasstone, Ann. Rcporfs Chem. Soc., 84, 107 (1937); F . P. is known as the hydrogen overvoltage q of the cathode. It is also convenient to define the cathode potential I‘ as the e. m. f. (with its sign) of the cell

(1) Presented before the symposium on Galvanic Cells and Batteries, a t the 113th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, in Chicago, Ill., in April, 1948. (2) National Research Fellow in Chemistry 1945-1947. Present address: Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. (3) We are here adhering to the Lewis and Randall convention which makes the e. m. f . E of a cell positive when the terminal is on the right. (4) As here defined, the cathode potential is usually a negative quantity, while the overvoltage is always positive.


Bowden and J. N. Agar, ibid., 86, 90 (1938); K. Wirtz, 2. EIekfrochcm., 44, 303 (1938); S. Glasstone, “Introduction to Electrochemis1942. try,” Chapter XIII,Van Nostrand CO.,Inc., New York, N. Y., (9) F . P . Bowden, Trans. Faraday Soc., 24, 473 (1928). (10) Papers by A. Frumkin, S. Levina, W. Sarinsky, S. Jofa, B. Kabanov, E. Kuchinski and F. Chistiakov, A d a physico-chimica U.R. S. S., 6, 491 (1937); ‘7, 485 (1937); 10, 317, 903 (1939); 18, 23, 183 (1943). P h. g s . 13, 53 (11) A. J. de Bethune and G . E. Kimball, J . C ~ P I N (1945).

May, 1949


Io)and in the case of chlorides, bromides and iodides caused deviations from the Tafel relation, with an increase in overvoltage a t the higher current densities, a decrease a t the lower current densities, and evidence of hysteresis in the intermediate region. That the overvoltage-current densityrelation i s independent of the hydrogen-ion concentration in dilute solutions of pure acids seems fairly well established. A few scanty data on the effect of hydrogen pressure indicate that the cathode potential-current density relation is almost unaffected by variations in pressure in the range 0.1 to 10 atmospheres. l 2 Theoretical Developments All recent theoriess of hydrogen overvoltage are based on a mechanism, first proposed by ErdeyGrGz and Volmer,13which postulates that the slow step is the discharge of the hydrogen ion or proton


T h a t part of the reversible potential which varies with $H is then set up across the outer half of the double layer, while that part which varies with hydrogen pressure operates across the inner half. If the slow step i s the passage of a proton across the inner energy barrier, the overvoltage is also set up across the inner half of the double layer. The cathode potential17 V may be assumed to be localized across the double layer. It can then be written as the sum of an inner and a n outer potential term


= vi




If (H30+), is the activity of the hydronium ions adsorbed in the inner ion layer, and (H30+) that in the solution, we have V,, = (KT’/e)In (H30+)/(Ha0+ja Vi = (kT/e) In (H30+)a/&:


(7) (8)

If hydronium ions are the only ions present in the inner ion layer, their activity is proportional to the This mechanism gives a reasonable explanation for charge density, to a first approximation. Thus the observed value of b. Eyring, Glasstone and (H30+), becomes essentially equal to a constant Q Laidler14 (EGL) first attempted to explain why IO in the region where electrical saturation takes should be independent of the hydrogen ion concenplace. This conclusion had already been reached tration when i t is the measure of the rate of a reintuitively by action involving hydrogen ions. They postulated For the rate of the cathode reaction, KGG write that the protons discharged at the cathode come the equati~n~~~~~ from water molecules rather than from hydronium I = Pa0 exp ( - a e V i / k T ) (9) ions, thus providing a reactant of essentially constant concentration. Unfortunately, this very where a is the fraction of the inner potential operattractive theory led to an erroneous conclusion, ating between the inner ion layer and the top of the viz., that the I vs. V relation should be independ- potential energy barrier, a. is the activity of the ent of P H , rather than the I os. 9 relation as ob- source of protons in the inner ion layer, and P is a served experimentally. Since Ve decreases with rate constant. Substitution of (8) into (9) gives increasing P H , this would have led to the conclu- the relation between current density and overvoltsion that the overvoltage decreased with decreas- age ing hydrogen ion concentration.16 I = Pa0 ( H @ + ) F a p$ exp (f aeq/kT) (10) T o resolve the difficulties of the EGL theory, Kimball, Glasstone and Glassner16 (KGG) postu- Volmer13 pointed out that when a is set equal to lated that the electrical double layer a t the elec- 1/2, the correct value is obtained for b. The coeftrode surface, composed of the adsorbed ions and ficient of the exponential is Io. Its dependence on their electrical image in the electrode, extends out- the hydrogen pressure is consistent with the few ward from the electrode into the solution far experimental results available. KGG retained the enough to include at least two layers of adsorbed EGL postulate that the protons discharged come ions, so that a proton crossing the double layer from water molecules, and they set a. equal to the must pass over a t least two potential energy bar- activity of water in the inner ion layer. This is riers before i t reaches the electrode. KGG showed essentially constant, so that Io is independent of that the charge density in the inner ion layer in- pH, in agreement with experiment. The EGL creases with hydrogen ion concentration, hydro- postulate, however, is not necessary to account for gen pressure and overvoltage, but that a t reason- the observations. I t is possible to set an equal to ably high values of these variables, i t becomes es- the activity of hydronium ions in the inner ion sentially “saturated,” and then shields the inner layer and still obtain an expression for Io that is half of the double layer from any further electrical independent of p H . Thus the question is still disturbances in the outer half, and vice versa. open as to which molecular species, water or hy(12) S. J. Bircher and W. D. Harkins, THISJOURNAL, 45, 2890 dronium ions, is the source of the protons involved (1923); M. Knobel, ibid., 46, 2751 (1924); H. M. Cassel and E. in the slow step. Krumbein, Z . physik. Chem , 8111, 70 (1935). H++e- = H


(13) T. Erdey-Gniz and M. Volmer, 2. ghysik. Chem., AMO, 203 (1830). (14) H.Eyring, S. Glasstone and K. J. Laidler, J. Chcm. Phys., 7, 1053 (1939). (15) A. Frumkin, A c f a physico-chimica U.R . S . S.,12, 481 (1940). (16) G.E. Kimball, S. Glasstone and A. Glassner, J . Chcm. Phys., 9, 81 (1841).

(17) For theoretical purposes, the cathode potential V, defined as the e. m. f. of cell (2),is referred t o the standard hydrogen electrode, with the liquid junction potential eliminated. Failure t o define the reference electrode explicitly has led t o much confusion in overvoltage theories. (18) A. Frumkin, 2. physik. Chcm., A 1 6 4 121 (1833). (19) G.E. Kimball, J. Chcm. Phys., 8, I98 (1840).



KGG made another assumption, viz., that the charge in the inner ion layer is due entirely to the hydronium ions, since other ions could come in only a t the expense of some of their hydration energy. When this assumption is modified to permit the entrance of other positive ions, the theory predicts a "salt" effect on the overvoltage. Theory of the Salt Effect. Monovalent Ions. -Let us assume that the solution contains monovalent cations M + in addition to hydronium ions. If these cations can penetrate into the inner ion layer and, by their charge, contribute to its electrical saturation, they will displace hydronium ions from this layer and decrease their activity (H3O')a below its value Q in pure acid solutions. This should affect the overvoltage-current density relation given by (10). It is easy to see qualitatively the direction in which the overvoltage should be displaced. If we follow the EGL postulate, and set a. equal to the activity of water, the factor (H3O')a comes in to the -a: (or - l / z ) power. Any lowering in (H3O')a will therefore mean a n increase in Io, i. e., a decrease in overvoltage at constant current density. On the other hand, if a0 is set equal to (H30+)a, this factor power, so that comes in to the 1 - a: (or +'/Z) a lowering in ( H 3 0 f ) a will mean a decrease in IO, i. e., a n increase in overvoltage at constant current density, Therefore, the salt effect, if i t exists a t all and is big enough to be observed, should settle the question as to the source of protons involved in the slow step. KGG assumed that the ions M + could not enter the inner ion layer without losing so much of their energy of hydration as to be practically excluded. We shall go to the opposite extreme and neglect completely this effect of size difference. W e shall assume that the two ionic species penetrate into the inner ion layer in the same ratio in which they are present in the solution, i. e., thatz0 (M+)a/(H30f)s



With this assumption, i t is possible to calculate the change in overvoltage expected from the addition of salt. The constant charge density Q needed to saturate the inner ion layer must now be (M+)a. I n view set equal to the sum of (11), this yields the result




+ (M+)/(H30+)1


i. e., the activity of hydronium ions adsorbed in the inner ion layer is cut down by the addition of salt by a factor of 1 (M+)/(H30+). To determine the effect of this change in (H30+),on the overvoltage, let us rewrite (10) in the logarithmic form In I = In P pi? + In a0 - a In (H30+)s + aeq/kT



If a. is taken as the activity of water, the change (20) Here and throughout the remainder of this paper, the assumption will be made that the activities of all species may be taken proportional to their concentrations.

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in overvoltage, a t constant current density and hydrogen pressure, should be A9 =

- ( k T / e ) In 11

+ (Mf)/(H30+)]


If, however, aa is taken as the activity of hydronium ions, the change in overvoltage should be AT = [(I - a)/aI @ T / e ) In [1 (M+)/(H30+)1 (15) If we take the experimental value of a = l/2, these two expressions reduce to the same form and differ only in sign. From them we can calculate the magnitude of the salt effect. For a sa1t:acid concentration ratio of 1: 1, Aq should amount to *0.018 volt a t 25'; for a ratio of l O : l , *0.062 volt; of 100:1, AO.119 volt; of 1000:1, *0.178 sign applies if the protons are volt. Here the postulated to come from hydronium ions, and the - sign if they come from water. These AT'S are certainly observable within the precision of most overvoltage measurements. The salt effect, however, need not be as big as predicted here. KGG excluded i t by assuming that the hydrated metal ions were too big to penetrate into the inner ion layer. Here, the assumption has been made that both ions could penetrate equally easily. If there is a partial restriction to the penetration of the metal ions, the salt effect may be smaller than predicted above. Divalent Ions.-Let us now assume that the solution contains divalent cations M ++ in addition to hydronium ions. Let us also assume, as before, that the two ions, apart from their charge, can penetrate into the inner ion layer with equal facility, i. e., there are no specific restrictions due to water of hydration or any other cause. Then the potential across the outer half of the double layer, a t equilibrium, must satisfy the equations



T.', = ( k T / e ) In (H30+)/(H30+)a= (kT/2e) In ( M + + ) / ( M + + ) . (16)

The distribution equation, analogous to (11))now takes the form (H3Of),/(H3O+) = [(M++).J(M++)l'/% (17)

The constant charge Q which saturates the inner ion layer must now be set equal to (H3O')a -I2(M++)a. By means of (17))(M++),can be eliminated and the resultant quadratic in ( H 3 0 + ) a solved to yield the result In (H30+)./Q =


(1/2) In 2Q(M++)/(H3Of)* (18)

The absolute value of this expression cannot be calculated because of the constant Q whose value is unknown. Consequently i t is not possible to predict exactly to what extent an initial addition of divalent ion will lower the activity of hydronium ions in the inner ion layer. However the fractional lowering of this activity for every subsequent addition of divalent ion can easily be calculated from (18) and is given by A In (H30C), = -(1/2) A In ( M f f ) / ( H 3 0 + ) * (19)

If we take a: = l/2, the corresponding change in overvoltage can be expressed from (13) as Aq =


(KT/2e) A In ( M + + ) / ( H S O + ) ~ (20)

-May, 1949



where the and - signs have the same meaning as before. We have seen that the KGG theory accounts for the lack of variation of the us. I relation with PH by concluding that there exists, adjacent to a cathode on which hydrogen is being evolved, an “electrically saturated” layer of hydronium ions whose activity is virtually independent of PH. However, KGG left two points unsettled, i. e., whether the protons discharged come from water molecules or from hydronium ions, and whether or not metallic ions are excluded from the saturated layer by their water of hydration. If metallic ions can penetrate into the saturated layer and contribute to its electrical charge, they will displace hydronium ions from i t and there will be a salt effect on the overvoltage. This salt effect, if i t exists, should cause a rise in overvoltage if the protons come from hydronium ions, and a lowering if they come from water. The magnitude of the effect can be calculated if the size difference between the ions is neglected. If this size difference cannot be neglected, the salt effect may be smaller than the value predicted. I t is therefore of interest to determine experimentally whether the salt effect exists, and, if so, its direction and magnitude, since such measurements will throw light on the two unsettled points of the KGG theory. Since Bowden’sg measurements in buffer solutions did not seem to indicate any salt effect, and since the Russian’O results were inconclusive, an experimental investigation of these points was undertaken. Measurements were made on four different solutions of hydrochloric acid, three of hydrochloric acid-potassium chloride, and two of hydrochloric acid-calcium chloride a t 25’ and atmospheric pressure. Experimental The cell used is sketched in perspective in Fig. 1. It is made of Pyrex glass, and consists of three compartments: the anode A, the cathode C and the reference hydrogen electrode H. The tube connecting the anode and cathode compartments contains a fritted glass plate to prevent convection. The solution to be electrolyzed is admitted into the cell in an atmosphere of hydrogen through the two inlet tubes a t the rear of A and H. At the rear of C is the mercury reservoir and inlet tube. At the front of A, C and H are three outlet tubes of similar design (only that a t A is sketched in full, that a t C is made of capillary tubing) through which the solution and the mercury cathode can be run out by excess hydrogen pressure. Compartments A and C are fitted with outlets to the hydrogen exit line leading out of the window. All ground glass joints and stopcocks are lubricated with distilled water, and held in place by rubber bands. The cell is mounted in a thermostat whose temperature can be controlled to 25.00 * 0.02”. The anode A is a large piece of platinized platinum foil which can be made to function satisfactorily in an atmosphere of hydrogen as a hydrogen anode, except a t high currents (> 100 to 500 pa) where it begins to function as a chlorine anode in the chloride solutions used. T o prevent vitiation of the overvoltage measurement a t the cathode by the presence of chlorine as a reducible impurity in the solution, the measurements a t high currents are generally reserved to the end of each run, after which the solution is discarded and the cell cleaned out. It was ob-


! R

Fig. 1.-Apparatus. served that the presence of chlorine in the cell does depress the overvoltage upon return to the low currents. Electrical contact with the anode is made through mercury and a platinum in uranium glass seal. The reference electrode H is the short end of a long piece of 0.35 mm. platinum wire wealed into a Pyrex glass tube. Electrical contact is made directly to the other end of this wire a t the top of the tube. (Mercury contacts a t this electrode always leaked mercury into the cell, and had to be eliminated.) This electrode, when platinized, functions as a very satisfactory reversible hydrogen electrode in an atmosphere of hydrogen. Continuous hydrogen bubbling is not necessary. Its potential (and also that of the hydrogen anode A) can be checked against that of a saturated calomel electrode (not shown in the figure) through the outlet tube a t the front of H (or A ) . I t was found that the optimum practice is to clean the two platinum electrodes in aqua regia and replatinize them afresh, a t the beginning of each run. The useful life of the hydrogen reference electrode does not in general exceed twenty-four to forty-eight hours. The cathode C, of redistilled mercury, is run in from the reservoir into the bottom of C up to the level of the sidearm to H. The cross-sectional area of the cathode, determined by measuring the height corresponding to a given volume of water pipetted into the cathode chamber, is 1.10 cm.2 * 5% (log = 0.04 =t 0.02). The optimum practice is t o run the cathode into the cell after drying the cell by passage of dry hydrogen for several hours. Wetting of the cathode walls leads to a depression of the overvoltage a t low currents, which is more marked the higher the chloride ion concentration. This depression is attributed to the local formation along the cathode walls of mercurous chloride which migrates up to the cathode surface and there acts as a reducible impurity. Wetting of the cathode walls inevitably occurs during the course of a run so that the best results a t low currents are obtained a t the beginning of each run. This depression can also be observed temporarily by jarring the cathode or stirring it by violent bubbling of hydrogen through the solution. Electrical contact with the cathode is made through mercury and a platinum-in-Pyrex seal. The solution to be electrolyzed is placed in the 1-liter flask F (Fig. 2) and the air removed by bubbling purified hydrogen through the solution for twelve hours (overnight) or longer. It is well known that oxygen, as a reducible impurity, exerts a depolarizing action on hydrogen cathodes and depresses the overvoltage. The precautions recommended by all workers in this field for the stringent removal of oxygen cannot be too strongly emphasized. When



the removal of oxygen from the solution is incomplete, the overvoltage is low a t the beginning of a run, and slowly rises in the course of a few hours t o its steady value10,ll as the last traces of oxygen are being gradually reduced a t the cathode. In the present series of experiments, this difficulty was not encountered, the overvoltage generally being a t its steady value a t the beginning of a run, from which it was concluded that the oxygen removal is sufficiently complete. The depressions in overvoltage mentioned in the preceding paragraph, which were a t first attributed t o insufficient oxygen removal, later had to be attributed to the reason given above.

Fig. 2.-Apparatus. Electrolytic tank hydrogen is purified by passage over a palladinized asbestos catalyst (made by soaking Gooch asbestos in a palladium chloride solution, drying, and re; ducing with hydrogen in situ), at the temperature of 450 recommended by Professor Beattie. It is dried over a long bed of calcium chloride and of calcium oxide. The hydrogen stream is then divided between the two hydrogen lines shown in Fig. 2, and the pressure on each line can be regulated independently by stopcocks (greased) and safety bubblers not shown in the diagram. Figure 2 shows the apparatus used for admitting both dry hydrogen gas, and solution in an atmosphere of hydrogen, to the electrolytic cell, through the inlet tubes a t the back of compartments A and H. All the stopcocks and ground joints shown in Fig. 2 are lubricated with distilled water except that to the hydrogen exit line which is greased. The wiring diagram is schematically the same as that given before.” The polarizing e. m. f . is derived from three 6-volt lead storage batteries in series, and is adjusted by a voltage divider consisting of four rheostat potentiometers of 1000,10,2 and 100 ohms in series in that order. The two voltage taps are located a t the center of the 1000 and 100 ohm rheostats, the 10 and the 2 being used as variable resistors. This makes it possible to go from a very coarse to a very fine adjustment of the applied e. m. f., which is essential for measurements a t currents of 1p a . , or less. The current is measured with a sensitive multi-scale d. c. microammeter, Type 501, number 9918, manufactured for us by the Rawson Electrical Instrument Company of Cambridge, Mass. This instrument has a selector for eight scales: 0-2,6,20,60,200,600 p a., 2 and 6 ma., and a “short” position to protect the meter when not in use. The 5” scale is divided into 100 parts on the 0-2 ranges, and into 120 parts on the 0-6 ranges. Calibration showed it to be good within the stated precision of 0.5% of full scale. By means of an external shunt, currents up to 1.12 amps. can be read. At high currents (> 1 ma.), the instrument is overdamped and is extremely sluggish. This, however, is not a disadvantage in overvoltage measurements where the steady state condition is of interest. The electromotive force is measured with a Leeds and Northrup Type K potentiometer number 9043. The null-point is obtained with a Leeds and Northrup table galvanometer having a sensitivity of 0.16 mv./mrn., and for the fine adjustment, with a Rubicon Spotlight galvanometer number 7462 with a sensitivity of 1.2 p v./mm. or

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0.0085 ~.ra./mm. An auxiliary student potentiometer can be brought into the circuit to measure e. m. f.’s exceeding 1.6 volts. In this apparatus, the overvoltage is measured directly as the e. m. f. between the cathode Cand the hydrogen reference electrode H . The hydrochloric acid solutions electrolyzed were prepared by dilution of du Pont C. p . concentrated solution with conductivity water. C. P . potassium chloride was recrystallized once and used in the preparation of the hydrochloric acid-potassium chloride solutions, except in some of the final runs in which Merck Reagent grades potassium chloride was used directly. The hydrochloric acid-calcium chloride solutions were prepared by weighing out Merck Reagent grade calcium carbonate and adding the necessary amount of standard hydrochloric acid to the carbonate. At the beginning of each run, the cell is flushed thoroughly with dry hydrogen for two or three hours, then some mercury is run into the dry cathode chamber, discarded, and the mercury cathode run in. The polarizing e. m. f . IS turned on between A and C. The cell is filled quickly with solution, rinsed through with about 100 to 200 ml. (2 to 4 times the cell capacity), refilled, all the stopcocks are shut, and the measurements are begun. At the conclusion of a run, the optimum practice is to discard the solution, rinse the cell several times with distilled water, run out the cathode and dry the cathode chamber by letting dry hydrogen leak out for one or two hours through the outlet tube a t C, remove the two platinum electrodes, clean them in aqua regia, replatinize them and return them to the cell, and flush the air out to make the cell ready for the next run. If this routine functions smoothly (!), about a week’s time is spent on one run: one or two days in preparation, one or two days taking the measurements, and one or two days cleaning the cell and plotting the data. Correction for iR Drop.-The operation of this cell proved very satisfactory except in one respect. The sidearm between C and H is made of 8 mm. tubing. Consequently, the equipotential surface in the solution which crosses the entire length of this side-arm from C to H does not lie a t the cathode surface but a t a point ca. 4 mm. above the cathode surface. The measured overvoltage then also includes the ohmic drop in this 4 mm. layer of solution. At high currents, when the polarizing e. m. f. exceeds 10 volts, and the field in the solution approaches 1 volt ern.-', this ohmic drop can amount to as much as 0.4 volt, a non-negligible quantity, for which it is necessary to make a correction. It would be desirable to redesign the cell so as to decrease this distance from 4 mm. to less than 1 mm., and so decrease the magnitude of the correction. The effect of this ohmic drop on the measured overvoltage is illustrated in Fig. 3, which is a Tafel plot of the data for 0.01 M hydrochloric acid. Here the solid curves give the locus of the experimental points. The sharp upward deviation of the curves from the Tafel straight line a t the high currents is caused by the ohmic drop. To prove that this is actually the case, an experiment was run in which the mercury level of the cathode was purposely left a t a point about 7-8 mm. below the side-arm, and the measurements made. Then more mercury was run in to bring the cathode to its normal level, and the measurements repeated. The data showed a much sharper upward curvature when the cathode was low than when it was a t its normal level. The difference between the two measured overvoltages turned out to be directly proportional to the current, and to have exactly the value expected from Ohm’s law and the known conductivity of the electrolyte. To correct for the ohmic drop, the following procedure was devised. The linear portion of the Tafel plot in the low current region is extencied upwards, as a first approximation to the “correct” curve in the high current region (dotted line in Fig. 3). The difference between the measured overvoltage 7 and this extended straight line, which we shall call Aql, is plotted against the current i. I t usually turns out that A71 is a linear function of i, which,

May, 1949



1 .o h








-6 -4 Log i (amp.). Fig. 3.-Hydrogen overvoltage on mercury in 0.01 M hydrochloric acid at 25” illustrating the correction for iR drop at high currents, however, does not pass through the origin. The slope of the Aq1 v s . i plot gives a first approximation R1 to the resistance of the solution layer for which the ohmic correction has to be made. The measured overvoltage q is then corrected by subtracting iR1, and the resulting points constitute the second approximation to the “correct” curve on the Tafel plot. A “best” straight line is drawn through these points, and the difference between q and this second line, which we shall call Aqz, is plotted against i. This plot again usually turns out to be a straight line which passes much closer to the origin than the plot of Aq1 vs. i. The slope of the Aqz us. i plot gives a second approximation Rz to the resistance of the solution layer, by means of which the above procedure can be repeated, if necessary, to a third approximation, etc. This procedure is repeated until a straight line is obtained on the Tafel plot which has the following property, vix., that the difference A7 between the measured overvoltage and this straight line gives a linear Aq us. i plot which passes through the origin. This straight line on the Tafel plot is then adopted as the “correct” overvoltage curve in the high current region. The slope of its Aq us. i plot gives the resistance R of the solution layer, from which the thickness of the layer can be calculated. The calculated thicknesses usually came out between 3 and 6 mm., which are reasonable values in view of the geometrical construction of the cell. The two dashed lines in Fig. 3 correspond to the two experimental curves, when corrected for ohmic drop in this way. I t is interesting to note that the difference between the two experimental curves amounts to as much as 50 mv. at the highest current which could be obtained. This difference corresponds to a shift of about 1.4 mm. in the level of the cathode in the two experimental runs. After correction, the differencebetween the two curves is reduced to 4 mv., a value which is well within the precision of the measured overvoltages in the low current region where the ohmic drop is negligible, vis., 1 3 mv. for 0.01 M hydrochloric acid. It is also interesting to note that the best value of the slope of the Tafel plot for this solution, as obtained from the uncorrected curve in the current region: -6 < log i < -4.5, is b = 124 * 2 mv. This corresponds to an o! value of 0.48. However, the high current data, when corrected for ohmic drop, in nearly every run with every


solution tested, give values of b in the range 118 * 2 mv., corresponding to an CY value of exactly 0.50. The reason why the slope of the uncorrected Tafel plot should be higher than that of the corrected Tafel plot is not far to see. At very low currents, traces of reducible impurities (whether oxygen, or as was suspected in these experiments, the local formation along the cathode walls of a surface film of calomel) exert a depolarizing action on the cathode and depress the overvoltage, causing the curve t o bend downward as is usually observed. (A curve which bends upward a t low currents, as it theoretically should, is the exception rather than the rule. Figure 3 gives examples of both types.) At high currents, the Tafel plot is bent upward by ohmic drop. The combined effect of the downward curvature at low currents, and of the upward curvature a t high currents, causes the increase in the slope of the uncorrected Tafel plot.

Calculation of the Current Density.-In Figs. 3 t o 6, the scale of abscissae is log i, the common logarithm of the current expressed in amperes. To convert to the current density, i t is necessary to divide the current by the cathode area of 1.10 * 5%. We can therefore obtain the logarithm of the current density I from the relation log 1 = log i - 0.04 (21) The uncertainty of 5y0 in the cathode area introduces an uncertainty of * 0.02 in log I .

Results Hydrochloric Acid Solutions.-The overvoltage was measured as a function of the current in hydrochloric acid solutions in the concentration range 1 molar to molar. The results are given in a Tafel plot in Fig. 4 and are corrected for iR drop. Each curve represents a visual average of several hundred experimental points obtained in several parallel runs. The precision is about * 5 rnv. in 1 M a n d 0.1 M solutions, *3 mv. in 0.01 M solution, and * 12 mv. in 0.001 M solution. These 1.2

1.0 h

c1 e







-4 -2 Log i (amp.). Fig. 4.-Hydrogen overvoltage on mercury in hydrochloric acid solutions a t 25”: curve A , 1.005 M ; B,0.1 M ; C, 0.01 M ; D, 0.001 Ad,



results confirm the observation of previous workers that the hydrogen overvoltage-current density relation is practically independent of p H in dilute acids. They are interesting, however, in that, for the first time, they show a trend in the relation between overvoltage and PH. The overvoltage is M hydrochloric acid nearly 40 mv. higher in than in 1 M hydrochloric acid, and this difference is well beyond the experimental uncertainty. This trend also manifests itself in the values of the Tafel constant Io whose logarithms are given in Table I. The characteristics of these four solutions and of their 17 os. I curves are summarized in Table I. The p H values are an average of glass electrode measurements, and of hydrogen electrode measurements made directly in the overvoltage cell. The values of the slope b of the Tafel plot are given, in millivolts, both for the uncorrected curves and for the curves corrected for iR drop. The corrected b’s all came so close t o 118 mv. that this value was adopted for all the solutions. This was done to provide a uniform basis of comparison for the Tafel Io’s(given in, since the value of Io is affected by the particular choice of b.

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pure acid, where gas bubbles were present a t all current densities. This result led to the conclusion that potassium ions were being reduced rather than hydrogen ions. This conclusion was confirmed by the fact that, after the electrolysis was stopped, and the cell had been rinsed with distilled water, the cathode was found to react with the water with a steady stream of very tiny bubbles. This first experiment indicated the existence of a salt effect much higher than that anticipated in that it actually blocked off completely the access of hydrogen ions to the electrode. In an attempt to get a salt effect that would be more reasonable, the lower salt-to-acid concentration ratio of 100: 1 was chosen, and the solution 0.001 M hydrochloric acid-0.1 M potassium chloride was investigated next. By keeping the initial polarizing current low (cu. 10 pa.), i t was possible to obtain an overvoltage only 140 mv. higher than in the corresponding pure acid, and gas bubbles did appear on the cathode, indicating the evolution of hydrogen. This result proved very satisfactory in that the observed change was of the predicted order of magnitude (120 mv.). The addition of salt here caused an increase in the overvoltage. However, as the polarizing current was increased beTABLE I yond 60 pa., the overvoltage began to jump erOVERVOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS ON Hg IN HCI AT 25’ ratically upward, and the electrode passed through b b log Io a whole series of non-reproducible non-steady Molarity pH (uncor.) (cor.) (cor.) states whose points often gave negative slopes on -11.53 * 0 . 0 5 1.005 0.12 120 * 2 1 1 8 * 2 the Tafel plot, until, a t currents in excess of 1ma., .05 0.1 1.11 121 * 2 1 1 8 + 2 -11.67.t. the overvoltage had risen to 1.6 volts and bubbles -11.71 * .04 0.01 2.05 1 2 4 * 2 1 1 8 * 2 were no longer observed. At the maximum attain-11.84* .10 0.001 3.05 123 * 3 1 1 8 * 2 able current of 4.4 ma. the overvoltage rose to 1.78 volts. Then, as the current was lowered, the Hydrochloric Acid-Potassium Chloride.-The overvoltage decreased asymptotically to a confirst solution investigated was 0.001 M hydrostant value of 1.65 volts which it maintained as chloric acid-1 M potassium chloride, in which the concentration ratio of potassium to hydrogen the current decreased through zero to a reversed ions is 1000: 1. This high ratio was purposely value of 10 pa. Here was a repetition of the behavchosen since i t was expected that, if a salt effect ior observed with the previous solution. The exists, i t would certainly show up in such a solu- cathode which had begun to function as a hydrotion. The change in overvoltage anticipated theo- gen electrode with a low initial polarizing current, retically was about 180 mv. When the measure- was now functioning as a potassium-amalgam elecments were attempted, with a polarizing current trode. On standing overnight with a polarizing of several milliamperes, i t was found that the salt current which went from 14 to 22 pa., the overvolteffect not only did exist, but that it was so large age gradually decreased to 1.15 volts, a value that the measured overvoltage exceeded 1.B volts, about 200 mv. higher than the normal hydrogen the maximum range of the Type K potentiometer. overvoltage a t this point in this solution. The remaining measurements in 0.001 M hydroAn auxiliary student potentiometer was brought into the circuit, and “overvoltages” of 1.65 and chloric acid-0.1 M potassium chloride solution 1.71 volts were recorded on two successive runs in were concentrated in the low current region where the same solution. These overvoltages were prac- the cathode functions as a hydrogen electrode. tically independent of the current, in fact, they The results of nine different runs on five samples of even maintained their value with reverse currents liquid are represented by curve E in Fig. 5 . The of 0.1 pa. At high currents ( > 1 ma.), however, results are not nearly as nicely reproducible as and up to the maximum attainable current of 30 with the pure acid solutions, and the curves for the ma., the overvoltage rose sharply (this may have different runs fall in a band about 60 mv. wide. been an iR effect, or the approach to a limiting dif- Line E in Fig. 5 represents a visual estimate of the fusion current, or both). A remarkable feature of center of gravity of this band, and the vertical this electrolysis was the absence of gas evolution on lines give the spread of the points. At currents the cathode, except a t the very highest currents from 60 to 500 pa., the upward drift in the (> 1 ma.), in contrast to that in the corresponding overvoltage described in the preceding para-



May, 1949







Log i (amp.). Fig. 5.-Hydrogen overvoltage on mercury a t 25": curve D, 0.001 M hydrochloric acid; E, 0.001 M hydrochloric acid-0.1 M potassium chloride; F, 0.001 M hydrochloric acid-1 M potassium chloride.

graph begins to set in. The two dotted curves marked E in Fig. 5 represent curves obtained on returning to low currents after this upward drift has set in. They are very reminiscent of the ''upper branches" in Bowden's overvoltage curve^,^ which were also obtained in solutions containing 0.1 M potassium chloride. At low currents (from 3 pa. on down), depressions in the overvoltage begin to set in, so that the curves bend downward. These depressions have been attributed, as noted before, to the local formation along the cathode walls of calomel which migrates up to the cathode surface where i t acts as a reducible impurity. These depressions are very noticeable in solutions containing appreciable concentrations of chloride ions. The solution 0.001 M hydrochloric acid-1 M potassium chloride was then re-investigated in the low current region, where the cathode could be made t o function as a hydrogen electrode. The results of eight runs on two samples of liquid are represented by curve F in Fig. 5 . The hysteresis is more pronounced than for curve E, as indicated by the vertical lines. The upward drift a t the upper end of the curve sets in a t a lower current, and the depressions a t the lower end come in a t a higher current, so that the resulting curve is markedly steeper than curve E. Nevertheless, i t is interesting to note that, when curves E and F are compared with the curve D for the corresponding pure acid, the rise in overvoltage is in each case of the magnitude predicted theoretically (Table 11). One more solution was investigated in this group, 0.1 ill hydrochloric acid-0.1 M potassium chloride, with a salt-to-acid ratio of 1:1,t o find out whether an increase in hydrogen ion concentration a t a constant potassium ion concentration oi 0.1 M would bring the overvoltage down. This solution was as well behaved as the corresponding pure acid. There was no marked hysteresis, and the results (corrected for jR drop) are well represented by curve G of Fig. 6 with a precision of * 6

-5 -4 -3 - 2 Log i (amp.). Fig. 6.-Hydrogen overvoltage on mercury at 25': curve B, 0.1 M HC1; C, 0.01 M HC1; G, 0.1 Af HC10.1 M KC1; H, 0.1 HC1-0.05 i1.I CaClz; J, 0.01 iM HCI-0.05 M CaC12. -7


mv. The overvoltage is considerably lower than in curve E of Fig. 5 , and is only slightly higher than for the pure acid (curve B, Fig. 6) as anticipated theoretically (Table 11). p The results on hydrochloric acid-potassium chloride solutions are summarized in Table 11. For those solutions which gave bands of points, i t is impossible to assign definite values of the Tafel parameters b and Io,and the values given correspond to the line chosen as the center of gravity of the barid. These values are consequently very uncertain. The last two columns give, respectively, the observed increment in overvoltage due to the salt effect, and the increment calculated theoretically from eq. (15). The salt effect is here seen to cause an increase in the overvoltage, which can be well represented by eq. (15) within the rather large experimental uncertainty. TABLE I1 OVERVOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS ON Hg IN HC1-KCl Molarity HC1 KC1 pH 0.1 0 . 1 1.12 ,001 0 . 1 3.09 ,001 1 . 0 3.075

b 117 * l a 130b 170b

log I o *0.06"

-11.87 -12.16 -10.7b



Av Av (obs.) (calcd.) 14 * 9 18 120 50 119 200 * 60 177

For the uncorrected and corrected curves, both. If b = 118,log 10 = -11.80 =t0.06. * Approximate values for the center of gravity of the experimental bands.

Hydrochloric Acid-Calcium Chloride Solutions.-Two solutions were run as a test of eq. (20). The first of these 0.1 -41hydrochloric acid-0.05 M calcium chloride, was well behaved a t currents above 100 pa. where i t gave well defined overvoltage curves which could be corrected for iR drop. The results are represented by curve H in Fig. 6 with a precision of about *8 rnv. As the polarizing current was decreased below 30 pa., there was a drop in overvoltage to a value about 100 mv. below the linear extension of the Tafel



curve. Upon a return to higher polarizing currents, the overvoltage remained low up to currents of about 100 w, and then jumped up to the curve again. In the low current region, the overvoltage data correspond then to a broad hysteresis band, 100 to 150 mv. wide, whose center lies about 150 mv. below the linear extension of the Tafel curve. No attempt is made to reproduce the low current data in Fig. 6, where curve H represents only the well behaved points a t high currents. The second solution investigated, 0.01 M hydrochloric acid-0.05 M calcium chloride, was ill-behaved a t all currents. The downward deviation in overvoltage set in as the polarizing current was decreased below 10 pa. On increasing the polarizing current again, this downward deviation persisted up to currents in the entire range 10 pa. to 1 ma. At high currents, an upward drift sets in, analogous to that observed in solutions containing a large excess of potassium ions, and causing an upward deviation in the overvoltage (dotted curves J in Fig. 6) on returning to low currents. Nevertheless, from this large accumulation of amorphous data, there did emerge four or five well defined overvoltage curves, which could be corrected for iR drop, and which are represented by curve J in Fig. 6 with a precision of about * 5 mv. This well-behaved curve was adopted as representative of the hydrogen overvoltage in this solution. The characteristics of these two solutions, and of their well-behaved overvoltage curves are summarized in Table 111. The last column gives the observed increment in overvoltage due to the salt effect, i. e., the difference between curves H and B, and curves J and C, respectively. These Aq’s cannot be calculated theoretically. Of greater interest is the difference between the two hydrochloric acid-calcium chloride solutions themselves (i.e., between curves J and H) which amounts to about 75 * 15 mv. The value anticipated from eq. (20) is 59 mv. The agreement here is about as good as may be expected, in view of the uncertainties in both the theory and the experimental results. It is interesting to note that the addition of calcium chloride also causes a rise in the overvoltage. TABLEI11 OVERVOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS ON Hg




25 O Molarity b b log Io (cor.) (cor.) HC1 CaCln p H (uncor.) 0.1 0.05 1.11 1 1 5 * 2 118=’=2 - 1 1 . 9 2 * 0 . 0 7 .01 .05 2.06 118 * 2 118 * 2 -12.60 .05 f


(obs.) 30*10 100 *lo

Discussion The experimental data reported here for nine solutions of hydrochloric acid with, or without, addition of potassium and calcium chlorides, were taken over a period of ten months’ time. They confirm the fact that, in pure acids, the hydrogen overvoltage i s independent of pH, although the present datu do indicate, for thefirst time, a slight trend in the relation between overvoltage and pH, i. e., the

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overvoltage is nearly 40 mv. higher in 0.001 M than in 1 M hydrochloric acid, When salts are added, the overvoltage is markedly increased. From this fact, we conclude, on the basis of an extension of the KGG theory, that the protons discharged at a hydrogen cathode come from hydronium ions and not from water molecules. With potassium chloride, the increase in overvoltage agrees well with the value predicted by equation (15). With calcium chloride, there is also an increase in overvoltage, except a t low currents where large hysteresis effects were noticeable. Although the rise in overvoltage upon the initial addition of calcium ion to the solution cannot be calculated theoretically,21 the further rise upon the subsequent addition of calcium ion can be calculated from the ratio of the expressions (Ca++): (H30+)*in the two solutions, by equation (20). Here the observed difference between the two solutions investigated comes out in fair agree,ment with the theoretical value. The fact that the observed salt effects are of the magnitude predicted theoretically is a justification of the assumption made, viz., that metallic ions and hydronium ions can penetrate into the innermost ion layer adsorbed on the electrode surface with equal f a cility, i. e., that there are no specific effects (hydration, or specificadsorption) tending to favor or hinder the penetration of one ion rather than the other. There are no good a priori reasons why this assumption should be valid, and it is undoubtedly true that hydration effects do play a role in determining the relative ease of penetration of different ions into the adsorbed ion layers. Therefore i t would be of interest to investigate the effect of sodium and of lithium ions, which, because of their higher degree of hydration, would presumably penetrate less easily into the inner ion layer, and would therefore cause a smaller overvoltage rise than potassium ions. The attention of the reader is again called to the fact that Bowden’s overvoltage measurements apparently showed no salt effect. The experimental re-investigation of Bowden’s systems, and their correlation with the systems studied here would do much to clarify this point. I t is interesting to note that the slight increase in overvoltage with pH in pure acid solutions, first discovered in the present work, can also be interpreted as a substantiation of the postulate that the discharged protons come from hydronium ions rather than from water molecules. I n the KGG theory, the activity (H30+). of hydronium ions in the inner ion layer is not rigorously a constant but rather a very slowly increasing function of the hydronium ion activity (H30+) in the solution. Thus, on the basis of equation (13), the overvoltage should increase slightly with increasing hydrogen ion concentration if a0 is taken as the activity of water, but i t should decrease slightly if a. is (21) From the two observed rises in overvoltage, it is possible t o estimate that the constant 0 in equation (18) has a value close to unity.

May, 1949


taken as the activity of hydronium ions in the inner ion layer. The latter is the case actually observed. Acknowledgment.-The author would like t o express his indebtedness and his sincere gratitude to the National Research Council for the grant of a Fellowship which made this research possible, and t o Professor George Scatchard of M. I. T. for his inspiring guidance, help and encouragement during the prosecution of this problem. He would also like t o express his appreciation t o Professors Isadore Amdur and Walter Stockmayer of M . I. T., George Kimball of Columbia, and Samuel Glasstone of Boston College for valuable discussions. Summary The KGG theory, which accounts for the lack of variation of hydrogen overvoltage with pH by means of an “electrically saturated” layer adjacent to the electrode surface in which the concentration of hydronium ions is practically independent of pH, has been extended to the case where the solution contains salt as well as acid. If the metallic ions can penetrate into the “saturated” layer and contribute to its electrical charge, they displace hydronium ions from i t and cause a rise, or drop, in the overvoltage depending on whether the protons discharged are postulated to come from hydronium ions or from water molecules.





The magnitude of the rise (or drop) can be calculated on the simple assumption that the two species of ions penetrate into the saturated layer with equal freedom (apart from any differences in charge). If there is a restriction to the penetration of metallic ions (e. g., because of their hydration shell), the salt effect may be smaller than predicted. The hydrogen overvoltage has been measured as a function of current density on a mercury cathode a t 25’ in solutions of hydrochloric acid with, and without, additions of potassium and calcium chlorides. I n the pure acid, the overvoltage is almost independent of p H in the range 0 to 3, although the present data do indicate a slight increase in overvoltage with PH. With addition of potassium chloride, there is a rise in overvoltage of the magnitude predicted theoretically. With addition of calcium chloride, there is also a rise in overvoltage, at least a t high current densities. At low current densities, the latter solutions show marked hysteresis and depression of the overvoltage below the pure acid values. These results are interpreted to mean that the protons discharged a t a hydrogen cathode come from hydronium ions and not from water molecules. The slight variation of overvoltage with pH in pure acids is also consistent with this interpretation. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS RECEIVED JUNE 23, 1948


Properties of Electrolytic Solutions. XXXIX. Conductance of Several Salts in - Ammonia at -34 by a Precision Method’ O


I. Introduction The purpose of the present investigation was : first, to develop a method for measuring the conductance of solutions of salts in liquid ammonia with a precision comparable with that of solutions in water; and, second, to measure the conductance of several salts in liquid ammonia, which measurements might serve as reference standards in evaluating the precision of other methods when such were found necessary or desirable. The chief sources of error in conductance measurements in liquid ammonia are: (1) uncertainties as to the concentration of solutions measured, particularly a t low concentrations; ( 2 ) lack of control of solvent purity and uncertainty as to the correction to be applied for solvent conductance ; (3) lack of proper temperature control; (4) un(1) This paper is based on a portion of a thesis presented by Vincent F. Hnizda in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of Brown University. May, 1935. (2) University Fellow a t Brown University, 1931-1934; present address: Ethyl Corporation, 1600 West Eight Mile Road, Detroit 20, Michigan.

certainties in resistance measurements owing to capacitance effects due to leads. (1) Concentration Errors.-In all measurements hitherto carried out in liquid ammonia, the dilution method has been employed. This method consists essentially in adding a known amount of salt to a known quantity of solvent, withdrawing a known amount of solution and replacing i t by a known amount of fresh solvent. This procedure is repeated until the desired low concentration has been reached. Two methods have been employed for determining the amount of solvent : (a) The volume of the solution is measured in the conductance cell before and after each withdrawal of solution and addition of solvent. This method was employed by Franklin and Kraus3 in their earliest measurements; a similar method was employed by Monosson and Pleskov4 in their more recent measurements. (b) The volume of solvent introduced is measured in a special pipet external to the con(3) Fraaklin and Rraus, Am. Chcm. J . , 43, 277 (1900). (4) Monosson and Pleskov, Z.phrsik. Chcm. 1668, 176 (1933).