Is dressed to the 99.9999's enough? - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 12, 2010 - Discover the Most-Read Multidisciplinary Chemistry Articles of October 2018. There are lots of different ways to look at the reach of a...
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Is dressed to the9a9999'senou2h? Actually, it's not that simple. Purity isn't measured strictly in numbers. It's measured by knowing what contaminants exist and at what levels. From trace all the way to full percentages. The fact is, even the most sensitive, highly automated analytical instrument can only be as good as the gases you use to calibrate and operate it. Which in many cases, simply aren't good enough. That's why Air Products doesn't

just go by the numbers. We go by the Call Air Products today, because facts. But we don't stop there. We 99.9999% isn't always enough. guarantee our impurity specificaAir Products and Chemicals, Inc., tions. Not just on a typical analysis Specialty Gas Department, basis—but at a guaranteed level for 7201 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown, each cntical contaminant. It's a con- PA 18195.1-800-752-1597. fidence level you can depend on time FAX 1-215-481-5036. ©Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., 1990 after time. What that means to you is reduced Optimal results, time after time. downtime. Increased revenue. Extended equipment life. And the optimal analytical results you need. Consistently. Reliably.



