is for vegetable

Page 1. is for vegetable. Vilma's always gardening With shovel, spade, and hoe. Celery's the vegetable That Vilma loves to grow. ...
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is for vegetable. Vilma's always gardening With shovel, spade, and hoe. Celery's the vegetable That Vilma loves to grow. The stalks grow tall and sturdy Into a leafy bunch. It's a special vegetable, ’Cause it's got lots of crunch. Sometimes when there is no rain The garden gets so dry Her celery starts Help Vilma find out why!

VEGGIES WITH V IG O R ! What \ o u ’l( Meed: • celery stalk • disposable plastic cup • water

• red food coloring • b u tter knife

% • On a hot day> lay the celery stalk in the sun until it is very wilted.

Place a little water in the bottom of the cup. Add 1 0 -1 5 drops of red food coloring and mix well.

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3 * Carefully cut off the base of -the stalk. Place the. stalk in the cobred water

Check the celery stalk every 3 0 minutes for the next four hours. What happens to your celery stalk ?