Ion Exchange—Unit Operations Review - ACS Publications

the coverage of foreign develop- ments. Reviews .... exchange activity in the field of general organic chemistry', the major interest in. VOL. 52, NO...
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Ion Exchange 1-


Unit Operations Review

by Robert Kunin, Research Laboratories, Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. George W. Bodamer, Research Laboratory, Electric Storage Battery Co., Yardley, Pa. Recent studies show that many ion exchange operations can be conducted successfully at flow rates considerably faster than normal with little loss in capacity.

This develop-

ment has materially lowered capital costs for equipment


literature published during 1959 and in recent previous ?pars pertaining to ion exchange as a unit operation has become so voluminous that considerable selectibity must now be exercised in order that the length of a review such as this be kept within reason. Because ion exchange developments are now being reviewed elsewhere from the vieivpoint of the physical chemist (Annual Reziew of Phjsical Chemistrj) and the analytical chemist (biennually in Analytical Chemzst r j ) , many of these ion exchange developments which may also have an indirect relationship with unit operations need not be covered in this review. T h e reviewer has also made a n attempt to increase the coverage of foreign developments.

Reviews Various reviews and books of a general nature have appeared throughout the past year. A book on ion exchange theory (4A) was published in Germany. -4n interesting and useful book covers ion exchange laboratory practice (9A). A review (7A) summarizes new developments in industrial ion exchange practice. Another review covers the physical chemistry of ion exchange (5-4). An introductory review (8A) includes a summary of ion exchange terms expressed in Dutch, English, German, and French. Other general revie\vs have been published in France ( Z A ) , Germany (3.4), Hungary (7 Proc. U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 396. (2D) Buznea, G., Constantinescu, O., Topor, D., Acad. rep. populare Romine Studii cercetciri chim. 6 , 333 (1958). (3D) Choppin, G. R., J . Chem. Educ. 36, 462 (1959). (4D) Davankov, A. B., Laufer, V. M., Razgil’deev, N. E., Zhur. Priklad. Khim. 31, 494 (1958). (5D) Everest, D. A , , Chem. Process Eng. 39, 347 (1958). (6D) Everest, D. A., Napier, E., Wells, R . A,, Proc. U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 387. (7D) Goldblatt, E., IND.ENG. CHEM.51, 241 (1959). (8D) Goren, M. B., Ibid., 51, 539 (1959). (9D) Long, R. S., Ellis, D. A., Magner, J. E., Proc. U . N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 4, 118. (10D) Painter, L. A., Izzo, T. F., Zbid., 3, 383. (11D) Perez, B. L., Uriate, A,, Ibid., 3, 427. (12D) Robinson, R. E., Velthius, R . G., Pinkey, E. T., Ibid., 3, 415. (13D) Ryan, J. L., Wheelwright, E:. J., IND.ENG.CHEM.51, 60 (1959). (14D) Suner, A. A,, Lagos, A. E., Proc. U. S. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 265. Organic and Biochemistry (1E) Ando, T., Ishii, S . I., Kimura, M., Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 31, 255 (1959). (2E) Banks, R. E., Bevan, W. I., Chem. e 2nd. (London) 1959, p. 296. (3E) Blaszkowska, Z., Wisniewski, W., Chem. Tech. (Berlin) 11, 149 (1959). (4E) Hagihara, B., Matsubara, H., others, Biochem. J . 45. 185 (1958). (5E) Hamilton, ’P. B.’, Anderson, R. A., Anal. Chem. 31, 1504 (1959). (6E) Liebl, V., Mikes, O., Collection Czechoslou. Chem. Communs. 24, 809 (1959). (7E) Mitz, M . A., Schlueter, R. J., J . Am. Chem. SOC.81, 4024 (1959). (8E) Nomoto, M., Narahashi, Y., Biochem. J . 46, 653 (1959). (9E) Samsonov, G. V., Ponomareva, R. B. Biokhimiya 24, 63 (1959). (10E) Seki, T . , Nature 181, 768 (1958). (11E) Yakhontova, L. F., Savitskaya, Ye, M., Burns, B. P., Zhur. Fiz. Khim. 33, 15 (1959). (12E) Yoshino, T., Yakugaku Zasshi 78, 1059 (1958). VOL. 52, NO. 3

MARCH 1960


Unit Operations Review


Food Technology

(8H) Noller,

( I F ) Arriaga, R., S u g a r y azdcar 54, No. 3, 36 (1959). (2F) Benin, G. S., Kostenyuk, N. N., Sakharnaya Prom. 32, No. 6, 114 (1958). (3F) Benin, G. S.,Schnaider, E. E., ?bid., 6, 124 (1958). (4F) Bishov, S.J., Henick, A. S., Mitchell, J. H., Jr., Food Research 24, 428 (JulyAugust 1949). (5F) kourguignat, D., Chim. 3 ind. (Paris) 79, 439 ( 1 9 5 8 ) . (6F) Farkas, J., Kvasn$ prdmsyl 4, 156-60 (1958). (7F) Goismann, E. Ya., Sakharnaya Prom. 32, No. 4, 38 (1958). (8F) Iwashina, S., Nippon N6gei-kagaku Kaishi 32, 876 (1958). (9F) ?bid., p. 882. (10F) Iwashina, S., Proc. Research Soc. Japan Sugar Rejneries’ Technologists 7, 74 11958). ( l i F ) Iwashina, S., Nippon A g e i - k a g a k u Kaishi 33, 42 (1959). (12F) Ibid., p. 163. (13F) Khokhol. E. N.. Ott. V. C.. Vestnik Akad. M e d . lVauk. S.S.S.R. 15, N’o. 9, 48 (1958). (14F) Kulp, J. L., Slakter, R., Schubert, A. R . , J . Agr. Food Chem. 7, 466 (1959). (15F) Litvinenko, .4. I., Sakharnaya Prom. 32, No. 12, 40 (1958). (I6F) Mathur. G. P.. Mukheriee. S.. Proc. 9th Congr. Inst. Soc. SugarCane’Technol. (India) 1956 11, 381 (1959). (17F) Mencl, Z . , Walter. V., Dusbabova, A., Listy cukrovar. 74, 193 (1958’1. (18F) Migicovsky, B. B., .%‘ature 184, 374 119591. (19F) Paparelle. G. A., Materie plastiche 24. 213 (19581. - - , (20Fj Popoff, A., Compt. rend. acad. bulgare sci. 11, 93, 96 (1958). (21F) Vajna, S.,Z . Zuckerind. 9, No. 6, 279 (1959). (22F) Valter, V., Ciz, K., Listy cukrouar. 75. 37 119591. (23Fj Volokhvyanskii, V. M., Sakharnaya Prom. 33. No. 6, 10 (1959). (24F) Wisfeld, W., Zucker 11, 425 (1958). %

Waste Treatment (1G) Amphlett, C. B., Atomics 9, 194, 242 (1958).

(2G) Arden, T., Surveyor 117, 257 (1958). (3G) Bolme, D. W., Li, P. S., others, Tappi 42, 379 (1959). (4G) Brewer, D., Can. J . Botany 37, 517 (1959). (5G) Felicetta. V. F.. Lung. M.. McCarthy, J. L., Tappi 42, 49;’(1959). (6G) Krusenstjern, A. V., MetalloberJache 12, 4 (1958). (7G) O’Kane, G. J., Proc. Ind. Waste Conf. 12th. Purdue Univ. Ene. Bull.. Ext. Ser., $0. 94, 508 (1958). (8G) Smit, J. Van R., Robb, W., Jacobs, J . J., Nucleonics 17, 116 (1959). ~


Catalysis ( I H ) Astle, M. J., Pinns, M. L., J . Or. Hefz.. Chim. Ac/a 42, 293 (1959). (145) Lewis, D. J.: Tye, F J . .4ppl. Chem. (London) 9 , 279 (1959). (155) Mackay, D., Meareq P., Trans. Feraday Soc. 55, 363 (1959). (16J) Meares, P., Ussing, Y. H., Ibid., 55, 142, 244 (1959). 1175) Oel. H. J.. 2. bhvsik. Chem. (Frankfurt) rx. s.]15,280‘(i958). (185) Sollner, Karl, Szensk Kem. Ttdskr. 70, 267 (1958). (19J) Spiegler, K. S., Trans. Faraday Soc. 54, 1408 (1958). (205) Yawatava, Y., K8gy8 Kagaku Zasshi 61. 769 11958). (21Jj Yoshikawa, S., Maruyama, H., Kuwata, T., Zbid., 61, 793 (1958). hTew Ion Exchange Materials (1K) AmDhktt. C. B.. Proc. U. K. Intern. ’ Conf. Peaceful uses At. Energy, 2ad Geneva 1958 28, 17. (2K) Amphlett, C. B., Nancollas, G. H., Williams, T., Chem. 3 Ind. (London) 1959, p. 292. (3K) Argersinger, I V . J., Jr., Ann. Ret. Phvs. Chem. 9. 157 11958’1. ( 4 K j Austerweill, V.‘ G., Compt. rend. 247, 1726 (1958). (5K) Bhatta, K. G., Mukherjee, S., Proc. 9th Congr. Intern. SOC. Sugar Cane Technol. 1956 11. 350 11959). (6K) Costachel, O., Furnica, Gh., St. Grigorescu, E., Acad. rep. populare Romtne, Studzi cercetdri chim. 6, 67 (1958). (7K) Despic, .4. R., Kosanovic, D., Makromol. Chem. 29, 151 (1959). (8K) Dizdar, 2. I., Bull. Inst. .Vuclear Sci., Boris Kidrich (Belgrade) 8, 157 (1958). (9K) Enkvist, T., Suensk Papperstidn. 61, 811 (1958). (10K) Fisher, S.,Kunin, R., “Monomers & Polymers,” Pt. I, Interscience, New York. 1959. ( 11K) Fuchs, W., Gebhart, F., M i t t . Ver, Grosskesselbesitrer 55, 282 (1958). (12K) Ho, P.-L., Tieng, T.-P., Chou, C. H. (Nankai Univ.), Hua Hsueh Hsiieh Pao 24, 36 (1958).


(13K) Ho, P.-L., Chien, L.-R., Zbid., 24, 295 (1958). (14K) Hookway, H . T., J . Roy. Inst. Chem. 82, 763 (1958). (15K) Hwa. J. C. H. (to Rohm & Haas Go.), 2,862,892 (Dec.‘2, 1958). (16K) Kawabe, H., Yanagita, M., K6g~yB Ka,Faku Zasshi 61, 137 (1958). (17K) Kennedy, J., Lane, E. S., others, J . Appl. Chem. (London) 8 , 459 (1958). (18K) Kopecka, J., Stamberg, J., Chem. prumysl 9,43 (1959). (19K) Kraus, K. A., Phillips, H . O., others, Proc. U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 28, 3. (20K) Lewis, M., Sollner, K., J . Electrochem. SOC. 106, 347 (1959). (21K) Manecke, G., Bahr, C., Z. Elektrochem. 62, 31 1 (1958). (22K) Merz, E., Ibid., 63, 288 (1959). (23K) Motozato, Y., Egawa, H., K6gyB Kagaku Zasshi 61, 783 (1958). (24Ki Nikashina, V. A., Berger, A. Kh., others, Intern. J. Appl. Radiation and ?sotopes 4, 201 (1959). (25K) Nishimura, M . , Sughiara, M., Ka,qaku to K6gyB ( O s a k a ) 32, 110 (1958). (26K) Nishimura, M., Sughiara, M., Ibid., 32, 354 (1958). (27K) Pashkov, A. B., Titov, V. S., Khim. Prom. 1958, p. 270. (28K) Pennington, L. D.. Williams: M. B., IND.ENG.CHEM.51, 759 (1959). (29K) Polevodov, .4.P., Sikashina, V. A,, others, A‘auch Doklady Vyssher Shkoly, Khim. i Khim. Tekhnol. 1958, p. 761. (30K) Polvanskii, N. G.. Pedaa, Ist., Daugaabils ?mest. Vvsseikh C‘cheh. Zavedenil, Khim. i. Khim. Tekhnol. 1958, iYo. 2 , p. 152. (31K) Sansoni, Bruno, Cflem. Tech. (Berlin) 10, 580 (1958). (32K) Sueihara, M., Nishimura, M . , Kaqaku to K8gy6 (Osaka) 31, 295 (1958). 133K’i Supihara. M.. Nishimura. M . . Yamauchi, T, K6gyB Kagaku Z a s h i 61; 809 (1958). (34K) Tevssie. Ph., Gregor. H. P , itlakromol. C h m . 31, 192 (19591. (35K) Thilo, E.. IViFkler, A , , Hofsass, H . J . firakt. Chem 7 , 46 11958). (36K) Vasil’iev. A . A , . Vansheidt. A . A,. 7 h w . Priklad. Khim. 31, 1692 (1958). (37R) ?bid., 32, 150 ( 1 9 5 9 ) . (38K) Vasil’iev, A. A , , ?bid., 32, 297 ’

(1959). \..__

(39K) Watanaki, K.: Bunschi Kagaku 7, 385 (1958’1. (40K) Weiss. D. H., Mch-eill. R.. Chem. A g e (London) 82, 74 (1959). Liquid Exchangers

(1L) Audslw, A., Jamrack, W. D., others, Proc. U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses .4t. Energv, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 216. (2L) Bizet, J., Tremillon, B., Bull. soc. chim. France 1959, p. 122. (3L) Black, K., Koslov, J., Moore, J. D., Proc. U. S.Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 488. (4L) Boirie, C., Bull. soc. chim. France 1958, p. 1088. (5L) Brown, K. B., Coleman, C. F., others, Proc. U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses .it. Energv, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 472. (6L) Carswell, D. J., Lawrence, J. J., J . Znorp. @ Nuclear Chem. 11, 69 (1959). (7L) Peppard, D. F., Mason, G . W., Sironen, R. J., Ibid., 10, 117 (1959). (8L) Rosenbaum, J. B., Borrowman, S.R., Clemmer, J. B., Proc. U. N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses 4t. Energy, 2nd Geneva 1958 3, 505. (9L) Schindewolf, U., 2.Elektrochem. 62, 335 11958).